Dissertation Sharing Urban Public Space in Bangkok, Thailand The In-Between Space: A Study of the Siam Area ausgeführt zum Zwecke der Erlangung des akademischen Grades einer Doktorin der Technischen Wissenschaften unter der Leitung von Ao.Univ.Prof. DI Dr. phil. ANDREA RIEGER-JANDL E251-01 Baugeschichte und Bauforschung Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Bauforschung und Denkmalpflege eingereicht an der Technischen Universität Wien Fakultät für Architektur und Raumplanung Von DUANGNAPA SINLAPASAI Matrikelnummer: 0828494 Die approbierte gedruckte Originalversion dieser Dissertation ist an der TU Wien Bibliothek verfügbar. The approved original version of this doctoral thesis is available in print at TU Wien Bibliothek. Jeneweingasse 17, 1210 Wien Unterschrift Wien, ……………………..2019 …………………………………. 1 Sharing Urban Public Space in Bangkok, Thailand The In-Between Space: A Study of the Siam Area Die approbierte gedruckte Originalversion dieser Dissertation ist an der TU Wien Bibliothek verfügbar. The approved original version of this doctoral thesis is available in print at TU Wien Bibliothek. 2 Sharing Urban Public Space in Bangkok, Thailand The In-Between Space: A Study of the Siam Area Researcher: Duangnapa Sinlapasai; Supervisors: Ao.Univ.Prof. DI Dr. phil. ANDREA RIEGER-JANDL. Doctoral (PhD) program, Faculty for Architecture and Planning; University of Technology, Vienna, AUSTRIA. Abstract The motivation behind the research was the “in-between” concept that is crucial in order to make the distinction between the place and the concept itself. It provides two ideas 1) equal and free space, and 2) coexistence or sharing i.e. the mall and the Buddhist temple or from houses to workplaces at the city level. Moreover, it is to apprehend the complexities around the usage of public and private spaces by integrating social criteria that reflects the particularity of Thai uniqueness and how it is used to maintain the relationship between them. The in-between concept and how it has interacted with spaces when considering the condition of the diversity at the research site. The hypothesis of the spatial concept of ‘in-between space’ can lead to a clearer understanding of seemingly incompatible characters of place and support the development of planning social interventions and experiments/ strategies for a successful coexistence of different target groups within complex spatial configuration. The objectives of this research were 1) To understand situations where spaces are clearly overlapping at the research site. In other words, the objective is to understand how these separate entities, different forces and values have been maintained and coexisted in the “in-between” space. 2) To collect accurate information to define a set of factors which, when analyzed, detail how overlaps occur between the living populations at the research site. 3) To collect accurate information in order to define a set of levers to be included in the “in-between framework”. 4) To analyze the spatial situation of the in-between spaces and the condition of the relationship of the places when taking into account local standards and globalization. This dissertation is based upon empirical research from the research site located in the Siam area/district of Bangkok, Thailand. The surveyed/interviewed population of the study consisted of two main groups: 1) Siam users on-site; people who are exposed to the Siam area on a daily basis with the following roles and social attributes: workers, retired, students, tourists, residents, monks, etc. 2) remote Siam users; people who went to the Siam area at least once per year with the same roles and social attributes of group 2.1). Supplementary interviews in an Architectural field; Architects are in the remote user category as they comprehend the pros and cons of the Siam area from architectural and social points of view. The sampling included 500 answers from users split into three subgroups: 350 answers for the on-site users and 150 answers from the remote users. The interview questions have been developed in an open and narrative way to enable interviewees to give additional information. All interviews were conducted in Thai with the results translated into English. Data collection were paper-based questionnaires. The data was meticulously analyzed with the interviewees’ opinions to eliminate potential data alterations and misinterpretation. In the main, the research data was collected by a literature review, field surveys and interviews of people involved in using places within the research site. The key findings were as follows: FIRST FINDING: The development of an in-between space criteria framework focused in a Thai context and it was found that the model and criteria fits with I) on-going Thai cultural, economic, and urbanization issues at