亚洲扑克冠军赛 葡国风味 澳门月饼选粹 Asia Championship of Poker A taste of Portugal Macau’s finest mooncakes WGM #51 2017/10 wgm8.com 国际小姐澳门代表 Miss International Macau 您的澳门娱乐指南 Your guide to Macau entertainment 22 30 44 目录 Contents 封面故事 Cover Story 潮流 Trends 濠江佳人 致她 12 Macau beauty 52 For Her 致他 游戏 Play 54 For Him 打破藩篱 科技 18 Blurring the lines 58 Tech ACOP高手再聚 22 Big guns back for ACOP 资讯 Know Sport 实用信息 体育 62 Good to know 转会市场之沉寂 指南荟萃 30 Transfer window woes 69 Where to ... 金元横飞 澳门半岛地图 34 Money talks 96 Macau Peninsula Map 氹仔/路氹城/路环地图 乐享 Enjoy 98 Taipa Cotai Coloane Map 葡国之光 40 Pride of Portugal 溢彩金秋 44 Medley of mooncakes 6 WGM #51 2017/10 wgm8.com WGM #51 2017/10 wgm8.com 7 外人看来,澳门是一座娱乐场林立、满眼霓虹的城市。但事实上, 编者寄语 在 生活在这里的人们才是其真正的灵魂所在。在这座引人入胜的小城 逗留一天,你会遇到形形色色的人人——年长年幼,富人穷人,当地人海 From the editor 外人等等,无所不有。 其中之一,便是我们的封面女郎麦嘉欣。本月她将代表澳门登上国 际舞台,奔赴东京参选国际小姐。中葡混血的麦嘉欣,是澳门的典型代 表。她不仅面容姣好,还在校修读心理学,以帮助那些患有精神疾病或 抑郁症的人。 麦嘉欣与她居住的这座城市一样,绝非徒有其表。 本思齐 主编 o outsiders, Macau is a casino town full of bright lights and glamor. But Tthe truth is that Macau’s real soul emanates from its people. Spend just one day in this fascinating city and you will come across all walks of life – be they young or old, rich or poor, local or international and everything in between. One of those is our cover girl, Sofia Paiva, who will represent Macau on the global stage when she competes in the Miss International 2017 pageant in Tokyo this month. Of Chinese and Portuguese heritage, she couldn’t be more Macau if she tried. And more than just a pretty face, Sofia spends her spare time studying Psychology with a view to helping those suffering from mental illness or depression. It’s a trait Sofia has in common with the city she lives in – there is much more to her than meets the eye. Ben Blaschke Editor-in-Chief 封面故事 On the cover 麦嘉欣 Sofia Paiva 摄影:澳门选美联盟 Photography: Macau Pageant Alliance 8 WGM #51 2017/10 wgm8.com ADS WGM #51 2017/10 wgm8.com 9 10 WGM #51 2017/10 wgm8.com WGM #51 2017/10 wgm8.com 11 封面故事 COVER STORY 濠江佳人 Macau beauty 12 WGM #51 2017/10 wgm8.com 芳龄二十的麦嘉欣(Sofia Paiva)在2017年澳门国际小姐大赛中赢得澳门选美联盟评委的 青睐,力压群芳,摘得桂冠。她将代表澳门奔赴日本东京参选2017年国际小姐。澳门选美 联盟成立于2009年,由澳门及香港人发起,旨在延续和推广澳门的国际选美传统,八年来 选派了一众俊男佳丽,参加国际选美大赛,包括国际小姐、跨国小姐、万国小姐和国际先 生。WGM与麦嘉欣聊起了她近期取得的瞩目成绩。 Meet Sofia Paiva, also known as Miss International Macau 2017. The 20-year-old will represent Macau at the 2017 Miss International pageant in Tokyo, Japan, after winning the hearts of judges from the Macau Pageant Alliance – a pageant platform created in 2009 by a group of Macau and Hong Kong locals to promote Macau’s heritage of international beauty pageants. Macau Pageant Alliance has been sending contestants – both male and female – to international beauty contests for the past eight years including Miss International, Miss Supranational, Miss Grand International and Mr International. WGM spoke to Sofia about her achievement. 文 戴乐莹 By Raquel Dias 乐莹:感谢接受WGM 的访谈,并恭喜你获得2017 aquel Dias: Thanks for sitting down with WGM 年国际小姐澳门代表的殊荣!能简单介绍一下自己 Sofia and congratulations on being named Miss 戴吗? RInternational Macau 2017. Can you tell us a little 麦嘉欣:我是一名二十岁的心理学大学生(圣若瑟大 bit about yourself? 学),还有两年时间毕业。我的志愿是成为一名心理师。 Sofia Paiva: I am a 20-year-old college student of 改善身体健康之外,照顾我们的心理健康同样重要,因为 Psychology (at the University of Saint Joseph) and I still 精神疾病如抑郁症和情绪障碍等,在现今社会相当普遍。 