Glebe House Compton Bishop Glebe House Compton Bishop, Somerset Bristol 20 miles, Wells 15 miles, Motorway (J21&22) 4 miles, Bristol Airport 12 miles (All distances and times are approximate) Beautiful double fronted home in an unrivalled position with National Trust land adjoining and forming a beautiful backdrop. 5 reception rooms | 5 bedrooms | 4 bathrooms Separate 2 bed cottage | Outbuildings EPC Rating: E In all about 1.69 ha (4.18 acres) Knight Frank Bristol Roderick Thomas Wells Regent House, 27a Regent Street 1 Priory Road, Wells Clifton, Bristol BS8 4HR Somerset, BA5 1SR 0117 317 1991 01749 670079 [email protected] [email protected] knightfrank.co.uk roderickthomas.co.uk Situation The deligh ul village of Compton Bishop is surrounded on three sides by approximately 750 acres of National Tru land and Crooks Peak, being in an area of out anding natural beauty. The village has a 13th Century church and the village of Cross is in the same parish which has a village hall and two public houses. The nearby medieval town of Axbridge (approximately 2 miles away) is full of ‘old world’ charm and its medieval beginnings are ill evident in some of its olde buildings. Facilities include a po o ce, general ores, primary school and a number of re aurants. Nearby villages in Winscombe and Cheddar provide further facilities. Primary and nursery schools are available at Weare and Axbridge with older children a ending Kings of Wessex School at Cheddar. Schools in the private se or can be found in Sidcot, Wells, Street, Bri ol and Taunton. Access to the M5 motorway is at jun ion 21 & 22 (approximately 8 miles away) with an international airport at Lulsgate and railway conne ions at We on-Super-Mare, Ya on and Bri ol. Glebe House A deligh ul and elegant double fronted house which has meticulously been extended and updated inside and out. The reception rooms feed o the large hall and the garden room, which is a recent extension, gives dire access to the gardens; as does the conservatory. The well fi ed kitchen and utility room incorporate numerous appliances as well as an Aga and seamlessly conne with the conservatory and dining room. The upper fl oors include a ma er bedroom with a fully fi ed dressing room and luxurious en-suite bathroom which views across National tru land. The four remaining bedrooms have the use of three further bathrooms. Gardens and Grounds The property is approached through ele rically operated gates and the drive leads to the side of the house passing the immaculate lawns. Beyond the parking area is a converted building with two bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen and double height reception room. It is fanta ic additional ace for gue s, extended family or ace for those who work from home. A garage and abling complete the outbuildings and lead on to two fi elds which adjoin National Tru land. The gardens wrap around the house and there are a number of terraces that enjoy the view, mo notably the terrace to the front of the house. The grounds total in all about 1.69 ha (4.18 acres) Services Oil fi red central heating, mains ele ricity & water, private drainage. Local Authority & Cou ncil Ta x Sedgemoor Di ri Council. Tel - 0845 408 2540. Directions (BS26 2HL) Take the A38 from Bri ol passing Bri ol International Airport, Sidcot and Winscombe. Go pa the Axbridge turn o and turn right at the bo om of the hill sign po ed for Compton Bishop & Loxton. Follow this road for approximately 1 mile and take the second right in to the village of Compton Bishop. Take the fi r le and Glebe House is the second and la house on the right. Viewing Viewing is ri ly by prior appointment with the selling agents. Glebe House, Compton Bishop Glebe House, Compton Bishop Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright 2020. All Rights Reserved. Licence number 100022432 Plotted Scale - 1:2000. Paper Size - A4 Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright 2020. All Rights Reserved. Licence number 100022432 Plotted Scale - 1:2000. Paper Size - A4 For identification purposes only For identification purposes only Glebe House, Kitchen Bedroom 2 Bedroom 1 3.55 x 2.99m Vicarage Lane, 4.00x 2.97m 4.23 x 3.41m 11'8" x 9'10" Glebe House, 13'2" x 9'9" 13'11" x 11'2" Compton Bishop, Kitchen Bedroom 2 Glebe House, Bedroom 1 Kitchen Glebe House,Bedroom3.55 2 x 2.99m 4.00x 2.97m Bedroom 14.23 x 3.41m 3.55 x 2.99m11'8" x 9'10" Bedroom 2 VicarageBS26 2HL Lane, 4.00x 2.97m13'2" x 9'9" Kitchen VicarageGlebe Lane, House, 4.23 x 3.41m13'11" x 11'2" 11'8" x 9'10" Bedroom 1 3.55 x 2.99m 13'2" x 9'9" Kitchen 13'11" x 11'2" Bedroom 2 4.00x 2.97m 4.23 x 3.41m Bedroom 1 Vicarage Lane,3.55 x 2.99m 11'8" x 9'10" GlebeGlebe House, House,Compton Bishop, 4.00x 2.97m Cottage First Floor 13'2" x 9'9" 13'11" x 11'2" ComptonMain Bishop, House Kitchen 4.23 x 3.41m BedroomBedroom 2 2 11'8" x 9'10" Vicarage Lane, Kitchen 13'2" x 9'9"Bedroom 1 13'11" x 11'2" 3.55 x 2.99m GlebeGlebeGlebe House,House, House, 4.00x 2.97m Bedroom 1 Glebe House,3.55 x 2.99m BedroomBedroom 2 2 GlebeBS26 2HL House 4.00x 2.97m 4.23 x Kitchen4.233.41mKitchen x 3.41m 11'8" x 9'10" Bedroom 2 Bedroom 2 Vicarage Lane,4843 Sq Ft - 450 Sq M Kitchen 11'8" x 9'10" Vicarage Lane, 13'2" x13'2" 9'9" x 9'9" 13'11" x 11'2" BedroomBedroomComptonBedroom 1 1 1 Bishop,3.553.55 x3.55 x2.99m 2.99m x 2.99m Kitchen BS26 2HLCompton Bishop, Sitting Room4.00x4.00x13'11"4.00x 2.97m 2.97m x 11'2"2.97m 4.234.23 x x3.41m 3.41m Bedroom 1 3.55 x 2.99m Glebe House, VicarageVicarage Lane,Lane, 4.23 x 3.41m Bedroom 2 11'8"11'8" 11'8"x x9'10" 9'10" x 9'10" Glebe House,Main HouseVicarage Lane, Kitchen 6.23 x 3.52m13'2"13'2" 13'2"x x9'9" 9'9" x 9'9" 13'11"13'11" x x11'2" 11'2" Cottage First Floor 4.00x 2.97m 4.23 x 3.41m ComptonCompton Bishop, Bishop, Kitchen Bedroom 1 Vicarage13'11" x 11'2"Bedroom Lane,3.55 2 x 2.99m 11'8" x 9'10" BS26Cottage 2HL 4.00x 2.97m 20'5"Bedroom x 11'7" 1 Cottage3.55 x 2.99m First Floor 13'2" x 9'9" Main House 4.00x 2.97m 4.23 x 3.41mGlebe House,BS26 2HL11'8" x 9'10" 13'11" x 11'2" Vicarage4843 Lane, SqComptonCompton ComptonFt - 450 Bishop,Bishop, SqBishop, M 13'2" x 9'9" 4.23 x 3.41m13'11" x 11'2" 11'8" x 9'10" Bedroom 2 VicarageBS26 2HL Lane,GlebeGlebeGlebe House,House, House, 13'2" x 9'9" BedroomBedroom 2 2 Kitchen GlebeBS26 2HL667 Sq Ft House- 62 Sq M KitchenSittingKitchen13'11" Room x 11'2" Cottage FirstBedroom Floor 2 Bedroom 1 3.55 x 2.99m Glebe4843 House, SqMain Ft - House 450 Sq M Kitchen