Mart;099 L(1 5 ISs C. Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized r ., t >-.* A 1-r4 IRHECTORDANrMYLIR YROGRAM .R- ; t' 3 ' '' ' 3 ' 7 ' '- , ,', '! ' Public Disclosure Authorized *~1 - , L ' t'nwhA,2 Public Disclosure Authorized 1THE WORLD BANK D)EPOSITORY LIBRARY PROGRAM The World Bank Depository Library Program Directory of Libraries January 1996 The WorldBank Washiington,D.C. Copyright© 1996 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/ The World Bank 1818 H Street, N.W. Washington,D.C. 20433,U.S.A. Eighth edition printed March 1996 All rights reserved Manufacturedin the United States of America ISBN 0-8213-3591-X iii Contents Introduction............................................. v Sample Entry ............................................. vi Uistingof Libraries by Country ............................................. 1 SelectionCriteria ............................................. 51 Applicationfor Designationas a WorldBank DepositoryLibrary ......................................53 Booksellersand Distributors of World Bank Publications............................................. 57 v Introduction The World Bank's Depository Library Program is one of the key elements in its publications strategy. As the world's largest development institution, the World Bank undertakes large projects of research, analysis, and data gathering. The dissemination of that research is a necessary part of the Bank's objectives, because knowledge and information, to have value, must be shared. Well-organized libraries that serve numerous users are one of the most effective channels for sharing knowledge and information. For that reason, the World Bank sets great store by its relationship with its depository libraries and encourages their activities in many ways. The libraries listed in this directory have all agreed to work with the World Bank as active partners to disseminate Bank materials by promoting them and encouraging their use among their different local groups of readers. Any library may apply to join the program. The number of participants is necessarily limited, and in general not more than one participant is accepted in any one city, except for the densely populated metropolises. To ensure equitable distribution of participants among countries and regions and to prevent any one country from obtaining a disproportionate share of the available resources for the program, there are some quota limitations. For further information, please write to: Depository Library Program Officeof the Publisher, EXTMT The World Bank (Rm. U-11-119) 1818 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20433, U.S.A Fax: (202) 522-2631 E-mail: [email protected] Detailedinformation concerning the World Bank and its publishingprogram is accessibleon the World Wide Web at http://www.worldbank.org//. vi Sample Entry This sample entry shows the informationwe have tried to include for participating libraries. All entries are not complete,however, since each entry depends on the institution's circumstanceand informationsupplied to the World Bank. Country City Postal code Name of organization Street address Mailingaddress Telephone (country code-city code) Facsimile(fax) Telex E-mail address World WideWeb (WWW) Hours of operation Director of institution Librarian Date library joined program Inteal Bank computer codes Listing of Libraries (Alphabetical by Country) 3 Albania Argentina Tirana Buenos Aires 1310 University ScientificLibrary Ministerio de Economia y Obras y Central Library ServiciosPiblicos Bulevardi"Deshmoret e Kombit" Hip6lito Yrigoyen 250 Piso 2do., Of 200 Tel: (355 42) 2 6487 Hours: Tel: (54 1) 349 5554/5559/5553/8594 Mon.