Annex to ISSN 0378 - 6986 C 65 A Official Journal Volume 35 14 March 1992 of the European Communities English edition Notice No Contents Page I Information Commission 92 / C 65 A / 01 Common catalogue of varieties of agricultural plant species — 18th complete edition 1 Varieties of agricultural plant species which may be freely marketed in Portugal . 278 Price : ECU 43 14 . 3 . 92 Annex to Official Journal of the European Communities No C 65 A/ l I (Information) COMMISSION COMMON CATALOGUE OF VARIETIES OF AGRICULTURAL PLANT SPECIES 18th complété edition ( 92/ C 65 A/01 ) CONTENTS Page Legend 4 List of agricultural species 6 I. BEET 01 . Beta vulgaris L. — Sugar beet 6 02 . Beta vulgaris L. — Fodder beet 22 II . FODDER PLANTS 03 . Agrosuis canina L. — Velvet bent 26 04 . Agrosuis gigantea Roth . — Red top 26 05 . Agrosuis stolonifera L. — Creeping bent 27 06 . Agrosuis capillaris L. — Brown top 28 07 . Alopecurus pratensis L. — Meadow foxtail .- 29 08 . Arrhenatherum elatius (L. ) P. Beauv, ex J. S. et K. B. Presl . — Tall oatgrass 29 09 . Bromus catharticus Vahl — Rescue grass 30 10 . Bromus sitchensis Trin . — Alaska brome-grass 30 11 . Cynodon dactylon ( L. ) Pers. — Bermuda grass 31 12. Dacty is glomerata L. — Cocksfoot 31 13 . Festuca arundinacea Schreber — Tall fescue 33 14 . Festuca ovina L. — Sheep's fescue 35 15 . Festuca pratensis Hudson — Meadow fescue 36 16 . Festuca rubra L. — Red fescue 37 17 . Lolium multiflorum Lam . — Italian ryegrass ( including Westerwold ryegrass) 41 18 . Lolium perenne L. — Perennial ryegrass 46 19 . Lolium x boucheanum Kunth — Hybrid ryegrasss 54 20 . Phalaris aquatica L. — Harding grass , Phalaris 55 No C 65 A/ 2 Annex to Official Journal of the European Communities 14 . 3 . 92 Page 21 . Phleum bertolonii DC . — Timothy 55 22 . Phleum pratense L. — Timothy 56 23 . Poa annua L. — Annual meadowgrass 57 24 . Poa nemoralis L. — Wood meadowgrass 58 25 . Poa palustris L. — Swamp meadowgrass 58 26 . Poa pratensis L. — Smooth-stalked meadowgrass 59 27 . Poa trivialis L. — Rough-stalked meadowgrass 62 28 . Trisetum flavescens ( L. ) P. Beauv . — Golden oatgrass 62 29 . Hedysarum coronarium L. — Sulla ' 63 30 . Lotus corniculatus L. — Birdsfoot trefoil 63 31 . Lupinus albus L. — White lupin 64 32 . Lupinus angustifolius L. — Blue lupin 65 33 . Lupinus luteus L. — Yellow lupin 65 34. Medicago lupulina L. — Trefoil 66 35 . Medicago sativa L. — Lucerne 66 36 . Medicago x varia T. Martyn — Lucerne 70 37 . Onobrychis viciifolia Scop . — Sainfoin 70 38 . Pisum sativum L. (partim) — Field pea 70 39 . Trifoiium alexandrinum L. — Berseem /Egyptian clover 74 40 . Trifoiium hybridum L. — Alsike clover 75 41 . Trifolium incarnatimi L. — Crimson dover 75 42 . Trifolium pratense L : — Red clover 76 43 . Trifolium repens L. — White clover 78 44 . Trifolium resupinatum L. — Persian clover 80 45 . Trigonella foenum-graecum L. — Fenugreek 80 46 . Vicia faba L. ( partim ) — Field bean 81 47 . Vicia pannomca Crantz — Hungarian vetch 83 48 . Vicia sativa L. — Common vetch 84 49 . Vicia villosa Roth — Hairy vetch 86 50 . Brassica napus L. var . napobrassica ( L. ) Rchb. — Swede 86 51 . Brassica oleracea L. convar . acephala ( DC.) Alef. var . medullosa Thell . + var . viridis L. Foder kale 87 52 . Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth . — California bluebell 88 53 . Raphanus sativus L. var. oleiformis Pers . — Fodder radish 89 III . OIL AND FIBRE PLANTS 54 . Arachis hypogea L. — Groundnut/peanut 90 55 . Brassica rapa L. var . silvestris ( Lam.) Briggs — Turnip rape 90 56 . Brassica juncea ( L. ) Czernj et Cosson — Brown mustard 91 57 . Brassica napus L. (partim ) — Colza 92 58 . Brassica nigra ( L. ) Koch — Black mustard - 97 59 . Cannabis sativa L. — Hemp 97 60 . Carthamus tinctorius L. — Safflower 9 » 14 . 3 . 92 Annex to Official Journal of the European Communities No C 65 A/3 Page 61 . Carum =arvi L. — Caraway 99 62 . Gossypium spp . — Cotton 99 63 . Helianthus annuus L. — Sunflower 100 64 . Linum usitatissimum L. — Flax/linseed 110 65 . Papaver somniferum L. — Opium poppy 111 ' 66 . Sinapis alba L. — White mustard 112 67 . Glycine max ( L. ) Merrill — Soya bean 113 IV . CEREALS 68 . Avena sativa L. — Oats 120 69 . Hordeum vulgare L. — Barley ' 124 70 . Oryza sativa L. — Rice 138 71 . Phalaris canariensis L. — Canary grass 142 72 . Secale cereale L. — Rye 142 73 . Sorghum bicolor ( L. ) Moench — Sorghum 144 74 . Sorghum sudanense ( Piper ) Stapf. — Sudan grass s 148 75 . Sorghuinbicolor(L.)Moench x Sorghum sudanense ( Piper ) Stapf. — Hybrids resulting from the crossing of Sorghum and Sudan grass 148 76 . X Triticosecale Wittm . — Triticale : 149 77 . Triticurn aestivum L. emend . Fiori et Paol . — Wheat 151 78 . Triticurn durum Desf. — Durum wheat 167 79 . Triticurn spelta L. — Spelt wheat 171 80 . Zea mays L. — Maize 172 V. POTATOES 81 . Solanurn tuberosum L. — Potatoes 210 List of names ot the person or persons responsible for maintenance breeding and the authority holding the list of names of such persons Page I. Kingdom of Belgium 225 II . Kingdom of Denmark 228 III . Federal Republic of Germany 231 IV . Republic of Greece 238 V. Kingdom of Spain 242 VI . French Republic 248 VII . Italian Republic 254 VIII . Ireland 264 IX . Kingdom of the Netherlands 266 X. United Kingdom 271 XI . Portuguese Republic 275 Varieties of agricultural plant species which may be freely marketed in Portugal 278 No C 65 A/ 4 Annex to Official Journal of the European Communities 14 . 