OFFICIAL RECORDS .’. :;+v THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR MEETING: 25 FEBRUARY 1980 NEW YORK CONTENTS Ptlgt? Provisional agenda (S/Agenda/2200) . , . , . , . , . 1 Adoption of the agenda . , . , . 1 The situation in the occupied Arab territories: (a) Letter dated 15 February 1980 from the Permanent Representative of Jordan to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council (S/13801); (b) Letter dated 15 February 1980 from the Permanent Representative of Morocco to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security 4 Council (S/13802) . , . , . , . , . , , . , . , . , , , . , , . .,. , . 1 S/PV.2200 NOTE Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters com- bined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document. Documents of the Security Council (symbol S/ . .) are normally published in quarterly Supplements of the Official Records of the Security Council. The date of the document indicates the supplement in which it appears or in which infor- mation about it is given. The resolutions of the Security Council, numbered in accordance with a system adopted in 1964, are published in yearly volumes of Resolutions and Decisions of the Security Council. The new system, which has been applied retroactively to resolutions adopted before 1 January 1965, became fully operative on that date. 2200th MEETING Held in New York on Monday, 25 February 1980, at 3.30 p.m. President: Mr. Peter FLORIN At the invitation of the President, Mr. Nuseibeh (German Democratic Republic). (Jordan) took a place at the Council table, Mr. Roa- Kouri (Cuba), Mr. Abdel Meguid (Egypt), Mr. Blum Presenf: The representatives of the following States: (Israel), Mr. Filali (Morocco), Mr. Mansouri (Syrian Bangladesh, China, France, German Democratic Arab Republic) and Mr, Kornutina (Yugoslavia) took Republic, Jamaica, Mexico, Niger, Norway, Philip- the places reserved for them at the side of the Council pines, Portugal, Tunisia, Union of Soviet Socialist chamber, Mr. Terzi (Palestine Liberation Organ- Republics, United Kingdom of Great Britain and ization) took a place at the Council table and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Zambia. Mr. Kane (Acting Chairman of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palcsfin- Provisional agenda (S/Agenda/2200) ian People) took the place reserved for hitn at the side of the Council chamber. I. Adoption of the agenda 2. The PRESIDENT (interpretation from Russian): 2. The situation in the occupied Arab territories: I wish to inform the members of the Council that (a) Letter dated 15 February 1980 from the Per- I have received letters from the representatives of manent Representative of Jordan to the Algeria, Pakistan and Viet Nam in which they request United Nations addressed to the President of to be invited to participate in the discussion of the item the Security Council (S/13801); on the Council’s agenda. In accordance with the usual (b) Letter dated 15 February 1980 from the Per- practice, I propose, with the consent of the Council, manent Representative of Morocco to the to invite those representatives to participate in the dis- United Nations addressed to the President of cussion without the right to vote, in conformity with the the Security Council (S/13802) relevant provisions of the Charter and rule 37 of the provisional rules of procedure. The meeting was called to order at 4.05 p.m. At the invitation of the President, Mr. Bouzarbia Adoption of the agenda (Algeria!, Mr. Naik (Pakistan) and Mrs. Nguyen The agenda was adopted. Ngoc Dung (Viet Nam) took the places reserved for them at the side of the Council chamber. The situation In the occupied Arab territories: (a) Letter dated 15 February 1980 from the Permanent 3. The PRESIDENT (interpretation from Russian): Representative of Jordan to the United Nations The first speaker is Mr. Clovis Maksoud, permanent addressed to the President of the Security Council observer of the League of Arab States, to whom the (S/13801); Council has extended an invitation under rule 39 of its (b) ,Letter dated 15 February 1980 from the Permanent provisional rules of procedure. I invite him to take a Representative of Morocco to the United Nations seat at the Council table and to make his statement. addressed to the President of the Security Council (S/13802) 4. Mr. MA’KSOUD: I wish to express to you Mr. President, and to the members of the Council the 1. The PRESIDENT (interpretation from Rus- appreciation of the Arab League for the invitation to sian): In accordance with the decisions taken at the address the Council on an issue of profound concern 2199th meeting, I invite the representative of Jordan to the Arab nation, to the League and the Arab peoples. to take a place at the Council table, I invite the I wish to take this opportunity