BedroomBedroomCompton 1 1 Bedroom Bishop, 2 3.553.55 x x2.99m 2.99m 4.00x 2.97m Compton Bishop,BS26BS26BS26 2HL2HL 2HL Kitchen 4.00x4.00x6.23 2.97m 2.97mx 3.52m Bedroom 1 3.55 x 2.99m 4.23 x 3.41m Cottage11'8" x 9'10" First Floor ComptonCompton Bishop, Bishop BS26 Sitting Room 4.00xBedroom 2.97m 1 Vicarage4.234.23 x4.23 x3.41m 3.41m x 3.41mMain Lane,3.55 Housex 2.99m 11'8"11'8" 11'8"x x9'10" 9'10" x 9'10" VicarageVicarageCottage Lane,Lane, 4.00x 2.97m 20'5" x 11'7" Cottage First Floor 13'2" x 9'9" MainMain House HouseVicarage4843Garage Sq FtLane, - 450 Sq M 6.23 x 3.52m13'2"13'2" 13'2"x x9'9"4.23 9'9" x 9'9"x 3.41m 13'11"13'11"13'11" x x11'2" 11'2" x 11'2" Cottage11'8" x 9'10" First Floor 13'11" x 11'2" Vicarage Lane, 13'2" x 9'9" CottageCottage First First Floor Floor BS26CottageGlebeGlebeGlebe 2HL House,House, House,MainMainMain HouseHouse House 20'5" x 11'7"Sitting13'11" Room x 11'2" BS26 2HL Cottage First Floor GlebeBS26 2HLComptonCompton667 Sq House Ft Bishop,Bishop, - 62 Sq M KitchenKitchen 4843 Sq BedroomFtBedroomBedroom -2 2 2450 Sq M Compton362 Sq Ft Bishop, - 34 Sq M Kitchen 48434843 Sq SqFt Ft- 450 - 450 Sq SqM M 6.23 x 3.52m BedroomBedroomComptonBedroom 1 1 1 Bishop,3.553.55 x3.55 x2.99m 2.99m x 2.99m Compton667 Sq Bishop, FtCottage - 62 Sq M 4.00x4.00x4.00x 2.97m 2.97m 2.97m20'5" x 11'7" MainVicarageVicarage HouseApproximate Lane,Lane,484348434843 Gross SqSq Sq FtFt Internal Ft -- 450-450 450 Floor SqSq Sq MAreaM M Sitting SittingRoom Room 4.234.23 x4.23 x3.41m 3.41m x 3.41m Cottage First11'8"11'8" 11'8"x x9'10"Floor 9'10" x 9'10" Sitting Room Main HouseVicarageBS26BS26Garage 2HL2HL Lane, 6.23 x 3.52m13'2"13'2" 13'2"x x9'9" 9'9" x 9'9" 13'11"13'11" x x11'2" 11'2" Cottage First Floor Cottage First Floor ComptonCottage BS26 2HL Bishop BS26 6.23 x 3.52m SittingSittingSitting Room Room13'11" Room x 11'2"Main House 6.23 x 3.52m BS26Cottage 2HL 667 Sq Ft - 62 Sq M 20'5" x 11'7" 4843GarageComptonCompton SqMain TotalFt Bishop,-HouseBishop, CottageArea450 Sq= 420 M sq m/4,843 sq ft 20'5" x 11'7" 6.236.23 x6.23 x3.52m 3.52m x BS263.52m 2HLCottage 20'5" x 11'7" 4843 Sq ComptonFt 362- 450 Sq SqBishop,Cottage FtCottage M - 34 Sq M Cottage20'5"20'5" Ground 20'5"x x11'7" 11'7" x 11'7" Floor CottageCottageCottage First First First Floor Floor Floor 667667 Sq SqFtMain Main Ft-Main 62 - HouseHouse 62Sq House SqM M Sitting Room Cottage First Floor Main362 House Sq FtGarage5872 Cottage- 34 Sq Sq Ft =M -62 546 sq Sqm/667 M sq ft Sitting Room6.23 x 3.52m 4843 Sq Ft - 450 Sq M BS26BS26BS26 2HL2HL 2HL667667667 SqSq Sq FtFt Ft -- 62-62 62 SqSq Sq MM M 6.23 x 3.52m 667 Sq Ft - 62 Sq M Cottage First Floor ComptonCottage484348434843 SqSq Sq FtFt Bishop Ft -- 450-450 450 SqSq Sq MM M BS26 20'5" x 11'7" Main House Loft Sitting Room Cottage4843GarageGarage Sq Ft Total362- 450Garage Sq Area Sq Ft =M - 34 34 sq Sq m/362 M sq ft 20'5" x 11'7" Loft 667MainMain Sq HouseFtHouse - 62GarageGarage SqGarage M SittingCottageSittingSitting Room Room Room Ground Floor CottageCottageCottage First First First Floor Floor Floor 6.23 x 3.52m 667 SqTotal FtMain Area - 62Total House Sq Area M = 546 sq m/5,872 sq ft Sitting Room 6.236.23 x6.23 x3.52m 3.52m x 3.52m
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