2000 ACHS Bulletin Index A Academy building 10 Adams, Thomas 85 African-Americans 59, 73, 86 Agnor, Bud 41 Agnor, Ellie 42 Agnor, Mary 42 Agriculture 48, 49, 51, 52 Alexander, Robert 87 Amherst Court House 35 Amherst County 82, 94 Anglican Church 86, 88 Anglicans 81 Anglo-Presbyterian associations 87 Antoni’s 34 Archer, John 86, 87 Archer, Sampson 87 Armagh 87 Armagh County 84 Army hospital 20 Ashland 43 Augusta Academy 88 Augusta County Court 90; family feuds 88, 94; militia 93; political offices 88 Augusta Military Academy 10, 13 Augusta Parish 87 Averill 33 B Baker, Mr. 36 Baker, Robert 19 Baking 52, 54, 55, 58 Baldwin, Seth 7 Ballard, H.C. 21 Barker, Capt. 34 Basketball 62, 70 Bath County 84, 85 Battle of the Bridge 18 Battle of Waynesboro 8, 22 Beasley, Beau 14 Beckwith, Robert Todd Lincoln 2 Benn 34 Berry, Mabel 42 Beston 32, 33, 35, 36 Beverley Manor 80, 82, 84 Beverley, William 80 1 Big Island 65 Bird, Andrew 90 Bliss, George 18, 19, 20, 21 Bliss, Rose 22 Blue Ridge Mountains 19 Boice, Captain 21 Borden, Benjamin 80, 82, 83, 86 Borden, Benjamin, Jr. 88 Borden Tract 82 Borden's Division 35 Bosserman, Charlie 41 Botetourt County 84, 90 Botetourt Springs 35 Bowles 34, 36, 37 Bowles Station 37 Bowyer, John 90, 93 Bowyer, Michael 90, 94 Bowyer, William 90, 94 Box 64 Breckinridge 35 Brocks Gap Road 36 Brooks, Philip C. 13 Brosi, Caren 7, 17 Brown 32, 34, 35, 36, 37 Brownsburg 36 Buchanan 35, 60 Buck 34, 36 Buckingham 59 Buena Vista 54, 56, 65, 78 Burbridge, D. Clinton 20 Burke, Belle 41 Burwell, Lt. 36 Butchering 78 Byers, Mariam 42 C C&O Railroad 23, 25 Cabell, Joseph 94 Cabinetmaking 23 Callahan, Dennis 85 Campbell, Mrs. Tom 35 Canning 75, 76 Capt. K 37 Capt. W. 33, 34, 35, 37 Carnegie Library 15, 17 Chapel of ease 87, 88 2 Charlottesville 20, 34, 35, 36, 41 Charlottesville and Waynesboro road 19 Children's Day 74 Childs, Edward P. Jr. 13, 14 Chores 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 63, 64, 68, 75, 76 Christabel 41 Christian, John 87 Christmas 65 Church services 36, 37, 45, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 73, 75 Churchwarden 87 Cincinnati 43, 46 Civil War, combat 34; destruction 34; diary 32; entertainment 35, 36; expenses 38; Fishburne family 8; punishment 35; rations 33; Waynesboro 18 Clifton Forge 23, 25, 41, 43 Clifton Forge shop 25 Cloverdale 85 Cloverdale district 84 Collins, Samuel 13 Collins, T.J. 13, 17 Constitutional amendments 5 Cooks Creek 1 Cousin Gatchy 34 Cowardin 33 Coyner, Houston 25 Coyner, James B., Jr. 31 Coyner, Jim 25 Coyner Spring Park 14 Craig, James 101 Craighead, Alexander 87 Crook 33 Cunningham and Company 85 D Davis, George 85 Davis, J.S. 20 Davis, Luther 42 Denton, Kenneth L. 7 Dick 35 Donald, Cousin 41 Driver, Robert L. Jr. 32 Dudley house 34 Dunkers 36 Dunmore's War 93 Dunmurry, Down 87 3 Dunnogan 37 DuPont family 28 Durbin, West Virginia 25 E Early, Jubal 19, 32, 33, 34, 35 Edmunds, Felix 14 Eggleston 35, 36, 37 Emancipation Proclamation 3 Emory 57, 59, 74 English culture 