CANADIAN JOURNAL OF DENTAL HYGIENE · JOURNAL CANADIEN DE L’HYGIÈNE DENTAIRE CCJJDHDH JJCHDCHD MARCH–APRIL 2009, VOL. 43, NO. 2 Inequity and disparity in oral health–Part II Over the counter xerostomia remedies Edge Dental Hygiene Centre, Calgary, 86 THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CANADIAN DENTAL HYGIENISTS ASSOCIATION President’s message de la PRÉSIDENTE A spring in your Une vigueur printanière professional step dans votre démarche professionnelle s you read this issue of our journal most of Aus are enjoying the early stages of spring; the time of year when Mother Nature is inspira- u moment où vous lisez notre journal, la plupart tional and when we feel that invigorating sense Ad’entre nous goûtons l’arrivée du printemps; ce of all the possibilities that lie ahead. What has Wanda Fedora, temps de l’année où Dame Nature se fait inspirante been dormant for the last six months is now RDH et où de nouvelles perspectives nous revigorent. Ce enjoying a rebirth. This is a perfect time to look qui dormait en nous depuis six mois renaît dans la at our own possibilities in our lives and careers. joie. Il n’y a pas de meilleur moment pour examiner les possibi- We tend to become dormant in one way or another. This lités personnelles que nous offrent notre vie et notre carrière. spring may be a time to check and see if we have allowed Nous avons en fin de compte tendance à sommeiller. Le prin- ourselves to stay safe in a routine that accomplishes what temps est peut-être le moment propice de vérifier et de voir si needs to happen. It is so easy with all the demands on our nous avons préféré la sécurité d’une routine pour accomplir ce time to avoid a change or challenge. But think of how it qu’il fallait faire. Face aux demandes de notre temps, c’est si feels when we first dig into that soil to plant the new gar- facile d’éviter tout changement ou défi. Pensez cependant à ce den, or when we take a brisk walk in the spring air in a qu’on peut ressentir quand on se met à creuser le sol pour y plan- renewed attempt at exercising. Well, this can happen in ter un jardin nouveau, ou qu’on se promène d’un bon pas dans our career too. l’air printanier pour se remettre à l’exercice. Hé bien, cela peut We can allow ourselves to stay stagnant in our approach arriver aussi dans une carrière. to our clients, and even in our self development. We Nous pouvons nous permettre de stagner dans notre rapport enhance our professional development when we take the avec la clientèle et même dans notre propre développement. time to read our journal, attend professional development Mais nous rehaussons notre développement professionnel quand courses, or research oral health items on the Internet. When nous prenons le temps de lire notre journal, suivons des cours de we apply this to our career, we grow, and with that growth perfectionnement ou fouillons dans Internet des sites sur la san- we feel the rush of enthusiasm spring brings. Exercising té buccale. Si nous appliquons tout cela à notre carrière, nous our body creates the action of healthy energy. Taking the grandissons et cette croissance nous fait ressentir l’enthousias- proactive attitude to our professional life is like exercising me printanier. L’exercice physique donne de la vigueur à l’action our dental hygiene body. énergétique. Une perception proactive de notre vie professionnel- We have all been influenced by people in our lives who le en fera autant en faisant faire collectivement de l’exercice à have embraced a new idea. Whether it has been a fitness notre organisme d’hygiène dentaire. program, a diet, or other interests, their enthusiasm has Nous avons toutes été influencées dans la vie par des gens qui inspired others, and even us, to join them in their activity. avaient épousé des idées nouvelles. Portant sur un programme This can be true in your dental hygiene career. You grow de conditionnement physique, un régime alimentaire ou tout and learn. Your positive energy becomes palpable and autre sujet, leur enthousiasme a incité les autres, et même nous, infectious, and inspires others to emulate you, just as your à nous joindre à leur activité. Il peut en être ainsi de votre car- own interest was sparked when you were led by another’s rière d’hygiéniste dentaire. Vous grandissez et vous apprenez. practising example. Those whose lives you touch will bene- Votre énergie positive devient palpable et contagieuse; elle incite fit from your new growth. les autres à vous imiter, tout comme l’exemple d’une autre pra- Many of your provincial associations will be hosting ticienne a éveillé et stimulé votre intérêt. Celles que vous touchez their annual meetings and conferences throughout the dans leur vie bénéficieront de votre nouveau développement. spring; allow yourself to attend and network with other Plusieurs de vos associations provinciales tiennent leur dental hygienists. I hope you will take this opportunity to congrès annuel et leurs conférences au printemps. Assurez-vous receive that boost of new energy, enhance your profession- d’y participer et d’étendre votre réseau de collègues hygiénistes al career, and put a spring in your professional