have two more years to go. My ambition is to become 我想致力于帮助那些有需要的人。 a psychologist. In addition to improving everybody’s 我来自一个四口之家,与爸妈还有哥哥的关系非常亲 physical health, it’s equally important to take care of our 密。爸妈对我来说意义至关重大,我从小就被教导要为他 mental wellness since mental illnesses such as depression 人送去关爱。我有中国和葡萄牙血统,自然而然地汲取了 and mood disorders are very common these days. I want 两种文化的精髓。 to dedicate myself to helping those in need. I’m from a family of four and I am very close to 戴:为何会决定参加澳门国际小姐大赛呢? my Dad, Mom and elder brother. My parents mean the 麦:上世纪九十年代初,我的妈妈和姨妈都曾参选澳 whole word to me and I have been taught to give love 门小姐,对她们的选美体验可谓耳熟能详。如果可以追随 to the people I care about and love. I have Chinese- 她们的脚步,我想会是弥足珍贵的。 Portuguese lineage so I have been enjoying the essences 另外,我其实并不外向。通过参加选美,我会获得更 of both cultures. 多自信。 WGM #51 2017/10 wgm8.com 13 封面故事 COVER STORY 戴:你以前做过模特儿吗? 受宠若惊。我想借此机会感谢大家对我如此友善。所有的 麦:是的,六岁就开始做模特儿了,还参与过一些广 赞美都将激励我成为一个更好的人。 告和电影的拍摄。 戴:你从这次选美中学到了什么? 戴:你是很长时间以来第一位有着混合血统的澳门小 麦:我的公开演讲技巧得到了提升。在公众场合自信 姐,为此感到自豪吗? 地演讲需要大量练习,尤其是不用粤语的情况下,但我想 麦:是的,我为自己的中葡血统以及能够向全球观众 我一直都在改进。 展示澳门独特的中葡文化交融而深感骄傲。 戴:不做模特儿或选美时,你喜欢做什么? 戴:代表澳门到海外参选的感觉如何? 麦:我喜欢唱歌、瑜伽、现代舞和葡萄牙民间舞蹈。 麦:能够代表澳门,我感到万分感激和荣幸。我真切 但这次选美折桂之后,我一直很繁忙,时间管理变得尤为 地感受到,我是去代表澳门,而不是自己。所以我承诺自 重要——出席活动,参加培训等等。新学年也即将展开, 己,会竭尽所能去展示澳门。 所以我需要更好地管理时间。 戴:被誉为城中最美的女人,是一种什么感觉? 戴:对于追随你的脚步的年轻女性,有哪些建议呢? 麦:我始终认为,美是一种见仁见智的欣赏,所以我 麦:相信自己,挖掘潜能。你会惊讶自己能走多远。 RD: What made you decide to take part in the Miss RD: How does it feel to be the “prettiest” woman in International Macau pageant? town? SP: Both my mom and auntie were former Miss Macau SP: I’ve always believed that beauty is in the eye of the competitors in the early 1990s so I have heard all about their beholder, so I’m flattered. I’d like to take this opportunity to pageant experiences. I thought it would be so precious if I thank everyone for being so nice to me. All the compliments could follow in their footsteps. have encouraged me to become an even better person. Plus I’m actually not an outgoing person. By participating in Miss International Macau I guess I will learn RD: What have you learned so far from the experience? how to live my life more confidently. SP: I have definitely improved my public speaking skills. I think it takes lots of practice to speak confidently in RD: Have you worked as a model before? public – especially when I’m not speaking in Cantonese – SP: Yes, I have been modeling since I was six years old but I guess I have been improving. and I have been involved in some commercials and movies. RD: What do you like to do when you’re not modelling RD: You are the first Miss International Macau winner or winning beauty pageants? in a long time to boast a mixed background. Does that make SP: I love singing, yoga, modern dance and Portuguese you proud? folk dancing. But I’ve been very busy since I was crowned SP: Yes. I am so proud of my Chinese-Portuguese so my life is all about time management – attending events, lineage and being able to show global audiences the training sessions and more. I’ll also be starting my new uniqueness of Macau’s Chinese and Portuguese cultures. school year soon so I need to manage my time to