: * TODAY: EXAM NEWS * SIMON SINGS·*·RUSSIANS RISE. UP * SUPER S,?,ORT * -----------------------------------~~----------" -" -,~, ~~6,~~~~~~----~~ . .. Bringing Africa South Vol.2 No.482 R1.00 (GST Inc.) Monday January 13 1992 Paris Le Cap ,;: lfs',ALL Rehoboth r'-ages '-." actianas.. , .' . ,ra.1Iy " . x~lIsjn' to , . , . 'Namibia ' STAFF REPORTER over THE Paris Le Cap has swept into Namibia creating wide­ spread excitement and inter­ est among Namlbian racing enthusiasts and the publIc in Basters to 'fight Govt, threaten c~urt ~ction generaL Rally competitors rally , already been given. reached Grootfontein yester­ JOSEPH MOTlNGA', Docwnmts found in the office day afternoon, with Spanish of the Rehobot!t Registrar of. driver Salvatore Servia giv­ ENRAGED members ofthe Baster community in Reho­ Deeds state that the area had ing Lada their first stage both have vowed to take the Government to court in a actually been placed under the victory, breaking the Mitsub­ desperate bid to reverse an official order placing their Rehoboth local authority back ishi-Citroen stranglehold on community lands under central Government control in 1985 by the late Registrar of the race for a day. Deeds for Rehobo~ Emst Veteran Rehoboth leader Today competitors are ex­ Regional Commissioner Nev­ Louw. As such, Angenn1lIld Hans Diergaardt is reportedly ille Angennund. pected to be greeted by large ruled that the area was liable crowds of excited spectators already in South Africa laying So stroog a reaction to the for, transfer. His decision was the ground for a court case on order was anticipated, that the when they arrive at Gobabis endorsed by the Government the matter. fonner Registrar of Deeds, for around midday. onOctober6,l991,intennsof , At an emotionally-charged Rehobo~JohannesvanVVy~, The race has aroused pas­ Paragraph4 of Schedule 5 of meeting on Saturday some 250 resigned rather than issue it. sionate interest throughout the Namibian Constitution. people slammed the Govern­ At Saturday's meeting, its long, tortuous and often 'A former member of the ment decision, while one speaker after speaker argued dangerous passage across the Rehoboth VoIksraad, Henry speaker said it heralded the that the decision was illegal African continent. Mall, who served until 1987 "darkest hour in (the Basters ') and "an act of theft". Resi­ The Paris Le Cap has, how­ and spoke at Saturday's meet­ history". dents complained that no one ever, provoked strong oppo­ ing, said neither the VoIksraad The meeting was called af­ had been infonned about it, sition in some quarters be­ , and the Kapteinsraad had given ter news broke that the VVind­ and that such a transacticn cause of the large number of wouid the local Registrar of Deeds hoek Registrar of Deeds, a Mr contravene legal stipulations deaths and injuries. orders to transfer communal Van Zyl, had given an order that only rightful owners have The rally almost claimed lands to the Rehoboth Govern­ that the land - 'Urban Area' the right of transfer. its fifth fatality yesterday ment. Another man questioned when motorcyclIst Francois 302' - be re-registered under One woman complained that the legality of 'the transfer, Government control with although Van Zyl had told a Alti collided with a vehicle asking why only a duplicate LAYING IT ON THE LINE ••• Rehoboth community immediate effect. public rally that the land should on his way to Grootfontein. copy of the order remained at leader Hermanus Beukes making his point on the first , be transferred but he had never Alti, on a Yamaha, was The order was allegedly issue of community land at Saturday's meeting. given on August 16 1991 by mentioned that the order had TO PAGE 2 apparently riding on the right­ band side of the road, in­ stead of the left, when he collided head-on with an oncoming vehicle. Details aimounced for He is reported to have sus­ tained a broken left arm, right leg, dislocated hip, which was put back, as well as Injuries to his face and left foot. March exam re-write Alti was transferred by bell­ copter to a private hospital in Grootfontein where he was PART-TIME STUDENTS Even though they are only treated before being put on planning to re-write No­ STAFF REPORTER expected to register at regional an aircraft to Johannesburg, vember's abortive Grade centres, candidates will sit their where he will undergo an 12 examinations win be sent be filled in again. A candidate exams at the centres used for operation. exam timetables for March is simply required to contact the November exams. The end of the Angolan one of the centres mentioned Though the EducationMin­ section of the race, prior to as soon as re-registration below, in person, by letter or istry decided a re-write was entering, Namibia, was has been completed. by 'Jilroe to register lbm-names the best way to clear up suspi­ marred by controversy fol­ The earlier exams were as proof of their intention to cion following the exam seam, lowing the cancellation of the declared null and void just re-write the examination. Proof a number of