WEATHER FORECAST Cloudy and mild; high 65 today. Cloudy, Your College tonight; 52. Cloudy, Counselor- chance ot rain low How colder Monday. (Pull report on Page A-2.) Does He Help You? Hourly Temperatures (Second in Series) Noon 59 6 p.m 6110 p.m 60 See Page l 2 p.m 60 8 p.m 60 11 p.m 59 of TEEN p.ft Midnight..s9 Sunday 4 pm 61 9 60 J tEfic. WITH DAILYEVENING EDITION Slaf 105th Year. No. 307. Phone ST. 3-5000 WASHINGTON, D. C., NOVEMBER 3, 1957-232 PAGES. 20 CENTS Record Turnout Textile Union Accepts Weeks Labels Seen in Virginia Demand to Clean House 1957 Best Year, Party Expels Zhukov Valente Quits as President; Klenert Deal Is Rescinded and Convention Is Ordered Voting Tuesday By Cecil Holland Sees 'SB Good Top leaders of the scandal-hit United Textile Workers High I Race accepted Democratic Policy Positions Da ton-Almond yesterday in full demands for From of America AFL-CIO Awaited as Key to a housecleaning. Return Would Be Rock Reaction In a special meeting, the executive board of the 44,000- Ruinous, He Says Little member union: hi I flMMIft- By MARY LOU WERNER 1. Received and accepted the resignation of Anthony; By GOULD LINCOLN Berlin Hero An election turnout of 500,000 Valente as president. Secretary of Commerce Sin- set- clair Weeks said yesterday t§§ n V j,&»§ j§£ * & lyZ or more is expected Tuesday 2. Rescinded a financial Hoffa, the president-elect, and; 1957 Mtm'' il Said to Admit which Lloyd charges liwtMi#;a*.-. Virginia go the tlement under others against whom will wind up America’s best t when voters to Klenert, who resigned recently governor, have been made. year from a business and eco- polls to choose a new secretary - treasurer, would i ISitL as The Teamsters have made no nomic point of view. His 'Errors' lieutenant governor, attorney have received $104,000 over a comply move to with the AFL- He predicted that 1958 also WM W...: MOSCOW,. S general, members of the House 20-year period. CIO demands. x Sunday, Nov. special will be an excellent year. (JP). —The Soviet Communist of Delegates and a few 3. Ordered a conven- going local The Bakers union, leveling-off Party has expelled Marshal tion of the union “as soon as right He looks for a of officials. Polls will be open from down to the November Georgi 15 deadline set by the AFL- prices, with a cessation of in- K. Zhukov from its 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Pichirc on Page A-6 creases, in the next few ruling bodies on a charge he _ _ _ __ CIO, has called a board meet- fought party control the The vote will settle the most possible.” A spokesman said ing for November 14 and 15. months. over vigorous two-party race tradi- The union is under orders to He commented it would be armed forces. Pravda said to- the convention would be held in day Philadelphia James C. Cross presi- ruinous to return the Demo- Marshal Zhukov admitted Washington. or oust as the charge. Virginio's Next Governor Faces Inte- New dent, reinstate Curtis R. Sims crats to control of the Gov- York. ernment, easy gration Crisis. Poge A-29 The APL-CIO Executive as secretary-treasurer, and also with their The Communist official news- to call a convention to elect money, big Federal spending paper said the downgraded for- Republicans Bid tor Increased Strength Council had ordered the union and heavy policies, dis- suspended new officers. tax in General Assembly. Poge A-15 from the federation played in the past. unless were taken Both Valente and Klenert Text of Soviet Announcement on these actions He bolstered his estimate of Zhukov Ouster. Poge A-S tionally Democratic Virginia by November 15. have been accused by the Select the year 1957 with the com- Powerful, has seen in generations, and Senate Committee on Improper gross Zhukov Became Too Soys No Action on Successor Labor-Management of ment that the national Red Ex-officer. Page will be of significance nationally Practices product—the important A-25 The board took no action to misusing union funds. Accord- most on two points: , figure determining fill the office vacated by Valente ing committee, they in economic mer minister voted for How much has the Repub- to the used progress—will total approxi- defense but authorized Francis Schau- union funds, which later , his expulsion from posts lican Party suffered in the were mately $435 billion. own fenbil of Lawrence, Mass., the repaid, to purchase expensive oh the Central Committee and South as a result of Little Rock hew secretary-treasurer, to per- ruling (Polit- segregation develop- homes in Rock Creek Hills in “No Cause for Alarm” the