MAY 23, 2021 Holy NamePaorisfhJOeffisce us Church 690 Woodbury Road Woodbury, NY 11797 HOURS: M - T 9:30 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. 1:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M. Phone: 516-921-2334 Website: www.hnjchurch.net Former Pastors PENTECOST The Rev. Charles A. Schlick The Rev. Msgr. Anthony J. Savastano SUNDAY The Rev. Msgr. Donald McE. Beckmann, D. Min The Rev. Lawrence B. Rafferty Rev. Msgr. Richard Bauhoff , Pastor Mass Deacon Chris Sisinni Schedule Mr. Wayne Dieterich , Music Directo r The Lord’s Day Saturday 5:15 p.m. Sunday 10:0 a.m. Korean Mass at 12:00 p.m. Weekdays Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. Rosary Follows Mass Holy Days As Announced Confessions Saturday 4:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. May 23, 2021 Holy Name of Jesus Church Page 2 This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples. It is a day of transformation – the disciples were huddled together in fear of the authorities and once the Holy Spirit descended upon them, they were transformed into zealous apostles upon whom the foundation of the Church was built. Pentecost was originally a Jewish feast celebrated 50 days after the Passover as a day of thanksgiving on which the people brought the first fruits of the harvest as a profession of their faith in God. For Catholics, the feast Pentecost is celebrated 50 days after East- er. It is often referred to as the birthday of the Church when the Good News began to be preached to the ends of the world. This Pentecost Sunday at the 10:00 AM Mass, six young adults from our Religious Education Program will be confirmed and hopefully follow in the footsteps of the apostles bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ to a world in desperate need of God’s love and peace. Let us pray for the confirmandi that the Holy Spirit will empower them to be faithful apostles and disciples of the Lord. Please join me in offering congratulations and prayerful best wishes to: Connor James Faello, Anthony James Lambdin, Leah Alexa Locker, Matthew John Marano, Jake Tyler Onglengco-Cassano, Katie Marie Sullivan Congratulations and thank you to the parents for raising your child in the practice of the faith. Thanks also to the Confirmation catechists, Mrs. Lori Krotz and Deacon Chris Sisinni and to all the catechists who generously shared their faith, their talents and their time by teaching in our Religious Education Program. On May 19, 2021, in accord with the directives I received from the Diocese, we can resume 100% capacity in the Churches. Certain practices remain in effect: Masks are to be worn by all parishioners in attendance. Likewise, masks will be worn by all who distribute Holy Communion. Similarly, we should be reasonable and try to keep some social distancing especially when standing online to receive Holy Communion. The sign of peace may be offered without physical contact to a nonfamily member. In place of a handshake, you can offer a smile and a wave and/or a simple bow. The dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation remains in effect until such time as announced by the Bishops of New York State. Pope Francis has called for a marathon of prayer during the remaining days of May to appeal for Divine assistance in bringing about an end to the Covid pandemic. Different Marian shrines throughout the world were chosen by the Holy See to lead the rosary each day. Please consider saying a rosary each day for the remaining days of May. You are invited to join your fellow parishioners who pray the rosary after the 9:00 AM Mass, Monday through Friday. DIOCESE OF ROCKVILLE CENTRE CHAPTER 11 Information regarding the deadlines for filing proofs of claim in the Diocese’s chapter 11 case and the forms to use can be found by going to the Diocese’s bankruptcy web- site and scrolling down the page: https://dm.epiq11.com/drvc May 23, 2021 Holy Name of Jesus Church Page 3 Sunday May 23, 2021 Pentecost Sunday Thursday, 5/27/21— Focus: We gather together on Weekday St. Augustine of this Pentecost Sunday, aware of Canterbury, Bishop the times we have not lived our faith with 9:00am Msgr. James McDonald fire and zeal. We come before our God, seek- ing his mercy, compassion, and steadfast Friday, 5/28/21—Weekday St. Paul Vl, love that cannot be shaken. In the first read- Pope ing, the Holy Spirit gives the apostles the power 9:00am Joan Vorbach to reach every nation with the message of the Gospel. In the second reading, Paul says we Saturday, 5/22/21 display many different gifts yet are all one in the Acts 28:16-20, 30-31 