The 613 Mitzvot P33: The Priestly garments P62: Bringing salt with every (Commandments) P34: Kohanim bearing the offering According to the Rambam Ark on their shoulders P63: The Burnt-Offering P35: The oil of the P64: The Sin-Offering Anointment P65: The Guilt-Offering P36: Kohanim ministering in P66: The Peace-Offering 248 Positive Mitzvot watches P67: The Meal-Offering Mitzvot aseh P37: Kohanim defiling P68: Offerings of a Court that themselves for deceased has erred P1: Believing in God relatives P69: The Fixed Sin-Offering P2: Unity of God P38: Kohen Gadol should P70: The Suspensive Guilt- P3: Loving God only marry a virgin Offering P4: Fearing God P39: Daily Burnt Offerings P71: The Unconditional Guilt- P5: Worshiping God P40: Kohen Gadol's daily Offering P6: Cleaving to God Meal Offering P72: The Offering of a Higher P7: Taking an oath by God's P41: The Shabbat Additional or Lower Value Name Offering P73: Making confession P8: Walking in God's ways P42: The New Moon P74: Offering brought by a P9: Sanctifying God's Name Additional Offering zav (man with a discharge) P10: Reading the Shema P43: The Pesach Additional P75: Offering brought by a twice daily Offering zavah (woman with a P11: Studying and teaching P44: The Meal Offering of the discharge) Torah Omer P76: Offering of a woman P12: Wearing Tephillin of the P45: The Shavuot Additional after childbirth head Offering P77: Offering brought by a P13: Wearing Tephillin of the P46: Bring Two Loaves on leper hand Shavuot P78: Tithe of Cattle P14: To make Tzitzit P47: The Rosh Hashana P79: Sanctifying the Firstborn P15: To affix a Mezuzah Additional Offering P80: Redeeming the First- P16: Hakhel during Sukkot P48: The Yom Kippur born P17: A king should write a Additional Offering P81: Redeeming the firstling Torah P49: The Service of Yom of a donkey P18: Everyone should write a Kippur P82: Breaking the neck of the Torah P50: The Sukkot Offering firstling of a donkey P19: Grace after meals P51: The Shemini Atzeret P83: Bringing due offerings P20: Building a Sanctuary for Additional Offering on the first festival God P52: The three annual P84: All offerings to be P21: Revering the Beis pilgrimages brought to the Sanctuary Hamikdosh P53: Appearing before the P85: Bring all offerings due P22: Guarding the Mikdosh Lord during the Festivals from outside Eretz Yisrael to P23: Levitical services in the P54: Rejoicing on the Sanctuary Mikdosh Festivals P86: Redeeming blemished P24: Ablutions of the P55: Slaughtering the offerings Kohanim Pesach Offering P87: Holiness of substituted P25: Kindling the lamps by P56: Eating the Pesach offerings the Kohanim Offering P88: Kohanim eat the residue P26: Kohanim blessing Israel P57: Slaughtering the of the Meal Offerings P27: The Showbread Pesach Sheni Offering P89: Kohanim eat the meat P28: Burning the Incense P58: Eating the Pesach of the Consecrated Offerings P29: The perpetual fire on Sheni Offering P90: To burn Consecrated the Altar P59: Blowing the trumpets in Offerings that have become P30: Removing the ashes the Sanctuary tameh from the Altar P60: Minimum age of cattle P91: To burn the remnant of P31: Removing tameh to be offered the Consecrated Offerings persons from the camp P61: Offering only P92: The Nazir letting his hair P32: Honoring the Kohanim unblemished sacrifices grow 1 P93: Nazirite obligations on P126: To set aside the great P152: Searching for the completion of vow Heaveoffering prescribed signs in fishes P94: All oral submissions to P127: To set aside the first P153: Determining the New be fulfilled tithe Moon P95: Revocation of vows P128: To set aside the P154: Resting on Shabbat P96: Defilement through second tithe P155: Proclaiming the carcasses of animals P129: The Levites' tithe for sanctity of Shabbat P97: Defilement through the Kohanim P156: Removal of chametz carcasses of eight creeping P130: To set aside the poor- on Pesach creatures man's tithe in the third and P157: Recounting Exodus P98: Defilement of food and sixth year from Egypt on first night of drink P131: The avowal of the tithe Pesach P99: Tumah of a menstruant P132: Recital on bringing the P158: Eating Matzah on the P100: Tumah of a woman First-fruits first night of Pesach after childbirth P133: To set aside the P159: Resting on the first day P101: Tumah of a leper Challah for the Kohen of Pesach P102: Garments P134: Renouncing as P160: Resting on the seventh contaminated by leprosy ownerless produce of the day of Pesach P103: A leprous house Sabbatical year P161: Counting the Omer P104: Tumah of a zav (man P135: Resting the land on the P162: Resting on Shavuot with a discharge) Sabbatical year P163: Resting on Rosh P105: Tumah of semen P136: Sanctifying the Jubilee Hashana P106: Tumah of a zavah year P164: Fasting on Yom Kippur (woman with a discharge) P137: Blowing the Shofar in P165: Resting on Yom Kippur P107: Tumah of a corpse the Jubilee year P166: Resting on the first day P108: The law of the water of P138: Reversion of the land of Sukkot sprinkling in the Jubilee year P167: Resting on Shemini P109: Immersing in a mikveh P139: Redemption of Atzeret P110: Cleansing from property in a walled city P168: Dwelling in a Sukkah Leprosy P140: Counting the years till for seven days P111: A leper must shave his the Jubilee year P169: Taking a Lulav on head P141: Canceling monetary Sukkot P112: The leper must be claims in the Sabbatical year P170: Hearing a Shofar on made distinguishable P142: Exacting debts from Rosh Hashana P113: Ashes of the Red idolaters P171: Giving half a shekel Heifer P143: The Kohen's due in the annually P114: Valuation of a person slaughter of every clean P172: Heeding the Prophets P115: Valuation of beasts animal P173: Appointing a King P116: Valuation of houses P144: The first of the fleece P174: Obeying the Great P117: Valuation of fields to be given to the Kohen Court P118: Restitution for P145: Devoted thing to God P175: Abiding by a majority Sacrilege and the Kohen decision P119: The fruits of the fourth- P146: Slaughtering animals P176: Appointing Judges and year planting before eating them Officers of the Court P120: To leave the corners P147: Covering the blood of P177: Treating litigants (Peah) for the poor slain birds and animals equally before the law P121: To leave gleanings for P148: Releasing the mother P178: Testifying in Court the poor before taking the nest P179: Inquiring into the P122: To leave the forgotten P149: Searching for the testimony of witnesses sheaf for the poor prescribed signs in cattle and P180: Condemning P123: To leave defective animals witnesses who testify falsely grape clusters for the poor P150: Searching for the P181: Eglah Arufah P124: To leave grape prescribed signs in birds P182: Establishing Six Cities gleanings for the poor P151: Searching for the of Refuge P125: To bring First-fruits to prescribed signs in P183: Assigning cities to the the Sanctuary grasshoppers Levi'im 2 P184: Building fences on P214: Bridegroom devotes P241: The law of damage roof; and removing sources himself to his wife for one caused by a fire of danger from our dwellings year P242: The law of an unpaid P185: Destroying all idol- P215: Circumcising one's son bailee worship P216: Law of the Levirite P243: The law of a paid P186: The law of the Marriage bailee apostate city P217: Law of Chalitzah P244: The law of a borrower P187: The law of the Seven P218: A violator must marry P245: The law of buying and Nations the maiden he has violated selling P188: The extinction of the P219: The law of the defamer P246: The law of litigants seed of Amalek of his bride P247: Saving the life of the P189: Remembering the P220: The law of the seducer pursued nefarious deeds of Amalek P221: The law of the captive P248: The law of inheritance P190: The law of the non- woman obligatory war P222: The law of divorce P191: Appoint a Kohen to P223: The law of a suspected 365 Negative Mitzvot speak to the people going to adulteress Mitzvot lo taaseh war and send back any man P224: Whipping unfit for battle transgressors of certain N1: Not believing in any other P192: Preparing a place commandments God beyond the camp P225: The law of N2: Not to make images for P193: Including a digging tool unintentional manslaughter the purpose of worship among war implements P226: Beheading N3: Not to make an idol P194: A robber to restore the transgressors of certain (even for others) to worship stolen article commandments N4: Not to make figures of P195: To give charity P227: Strangling human beings P196: Lavishing gifts on a transgressors of certain N5: Not to bow down to an Hebrew bondman on his commandments idol freedom P228: Burning transgressors N6: Not to worship idols P197: Lending money to the of certain commandments N7: Not to hand over any poor P229: Stoning transgressors children to Moloch P198: Lending money to the of certain commandments N8: Not to practice sorcery of heathen with interest P230: Hanging after the ov P199: Restoring a pledge to execution, transgressors of N9: Not to practice sorcery of a needy owner certain commandments the yidde'oni P200: Paying wages on time P231: Burial on the day of N10: Not to study idolatrous P201: An employee is execution practices allowed to eat the produce P232: The law of the Hebrew N11: Not to erect a pillar he's working in bondman which people will assemble to P202: Unloading a tired P233: Hebrew bondmaid to honor animal be married by her master or N12: Not to make figured P203: Assisting the owner in his son stones on which to prostrate loading his burden P234: Redemption of a ourselves
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