![Macaroni Journal](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
I" - , ' .• - ~ . " • . ' It . ...-....-_~ . ' • ~. I.. THEE MACARONI JOURNAL Volume 49 No. 10 February, 1968 , , FEBRUARY, 1968 NOODLES HAS OODLES OF FRIENDS .ii L N'J(,I ' \11",11111 1:1 \,11(10 ) '",on I ll . " "'t.\ "" '·'I "'.V I f) I""" .1hll " ,,, , " D I J · I' U " " ' ~ ,po, ' 00' \ 4 )001 00 1\ <;"eI", ) " lfi"'S tl l" . ~ O W . 1)", ' " " '1 0)'1'1"" ,01 )'1'" \I • • n 100'10" , 0 ,1\ , ,", Oli l ~ " II' ,', O ~ ""V, " "11D, ""0,', .. , " O'DW IOU ''ION '''41 " I " I.l IU ' tu l"'I.l"I' l"d .O,H ••) 11 00 9\ )'1<3Un a 1),.,0 ''''' la,1 \ n 'II' " P ""1,,0., <, to"' ''' 't " ,,,.Ole\o\' " Ill '''10' "0'1" '1)\'1"5 ,' ..I I \\ J.1UUr 1S ':1 )1 ,'111"1 .1'1' IL " P.' '; ''I II '' 'I' 11 '11.'I"ILl .''',:I,_'ll1d' I·'' 'II!I,d .'11' 'II! 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J 1\ 1/./'/"11 " / I" 'I" /I' lil /I'Un/,/I,. /1' MII.\!IJ.lI/,/1 :i1l!rlll:i".1 61' 1011 ,/111 "/,,,,,./.,1,,, , , /1" 1I.',lr/'V ,!," I,'II/ ' ./111/11/ " ,/ ',11111.1.1 V /,,111/1/\,),' I(un.\' M'/ 8961 ' " , "/1'1 "'" 1" ,\ I.IJIII "'1111"'1\ II/.IJIIII'/V 1,11I'/III'.\' ,JI(, 1" IIlIflll,lfN,"1 1" ,. /1/10 f\ Jo nJqa:t IVUJt1°f !UOJVJVW "lfl ,," rani salad, with plenty of space at the hottom of the polnt·oC-purchase piece Noodles Has Oodles of Friends tor brand Imprint. Sp.ghliU COtI study The third piece Is captioned "Spa­ HREE mulling pieces have been de­ Man, AdnnJaps ~ cup swcet fresh cucumber pickle •• veloped by the Notional Macaroni drained ghetti Goes Steudy," It will push Spa­ T What else do macaroni products have ghetti With "'eat Balls for the Fall and Institute and ore scheduled to go to the ~ cup chopped green pepper going for them? especially (or N'aUonal Macaroni Week, president, merchandiser, and macaroni ~ teaspoon crushed tarragon I. National public relations program bUyer of 80me 4,000 leading cholns and October 17·20. It will be put In the mall which spotlights macoronl In news­ Salt and pepper to taste voluntary cooperatives on the "Chain about July 1. popers, magazines and on rndlo-TV '" cup French dressing Siore Age" moiling: list. The recipe (or making six servings of coast to coast. Crisp lettuce The first piece was moiled In Decem­ Spaghctti With Meat Balls, 15 as fol­ 2. Constantly growing eonsumptlon- I;" cup shredded carrot lows: t ber. It Is captioned: "Noodles Hos 1.432,060,000 pounds caten lost year. Oodlcs of Friends." 1 can (1 pound, 3 ounces) asparagus 1~ pounds ground bed 3. Macaroni products regularly outpac­ spears The brochure points out that $1.00 Ing total store volume growth. VI pound ground pork Green pepper ring worth of macaroni products sells $7.31 4. Total family acceptAnce from tots 3 tablespoons olive or salad 011 In related Items (bosed on the average and teenagers to senior clllzens. Add 2 tablespoons sail to rapidly 1 clove garlic. ftnely chopped 2 cans (1 poulld each) tomatoes unit costs of three populor recipes. os Then, the grocer is urged to leature boiling water. Gradually add macaroni I can (6 ounces) tomuto paste calculated by the Notional Mocaronlln­ mucaronl products lor the Lenten Sca­ so that water continues to boll. Cook. sUlule). Here Is one example: Noodle son or In early Spring prelmolion. The uncovered, IUrrlng occasionally. until .}~ cup water Tuna Supreme. which storts with D 22 suggestion Is made that ron egg noodle tender, Drain In colander. Rinse with 1 teaspoon orcgano cent pockage of egg noodles (8 ounces), cold water; drain again. 1 teaspoon monosodium glutamate und tuna display be built, and the (ull­ Hom~mnkers will be encrourar.ed til retailers huve mude "nudget Tllste requires sun In related Items to com­ Combine macaroni with luncheon 2 teaspoons salt color posler on the bach DC the brochure treul their fumilies \0 mealr. buill Trents" u store· wide promotion by plete the combination. On thot ballls, \ ~ teaspoon pepper used at point-of-purchase. These pieces meat, pickles, chopped green pepper, uround bcef by Ihe Council from Janu­ ordering uddltlonul posters. case strips $1.00 worth of eGg noodles requires nrc being made a\'atiable to members seasoning and French dressln,,; ton 2 tablespoons salt und shelf tulkers to sell oth~r beef cuts $7.09 In related Items, This 15 figured on 4 to 6 quarts boiling wuter ary through March. becnuse most con­ of the National Macaroni Institute at lightly. Chili. Arrange on lettuce. Oar­ sumers, . trapped with holiday expenses und relutl-d item!l such IlS spughetti and the unit cosl, or the octuol cost, of the cost for dlstribullon to their customers. nlsh with carrot, asparagus and "teen 1 pound spaghetti noodles. ClIoel amount o( Ingredlenls coiled for und tax bills, ure more dollar·canscioull and participating firms in the Natinnal pepper rlna. Serve with additional Combine beef and pork; mix well. during this period than In uny other Food stores ure encouraged to build In the recipe, It the shopper hod to buy Macaroni Institute ate listed on the dressing as desired. Shape Into I-Inch balls. Heat oil; odd their newspaper adVertising around the every Item (rom the supermorkel sheU, time o( the yenr. Even though they lire buck side oC the brochure. A 26 cent package of elbClw macaroni meat balls and garlic and cook o\'er low budget-conscious, they want to serve "Budget Tillite Treuts" campulgn. A a doltor', worth of egg noodles would heat until browned on all sides. Add (one pound I In this recipe requires $1.82 hellrly meuls with both \,urlety und newspaper ud\'crtlsl nc set\'lce - ad require $14 .16 worth 01 relaled Items. M.caron! Hu Man, Mlttl In related Items to complete the com­ tomato paste, undrained tomatoes. ~l proof sheets or ud mats-Is u\'ullnblc economy. About the first of April, a second bination, On that basis, $1.00 worth of cup water, oreHano, monosodium glu­ through the Beef Industry Council on Noodl.
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