US 20170 105432A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2017/0105432 A1 Karanewsky et al. (43) Pub. Date: Apr. 20, 2017 (54) SWEETENER AND FLAVOR ENHANCER A6IR 9/00 (2006.01) FORMULATIONS A2.3L 2/60 (2006.01) A6II 47/26 (2006.01) (71) Applicant: Senomyx, Inc., San Diego, CA (US) (52) U.S. Cl. CPC ........... A23L I/22678 (2013.01); A23L I/236 (72) Inventors: Donald S. Karanewsky, Escondido, (2013.01): A2.3L. I./22091 (2013.01); A23L CA (US); Catherine Tachdjian, San I/22685 (2013.01); A23L 2/60 (2013.01): Diego, CA (US); Guy Servant, San A2.3L 2/56 (2013.01); A61K 47/46 (2013.01); Diego, CA (US) A61K 47/26 (2013.01); A61K 47/22 (2013.01); A61K 9/0095 (2013.01); A61K 9/0053 (21) Appl. No.: 14/885,770 (2013.01); A23 V 2002/00 (2013.01) (22)22) FileFiled: Oct.c. 16,10, 2015 (57) ABSTRACT Publication Classification Formulations comprising one or more Sweetener and one or (51) Int. Cl. more flavor modifying compound are provided herein, A2.3L I/30 (2006.01) wherein the formulation is provided for use in ingestible A2.3L 2/56 (2006.01) products, such as food or beverage products or pharmaceu A6 IK 47/46 (2006.01) tical, or for use in non-comestible products, such as cosmetic A6 IK 47/22 (2006.01) or hygienic products. US 2017/O 105432 A1 Apr. 20, 2017 SWEETENER AND FLAVOR ENHANCER any natural or synthesized Sweet flavor compound that FORMULATIONS elicits a perception of Sweetness. In some embodiments, the Sweetener is a non-caloric Sweetener, a reduced calorie BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Sweetener, or a non-target caloric Sweetener. 0001 Field 0011. In some embodiments, the flavor modifying com 0002 The present disclosure relates to the field of flavor pound is a flavor modifying compound as disclosed in U.S. enhancers and Sweeteners in foods, beverages, pharmaceu Application Publication No. 2008/0306093, entitled “Modu ticals, and other ingestible compositions. More specifically, lation of Chemosensory Receptors and Ligands Associated the present disclosure relates to combinations of sweet Therewith, filed Jun. 8, 2007, which is incorporated herein tasting compounds with flavor modifying compounds. by reference in its entirety. In some embodiments, the flavor 0003 Background Description modifying compound is an embodiment of a flavor modi 0004. The taste system provides sensory information fying compound as disclosed in U.S. Application Publica about the chemical composition of the external world. Taste transduction is one of the most Sophisticated forms of tion No. 2011/0245494, entitled “Processes and intermedi chemical-triggered sensation in animals. Signaling of taste is ates for making sweet taste enhancers', filed Jul. 29, 2009, found throughout the animal kingdom, from simple meta which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. In Zoans to the most complex of vertebrates. Mammals are Some embodiments, the flavor modifying compound is an believed to recognize five basic taste modalities: Sweet, embodiment of a flavor modifying compound as disclosed in bitter, Sour, Salty, and umami (the taste of monosodium U.S. Application Publication No. 2014/0107370, entitled glutamate, a.k.a. Savory taste), through specific chemosen “Processes and intermediates for making Sweet taste enhanc sory receptors and ion channels located at the Surface of taste ers, filed Oct. 15, 2013, which is incorporated herein by receptor cells located in taste buds. reference in its entirety. In some embodiments, the flavor 0005 Today, the average American consumes almost 152 modifying compound is an embodiment of a flavor modi pounds of Sugar in one year. This is equal to 3 pounds (or 6 fying compound as disclosed in U.S. Application Publica cups) of Sugar consumed in one week. Obesity, diabetes, and tion No. 2011/0245353, entitled “Sweet flavor modifier, cardiovascular disease are health concerns on the rise glob filed Mar. 31, 2011, which is incorporated herein by refer ally, but are growing at alarming rates in the United States. ence in its entirety. In some embodiments, the flavor modi Sugar and calories are key components that can be limited fying compound is an embodiment of a flavor modifying to render a positive nutritional effect on health. High compound as disclosed in U.S. Application Publication No. intensity Sweeteners can provide the Sweetness of Sugar, 2014/01284.81, entitled “Sweet flavor modifier, filed Oct. with various taste qualities. Because they are many times 23, 2013, which is incorporated herein by reference in its Sweeter than Sugar, much less of the Sweetener is required to entirety. replace the Sugar. As a result, many industries are using Sweeteners in place of Sugar. 