students have sixteenth stage of the race before Christmas following a of emolment (admission per­ contacted The Namibian to between Cabama and Rua­ Ministerial inquiry which dis­ mits) will then be posted to complain about the situation. cana. covered widespread irregulari­ each candidate. They felt a five month delay It was scrapped because of ties, including the selling of Candidates should also between sittings was unfair, rain and allegedly impass­ exam papers. mention the examination particularly as many had now able rivers. The resits will begin on number which was originally embarked on new courses and The cancellation is reported Monday 2 March and continue allocated to them for the No­ Were studying different books. to have ('.Bused a great deal of until Monday 30 March. Part­ vember sitting, if possible, as "It's a long time to try and unhappiness among competi­ time candidates are required to the same number will be re­ keep everything in your head," tors. re-register but will not be tained for the March exam. said one. "It would have been Four times winner of the expected to pay entrance fees, Candidates will not be al­ a better idea to arrange the re­ Paris-Dakar, Art Vatanen as their fees for the November lowed to enrol for subjects other write immediately. There's a APPEAL FOR BOOKS ••• Bill Ostrander Is collecting exam are still valid. than those entered for first time books to bring more reading to Khorixas, centre of a region TO PAGE 2 Enrolment forms need not around. TO PAGE 2 badly hit by Namibia's book drought. See story, p3. .. 2 Monday January 13 1992 THE NAMIBIAN Ancestral Laws would remain still making recommendations REHOBOTH in force, Beukes said. about future land distribution. An official at the Ministry Willem Cloete suggested that FROM PAGE 1 of Local Government and . the meeting adopt the same Housing 000 Gonteb, who also stand as a community of 60 the Rehoboth Deeds office when attended the meeting, agreed people in Owambo who had all land deeds were officially that the transfer dOcuments were refused to allow the govern­ drawn up Ihere. -fraudulent as they had been ment to build a road through Community leader, Her­ kept secret from the commu­ their communal lands unless manus ('Oom Maans') Beu­ nity, he added. proper consultation with local kes, who organised Ihe meet­ Beukes went on to say he chiefs took place. In the end, ing, said Ihe Basters' 'Vader­ had informed President Sam he said, Ihe Owambo commu­ like Wette' (Ancestral Laws) Nujoma about the matter in a nity was compensated for the of 1872, proclaimed Rehobolh letter last year. trespass. as Ihe property of the Basters He had since taken it up with By the end of the meeting, and that no decision could be lawyers who said if the area opinion was split over what taken without the community's were registered under central . course of action to take. One consent. government control, the Bas­ group recommended seeking Since that time, Rehoboth ters would lose rights over free an audience with the President had been autonomous within a . erven and farms, but i:his point and Prime Minister before colonised country, he said. was refuted by Gonteb in a resorting to court action; while South Africa could lay claim separate interview with The others opted for a more ag­ to _Rehoboth only through Namibian. gressive stance. Ordinance 56 of 1976 which Hewat Beukes accused the The meeting finally agreed BASTER BLUES ... Some unhappy members of the Baster community who attended created the Rehoboth Govern­ Gove1ll1llen1 of taking land -away to wait for comment from Hans Saturday's meeting at which the Government was accused of "theft". ment. When that law was re­ from blacks only, while an­ Diergaardt, and to hold a fur­ pealed in 1991, the Namibian other said that same whites ther meeting to achieve broader Government accepted that the who made colonial laws were unity. Plight of the disabled I PARIS LE CAP from page 1 I The pain said: "I think that if the minutes 10 seconds behind organisers cancel a stage like Servia. of Pana this moming's, it means that Third was Ari Vatanen in close, to Govt's heart they aren't interested in real his Citroen, eight minutes 42 LUSAKA: The Pan-Af­ adventure anymore.' , seconds behind the winner. rican News Agency has The wealher and rdadcondi­ The overall leader, Hubert started laying oft' its NAMIBIAN President but, he emphasized it was their on a six-day tour of the North, important sacrifices which had will meet with Water Affairs tions had been just 'what the Auriol in his Mitsubishi Pajero, workers because of Sam Nujoma yesterday brought ..bout freedom and Officials at Oshakati before Citroen team had been hoping finished Ihe stage in seventh worsening financial cri­ promised that the Govern­ independence for Namibian visiting Efinde, Epalala, On­ for, for a long time, and had position, 16 minutes 10 sec­ sis, a move that could ment would try to solve prepared themselves for such onds off the pace.
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