Air knife-Belt-cleaning system that applications, as well as in the directs a stream of air to shear off carcass of conveyor belting. carryback. Arc of contact-The circumferential Air-supported conveyor-A conveyor portion of a pulley engaged by a that uses a conventional belt, belt. (877)-544-BELT pulleys, and drive but is supported on its carrying side by a thin film of ASME-Acronym for American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Glossary air instead of idlers. Aspect ratio-A ratio of comparing Air-to-media ratio-Used to describe the thickness of the top and bottom A dust-collection filters, the air-to- media ratio is the flow of air in cubic covers of a belt. 3 Abrasion-Wearing away by friction, meters per second (ft /min) divided ASTM-Acronym for American as by rubbing or scraping. by the area of filtration media in Society for Testing and Materials. square meters (ft2). Access door-Point of entry into an B enclosed area, typically with a Amplitude-Half the extent of a vibration, oscillation, or wave; the method of closure. Backstop-A mechanical or electric measurement above or below the braking device used to prevent a Active dust collection-See dust- base or centerline. loaded, inclined conveyor belt from collection system. Anemometer-Device used to rolling backwards if the motor Adhesion-The bonding strength measure air velocity. stops. Also referred to as a between two materials. “holdback clutch” or “clutch brake.” Angle of attack-The angle at which Aeration device-Device mounted a cleaning blade is placed against Back welding-A method of welding inside a vessel that adds low the belt. in which at each weld, the bead is pressure/high-volume air to drawn back toward the welded end. materials that have become Angle of repose-The angle or slope Backstep welding-A weld applied to compacted and hard to allow them that a conveyed material will the back side of the joint; commonly to flow efficiently again, sometimes assume when discharged onto an called back welding. called aeration diffusers, pads, or open pile. nozzles. ANSI-Acronym for American Baghouse-A closed structure that contains a set of filter bags to Agglomeration-Process or act of National Standards Institute capture airborne dust. gathering into a mass; creating Apron feeder-A series of larger, heavier, groupings of overlapping metal plates mounted Beater bar-A device (usually a roller particles. on a rotating chain that are used to device with an external bar) which strikes another object with the Aging-The exposure to an transport heavy, lumpy, or abrasive object of removing material environment for a period of time. material. accumulation. Air cannon-A device that uses AR plate-Abrasion-resistant steel Bed-Some variety of low-friction periodic blasts of compressed air to plate commonly used for wear liner bars or other flat surface to support clear away material buildup inside at transfer points. the belt profile instead of using an pipes or transfer chutes. Aramid fibers-A class of strong, idler’s rolling “cans.” heat-resistant synthetic fibers used in aerospace and military Belt clamp-Beams or metal plates Belt grade-A classification of belt Belt-support system-The secured transversely across both cover based on its properties, components below the carrying side belt ends to hold them in a desired designed to provide a reference for of the belt that support the weight position. end users as to what belts to use in of belting and cargo. different applications. Belt cleaner-A device that uses one Belt tracking-The actions a person or more tensioned blades mounted Belt modulus-The force per unit takes to get the belt to track on a supporting structure to remove width of belt required to produce a consistently. material that clings to the carrying stated percentage of elongation. Belt training-The actions a person surface of a conveyor belt beyond Belt profile-The shape of the belt, takes to get the belt to track the normal discharge point. particularly its upper (carrying) consistently. Belt-cleaner effect-Where the surface. Belt-cleaner blade-The element of a pressure of a sealing system against Belt runout-A condition where a belt cleaner that comes into contact the belt removes residual material conveyor belt moves too far to with the belt. from the belt surface, as when the either side of its properly-centered tail seal removes material from the path; also referred to belt Bend pulley-A pulley used to belt where it enters the loading change the direction (or “bend”) of “mistracking” or “wander.” zone. a conveyor belt. Belt sag-The vertical deflection of a Belt-cleaning system-A belt cleaner, Bias cut-A cut of the belt ends made conveyor belt from a straight line or a group of belt cleaners and between idlers, usually expressed as diagonally, that is at an angle less associated equipment (such as than 90 