0012. Thus, in some embodiments, the formulation hav 0006. However, sweeteners such as saccharin and ing a Sweetener and one or more flavor modifying com 6-methyl-1,2,3-oxathiazin-4(3H)-one-2,2-dioxide potas pound comprises the flavor modifying compound defined by sium salt (acesulfame potassium) are commonly character Formula I: ized as having undesirable bitter and/or metallic aftertastes. Products prepared with 2,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid are claimed to display reduced undesirable aftertastes associated (I) with Sweeteners, and do so at concentrations below those concentrations at which their own tastes are perceptible. In contrast, Some high-intensity Sweeteners, notably Sucralose (1,6-dichloro-1, 6-dideoxy-3-D-fructofuranosyl-4-chloro-4- deoxy-C-D-galacto-pyranoside) and aspartame (N-L-C.-as partyl-L-phenylalanine methyl ester), display clean Sweet O H NH O tastes very similar to that of sugar (S. G. Wiet and G. A. Miller, Food Chemistry, 58(4):305-311 (1997)). In other O words, these compounds are not characterized as having bitter or metallic aftertastes. 0007 Some high intensity sweeteners such as sucralose or a salt thereof. and aspartame are reported to have Sweetness delivery 0013. In other embodiments, the formulation could problems, i.e., delayed onset and lingering of Sweetness (S. include a Sweetener, a different flavor modifying compound, G. Wiet, et al., J. Food Sci., 58(3):599-602, 666 (1993)). and a flavor modifying compound comprising a compound 0008 Hence, there is a need for formulations of Sweet eners that have desirable characteristics. defined by Formula I. 0014 Some embodiments provide an ingestible compo SUMMARY sition, comprising a compound having the structure of 0009. In some embodiments provided herein is a formu Formula (I) and a sweetener. lation comprising one or more Sweetener in combination 0015. In some embodiments, the formulation having a with one or more flavor modifying compound. Sweetener and one or more flavor modifying compound 0010. In some embodiments, the sweetener is a com comprises the flavor modifying compound defined by For pound with Sweet flavor including without any limitation mula II: US 2017/O 105432 A1 Apr. 20, 2017 ers by imparting a more Sugar-like taste or characteristic by (II) utilizing natural Sweeteners in conjunction with other natural H. or synthetic Sweeteners. In some embodiments, the ingest os-N ible compositions provide a more Sugar-like temporal pro file, including Sweetness onset and Sweetness linger, and/or N& a more Sugar-like flavor profile. 0021. In some embodiments, the ingestible composition H can be food or beverage products. NH O 0022. In some embodiments, the beverage can be selected from enhanced sparkling beverages, fruit juices, fruit-flavored juices, juice drinks, nectars, vegetable juices, vegetable-flavored juices, sports drinks, energy drinks, or a salt thereof. enhanced water drinks, enhanced water with vitamins, near 0016. In other embodiments, the formulation could water drinks, coconut waters, tea-type drinks, coffees, cocoa include a Sweetener, a different flavor modifying compound, drinks, beverages containing milk components, beverages and a flavor modifying compound comprising a compound containing cereal extracts, and Smoothies. defined by Formula II. 0023. In some embodiments, the ingestible composition 0017. Some embodiments provide an ingestible compo can be pharmaceutical products, nutritional products, dietary sition, comprising a compound having the structure of Supplements, or over-the-counter medications. In some Formula (II) and a sweetener. embodiments, the non-ingestible composition can be oral 0.018. In some embodiments, the combination of one or care products, hygienic or cosmetic products. more Sweetener and one or more flavor modifying com 0024. These and other embodiments, advantages, and pound is included in an ingestible composition, Such as food features of the present invention are provided in part in the or beverage products, pharmaceutical products, nutritional description that follows, and in part will be obvious from the products, dietary Supplements, over-the-counter medica description, or may be learned by practice of the invention. tions, or non-ingestible formulations. Such as oral care It is to be understood that both the foregoing general products, hygienic products, cleansing products, or cosmetic description and the following detailed description are exem products. plary and explanatory only and are not restrictive of the 0019. In addition to the features described above, addi invention as described. tional features and variations will be readily apparent from the following description. It is to be understood that the DEFINITIONS following description describes typical alternatives, and is 0025. Unless defined otherwise, all technical and scien not intended to be limiting in Scope. Although this invention tific terms used herein have the same meaning as is com is described in various exemplary alternatives and imple monly understood by one of ordinary skill in the art to which mentation as provided herein, it should be understood that this disclosure belongs. All patents, applications, published the various features, aspects, and functionality described in applications, and other publications are incorporated by one or more of the individual alternatives are not limited in reference in their entirety.
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