to express to you, Sir, representatives of Cuba, Egypt, Israel, Morocco, the our esteem for your friendly country and people, Syrian Arab Republic and Yugoslavia to take the with whom the Arab people have close relations, and places reserved for them at the side of the Council for you personally because of the exemplary manner chamber, I invite the representative of the Palestine in which you are fulfilling your responsibilities. Liberation Organization (PLO) to take a place at the Council table and I invite the Acting Chairman of 5. The report of the Security Council Commission the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable established under resolution 446 (1979) makes it very Rights of the Palestinian People to take the place clear, and indeed incontestable, that Israel’s policy reserved for him at the side of the Council chamber. of colonization has largely contributed “to a deterioration of the situation in the occupied on it as provided in the Charter, in as much as the territories and that it is incompatible with the pursuit colonizing policy of Israel is deemed objectively a of peace in the area” [S/13679, para. 451. serious threat to peace in the region, as is spelled out in paragraph 57 of the Commission’s report, which That is reiterated in one form or another in every para- states: graph of the report’s conclusions, as, for instance, when it states that Israel’s settlement policy is “In view of the magnitude of the problem of settlements and its direct effect on the over-ah “incompatible with the pursuit of peace in the area deterioration of the situation in the occupied terri- and that it is bound to lead to a further deterioration tories and, therefore, its implications for peace in of the situation in the occupied territories” [ibid., the region, as well as for international peace and pm-a. 511. security, the Security Council should keep the situa- tion under constant review.” 6. I shall not belabour the evidence that has been submitted to the Commission and to the Council. It 9. Hence, we end up with an annual or a semi- is conclusive, irrefutable and complete. If Israel had annual exercise in which the Council deals with such sought to challenge the evidence submitted to the a grave threat to peace by merely expressing concern Commission, it had every opportunity to do so. If it or deploring it, while Israel proceeds, in the mean had been able to disprove the evidence or at least some time, to establish new settlements, to expand existing of it, it had every opportunity to do so. If it had any ones and to introduce new laws permitting settlement justification for modifying the conclusions, it had at all not only around the Arab Palestinian towns and cities stages of the Commission’s work every opportunity but within them. to do so. I refer the Council to paragraphs 15, 19, 23, 38 and 39 of the Commission’s report. Instead, 10. There has been a universal awareness of the Israel refused to collaborate with the Commission, dangers inherent in Israel’s policy of creeping annexa- obstructed its tasks and challenged its mandate. It did tion. The vivisection of the Palestinian body politic so because Israel considered that, since it could not is pursued so systematically that Israel shows no signs answer the mounting criticism, it would wait for the of relenting in or abandoning this expansionist process. moment when the Council convened to attack the Even Israel’s use of such terms as “Jews’ right to credibility of this body, to heap insults on it-and on settle” in the “land of Israel” carries ominous signs the United Nations as an organization-and to pursue of the realization of a design of annexation. The term diversionary tactics while accusing the Council of “land of Israel” has no legal or political meaning using them. Was that clever? Perhaps. Was it dan- except in the lexicon of Israel and of the Zionist gerous? Of course. Why? movement. It includes the territories occupied in the West Bank and Gaza. If-as the Mayor of Al-Khalil 7. What the Council is witnessing is an evolving (Hebron), Mr. Qawasma, whom the Israeli authorities pattern in the treatment by Israel of the Council’s have prevented from attending the Council’s meeting, functions and deliberations and, ultimately, of its said-Israel asserts the rights of Jews to settle in mandate. Knowing in advance what built-in constraints Hebron, why not apply the same right to the Pal- exist in view of the veto power of the United States, estinians to settle in their homes-homes in the literal or the threat of its use, Israel hardens its position, meaning of the term: in Jaffa, Lydda, Safad, Acre, considering each remark critical of its behaviour Haifa, and so on? The pious protest of Israel that the indicative of enmity.
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