Presidium and other form the necessary functions of buro). • nearby Montgomery County. His made ments? subject statements were in that office to the board's the face of assaults by By solidly approval. Valente announced his resig- the its account, Marshal Zhu- How is the Old Do- Democratic Advisory acknowledged minion united behind Demo- nation to newsmen while the Council kov the error of Asked ifhe thought the union considering on the Eisenhower administra- his ways meeting of cratic Senator Byrd and his board was still the at a full would now be able to remain in AFL-CIO clean-up directive. tion’s handling of the Nation’s the Central Committee that against " “massive resistance” Mr. " ' the AFL-CIO, Schaufenbil economy, the ' unanimously school integration? Says Pledge Was Broken and of fact that ¦Kpl rnf f W voted to strip him replied: the Democrats plan to make M of the high party posts he had certainly hope He said 12 members of the ||g|| Segregation Chief Issue “We so.” rising prices and inflation a ¦ attained only last summer. The In a statement issued at the AFL-CIO Executive Council major issue in the 1958 and The Democratic guberna- had broken pledges to him that committee action, climaxing a torial candidate, J. Lindsay Al- end of a day-long meeting at ¦ 1960 elections. Malinovsky (right), Marshal week of speculation over Mar- they would not vote for his NEW MAN ON JOB—Marshal Rodion mond, jr„ Republican the Hamilton Hotel, the board While admitting that during Zhukov’s as minister, greets the Egyp- shal Zhukov’s future, and his said that its recently adopted ouster if he submitted a pro- Georgi successor Soviet defense was an- opponent, Ted Dalton, have de- 1 the last eighteen months tian war minister, Gen. Abdel Hakim Amer (left) on the latter’s ar- nounced last night. Ethical Practices Codes, which I gram to correct abuses within prices voted most of the hectic cam- have risen and that the rival at Moscow Behind Amer is Pravda quoted Marshal Zhu- jit described as even more the union. He declined to re- cost living has gone up ap- airport yesterday. Gen. Mohammed paign to the school segrega- 1 1 of kov saying, “I deeply regret stringent than the AFL-CIO ’ veal their names. proximately 6 per El Kony, Egyptian Ambassador to Russia.—AP Wirephoto by radio. as tion question and how to cope cent in four that only (at party codes, willbe “rigidly enforced." i “Ithas always been my strong years, here the With it. and a half and that in meeting) sig- The board also recommended i desire to keep the United Tex- did I realize the Almond’s running mates; some segments of business nificance of the mistakes which Mr. an audit of the union’s books 1 tile Workers in the AFL-CIO,” there has been a little drop re- I made. on the Democratic ticket are I and records. Valente said. “All my actions cently, stoutly Lieut. Gov. A. E. S. Stephens, Mr. Weeks con- Other Unions Accused have been planned in that di- tended, in an interview, that Falls Church “I acknowledge the criticism who is seeking re-election, and New Russian Shakeup against A committee was named to rection.”1 there is no cause for alarm. | directed me as funda- Albertis S. Harrison for attor- After the AFL-CIO Executive mentally correct and as com- ney general. ; inform AFL-CIO President ¦ Sees Leveling Off radely George Meany of the actions ! Council at a meeting in New Man Is Slain, party assistance to me asked,” said, personally On the G. O. P. slate with which Mr. Schaufenbil said York in September issued a “I have been he Called Enigma by U.S. and to other mili- j developments tary may Mr. Dalton are Horace E. Hen- were taken by unanimous vote. \ cleanup directive to the union, “whether recent men so that we better derson for lieutenant governors a Husband Held The Teamsters and the| Valente said hrf’was approached constitute depression, a re- Difficulty of Reconciling Words, Deeds understand the demands of the and J. Livingstone Dillow for Bakery and Confectionery! by “people high up in the AFL- cession, or a sideways move- A Fairfax County painter’s party and the party line on the attorney general. l CIO.” and added: ment. My reply is that say question of leadership Workers Union are facing 1 to helper was shot to death last Viewed as Proof of Soviet Bloc Strains correct Both gubernatorial candi- charges corruption “They told me I was con- we are in a depression or ap- of the Army and Navy, and in j similar of 1 night police By EARL H. VOSS dates call themselves segrega- by the AFL-CIO.
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