Reviewing and improving our public consultation process Appendix 7a Working with you for our energy future www.eirgrid.com Appendix 7a European Grid Report: Beyond Public Opposition - Lessons Learned Across Europe Renewables Grid Initiative EUROPEAN G R I D R E P O R T Beyond Public Opposition Lessons Learned Across Europe EirGrid • Reviewing and Improving our Public Consultation Process • Appendix 7a Page 1 EUROPEAN GRID REPORT Imprint The Renewables-Grid-Initiative is managed and legally represented by Renewables Grid gUG. Haydnstraße 1 12203 Berlin, Germany Managing Director: Antonella Battaglini Jurisdiction: AG Charlottenburg / HR 141989 B Tax number: 27/602/56382 Authors: Theresa Schneider, Antina Sander 2 EirGrid • Reviewing and Improving our Public Consultation Process • Appendix 7a Page 2 EUROPEAN GRID REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION 8 COPE AND METHODOLOGY 1.1. S 9 2. CHALLENGES 12 LANNING AND PPROVAL ROCESS AND NTERACTION WITH TAKEHOLDERS 2.1. P A P I S 12 ATURE ONSERVATION AND NVIRONMENT 2.2. N C E 18 HANGE PROCESS AND INTERNAL STRUCTURES 2.3. C 20 3. BELGIUM 21 LANNING AND PERMITTING PROCEDURE OVERVIEW 3.1. P : 22 ERMINOLOGY 3.2. T 23 LANNING AND PPROVAL ROCESS AND NTERACTION WITH TAKEHOLDERS 3.3. P A P I S 23 ATURE ONSERVATION AND NVIRONMENT 3.4. N C E 26 HANGE PROCESS AND INTERNAL STRUCTURES 3.5. C 28 4. FRANCE 29 LANNING AND PERMITTING PROCEDURE OVERVIEW 4.1. P : 30 ERMINOLOGY 4.2. T 31 LANNING AND PPROVAL ROCESS AND NTERACTION WITH TAKEHOLDERS 4.3. P A P I S 31 ATURE ONSERVATION AND NVIRONMENT 4.4. N C E 36 HANGE ROCESS AND NTERNAL TRUCTURES 4.5. C P I S 37 5. GERMANY 38 LANNING AND PERMITTING PROCEDURE OVERVIEW 5.1. P : 39 ERMINOLOGY 5.2. T 41 LANNING AND PPROVAL ROCESS AND NTERACTION WITH TAKEHOLDERS 5.3. P A P I S 41 ATURE ONSERVATION AND NVIRONMENT 5.4. N C E 49 HANGE ROCESS AND NTERNAL TRUCTURES 5.5. C P I S 51 6. ITALY 53 LANNING AND PERMITTING PROCEDURE OVERVIEW 6.1. P : 54 ERMINOLOGY 6.2. T 55 LANNING AND PPROVAL ROCESS AND NTERACTION WITH TAKEHOLDERS 6.3. P A P I S 55 ATURE ONSERVATION AND NVIRONMENT 6.4. N C E 58 HANGE ROCESS AND NTERNAL TRUCTURES 6.5. C P I S 61 3 EirGrid • Reviewing and Improving our Public Consultation Process • Appendix 7a Page 3 EUROPEAN GRID REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS 7. THE NETHERLANDS 62 LANNING AND PERMITTING PROCEDURE OVERVIEW 7.1. P : 63 ERMINOLOGY 7.2. T 64 LANNING AND PPROVAL ROCESS AND NTERACTION WITH TAKEHOLDERS 7.3. P A P I S 64 ATURE ONSERVATION AND NVIRONMENT 7.4. N C E 69 HANGE ROCESS AND NTERNAL TRUCTURES 7.5. C P I S 70 8. NORWAY 72 LANNING AND PERMITTING PROCEDURE OVERVIEW 8.1. P : 73 ERMINOLOGY 8.2. T 74 LANNING AND PPROVAL ROCESS AND NTERACTION WITH TAKEHOLDERS 8.3. P A P I S 74 ATURE ONSERVATION AND NVIRONMENT 8.4. N C E 78 HANGE ROCESS AND NTERNAL TRUCTURES 8.5. C P I S 79 9. THE UNITED KINGDOM 81 LANNING AND PERMITTING PROCEDURE OVERVIEW 9.1. P : 82 ERMINOLOGY 9.2. T 83 LANNING AND PPROVAL ROCESS AND OOPERATION WITH TAKEHOLDERS 9.3. P A P C S 84 ATURE ONSERVATION AND NVIRONMENT 9.4. N C E 90 HANGE ROCESS AND NTERNAL TRUCTURES 9.5. C P I S 91 10. LESSONS LEARNED 93 LANNING AND PPROVAL ROCESS AND NTERACTION WITH TAKEHOLDERS 10.1. P A P I S 93 ATURE ONSERVATION AND NVIRONMENT 10.2. N C E 99 HANGE ROCESS AND NTERNAL TRUCTURES 10.3. C P I S 100 11. CONCLUSION 102 – 12. ANNEX 103 – NNEX OURCES 12.1. A I –S 104 NNEX UESTIONNAIRES 12.2. A II Q 107 NNEX IST OF INTERVIEWEES 12.3. A III L 111 NNEX URTHER READING 12.4. A IV - F 113 NNEX ROCEDURE OF GRID DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN ERMANY 12.5. A V - P G 115 4 EirGrid • Reviewing and Improving our Public Consultation Process • Appendix 7a Page 4 EUROPEAN GRID REPORT LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS List of Abbreviations BBL .............................. Bond Beter Leefmilieu (Federation for a Better Environment; Belgium) BNetzA ....................... Bundesnetzagentur (Federal Network Agency; Germany) CCW ............................. Countryside Council for Wales CLER ........................... Comité de Liaison Energies Renouvelables (Committee for Renewable Energy; France) CNA ............................. Comité National Avifaune (National Committee on Bird Protection; France) CNDP .......................... Commission Nationale du Débat Public (National Commission for CommissionPublic Debate de; France Régulation) de l’Énergie (Energy Regulations CRE ............................... Commission; France) DCE ............................. Département Concertation et Environnement (Stakeholders and Environment Department; France) dena ............................ Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (German Energy Agency) DSO ............................. Distribution System Operator DUH ............................ Deutsche Umwelthilfe (German Environmental Aid; Germany) DUP ............................. Declaration of Public Interest EDF .............................. Électricité de France (French energy producer) EIA ............................... Environmental Impact Assessment EMF ............................. Electromagnetic Fields EnLAG ........................ Energieleitungsausbaugesetz (Energy Grid Extension Act; Germany) ERDF .......................... Électricité Réseau Distribution France (French DSO) ERPA .......................... Exclusion, Repulsion, Problem, Attraction (Italy= EU ................................ European Union FAQ ............................. Frequently Asked Questions FNE ............................. France Nature Environnement 5 EirGrid • Reviewing and Improving our Public Consultation Process • Appendix 7a Page 5 EUROPEAN GRID REPORT LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS GRUP ........................... Gewestelijk Ruimtelijk Uitvoeringsplan (Regional land-use plan; the Netherlands) HVDC .......................... High Voltage Direct Current IET ................................ Institution of Energy and Technology (The UK) ISO ............................... International Standardisation Organisation LCF .............................. Local Community Forums LIPU ............................ Lega Italiana Protezione Uccelli (Italian BirdLife branch) LNE ............................. Departement Leefmilieu, Natuur en Energie (Flemish Environment, Nature and Energy Department; Belgium) LPO ............................... Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux (French BirdLife branch) MER ............................ Milieueffectrapportagebeheer (Environmental Impact Assessment) MoU ............................ Memorandum of Understanding NABEG ....................... Netzausbaubeschleunigungsgesetz (Grid Extension Acceleration Act; Germany) NCEA .......................... Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment NGO ............................. Non-Governmental Organisation NID .............................. National Infrastructure Directorate NSIPs .......................... Nationally significant infrastructure projects NVE ............................. Norges vassdrags- og energidirektorat (Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate; regulator) OHL ............................. Overhead lines PAP .............................. Project Accompanying Plan (France) PEIR ............................. Preliminary Environmental Information Report (The UK) PPA .............................. Planning Performance Agreement (The UK) Q&As............................ Questions and answers RAVON ....................... Reptielen Amfibieën en Vissen Onderzoek Nederland (Reptile, Amphibian and Fish Conservation Netherlands) RGI .............................. Renewables-Grid-Initiative RSPB ........................... Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (The UK) RTE ............................. Réseau de Transport d'Électricité (French TSO) RTPI ............................ Royal Town Planning Institute (The UK) SAGE ........................... Stakeholder Advisory Group on Electromagnetic Fields (The UK) SCF ............................... Strategic Community Forum (The UK) SEA .............................. Strategic Environmental Assessment 6 EirGrid • Reviewing and Improving our Public Consultation Process • Appendix 7a Page 6 EUROPEAN GRID REPORT LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS SEV .............................. Structuurschema elektriciteitsvoorziening (Framework plan of electricity supply; the Netherlands) SOCC ........................... Statement of Community Consultation (The UK) TSO .............................. Transmission System Operator UK ................................ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland WWF ............................ World Wide Fund for Nature 7 EirGrid • Reviewing and Improving our Public Consultation Process • Appendix 7a Page 7 EUROPEAN GRID REPORT INTRODUCTION 1 Introduction 1. Introduction The European Union has set the expansion projects is local stage for a significant increase in the opposition traced to environmental use of renewable energy sources and social concerns. driven by the adoption of its 20-20- 20 targets and the objective of The Renewables-Grid-Initiative creating a largely decarbonised (RGI) brings together two of the– power sector by 2050. Expanding main stakeholders from eight theand Europeanupgrading Union’sthe ageing ambitious grid different countries in this debate infrastructure is vital to achieving non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and transmission system Paper,energy and“Towards climate targets.a Thesecure, EU operators (TSOs). These groups Commission argues in the Green collectively endorse the effective European Energy network” integration of 100% renewable “Europe’ssustainable energy and networks
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