1962 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. JUNE 24, · SENATE. ena~tment of legislation. intended to _destrqy the prese~t system of ticket brokerage; whtch were referred to the Committee on THURSDAY, June 24, 1897. Interstate Comnierce. Mr. TURPIE presented a petition of sundry citizens of Kemp­ The Senate met at 11 o'clock a. m. ton, Ind., praying for the enactment of protective-tariff legisla­ Prayer by Rev. HUGH JOHNSTON, D. D., of the city of Wash­ tion, at the earliest possible date, such as will adequately secure ington. American industrial products against the competition of foreign The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's pro­ labor; which was ordered to lie on the table. · ceedings, when, on motion of Mr. CHILTON, and by unanimous Mr. TELLER presented the memorial of S. R. Crawford and 51 consent, the further reading was dispensed with. other citizens of Colorado, remonstrating against the enactment PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. of legislation intended to destroy the presen·t system of ticket brokerage; which was referred to the Committee on Interstate Mr. CHANDLER presented thememorial of H. A. Jandt and 51 Commerce. other citizens of Iowa, .of E. R. Spaulding and 50 other citizens of Mr. SPOONER. The Senator from illinois [Mr. CuLLOM] is Iowa, of J. Commody and 52 other citizens of New 1\!exico, of B. J. absent, ill. I have just received a note from him asking me to Lohman and 52 other citizens of New Mexico, and of E. G. Ross present to the Senate, for him and on his behalf, a number of me­ and 52 other citizens of New :Mexico, remonstrating against the morials, one of which I send to the desk. and the others are at the enactment of legislation intended to destroy the present system of end of the desk, bearing the names of 103.079 citizens of illinois, ticket brokerage; which were referred to the Committee on Inter­ remonstrating against the proposed increase of the tax upon beer. state Commerce. I move that the memorials lie on the table. Mr. ELKINS presented sundry memorials of citizens of West The motion was agreed to. Virginia, remonstrating against the enactment of legislation in­ Mr. LODGE presented a petition of sundry manufacturers of tended to destroy the present system of ticket brokerage; which Massachusetts, praying for a continuance of the Hawaiian reci­ were referred to the Committee on Interstate Commerce. procity treaty; which was 1·eferred to the Committee on Foreign Mr. PLATT of New York. I present a petition of the Manu­ Relations. facturers' Association of Kings and Queens Counties, N.Y., in He a lso presented memorials of the United Shoe Company and reference to the tariff bill. I should like to have the body of the 52 other manufacturing firms of Massachusetts; of P. S. Went­ petition read. worth and 52 other citizens of Massachusetts, and of 101 citizens ·Mr. ALLEN. Is it proposed to place the petition in the RECORD? of Massachusetts, remonstrating against the enactment of legisla­ Mr. PLATT of New York. It is very short; it will take but a tion intended to cj.estroy the present system of ticket brokerage; moment. which were referred to the Committee on Interstate Commerce. Mr. ALLEN. I shall object to its going into the RECORD, unless Mr. WELLINGTON presented the memorial of S. B. Smith and it be a communication from some legislative body or an executive 52 other citizens of Maryland, remonstrating against the enact­ communication. It is contrary to the rule. ment of legislation intended to destroy the present system of Mr. PLATT of New York. It is a petition urging the prompt ticket brokerage; which was referred to the Committee on Inter­ pass~ge of the tariff bill. state Commerce. Mr. ALLEN. But it is contrary to the rule of the Senate to BILLS INTRODUCED. incorporate petitions and memorials of such a character in the RECORD. Mr. ELKINS introduced a bill (S. 2266) .for the relief of Elijah Mr. GALLINGER. The Senator from New York can state the M. Hart; which was read twice by its title, and referred to the substance of it and get it into the RECORD in that way. Committee on Claims. Mr. ALLEN. The Senator can of course make a brief state- Mr. FAIRBANKS introduced · a bill (S. 2267) removing the ment of the·petition, but he has no right to read it himself. · charge of desertion from the name of ·Pollard Anderson, of Bur- Mr. PLATT of New York. Mr. President, the legislative c9m- ney, Decatur County, Ind., who served as a private in Company mittee of the Manufacturers' Association of Kings and Queens H, Nineteenth Indiana Infantry Volunteers, and also as a private