-Fri. 0730-1430; 1600-1900 Fax: (54 1) 349 5540; 5558 E-mail: agarciasmeyosp.mecon.ar Ms. Fatmira Aliaj WWW: http://www.mecon.ar/cdi/ingles/ Director indice.htm 5/95 30304 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 1000-1700 Algeria Prof Araceli Garcia Acosta Directora Algiers Centro de Documentacione Informacion 11/85 4489 N1ILW Institut sup6rieur de gestion et de planification Santa Fe 3000 Rue Hadj Messaoud Noureddine Baha (Ex. Lido) UniversidadNacional del Litoral B.P. 179 Facultad de CienciasEcon6micas Bordj-El-Kiffan Biblioteca Tel: (213) 80 17 61/65 25 deMayo 1783 Fax: (213) 766 955; 766 447 Tel: (54 42) 31127; 31128 Telex: 64 223; 64 483 Fax: (54 42) 52450; 52468 Hours: Telex: 48153 INLIT AR Sat.-Tue. 0800-1700 Wed. 0800-1600 Mrs. Beatriz S. P6rez Risso de Costa Directora de Biblioteca Mrs. Nadia Temmar 5/87 21363 N147H Head, Centre of Documentation Mrs. Berkani Document Attache Australia 7/86 361125 N21FL Canberra ACT 2600 National Library of Australia Serial Processing Unit (D139/15) Parkes Place 4 Australia - Canberra (cont.) Hours: Sat.-Wed. 0730-1700 Tel: (61 62) 62 1111 Thu. 0800-1300 Fax: (61 62) 57 1703 Dr. Harold Chester Young WWW: http://www.nla.gov.au Director Hours: 11/85 352035 NlSHW Mon.-Thu. 0900-2100 Fri.-Sat. 0900-1645 Sun. 1330-1645 Bangladesh Ms. Jasmine Cameron Comilla3503 Chief Serials Librarian General Acquisitions and Cataloguing Bangladesh Academy for Rural 3/87 369165 N24MG Development (BARD) Akhter Hameed Khan Library Azerbaij'an Kotbari Baku 370601 Tel: (880 81) 5825; 6102; 6355; 8406 Telex: 642153 BARDBJ M.F. Akhundov State Library Hours: Foreign Literature Department Sat.-Thu. 0730-2030 ul. Khagani 29 Mr. Mamtaj Uddin Ahmed Tel: (7 8922) 93 40 03; 93 64 03 Assistant Director 11/85 20425 N143R Mr. L. Yu Gafurova Director Dhaka Z.A. Mamedova Head Bangladesh Public Administration 5/94 22522 Training Centre Library Savar Bahrain Tel: (880 2) 831711-19, ext. 152 Telex: 632228 PATC BJ Isa Town Hours: Sat.-Thu. 0800-2200 University of Bahrain Libraries Fri. 1600-1800 Isa Town Campus Library Sakhir Campus Library Mr. M. Wahiduzzaman P.O. Box 32038 Director, Library and Training Aid Mr. Md. Abdul Matin Tel: (973) 688 305 Librarian Fax: (973) 440 033 11/85 4494 NI1lMI Telex: 9552 JAMEA BN 5 Dhaka 1000 Fax: (880 2) 811188 Hours: Centre on Integrated Rural Development Sun.-Thu. 0800-1630 for Asia and the Pacific (CIRDAP) Documentation and InformationDivision Mr. A. K. M. Shamsuddin ChameliHouse Librarian 17 Topkhana Road 7/86 16541 GPO Box 2883 Tel: (880 2) 238751; 256704 Barbados Fax: (880 2) 833321 Bridgetown Telex: 642333 CIRDAP BJ Hours: Sun.