the research site, II) inhabitants’ mind-sets, III) religious constraints, visitors and expert opinions. Specific key criteria and patterns were identified to build an effective and comprehensive in-between space framework as follows (a) definition of public and private spaces (b) urban planning (c) income disparities (d) religion and symbolic representations (e) culture and Thaification (f) behavioral propositions (g) psychological considerations (h) legislation (i) conflict mitigation and critically associated social interventions and experiments/ strategies : (a) position, (b) program and (c) landscape as the suggestion to success the –in-between space in Thai context. SECOND FINDING: Qualitative feedback indicated that the Mall is more public space than the Temple which is opposite of the original idea that a temple is a real public space for the free usage of all people in Thai society. This reveals that the understanding Die approbierte gedruckte Originalversion dieser Dissertation ist an der TU Wien Bibliothek verfügbar. The approved original version of this doctoral thesis is available in print at TU Wien Bibliothek. and meaning between public and private space is opposite from an international or standard meaning. Such ambiguity in certain situations of space between a binary opposite meaning can be produced - called the in between space- that is neither real public nor real private space. THIRD FINDING: considering the in-between space, in a Thai context it can be produced on private space while people use it as public space. It presents micro-urban life and living interval realms of constructive associations between incompatible characters of places. The findings were conclusive concerning the benefits of the in-between space framework, as part of the in- between space, in the context of the research area. Keywords: in-between space, public space, urbanization, deterritorialization, thaification, Thailand 3 Kurzfassung Die Motivation fuer diese Untersuchung war der Zwischenraumbegriff, der entscheidend ist fuer die Unterscheidung von Raeumlichkeit und Konzept. Der Begriff stellt zwei Ideen zur Verfuegung: 1) gleicher und freier Raum 2) Koexistenz oder die Teilung, z.B. ein Einkaufszentrum und ein buddhistischer Tempel oder Wohnhaeuser und Arbeitsplaetze in der Stadt.Weiterhin wird der Begriff zum Verstaendnis der Komplexitaet von der der Benutzung von oeffentlichem und privatem Raum durch die Integration von sozialen Kriterien, die Besonderheit von thailaendischer Einzigartigkeit und die Beziehung zwischen ihnen widerspiegeln. Der Zwischenraumbegriff und wie er mit Raeumlichkeiten interagiert, wenn man die Bedingungen der Diversitaet am Forschungsort bedenkt. Die Hypothese des raeumlichen Konzepts von Zwischenraum fuehrt zu einem klararen Verstaendnis von scheinbar unvereinbaren Eigenschaftendes Ortes und unterstuetzen den Planungsentwurf von sozialer Intervention und Experimente/Strategien fuer die erfolgreiche Koexistenz von unterschiedlichen Zielgruppen innerhalb von komplexen rauemlichen Konfigurationen. Die Ziele dieser Forschungsarbeit waren 1) Das Verstaendnis von Situationen, in denen sich Raeumlichkeiten am Forschungsort klar ueberlappen. Mit anderen Worten, das Ziel ist es zu verstehen, wie diese getrennten Einheiten ihre verschiedenen Kraefte und Werte im Zwischenraum beibehalten und damit zur Koexistenz befaehigt sind. 2)Die Sammlung von genauen Informationen zur Definierung von Faktoren, die nach der Analyse zur Erklaerung dienen, wie die Ueberlappungen zwischen den Bevoelkerungsgruppen am Forschungsort zustandekommen. 3)Die Sammlung von genauen Informationen zur Definierung der Hebelsaetze, die in den Zwischenraumbegriff“ einbezogen werden muessen. 4)Die Analyse der raeumlichen Situation der Zwischenraeume und die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen den Raeumen in Beziehung auf oertliche und globale Standards. Diese Dissertation basiert auf empirischer Forschung am Forschungsort im Siambezirk von Bangkok, Thailand. Die Umfagepopulation der Studie bestand aus zwei Hauptgruppen: 1) Vor-Ort Benutzer des Siam-Bezirks; Menschern die taeglich mit dem Siambezirk in Kontakt stehen, und folgende Rollen und gesellschaftliche Eigenschaften haben: Arbeitnehmer, Ruhestaendler, Studenten, Touristen, Ortsbewohner, Moenche usw. 2) Fern-Benutzer des Siam-Bezirks; Menschen, die mindestens zweimal im Jahr in derselben Rolle und gesellschaftlichen Eigenschaft der Gruppe 2.1) sie in den Siam-Bezirk gehen; Architekten gehoeren in die Fern-Benutzer Kategorie, weil sie die Pros und Kontras des Siam-Bezirks aus einem architektonischen und gesellschaftlichen Blickwinkel begreifen. Die Pobegruppe beinhaltete 500 Antworten von in drei Untergruppen getrennten Benutzern: 350 Antworten von Vor-Ort
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