squeeze everything in. RD: How does it feel to represent Macau overseas? SP: I’m extremely grateful and proud to be representing RD: What would be your advice for young women Macau and I do feel that I’m going there to represent Macau, following in your footsteps? not to represent myself. So I’ve promised myself that I will SP: Believe in yourself and bring out your inner give my fullest in representing Macau. potential. You will be amazed how far you can go. 14 WGM #51 2017/10 wgm8.com WGM #51 2017/10 wgm8.com 15 游 戏 P L A Y 游戏 PLAY 打破藩篱 Blurring the lines 18 WGM #51 2017/10 wgm8.com 首届女子电竞嘉年华于上月在新濠影汇举行,来自全球各地的女子电竞团队在澳门 聚首一堂。 The inaugural Girl Gamer eSports Festival at Studio City saw all-female eSports teams from across the globe descend on Macau last month. 文Joseff Musa ith the success of the inaugural Girl Gamer eSports By Joseff Musa Festival at Studio City in Macau in September, there Wis no doubt that the growth of women’s participation and inclusion in eSports is here to stay – breaking the stereotype that gaming is exclusively a man’s world. The three-day event, organized in conjunction with local eSports promoter Grow uP eSports, attracted all-female 着首届女子电竞嘉年华于九月在澳门新濠影汇圆满 teams from China, Hong Kong, the US, Canada, Europe and 落幕,毋庸置疑女性在电子竞技中的参与度将日益 of course Macau to battle it out for a MOP$40,000 top prize 随提升,从而打破博彩只为男性专属的刻板印象。 in two invitational tournaments featuring popular games 此次活动为期三天,由当地电竞推广组织——进步电 League of Legends and Counter Strike. 子竞技会鼎力支持,吸引了来自中国内地、香港、美国、 In the end, the last team standing was China’s Dream 加拿大、欧洲,当然还有澳门的女子战队的参与,在两场 and Reality, who will now look to build on their success on a 邀请赛中角逐40,000澳门元头奖,竞技项目包括《英雄联 wider stage. 盟》和《反恐精英》等。 “Overall, it was a ‘GG’ (good game) – as us players call 最终折桂的是中国战队Dream and Reality,这势必 it – and we enjoyed being here in Macau,” said Dream and 激励她们憧憬更广阔的施展舞台。 Reality captain, 26-year-old Emilie Girido. 26岁的战队队长Emilie Girido表示:“总体来讲,在 Aside from the competition proper, the festival saw a 澳门的这场竞技很棒,我们很享受。” Clash Royal competition held in the ballroom lounge at Studio 主赛事以外,此次嘉年华还在新濠影汇举行了一场别 City with several local Macau players proving quite strong in 开生面的《部落冲突:皇室战争》,本澳几位选手在这个 the highly popular mobile game. 人气手游中表现出色。 The Girl Gamer eSports Festival was live streamed 女子电竞嘉年华在全国范围内透过优酷、熊猫直播、 throughout China on Youku, Panda TV, Sina, Quanmin.tv, 新浪、全民直播、虎牙直播和爱奇艺等现场直播,并透过 Huya.com and iqiyi.com and to the rest of the world through Twitch.tv向海外播送。 Twitch.tv. 预计2017年将有三亿八千五百万人左右观看电子竞 It has been estimated that around 385 million people 技,全球观众人数将于2020年增长至五亿九千万。在线流 will watch eSports in 2017 with the global audience 媒体平台的不断涌现,尤其是Twitch.tv,已经成为电竞增 growing to 590 million by 2020. The increasing availability 长和推广的核心。 of online streaming media platforms, particularly Twitch. 电竞为澳门的经济多元化提供了又一个平台,希望它 tv, has become central to the growth and promotion of 能在促进城市经济增长方面逐步发挥重大作用。 eSports competitions. 女子电竞嘉年华赞助商凯顺能源集团董事布莱恩•安 And with eSports providing another platform for 德森称:“我们视其为新事物,一个不同于以往我们所见 Macau’s economic diversification, it is hoped that it will 所闻的事物。这是一项增长势头迅猛的运动,有助于促进 eventually play a significant role in further boosting the 无国界和无障碍的交流。” city’s growing economy.
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