/.t PETITION TO THE BOARD OF ASSESSMENTAPPEALS No.' TOWN OF FA|RF|ELD, CT 299 GRAND LIST OF OCTOBER t,2O2O #il637 To be granted a March 2027 heoring, this petition must be completed. siqned and received by 4:30 pm, Friday, February 79,2027. A. PROPERTY INFORMATION Property Type (circtelQResidential OCommercialO/acant LandOPersonal PropertyOMotor Vehicle Property owner,s Name: Michael and Stefanie Tamulis Property Location: 274 Birch Road, Fairfield Property Description: single family home B. CONTACT INFORMATION (to be used for ALL correspondencel Name: Stefanie Tamulis Mailing Address: 274 Birch Road, Fairfield, CT 06824 phone: 917-439-2416 E'ori1. sto rT1 ul is@deloitte. com C. BACKGROUND (answer iYes' or'No') Did you meet or speak with the Assessor's Office to discuss your assessment? NO Have you appealed this property previously? NO Did you attend an informal hearing? YeS D. STATEMENT OF VALUE (use appraised/market value, not assessed value) . q1 Appellant's Opinion of Fair MARKET Value ,495,000 Town's Value c1 ,652,300 E. REASON FOR APPEAL See attachment. F. SIGNATURE By signing t ition, you acknowledge that you or duly authorized agent understands the requi that the form complete. 9- | /- ?a"f si of property owner or duly outhorized dgent Date You must supply a copy of your current assessment (property card, bill and/or assessment notice) and copies of any supportingdocumentationtojustifyyourappeal. Thisinformationispublicrecordandwill becomepartofyourappealfile maintainedbytheAssessor'sOffice. lfsupportingdocumentationisnotprovided,thepetitionmaybedenied. Completed petitions can be hand delivered to the Assessor's Office or mailed to: RHCffiIVEM Board of Assessrn ent Appeals Town of Fairfield i"'': i) I';,i",ri,i,. l 611Old Post Road Fairfield, CT 06824 TOWI! OF FAIRFIELD BOARD OF ASSESMENT APPEALS Assessment Appeol Petition Form fairfieldct,org/baa Rev. 1/L5/2021 Reason for Appeal: We assert that the assessed value of our home at 274 Birch Road of $1,156,610 (market value of 51,652,300) is significantly overstated for the following reasons. L. The town's assessment records state that the square footage of the living area of our home is 3,653. This is significantly overstated, and the error is primarily related to our third floor. Our third floor has unfinished storage and utility rooms and HVAC that runs two feet around the perimeter of the third floor which appears to be inappropriately counted in the town's assessment records. a. The attached appraisal as of t\h/zlzlsays that our square footage is 3,28t (see page 2) b. The attached appraisal as of 3h3/zo2o says that the square footage is 3,269 (see page 3). c we measured every room of our home and calcurate it to be 3,330 (see our square footage calculations by floor). 2. We have two appraisals dated as of t0/L/2020 and 3/13/2020 that state that the market value of our home is approximately s1,4g5,ooo, which is s167,300 lower than the town's market value. 3. Our assessed market value is higher in total and price per sq. foot than other comparable homes on our street. we considered 69 Birch, g1 Birch, and r7t Birch to be close comparables since they are similar in age and quality and are only partially lifted not completely lifted thus reducing first floor square footage and garage space. See attachments for further information. 4. Our home was built before Hurricane Sandy, and as such, it is only partially lifted. Our garage, while small (350 square feet), significantly impacts the first floor living space. While there have been recent sales in the neighborhood that appear comparable on the surface in terms of square footage, those homes were built after Hurricane Sandy and are fully lifted, have multiple (three) car garages with storage space, large first floor living areas, and many are on streets that are not through streets to the beach (e.g. Norcliff Lane). Those homes are not comparable to our home. 5. The town's final assessment (after initial appeal) is a simply 20% increase from LA\/LS revaluation with no support. 6. The town's assessment records indicate that we have a two-story fireplace with a value of 57,400, which we do not. Analvsis - 274 Birch Road Over/(Under) Per Per Per town Our estimation Toltl20 3lr3l20 Square Footage records calculation by Town appraisal appraisal First floor 1,053 LAA5 8 Second Floor L,464 1,432 32 Third Floor+ L,L46 853 293 Totol squore footag 3,663 3,330 3,287 3,269 squore footoge overstatement per town ,ecords 333 382 39. 