Counties, N. Y., respectfully beg to call the attention of the in Company B, Tenth Kansas Infant1·y Volunteers; which was Senate to the fact that the business interests of that community read twice by its title, and. with the accompanying papers, re- are seriously crippled by the uncertainty and delay in the enact- ferred to the Committee on Military Affairs. ment of a tariff law. They earnestly request that immediate and He also introduced a bill (S. 2268) granting a pension to Israel effective action be taken by the Senate, in order that the present P. Hill; which was read twice by its title, and, with the accom­ uncertainty be removed and that the business of the country be panying papers, referred to the Committee on Pensions. permitted to revive. · Mr. ALLEN. I introduce a Lill and ask that it may be read at The VICE-PRESIDENT. The petition will lie on the table. · length and referred to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post- Mr. PLATT of New York presented sundry memorials of citi- Roads. · zens of New York, remonstrating against the enactment of legi..c;.. The bill (S. 2269) to further regulate the postal service of the lation intended to destroy the present system of ticket brokerage; United States, and for other purposes, was read the first time by which were referred to the Committee on Interstate Commerce. its title and the second time at length, and referred to the Com- Mr. FAIRBANKS presented the petition of L. W. Vance and mittee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads, as follows: 80 other citizens of New Albany, Ind., praying for the enactment Be it enacted. etc. • That beginning with the fiscal year A. D. 1897, it shall of protective-tariff legislation at the earliest possible date, such as be the duty of the Postmaster-General to furnish all post-offices and subpost- '11 .::~ t ly secu1·e Ainert'can industrial products against the offices in the Unit~d States with the necessary boxes, tables, chairs, and other WI anequa e furniture proper and convenient for the transaction of the busine <~ s of such competition of foreign labor; which was ordered to lie on the table. post-office or subpost-office, at the expense of the Government, and in doing Mr. SMITH presented sundry petitions of citizens of Elizabeth. so he is hereby authorized and directed to have appraised all such boxes Hoboken, Jersey City, Newark, Kearney, Passaic, Rahway, and tables, chairs, and other furniture now in use in Raid offices, respectively. and Hudso:1 County, all in the State of New Jersey, remonstrating fi~;::~~e:he same, if in condition suita~le for ~e, a.t a fair price, for con· against the proposed increase of the tax on beer; which were or- dered to lie on the table. Mr. CAFFERY (by request) introduced the following bills; He also presented petitions of sundry citizens of Wareton, Sea- which were severally read twice by their ti ties, and referred to the bright, Seaside, Paulsboro, and South Amboy, all in the State of Committee on Claims: · New Jersey, praying for the enactment of legislation for a more A bill (S. 2270) for the relief of the estate of Samuel N. White, 1igid restriction of immigration; which were ordered to lie on the deceased, late of West Feliciana Parish, La.; table. A hi.ll (S. 2271) for the relief of Lemuel Tanner, of Lafourche He also presented memorials of Jphn R. Potts, Johnson & Mur- Pari&h, La.; phy, of Newark; the Middlesex Shoe Company, of New B1·uns- A bill {S. 2272) for the relief of the estate of F. 0. Darly, late wick; Harry Chandler, of Vineland; G. & L. Becht, of Newark, of Vermilion Pa~·ish, La.; and the A. Lenz Company, all in the State of New Jersey, r emon- A bill (S. 2273) for the relief of Mrs. E. R. Allen, of West Car- strating against any increase in the presentrateof duty on tanned roll Parish, La.; · skin!:) for morocco or a duty on raw goatskins; which were ordered I A bill (S. 2274) for the relief of Belote Auguste Donato; to lie on the table. A bill (S. 2275) for the relief of the estate of Jean Delille, late Mr. MURPHY presented a petition of 37 citizens of New York of Winn Parish, La.; City, and the petition of 16 citizens of New York City, praying A bill (S. 2276) for relief of heirs of Auguste Donato; for the early passage of the pending tariff bill; which were A bill (S. 2277) for the relief of Mary C. Daigre, East Baton ordered to lie on the table. Rouge, La.; and H e also presented the memorial of Peter A. Wilkinson and 7 A bill (S. 2278) for the relief of the estate of Hypolite Chretien, other citizens of New York, and the memorial of F.
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