degrees (usually 22°) to the a percentage of the center spacing mounts and tensioners), as located longitudinal axis. of the idlers. on one conveyor. Blockout-A safety procedure Belt slip-The speed differential Belt conveyor-A flexible rubber between the belt and pulley involving the prevention of a system endless belt, looped over a from moving by physically holding it surface. framework of rollers and pulleys, in position. that is used to transport material Belt slip switch-A switch that shuts from a load zone to a discharge down a conveyor drive motor when Boilover-A problem where material overflows the chute, caused by point. it senses the belt moving at a slower chute blockages. speed than the drive pulley. Belt fastener-A mechanical device Booster drive-Used in some long for holding two ends of a conveyor Belt stretch-The increase in belt belt together. length that takes place when conveyors to reduce the power/tension at the drive pulley. Belt feeder-A short, flat, variable- tension is imposed. Elastic stretch is a temporary change in length that speed conveyor belt used to Bottom cover-The non-carrying belt varies directly with the pull. transfer, or “feed,” material from side towards the pulleys. Permanent stretch is the residual one component to another in a change in length after tension has Boundary friction-See interface material transport system. The been removed; it generally friction. material feed rate can be adjusted accumulates over a period of time. by speeding up or slowing down the Bow-A concave curve of the belt. belt. Belt-support cradles-A method of Breaker, breaker fabric-An extra ply belt support without rolling Belt flap-An up and down oscillation incorporated in the belt carcass for components, using slider or impact of a belt between idlers. shock-absorption. beds. Brush cleaner-A belt-cleaning Carrying run-The upper run of a is transferred from one piece of device that uses a rotating brush to conveyor belt used to transport equipment to another. clean carryback material from the material from a load zone to a Chute wall-The walls of the loading return run of a conveyor belt. discharge point. chute and sometimes the transfer- Carrying side-The side of the point skirtboard. conveyor or belting that would contact the material cargo. Chutewall-See Skirtboard. Classifier-A piece of equipment C Catenary idler-A flexible idler set used to sort and separate material where the rollers are suspended on by size. CAD-Acronym for Computer-Aided a flexible link, rope, or chain Design. structure and the ends are Cleaner-A device for removing supported in pivoted stands. The Camber-A convex curve of the belt adherent material from the belt. tube or rollers sag to form the (see bow). trough. Also called a Garland idler. Cleat, cleated belt-Objects on or Cantilever-A projecting beam or raised sections of a conveyor belt, CEMA-Acronym for Conveyor structure supported at one end. used to stabilize material carried up Equipment Manufacturers an incline. Capacity-The maximum material Association. load on the belt, cargo, or CMMS-Acronym for computerized Center-to-center-The distance throughput. maintenance-management system, between the center of two pulleys a system that tracks maintenance Capture velocity-The amount of air or idlers. Sometimes also called work and its costs. speed required to gather an centers or center distance. airborne dust particle into a dust- Coefficient of friction-The ratio of Ceramic-faced wear liner-A lining collection system. the force required to slide two using ceramic blocks or tiles for surfaces to the force pressing them Carcass-The fabric, cord and/or improved resistance to abrasion. together; equal to the tangent of metal reinforcing section of a belt, the interface friction angle. CFM or cfm-Abbreviation for “cubic as distinguished from the rubber feet-per-minute” in airflow cover. Cohesion-A material’s internal calculations. strength. CARP-Acronym for “Constant Angle Chamfer-To cut at an angle, as a Radial Pressure,” a belt-cleaning Cold splice-A type of belt splice in bevel. blade design concept to maintaining which the layers of a conveyor belt are overlapped and bonded cleaning angle as the blade wears. Chatter, blade chatter-The rapid together with an adhesive vibration of a belt cleaner that is not Carryback-Conveyed material that compound. aligned properly with a conveyor clings to the surface of a belt past belt. the nominal discharge point. If not Concave-Curved inward; bow is a concave curve in the belt. removed by a belt-cleaning system, Chevron, chevron belt-A V-shaped these particles become dislodged ridge on the carrying side of a belt Confined space-A potentially along the return run and pile up to keep material from rolling down hazardous enclosed area; access is beneath the belt.
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