-Thu. 0830-1700 University of the West Indies Main Library, Document Section Mr. M. A. Rashid Meah Cave Hill Librarian P.O. Box 1334 '-186 335601 NlN3C Tel: (809) 425 1310, ext. 320 Dhaka 1207 Fax: (809) 425 1327 Telex: Univados WB257 Bangladesh Institute E-mail: gill-mscol.barbet.net of Development Studies (BIDS) Mr. D. H. L. All TlheLibrary M.DH.LAleyne The Agbrargaon Documents Librarian Sher-E-BanglaNagar Mr. Michael E. Gill GPOrEBoxgl3854 r Campus Librarian GPO Box 3854 6/94 20834 Tel: (880 2) 318999 Fax: (880 2) 813023 Belarus Mr. Nilufar Akhter Minsk 220010 Librarian 5/90 414707 N3B87 GovernmentalLibrary House of Government Dhaka 1209 Tel: (7 0172) 29 6010 Micro Industries Development Fax: (7 0172) 29 6665 Assistance Society (MIDAS) Library Mr. Edward Tsygankov GPO Box 800 Director House 5, Road 16 Ms. Sofia Judo DhanmondiR/Area Deputy Director 8/94 23916 Tel: (880 2) 816125; 816186-7; 816094-5 6 Biblioteca Belgium P.O. Box 545 Tel: (591 64) 31392; 30265; 32021 Antwerpen B-2000 Fax: (591 64) 30833 Hours: Universiteit Antwerpen (IJFSIA) Mon.-Fri. 0830-1200; 1430-1830 Centrale Bibliotheek Prinsstraat 9 Mr. Ivan C. Rebolledo Director and International Coordinator Tel: (32 3) 220 49 96 Ms. Maria Teresa Lema Fax: (32 3) 220 44 37 Librarian E-mail: [email protected] 12/91 430386 N3WGW WWW: http://www.ua.ac.be Hours (October-May): Mon., Wed., Fri. 0800-1800 Botswana Tue., Thu. 0800-2100 Sat. 0830-1230 Gaborone Mr. Theo Boeckx Institute of Development Management Director P.O. Box 1357 2/92 433976 N4405 Tel: (267 31) 352 371/2/3 Bolivia Fax: (267 31) 373 144 Telex: 991 2429 BD Hours: La Paz Mon.-Fri. 0730-1245; 1400-1630 Unidad de Analisis de Politicas Mrs. Mimmy T. Polan Economicas (UDAPE) Librarian P.O. Box 12087 1/90 414889 N3BEA Calle Loayza Edificio Loayza Tel: (591 2) 375512; 358847 Brazil Fax: (591 2) 372333 Hours: Brasilia DF 70076-900 Mon.-Fri. 0830-1230 Instituto de Pesquisa Economnica Ms. Melvy Flores de Garbay Applicada (IPEA) Librarian Coordena,co de Documenta,cLe 6/93 339728 NIODS Biblioteca SBS - Ed. BNDES - 2* andar Sucre Caixa Postal 03784 UniversidadAndina Sim6n Bolivar Tel: (55 61) 224 8446 Proyecto Monitoreo en Ciencias Fax: (55 61) 223 5282 Economicas y Sociales (PMCES) Telex: 61 1979 7 Hours: Mr. Jose L. Carvalho Mon.-Fri. 0830-1800 Director Ms. Regina Teixeira Damasceno Ms. Norma Stenzel Librarian Chief Librarian 1/94 18855 Ms. Maria Emilia Barbose da Veiga Librarian Sao Paulo, S. P. 4/87 307220 N1GAA Fernand Braudel Institute of Recife-Pe 50732-970 World Economics Library Rua Ceara 2 UniversidadeFederal de Pernambuco 01243-010 Higienopolis Centro de Ciencias Sociais Aplicadas (CCSA) - Library Tel: (55 11) 824 9633 Av. Dos Funcionarios s/n Cidade Fax: (55 11) 825 2637 Universitaria E-mail: [email protected] Biblioteca Reitor Ednaldo Bastos Hours: Mon.-Fri. 0930-1730 Tel. (55 61) 271 8361 Fax: (55 61) 271 8360 Mr. Matthew Taylor Hours: Librarian Mon.-Fri. 0700-1930 2/94 20382 Professor Amilcar de Oliveira Bezerra Bulgaria Dean Miss Anna Elizabeth Correia Librarian Blagoevgrad 2700 9/95 32654 AmericanUniversity in Bulgaria Rio de Janeiro, RJ University Library Universidad Santa Ursula (USU) Tel: (359) 73 25301 Instituto de Ciencias Economicas Fax: (359) 73 22417 e Gestao (ICEG) E-mail:Billianahlib.aube.bg Caixa Postal 16.086 Dr. Julia M. Watkins Tel: (55 21) 551 5542, ext. 112; President 551 8648 Ms. BillianaAlexandrova Fax: (55 21) 551 1992 Acting Library Director Telex: 21 34929 10/94 26165 E-mail: iceg~lnccbr.bitnet Hours: Sofla 1040 Mon.-Fri. 0800-1700 Bulgarian Academyof Sciences Central Library-Branch 1, 15 Noemvri str. 8 Bulgaria - Sofla (cont.) Tel: (359 2) 80 31 27 Cameroon Fax: (359 2) 87 89 66 B S E-mail: banlibsbgearn.bitnet uea, WP Hours: Private Sector Research Institution Mon.-Fri.
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