81 F Fairfax Hall 15 Fairfield 48, 51, 52, 75 Fanny, Miss 36 Farish 34 Farmville 40, 59, 66 Fauver, Kate 42 Federal power 5 Figgatt 41 Fincastle 82 Fisbhurne, Mary Ann Amis 10, 15 Fishburne, Clement 8 Fishburne, Elliot 8, 22 Fishburne, James Abbott 7, 8, 10 Fishburne, Margaret Guthrie 8 Fishburne Military School 7 Fishburne Military School 7; alumni in wars 15; archives 17; athletics 10, 12; barracks 10; cadet life 14, 15; Depression 13; Founder's Day 16; founding 7; fundraising 15; JROTC 12, 14; potential closure 13; songs 7, 16 Fishburne-Hudgins Educational Foundation 12, 17 Fishersville 33, 59 Fitzpatrick, William E. 42 Fleming, William 99 Forks of the James River 82, 83 Fourth Virginia Cavalry 19, 21 Freemasonry 18, 20, 21 Fulwider, Ernest 41 Fulwider, Lula 42 Funeral 53 Funkhouser, Mr. 36 furniture, hand-carved side chair 28; Hepplewhite style sideboard 28; reproductions 23; prices; walnut secretary desk 28 4 G Gainesville 33 Games 46, 47, 48 Gardening 51, 52, 53, 54 Garnett, Thomas W. 19, 22 Gay, Mrs. 36 Geraldine 41 Gerardstown 37 German Protestants 81 Gettysburg Address 5 Gibson 34, 35 Gilbert, Felix 86, 87 Glasgow 65 Goggins, Mr. 35 Goghenhour, William 36 Gordon, Gen. 36 Graduation 73 Graphaphone 55, 59 Great Wagon Road 84 Greenbriar 84, 85 Greenbrier Scenic Railroad 31 Greenlee, James 82 Greenville 23, 24, 58 Greenville Antique Shop 24, 25 Greenville United Methodist Church 23, 25, 31 Gregg, John 32 H H.C. Valentine Company 23 Haddon, Mr. 54 Hall, Eva Coyner 25 Hall, James Edward “Ed” Jr. 23 Hall, Keith 23 Hall, The 55 Hall, Eva Mae Coyner 31 Halloween 62 Hamilton, Hugh S. 19 Hampden-Sydney 61 Hampton 34 Hamrick, Clara Fishburne 8 Hamrick, Richard M. Jr. 32 Hanly, Mr. 32 Harpers Ferry 37 Hart, Silas 90 Harvest 74 Hawkins, Robert Y. 42 5 Heathwell, Dr. 36 Heliotrope 50 Helsley, Joseph 36 Hinton, West Virginia 41, 46 Hite, Robert 41, 42 Hobby-Hudgins Hall 12, 15 Hollar, Mr. 36 Hollis, Mr. 37 Hot Springs 49 Hotchkiss 32, 34 House of Burgesses 90 Howard, Cousin 41 Hudgins, Morgan Hughes 12, 13, 14, 16 Hudgins, Mrs. Bess 15 Humphries, Arthur Neal 41 Humphries, Clemmer 42 Humphries, Daisy 41 Humphries, David Fishburn Clemmer 41 Humphries, Ella Jeannette (Nettie) 41 Humphries, Etta Fauver 41, 42 Humphries, Harold Berry 41 Humphries, Hugh Lyle 42 Humphries, L. Hersey 42 Humphries, Lorenza B. 42 Humphries, Louis 42 Humphries, Maggie B. 40 Humphries, Mary Burgess 41, 43 Humphries, Nancy 41 Humphries, Ruth 42 Humphries, Viola 41 Humphries, W. Frank 42 Humphries, William Franklin 41 Humphries, William S. 43 Humphries, William Shelton 42 Humphries, Willie Berry 42 Hunt Stations 33 Hunter 33, 37 I Illness 48, 53, 68 Indianapolis 43, 49 J Jackson, Mary 85 Johnston 35 Jones, John 92 6 Jones, Major 32 Jones, W.E. 32 Junkin, Mr. 58 K Kennedy, William 41 Kerby, Robert B. 15 Kerr’s Creek 42 Klinepeter 33 Kuykendall 32, 34, 35, 36, 37 L LaMar, Col. 36 LaMar, Mrs. 36 Land, division of 83; grants 81; inheritance patterns 83, 96; rental 83; speculation 84 Leans