Lord. In the Gospel, Jesus appears to his disci- John 21:20-25 ples after his resurrection and commissions them to carry on his work, confirming this by Sunday, 5/23/21 breathing on them the gift of the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:1-11; 1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13 or Published by Franciscan Media Galatians 5:16-25 John 20:19-23 or John 15:26-27; 16:12-15 Saturday, 5/22/21-Easter Weekday St. Rita of Cascia Mario & Marie Reali Monday, 5/24/21 5:15pm Frances Cartelli Genesis 3:9-15, 20 or Acts 1:12-14 John Joan Casey 19:25-34 Anthony Montuori (Living) Tuesday, 5/25/21 Sunday, 5/23/21–Pentecost Sunday Sirach 35:1-12 10am People of the Parish Mark 10:28-31 The Hughes Family (Living) Bill Sanzeri Wednesday, 5/26/21 Louie Onglengco Sirach 36:1, 4-5a, 10-17 Jake Onglengco Mark 10:32-45 Anthony Montuori & Family Thursday, 5/27/21 Monday, 5/24/21—The Blessed Virgin Mary, Sirach 42:15-25 Mother of the Church Mark 10:46-52 9:00 am Delia & Patrick Kilduff Friday, 5/28/21 Tuesday, 5/25/21—Weekday –St. Bede the Sirach 44:1, 9-13 Venerable; St. Gregory Vll; St. Mary Mark 11:11-26 Magdalene de’ Pazzi Virgin 9:00 am Gloria E. Davila Wednesday, 5/26/21—St. Philip Neri, Priest Stewardship of Treasury 9:00am Edward Charles Corsello Sunday Collection $3,180 The Ascension $1,174 Catholic Communication Campaign $510 May 23, 2021 Holy Name of Jesus Church Page 4 Liturgical Minister Schedule (Mass Intentions for these dates are on Pg. 3) -The 12 noon Korean Mass will be celebrated by Fr. Damian Remember 5/22/2021 our 5:15 pm Mass Deceased Celebrant Msgr. Bauhoff EMHC Wentz (2) Please pray for all Readers Labrocca the faithful departed, and for all the souls in purga- Altar Server Donach (2) tory who have no one to Sacristan Sanchez pray for them. May God Music Wayne Dieterich grant them eternal rest. Cantor Diana Regino 5/23/2021 10:00 am Mass Celebrant Msgr. Bauhoff EMHC Gregorio, Medina Readers N. Uckar Altar Server A. Uckar Sacristan Sanchez Music Thomas Stallone Cantor Sophia Scarpa Tony & James Russell, Ugo Bruni, Carl Sciabarra, Edward Gagliardo, Vincent Gagliardo, Kala Steiner, Richie & Rosamaria Ochotorena, Teresa Figalora, Keith Giannadeo, Pentecost Sunday & Confirmation Jessica Colasante, Patricia Puglisi, May 23, 2021 Anthony Lanza and Viviana Trapani Entrance:#418– One Spirit, One Church Lord, Have Mercy Glory to God: # 888 Readings: Page 170– In Breaking Bread 2021 Pentecost Saturday Vigil Mass Music During the Anointing: 191-Veni, Creator Spiritus (In English—Complete May 22, 2021 all 7 Stanza) #452 Send Us Your Spirit Entrance: – Offertory Hymn: #485 – Love Divine, all Lord, Have Mercy Glory to God: # 888 Loves Excelling Page 163– In Breaking Bread Readings: Holy: #889 2021 We Proclaim Your Death: #890 Offertory Hymn: #447 – Come Holy Amen: #883 Lamb of God: #894 Ghost Communion: #336 - One Bread, One Holy: #889 Body We Proclaim Your Death 890 : # Recessional: #188– Go Make of All Amen: #883 Lamb of God: #894 Disciples Communion: #320 - Gift of Finest Wheat Recessional: #417– The Church’s One Foundation May 23, 2021 Holy Name of Jesus Church Page 5 The staff at our three nursing homes have shown great dedication to the care of the residents meeting the challenges of the past eighteen months with grace, strength and perseverance. According to a recreation director, many of the staff suffer from post traumatic stress syn- D.M.I.I. Zoom Meeting drome (PTSD). We thought we might May 25th at 6:30 pm recognize and thank the nursing staff for their contribution to the residents, by offering them travel size toiletry supplies. Link will be e-mailed to members If you would like to collect these travel Please join us!!! size items, please place them in the box located in the vestibule by June 7th. Th Catholic Action Network (CAN), an arm of the New York State Catholic Confer- ence, gives us all a larger voice in the halls of government. Through our email and so- cial media alerts, CAN reaches tens of thousands of Catholics like you to provide edu- cational updates on the important issues being debated and to provide you with the tools to simplify the process of contacting your elected officials. For more information- Please go to: https://www.nyscatholic.org/nys-catholic-conference-action-center May 23, 2021 Holy Name of Jesus Church Page 6 Pentecost Pentecost marks the occasion of God sending the Holy Spirit upon Jesus’ disciples after his Resurrection. The book of Acts describes how the disciples were gathered together in one place on the day of Pentecost.
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