3 . 92 LEGEND 1 . The common catalogue of varieties of agricultural plant 4 . The catalogue comprises three columns : species is published in accordance with the provisions of Article 18 of Council Directive 70 / 457 / EEC of — column 1 'Variety' 29 September 1970 on the common catalogue of varieties of agricultural plant species t 1 ), as last — column 2 'Country of admission' amended by Directive 90/ 654 / EEC ( 2). (this column is subdivided into 12 headings, listing the Member States in the order of the abbrevi­ This catalogue lists all the varieties the seeds of which , ations of the international code used for motor pursuant to Articles 15 and 16 of the abovementioned vehicles ( 5 )). Directive, are not subject — in the European Economic — column 3 'Observations'. Community — to marketing restrictions relating to variety, except in the cases provided for in Articles 15 Column 1 lists all the varietal names in alphabetical ( 2 ) and ( 7 ) and 19 of the abovementioned Directive . order . For conventional names the information relating to the varieties is given over the three columns in the manner explained in paragraph 5 . 2 . The common catalogue of varieties of agricultural plant species was published for the first time on 21- July For the other names reference is made in column 3 to 1975 ( 3 ). This 18th edition replaces the 17th the conventional name as shown in the following edition (4). It lists the varieties which , from 31 example : December 1991 at the latest, are no longer subject, on the territory of the whole Community, to marketing restrictions relating to variety, except in the cases BETA VULGARIS L. provided for in the abovementioned Directive. 1 2 3 3 . The catalogue is subdivided according to the species . Megapoly = Kawemegapoly covered by the Directive . Within each species, it lists the varieties in alphabetical order of their accepted varietal names . These are : 5 . In the case of conventional names the three columns ( a) the names under which a variety is officially contain the following information referring to the admitted in the Member States ; pursuant to Article variety : 9 ( 2 ) of Directive 70 /457/ EEC , new varieties may be admitted in a Member State only under one 5.1 . Column 1 name . The same variety may be admitted in another Member State under a different name only Immediately below the conventional name, the justified ; other names of the variety by which it has been officially admitted in Member States are repeated in alphabetical order receded by a dash , only one (b ) The other names under which seed of the variety is per country of admission being given . still being marketed ( old varieties). For names, of varieties not covered see 5.3 . For simplicity, when seeds of one variety are marketed 5.2 . Column 2 under several names one conventional name has been chosen . As a general rule this name is the official name — An asterisk appears under the heading for each given to the variety in the first known country of Member State having officially admitted a admission . All deteails on the variety are classed under ' variety . this name . — Where admission is restricted in such a way that seeds are to be marketed in other States, For the other varietal names reference is simpiy made to the asterisk appears in brackets . the relevant conventional name. (s ) B = Belgium GR = Greece D = Germany I = Italy DK = Denmark IRL = Ireland E = Spain L = Luxembourg (M OJ No L 225 , 12 . 10 . 1970 , p . 1 . F = France NL = Netherlands ( 2) OJ No L 353 , 17 . 12. 1990 , p . 48 . GB = United Kingdom P = Portugal ( 3) OJ No C 164 , 21 . 7 . 1975 , p . 1 . of Great Britain (4 ) OJ No C 321 A , 21 . 12 . 1990 , p . 1 . and Northern Ireland 14 . 3 . 92 Annex to Official Journal of the European Communities No C 65 A/ 5 — In most cases the asterisk is followed by a ( 6 ) 4 n Tetraploid without male number . This number indicates the person sterility responsible for maintenance of the variety in the country of admission . The names ( 7 ) 2"n + 4 n Diploid and tetraploid without male sterility corresponding to these numbers are contained in the Annex entitled 'List of names of the person or persons responsible for maintenance — The monogerm and multigerm are indicated breeding and the authority holding the list of respectively by the letters 'm' and 'M'. names of such persons'.
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