IJ a^u ary^, 1941 THE ' h e a.cop^ D l W I T ESS ROELIF H. BROOKS “ Rise Up and Build a New Order” HONOR ROLL FOR 1940 Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. SCHOOLS CLERGY NOTES SCHOOLS ACOSTA,, WILLIAM C., now rector of St. Mary’s, South Cleveland, was ordained priest by Bishop Beverley Tucker on De­ Wqt (Herteral ©ideological cember 18th at Trinity Cathedral, Cleveland. AUTEN, RALPH W., has resigned as rector KEMPER HÄLL J^emmarg of Trinity, Alliance, Ohio, to accept the rectorship of St. John’s, Donora, Penna. KENOSHA, WISC. Three-year undergraduate CARY, HUNSDON, JR., now rector of St. Leading Church school for girls in the Middle course of prescribed and elective Matthews, Toledo, was ordained priest by study. Bishop Beverley Tucker on December 18th West. Preparatory to all colleges. Also gen­ at Trinity Cathedral, Cleveland. eral courses. Unusual opportunities in Art Fourth-year course for gradu­ CHALMERS, ALAN R., formerly associate and Music. Complete sports program. Accred­ ates, offering larger opportunity rector of St. James-the-Less, Scarsdale, New York, is now on the staff of St. George’s, ited. Well organized junior school. for specialization. New York. Under direction of the Sisters of St. Mary. Provision for more advanced CONDIT, R. Y „ has resigned as rector of St. Catalog on request. Address Box WT. John’s, Brooklyn, to become the rector of work, leading to degrees of S.T.M. St. Gabriel’s, Hollis, Long Island. and D.Th. CRANDALL, ROBERT L.. is now the canon of the Cathedral of St. Philip, Atlanta, Ga., ADDRESS continuing also to be in charge of St. Tim­ othy’s, Kirkwood. ST. AUGUSTINE’S COLLEGE THE DEAN DUFFIELD, ROY F., canon of the cathedral Raleigh, North Carolina of Long Island and retired archdeacon of An accredited Church College for Negro Queens and Nassau died at his home in Gar­ Youth. Coeducational. Chelsea Square New York City den City on December 22 in his 64th year. GEORGE, ROBERT A., now rector of Grace Degrees of B. A. and B. S. For Catalogue Address the Dean Church, Gallon, St. James, Bucyrus and St. Needs of college: A larger endowment, Mark’s, Shelby, was ordained priest on De­ scholarship aid for worthy students, cember 18th by Bishop Beverley Tucker at gifts for current expenses. Trinity Cathedral, Cleveland. Address The President Episcopal Theological School KILBOURN, ROBERT C., was ordained dea­ Legal Title for Bequests: con at St. Luke’s Cathedral, Orlando, Fla., Trustees of St. Augustine's College, CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS on December 27th by Bishop Wing. He is a Raleigh, North Carolina. Affiliated with Harvard University offers student at the Theological School of the unusual opportunities in allied fields, such as University of the South. philosophy, psychology, history, KNUDSEN, HARVEY P.. curate at St. sociology, etc. Michael and All Angels, Baltimore, has ac­ cepted the rectorship of St. Stephen’s, Mt. For Catalogue Address the Dean HOLDERNESS LANGE, WILLIAM M., JR., lay reader under In the White Mountains, College Preparatory the Rev. H. C. Merrill, missionary to the and General Courses. Music and Crafts. For deaf, was ordained deacon on December 28th boys 12-19. All sports including riding. 200 The Virginia Theological by Bishop Oldham of Albany. acres of woods. New fireproof building. In­ LEITCH, CYRIL, is now the rector of St. dividual attention. Home atmosphere. Seminary Mark’s, Yreka, Calif., and in charge of For Catalogue and other information, missions at Dunsmuir and McCloud. Rev. Edric A. Weld, Rector MacLAUGHLIN, B. A. E., curate at the Box W , Plymouth, N. H. Address the Dean Transfiguration, New York, is now in charge Theological Seminary, Alexandria, Va. of All Saints’, New York. McLAUGHLIN, JOHN F., was ordained priest on December 18th by Bishop Ziegler at St. Andrew’s, Basin, Wyoming. He is in charge Berkeley of missions at Basin and Lovell, with resi­ dence at Lovell. Stu art lia ll Divinity School MYERS, CHAUNCIE K., instructor at Ber­ New Haven, Connecticut keley Divinity School, was ordained priest on An Episcopal girls’ school of fine old St. Thomas’ Day by Bishop Oldham of Al­ Affiliated with Yale University traditions and high standards in the beau­ bany. tiful Valley of Virginia. College prepara­ Address DEAN W. P. LADD NEAL, JOHN S., has resigned as rector of tory, general courses, and secretarial 86 Sachem Street St. Timothy’s, Gering, Nebr., to accept the courses. Two years beyond high school rectorship of the Ascension, Sierra Madre, Music, art, expression. Graduates success­ California. ful in college. Well-equipped buildings. NIKEL, FRANK, formerly assistant at Christ New gymnasium, pool. Outdoor life. Rid­ CARLETON COLLEGE Church, Lynbrook, Long Island, is in charge Donald J. Cowling, President of St. Andrew’s, Queens Village, during the' ing. Founded 1843. Catalog. Ophelia S. T. Carleton is a