Address: "...AS WE LEARN TO GO The Ukrainian Weekly 81-83 Grand.Street FORWARD TOGETHER Jereey City, N.J. 07303 AT HOME. LET US New York's Telephone: ALSO SEEK TO GO BArclay 7-4125 Tel : HEnderson" 4-0237 СВОБОДА SV0B0DA FORWARD TOGETHER WITH ALL MANKIND..." Ukrainian National Ава'п УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОДЕННИК UKRAINIAN DAILY Richard M. Nlxoa Tel: HEnderson 5-8740 Ш|? Ukrainian ggkhj g>gctum РІК LXXX. SECTION TWJ3 4. 131. SVOBODA, THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY, SATURDAY, JULY 14, 1973 ЦЕНТІВ 25 CENTS No. 131. VOL. LXXX DAUPHIN AWAITS THOUSANDS FOR FESTIVAL FOUR-DAY EVENT STARTS AUGUST 2ND CAPTIVE NATICNS WEEK - 1973 AUTOCEPHALOUS CHURCH HOLDS DAUPHIN, Man. — Each is the official hoet~and~takes- STATEMENT OF THE UKRAINIAN CONGRESS EXTRAORDINARY SYNOD IN PARIS year during the National U- an active part in many of the COMMITTEE OF AMERICA PARIS, France. — Unity, This was stated in an ap­ krainian Festival in Dauphin, activities. The first seven fe­ From July IS to July 21, 1973, the American people will stronger involvement, and peal of the Extraordinary Sy­ Man., the Ukrainian Cana­ stivals have delegated this mark the 15th annual observance of CAPTIVE NATIONS the repressions in Ukraino nod to the "Brothers and Si­ dians bring forth the culture honor to Michael N. Hryhor- WEEK. This yearly manifestation is bated on Public Law were the principal points of sters in Ukraine." and traditions of the Ukra­ czuk of Ethelbert, in 1966; discussions and resolutions of Taking part in the Synod inian people that had Ьезп Michael F.Szewczykof Dauph­ 86-90, which was passed by Congress and signed by Presi­ in, first festival committee dent Eisenhower in July, 1959. the Extraordinary Synod of were: Archbishop Mstyslav: brought eight decades ago to the Ukrainian Autocephalo- Metropolitan of the Ukrainian the New World, and развеі chairman in 1967; Mr. Hry- Given the number of significant international develop­ us Orthodox Church, accord­ Autocephalous Orthodox an and enriched from ge­ horczuk in 1968; Mark G. ments thus far in 1973, including the recent summit meeting ing to the July 8th issue of neration to genaration. Be­ Smerchanskl in 1969; Senator between President Richard M. Nixon and Leonid I. Brezhenev, Church; Archbishop Mark the "Ukrainian Word," a from America; Bishop Orest ginning August 2, as the town Paul Yuzyk in 1970; Mayor General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet weekly published in France. from Germany; Bishop Con­ opens its eighth annual Na­ Stephen Juha of Winnipeg in Union, and the Conference on European Security and Co­ "Events in Ukraine and stant ine from America; and tional Ukrainian Festival, 1971; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil operation, the first phase of which was held in Helsinki, Fin­ throughout the world are ta­ about 100 clergy and faithful Dauphin, will turn into a ve­ Semchyshyn of Winnipeg in land with 3± states participating, it seems that genuine peace king place at such a rapid from Germany, Great Britain, ritable "little Ukraine." - 1972. and understanding have descended upon the world, and that pace that a year since the Sy­ France, United States, Au­ | Manitoba contains ten large This year, Joseph Lesawyer, there no longer, is a captive nations problem to deal with. nod of the Ukrainian Auto- stralia, Belgium, Austria, and "Ukrainian" enclaves, the lar­ Supreme President of the But such is not really the case. Despite the Soviet peace cephalous Orthodox Church Sweden. gest being the Dauphin di­ UNA, and his wife, Mary Le­ overtures, as expressed in Washington and Helsinki, the So­ in London, we were compelled Due to an ailment, Bishor strict. The early 1890's mar­ sawyer, will serve as Hospo­ viet Russian totalitarian government has not changed it* to call an Extraordinary Sy­ low from South America was ked tha beginning of Ukra­ dar and Hospodynia. This policies toward the captive nations. The oppression and nod of the Ukrainian Auto- unoble to attend. inian immigration to Canada. marks the first time that a U- persecution of the Ukrainian people, as well as of the other cephaloue Orthodox Church Among the many topics di­ On May 1, 1896, a party com­ krainian couple from America non-Russian peoples of the USSR, go on unabated. which was held from June 29 scussed, the most important posed of 107 Ukrainians arri­ has been chosen for this di­ Therefore, we appeal to our branches and member organ­ to July 1, in Paris. ones were the organizational ved in Quebec, and prepared stinct honor. izations to commemorate this year's Captive Nations Week "Its taak was to make fur­ status of the Church in the .to move on to Dauphin. A The festival accentuates with appropriate celebrations and manifestations and to ther efforts in strengthening free world and the progress .disruption of communication not only the