step. dentaires. J’ose croire que vous profiterez de l’occasion pour prendre un nouvel élan d’énergie, améliorer votre carrière et imprégner d’une vigueur printanière votre démarche profession- nelle. CDHA welcomes your feedback: [email protected] L’ACHD accueille vos commentaries : [email protected] 2009; 43, no.2 43 MASTHEAD CONTENTS CDHA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Wanda Fedora President; Nova Scotia Carol-Ann Yakiwchuk Past President; Manitoba Anna Maria Cuzzolini Quebec EVIDENCE FOR PRACTICE Arlynn Brodie British Columbia Bonnie Blank Educator Representative Inequity and disparity in oral health—Part II. Socio-economic Evie Jesin Ontario status and deprivation: can dental hygiene diminish the France Bourque New Brunswick impact? Jacki Blatz Alberta J Asadoorian................................... 53 Julie Linzel Prince Edward Island Maureen Bowerman Saskatchewan Over the counter xerostomia remedies currently available Palmer Nelson Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada EDITORIAL BOARD MR Gorovenko, DC Clark, J Alekseju¯niene˙ .............. 71 Sandra Cobban Barbara Long Laura Dempster Peggy Maillet Indu Dhir Susanne Sunell DEPARTMENTS Leeann Donnelly President’s message de la présidente Scientific Editor: Susanne Sunell, EdD, RDH A spring in your professional step/Une vigueur printanière Managing Editor: Chitra Arcot, MA (Pub.), MA (Eng.) dans votre démarche professionnelle . 43 Acquisitions Editor: Linda Roth, RDH, DipDH Graphic design and production: Mike Donnelly Executive Director’s message de la directrice générale Published six times per year (January/February, March/April, May/ A new era of responsibility/Une nouvelle ère de responsabilité 47 June, July/August, September/October and November/December) Canada Post Publications Mail #40063062. Letters to the editor............................ 49–50 CANADIAN POSTMASTER Notice of change of address and undeliverables to: Independent practice Canadian Dental Hygienists Association 96 Centrepointe Drive, Ottawa, ON K2G 6B1 The premise lease: A long term commitment............ 60 SUBSCRIPTIONS Annual subscriptions are $90 plus GST for libraries and educational Library column institutions in Canada; $135 plus GST otherwise in Canada; C$140 E-mail netiquette . 63 US only; C$145 elsewhere. One dollar per issue is allocated from membership fees for journal production. News........................................ 66–67 CDHA 2008 6176 CN ISSN 1712-171X (Print) Probing the Net ISSN 1712-1728 (Online) GST Registration No. R106845233 Health and safety alerts . 84 CDHA HUMAN RESOURCES Executive Director: Dr. Susan A. Ziebarth Classified advertising Director of Strategic Partnerships: Johanna Roach Advertisers’ index . 86 Director of Education: Laura Myers Health Policy Communications Specialist: Judy Lux Information Coordinator: Brenda Leggett Executive Assistant: Frances Patterson Financial Coordinator: Lythecia M. Desloges INFORMATION Strategic Partnerships Coordinator: Shawna Savoie Membership Services: Sabrina Jodoin Oral health and brushing, flossing and rinsing/La santé Accounting Specialist: Laura Sandvold Communications Coordinator: Michelle Brynkus buccodentaire et le brossage des dents, l’utilisation de la soie Independent Practice Advisor: Ann E. Wright dentaire et le rinçage de la bouche ................... 51–52 Director TechnoSocial Integration: Ronald Shafer Great-West Life (TFSA).............................. 61 CDHA CORPORATE SPONSORS 2009 Dental Hygiene Programs Recogination Award........ 62 Crest Oral-B Johnson & Johnson Dentsply Sunstar G.U.M. Listerine BMO and MasterCard More choice. Better access./Des services encore plus accessibles ADVERTISING: Keith Communications Inc. Peter Greenhough; et variés ...................................... 69–70 1 800 661-5004 or [email protected] Instructions aux auteures............................ 78 All CDHA members are invited to call the CDHA Member/Library Line Educational Resources .............................. 80 toll-free, with questions/inquiries from Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. ET. Toll free: 1 800 267-5235, Fax: 613 224-7283, E-mail: Educational Resources Order Form . 81–82 [email protected], Web site: http://www.cdha.ca Smile! The tooth and nothing but the tooth . 83 The Canadian Journal of Dental Hygiene (CJDH) is the official publica- Guidlines for authors notice .......................... 85 tion of the Canadian Dental Hygienists Association. The CDHA invites submissions of original research, discussion papers and statements of April is Oral Health Month........................... 86 opinion of interest to the dental hygiene profession. All manuscripts 19–25 April 2009 is National Dental Hygienists Week™ . 86 are refereed anonymously. Editorial contributions to the CJDH do not necessarily represent the views of the CDHA, its staff or its board of directors, nor can the CDHA guarantee the authenticity of the reported research. As well, advertise- ment in or with the journal does not imply endorsement or guarantee by the CDHA of the product, service, manufacturer or provider. © 2009.
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