co-educational liberal arts absence of the Rev. Lewis C. Beissig, serv­ Carr, A.B., Box A, Staunton, Va. college of limited enrollment and is rec­ ing as chaplain , at Fort Hancock, New Jer­ ognized as the Church College of Min­ sey. nesota. PATCHELL, D. L., formerly in charge of St. Address: Assistant to the President John’s, New Rochelle, N. Y., is now on the CARLETON COLLECE staff of St. Mary the Virgin’s, New York. The Church Divinity School of the Pacific Northfield Minnesota RANTZ, ARTHUR J., curate at St. John’s, BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA Youngstown, Ohio, is now the vicar of St. Dean, Henry H. Shires 2457 Ridge Road John’s, Cleveland, Ohio. REILLY, JOHN E., has retired as rector of DeVEAUX SCHOOL Grace Church, Hastings, New York, and is 1852-1940 now living at Atlantic Highlands, New Jer­ Niagara Falls, New York sey. All Saints’ Episcopal College A Church preparatory school for boys from the RIDDLE, STURGIS L., formerly rector at Vicksburg, Mississippi sixth grade. Small classes. Experienced in­ Setauket, Long Island, is now an assistant A small church school for girls offering four structors. Students may enter at any time and at St. Thomas Church, New York. years of high school (specializing in college in any grade above the fifth. Enrolment lim­ RUNNELLS, E. P., has been granted a year’s preparatory) and two years of college. Em­ ited to 120. leave from Emmanuel, Grass Valley, Cali­ phasis on thorough work. The Rt. Rev. Cameron ). Davis, D.D. fornia, to serve as chaplain in a CCC camp. Borders on the National Park in historic Bishop of Western New York SCHILLING, C. F., has resigned as canon of Vicksburg and overlooks the Mississippi. President, Board of Trustees the Cathedral of St. Philip’s, Atlanta, Ga., Arts. Mild Climate. Outdoor Sports. For catalogue, address and is now the rector of Trinity, St. Aug­ Address: Geo. L. Barton, Jr., Ph.D., Headmaster ustine, Florida. The Rev. W. G. Christian, Rector DeVEAUX SCHOOL Niagara Falls, N. Y. SCHOFIELD, S. B., has resigned as rector of St. John’s, South Williamsport, Pa., to ac­ cept the rectorship of Christ Church, Dan- velle, Pa., and St. James, Exchange, Pa. Virginia Episcopal School TAFT, E. R., curate at Christ Church, Green­ FORK UNION wich, Conn., is now the rector of St. Mary’s, Lynchburg, Virginia West New Brighton, Staten Island,. New Prepares boys for colleges and university. MILITARY ACADEMY York. Splendid environment and excellent corps of An Honor Christian School with the highest TENNYSON, M. G., has resigned as rector teachers. High standard in scholarship and academic rating. Upper School prepares for of Trinity, Alhambra, California, to accept athletics. Healthy and beautiful location in university or business. ROTC. Every mod­ a commission as chaplain in the navy. the mountains of Virginia. ern equipment. Junior School from six years. TROTTER, JESSE M., rector at Amherst, For catalogue apply to Housemother. Separate building. Catalogue. Mass., has been appointed director of re­ Rev. Oscar deWolf Randolph, D.D., Rector Dr. J. J. Wicker, Fork Union, Virginia. ligious activities at Amherst College with rank of instructor. URBAN, LEIGH R., rector of St. Andrew’s, St. Faith’s School Longmeadow, Mass., since 1931 has. resigned because of ill health. Confirmation Instructions Saratoga Springs, Health Centre of WALDRON, KENNETH R., has resigned as America rector of St. James’, Painesville, Ohio, to By BISHOP JOHNSON Eplsconal School for 60 girls, ages 8-18. accept the rectorship of the Epiphany, Belle­ 50c for single copies vue, Pena a. Tuition $550. Regents’ examination for col­ $4 for a dozen copies lege entrance. Business Art, Music, French, WARREN, MATTHEW M., rector of Christ Winter Sports. Church, Macon, Ga., has resigned to accept appointment as chairman of religious educa­ T H E WITNESS The Rev. F. Allen Sisco, Ph.D., Rector tion in the diocese of Missouri. He is now Protection, Care, Health, Education a student at Columbia University and will 6140 Cottage Grove Ave. Chicago assume his new duties on April first. Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. f |||k 9 p | L ;v r.v I | l j Editor Associate Editore Irving P. Johnson ^ u _____________ _________ _____ _ „ Frank E. W ilson Managing Editor T f | F WITNESS W illiam P. Ladd W illiam B. Spofford AAA XJ Y ? X X -L ^1 t -J k J k -J George I. H iller Tjitp,vary EdxtoT* Clifford L. Stanley Gardiner m . Da y ^ National Paper of the Episcopal Church A lbert T. Mollegen Vol. X X IV . No. 44. JAN UARY 9, 1941 Five Cents a Copy THE WITNESS is published weekly from September through June, inclusive, with the exception of the first number of January, and semi- monthly during July and August, by the Episcopal Church Publishing Company, 6140 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago, Illinois.
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