preservation of demonstrate the concern of freedom-loving Americans for the unity of the Church's in­ made by its clergy towardt facilities in the Dauphin area Ukrainian culture, but also those who are' enslaved and dominated by the Communist dividual parts, review the pos­ the «nification of the world'? delayed the arrival of eight the development of various powers. sibility of a deeper involve­ Ukrainian Orthodox faithful 'Ukrainian families to Valley choral, dance and instru­ The captive nations, <both in the Soviet Union and in the ment in the world Orthodoxy, Also discussed were plane for River in the Dauphin district mental groups, innovations in- satellite countries, have defied and resisted Soviet Russian at a time when the Ecume­ external actions to be taker until the autumn of 1896. Set­ con tests and competitions, efforts to suppress their freedom and their undying quest nical Patriarchy cased to have towards stronger recognition ting there, they named their and constant enrichment of for national statehood. As stated in the resolution that under­ any canonical reservations of the UAOC and the Ukra­ ^colony Trembowla, and erec­ the fine arts. lies Public* Law 86-90: "...The desire for liberty and indepen­ regarding our hierarchy and inian Orthodox faithful. ted a Cross of Freedom in 1897 The talent show featured at dence by the overwhelming majority of the people of these began to ignore the attacks The Synod heard two mair ^to symbolize their newly the festival is the largest U- submerged nations constitute a powerful deterrent to war of the Moscow Patriarchy adresses in- the course of thr ^found freedom. krainian show of its kind on against our Church." 'Continued on p. 2) the North American conti­ and one of the best hopes for a just and lasting peace..." What started as a small Brezhnev and his brand of policies will bring neither nent. It contains three main town festival in 1966, has de­ categories: instrumental, vo­ peace iior justice to the peoples of the world. He has re~ veloped over the years into a , maincd a Stalinist, and his policies of Russification of the Shevchenko Foundation cal and dance. The 1972 edi­ ;.unique four-day colorful pa- tion attracted 156 entries Ukrainian people clearly indicate that he is not a believer Contributed $76,000 i jfieant of Ukrainian culture. in peace. from all parte of Canada, and Consequently, while observing this year's Captive Na­ To Cultural Causes >The password /'Vitayemo" selection was based on au­ greets thousands of visitors thentic Ukrainian costume, tions Week, we strongly urge all UCCA Branches and mem­ WINNIPEG, Man. — This contributions of $75.474.9? ber organizations to do the following: .jouring in irom the U.S. and quality and overall perfor­ year's annual meeting of the increased the Foundation? Canada. A festive atmosphere TAKE active part in ail public observances and gather­ mance. Board of Directors of the funds to a sum of $518,132.95 surrounds the many activites This year, an amateur ta­ ings marking this year's Captive Nations Week, along with Shevchenko Foundation re­ Among these were 31 contri planned in the downtown area other American and ethnic patriotic organizations; lent show, which will Include ported that in the past ten butors of $1,000 and mpre and the events presented at junior and senior competi­ APPEAL to U.S. Senators and Congressmen to call the years over $76,000 was ap­ four benefactors of $5,00C the Dauphin Memorial Com­ attention of/the U.8. Government to the plight of the cap­ tion, and a Ukrainian dance propriated for various Ukra­ and more. The benefactors munity Centre. The festival competition ranging from no­ tive nations' and the persistent violations of the basic human inian cultural causes in Ca­ are: Nicholas Karpiuk of Ve- program consists of art shows, rights of these peoples by the USSR and its subservient vice to senior, will be held nada. The meeting, which greville, Nicholas Spachyn- concerts by Ukrainian choral, Thursday. Friday and Satur­ Communist puppets in Europe and Asia; marked the Foundation's 10th sky of Edmonton, Ivan anc instrumental and dancing en­ APPEAL to the Governors and Mayors in the United day, August 2-4. anniversary since being char­ Anelia Mazurynok of Toronto sembles, amateur talent Since the first Ukrainian States to honor this singular event by issuing special Cap­ tered by an act of the Cana­ and Dr. Hlynka of Winnipeg .mows, sports competition, a tive Nations Week proclamations in their respective states National Festival in 1966, the dian parliament, was held The board of directors ac­ multi-float parade through outdoor grandstand show was and cities, thus demonstrating their belief in the cause of here Tuesday, June 5. cepted the report on the the streets of this Ukrainian universal human freedom and justice; known for presenting the best Dr.
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