hill 34 Learry, Mrs. 36 Lee, Gen. 33 Lee, General Robert E. 10 Lee, Henry C. 20, 21 Leesburg 37, 38 Lewis, Andrew 86, 93 Lewis, Charles 86, 93 Lewis, John 80, 82, 86, 88 Lewis, Thomas 86 Lexington 35, 50, 65, 85 Libby Prison 20, 21 Liberty 35 Licker, Grace 41 Lincoln, Bathsheba Herring 1 Lincoln, Capt. Abraham 1 Lincoln Cemetery 2, 3, 4 Lincoln, Colonel Abraham 2 Lincoln family in Kentucky 1 Lincoln Homestead 2 Lincoln, Jacob 1, 2 Lincoln, Jacob, Jr. 2 Lincoln, John 1, 2 Lincoln, Mary Homan 3 Lincoln, Nancy Hanks 2 Lincoln, President Abraham 2, 4; honesty 5; significance 5; Virginia roots 3 Lincoln, Rebecca Flowers Morris 1, 2 Lincoln slaves 3 Lincoln, Thomas 1, 2 Linen production 84 Linville Creek 1 7 Lockhart, James 87, 89, 90 Loth, J. Ellison 14 Lowell, Charles Russell 19, 21 Luray 58 Lynchburg 20, 34, 35, 60, 65 M Madison, John 86, 87 Magee, Joseph G. 41, 42 Magee, Joseph Gardner 40 Magee, William A. 40 Manda, Cousin 41 Market Hill 85 Marshall, General George C. 12, 13 Martinsburg 37 Mason, Rosa Tucker 28 Mathews, Anne 80 Mathews, Archer 84 Mathews family 81; crimes against 90; marriages 86; origins 95 Mathews, George 84, 85, 87, 88, 89, 91, 92, 93 Mathews, John 80, 81, 83, 86, 87, 88 Mathews, John, Jr. 84, 87 Mathews, Richard 84 Mathews, Sampson 84, 85, 87, 88, 89, 93 Mathews, William 84 Mayday 71 McChesney, Dr. 36 McClanachan, Elijah 101 McClellan 35 McClenachan, Alexander 90 McCormick, Charlie 41 McCoy, Mrs. 34 McCoy, Wayman 23 McDowell, John 82, 86 McDowell, Samuel 93 McGil, John 36 McGill, J. 38 McGill, Sam 34 Medicine, 19th century 32 Mercantile business 85 Middlebrook 40 Midvale 57 Midway 47, 54, 58, 74 Military leadership 91, 92, 93 Mill Creek 83 Miller, Robert C. 14 8 Missionary Society 54, 56, 57, 73, 78 Moomau, Ralph 25 Moseley, Cabell 35 Moseley, Dr. 35 Moser Furniture Company 23 Moses, Dr. 34 Moss, William 20 Moss, William A. 19 Mt. Carmel 46, 50, 51, 53, 74, 76 Munford, Thomas 19, 21 N Native American attacks 92 Natural Bridge 35 New Jersey Cavalry 19, 21 New River 46 New Side evengelicalism 87 New Year's Day 78 O Odd Fellows 55 Ohio 43 Ohio River 43 Old Providence 57, 76 Operation Desert Storm 8 Orange County 80 Other Town Spring 36 Otway 32 P Page, Capt. 36 Palmer House 46 Paris 43 Parker, Mr. 37 Patterson, Max 13 Patton, James 80, 82, 87, 88 Payne, A.D. 19, 21 Pendleton, Col. 36 Pennybacker, Kate 2, 3 Pennybacker Place 2, 3 Perkins, Buchanan, and Brown 85 Phillips, Charles Coatsworth 32 Pickett 32 Pioneer Corps 33 Poage, John 86, 87 Poage, Robert 82, 86 9 Poague, Mrs. 35 Point Pleasant 92, 93 Poolsville 38 poorhouse 88, 99 Presbyterians 81, 87 Purgatory Creek 92 Q Quilting 46, 47, 49 R Railroad travel 46, 65 Ramseur 35 Ramseur’s Div. 34 Randolph, Doctor 21 Raphine 41, 46, 47, 50, 51, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 65, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79 Retta 42 Reynolds, Major Thomas W. 7, 16 Rhode Island Cavalry 18 Richardson, Col.
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