370 *Avemge Difference lmpact of Square Footage Error by Town on Market Value Revised market value based on actual square footase Assessed lncorrect Per Per Market Square Perour l0ltlz0 3l13l20 Value Footage Foot calculation appraisal appraisal 274 Birch Road 1,652,300 3,563 451-.08 L,502,091 1,479,988 I,474,575 Additional errors by Town No 2 story fireplace (7,4oo) (7,400) (7,4oo) 7,494697 7,472,588 7,467,775 Compamble homes Average Square Footage Calculation Market Assessed Square Price per Recent Sale Sale Price Address Value Value Footate Sq. Foot Sales Price Date per Sq. Additional details Our home 274 Birch Road 1,,652,300 t,1,56,6LO 3,663 457.08 Why is our price per Sq. Ft higher? Smaller garage (350 sq. ft.)/smaller lot (7,656 sq. ft.) Eest comparables 69 Birch Road 1-,505,600 1,053,920 3,389 444.26 Larger garage (462 sq. ft,)/same builder/about the same age/rarger lot (9,450 sq. ft.) 81 Birch Road 1,390,700 973,490 3,360 413.90 1,400,ooo Jun-19 416.67 Larger garage (550 sq. ft.)/same builder/about the same agellarger lot (9,45o sq. ft.) 171 Birch Road 1,6c1,700 t,121,r90 4,354 367.87 Larger garage (460 sq. ft.)/larger lot (11,34O sq ft.) Average pricelsq foot 476.52 274Birch *based adjusted Market Value 7,397,OO4 on actual sq. footage and average price/sq. ft lndependent Appraisal Value 7,/r85,O00 (See Appra isa I report f rom LO / 1 / 20 a nd 3 / L3 / 2O2O) Conclusion: Nothing supports the town's market valuation of S1,0S2,30O. TOWN OF FAIRFIED Office of the Assessor January 27,2021 TAMULTS MTCHAEL & STEFANTE (SV) 274 BIRCH ROAD FAIRFIELD, CT 05824 THIS IS NOT A BILL Revaluation Notice of Assessment change rssued pursuant to G.G.s. 1z-s5 Parcel lD: 11639 Property Location: 274 BIRCH ROAD ln accordance with Connecticut General Statutes, the Town of Fairfield has completed a Revaluation of all real property for the October L, 2A2O Grand List. This second notic.e informs you tha! as part of the results from the informal hearings and review process, your assessment has been reevaluated. Your assessment has been either reduced, increased or has had no change made. Most property owners receiving this notice have attended an informal hearing or requested a review in writing. Some property owners wha did not attend a hearing or request a review in writing have been sent this notice to inform them that, upon review, their assessnient has been revised. Final Assessment for the October t,2O2A Grand List: $r,tso,eto The October 1, 2020 gross assessment reflects 70% ofthe total 2020 market value. 2015 Assessment for the above property: 4ar,1too Y t,, --4,, ,sh,g, Based on October 1,2015 Revaluation $963,260 - S-O?o ln1trtt-t t- lf you want to appeal your assessment, you must appeal directly to the Town Board of Assessment Appeals pursuant to Section L}-lLl of the C.G.S. The Board of Assessment Appeals will be meeting in March 2021. ln order to appeal, you must file a formal, written appeal to the Town Board of Assessment App€als on or before [fury_lgJQ?t postmarks cannot be accepted. lf you fail to appeal by this date, you cannot appeal again until February of 2022, per state statute. The prescribed form and instructions are available on the Town Assessor,s website www.fairfieldct.orgltaxassessor or at the Town of Fairfield Assessor's Office. Sincerely, Ross Murray, Town Assessor .i, arelioloy GJc 274 Birch Lovout Each cell equals one square foot {rounded)/See Copy of Land Su rvey Report to confirm outside borders ttltltttllI I I First Floor 1"0.6' 4 2L' Cutout l1X4 = 44 Living room /Kitchen = 23.7' 16X 32 = 512 5X15 = 75 Total 590 37', Ll2 Bath - Entry 8X7 lt Hall 8X5 = =56 6.6' way 16x $= Office 11X15 = steps to 165 2nd 15X3 45 = I Garage 18X20-360 sf l_1.6' 2A.4' Entry Step from kitchen reduce 4.6', steps Second 8X5 = 40 parking space to 17' floor overhang 8.2', 6,6', L8.7' Total First floor 1,,045 Our Calculation Total First floor 1,045 Total Second floor I,432 Total Third floor 8s3 Total square footage 3,330 Second Second Floor floor overhang Closet Master Bath Master Bedroom Bedroom Laundry Bathroom H a Bathroom il w a v Bedroom Second floor Bedroom overhang c I o s e Gray 4X16 = 24 Blue 37X32 L,lM Green 20X7 140 Orange 7X12 84 Total Second floor 1,432 Third Floor 10X12=120 U nfinished storage room 8 X 10 )= X 15 Bathroom 4 8X8=64 = 40 22X18=396 Unfinished furnace room 5X20=100 6X9X7/2=27 6xL5 = 90 = HVAC lose 2' all arognd the perimeter - not living space = Stairs - Open and already counted in second floor 853 yellow ll = sum of boxes t44 = Storage room 20L = Furnace room .-_ ar&t J 4.
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