Popular Historian GARY ALLEN An Exclusive Interview With The Leading Authority On Trilateralism by John Rees • WHILE majoring in history at Stan­ Foreign Relations and the Trilateral ford University, Gary Allen became Commission. Mr. Allen's commentar­ involved in "power-structure research" ies appear regularly in American on the U.S. banking and corporate Opinion magazine, of which he is a elites and their roles in shaping the contributing editor. His nine books in­ course of U.S. political and economic clude None Dare Call It Conspiracy, policies during this century. Over the with more than five million copies in last 20 years he has become the leading print. And his latest, Teddy Kennedy: authority on secretive Establishment In Over His Head, has just been pub­ organizations including the Council on lished by '76 Press (Box 2686, Seal The Review Of The NEWS, February 27, 1980 39 Beach, California 90740) at $4.95. Q. How did you become involved Q. Mr. Allen, you have been in­ in investigating the Trilateral group? vestigating and writing about the A. My interest in power-structure U.S. fm ancia:!, industrial, and polit­ research dates back long before David ical elite for nearly 20 years. In ex­ Rockefeller organized the Trilateral ' amining the inner circles of econom­ Commission in 1972. Its immediate ic power in America, particularly antecedents are the Council on Foreign the Trilateral Commission and the Relations (C,F,R.) and the Bilderber­ much older Council on Foreign Rela­ gers. The former is a secretive group tions, you were pretty much alone of American-based bankers, academ­ until recently. Then, starting with ics, and industrialists that has con­ the close of Jimmy Carter's first trolled U, S, foreign policy , since year as President, a number of arti­ Franklin Roosevelt, The latter, equally cles began appearing in mass-circu­ exclusive and secretive, is composed lation magazines raising serious of top United States and European questions about this elite and its bankers and corporate and political interest groups. Recently a mass leaders. The Council on Foreign Rela­ newsmagazine noted that George tions has been run from New York Bush's membership in the Trilateral since its founding after World War I. Commission may disqualify him in The Bilderbergers have been secretly the eyes of most rank and fileRepub­ meeting annually at plush interna­ licans. How did this change in the tional spas for the past 28 years to public's awareness of the Trilateral coordinate economic, commercial, and Commission come about? political policies. A. It has been the result of a slow The first of the post-war writers to and careful education process. We did examine the Council on Foreign Rela­ the research and laid the groundwork tions and the policies it advocated, and waited. As we did so, Jimmy Car­ promoted, and eventually turned into ter appointed a score or so of Trilater­ official U,S, policy was Dan Smoot, a!ists to the top posts in his Admin­ who published The Invisible Govern­ istration. To deny the authority of our ment in 1963, This important book was analysis, which had predicted this, be­ essentially a reference manual on the came more and more difficult. It structure of the C,F,R., listing its couldn't be ignored. Those who tried to membership, its satellite organizations, do so looked like Jimmy Durante try­ and its goals. ing to steal a circus elephant, getting The next major brea'kthrough was caught, and responding: "What ele­ developed by Don Bell, who had been phant?" publishing a newsletter for 27 years on In short: The situation became too secret arrangements and agreements obvious to ignore and people ran out of made by the international banking rationalizations. community, Bell obtained and ex- 40 The Review Of The NEWS, February 27, 1980 cerpted sections of Professor Carroll of influence, nipping price competi­ Quigley's 1,450-page Tragedy And tion in the bud. Hope, a history of the first half of Q. And when was the Trilateral the Twentieth Century. Less than 100 flag first run up the pole? pages in that book deal with interna­ A. Rockefeller tapped Michael tional banking, but they proved to be Blumenthal, then chairman of the dynamite. Bendix Corporation, to bring up the Q. What was so special about the idea at the spring 1972 Bilderberger Quigley study? meeting. Since it had Rockefeller's A. Professor Quigley was a part of sponsorship, and since in those circles the Council on Foreign Relations elite. Rockefeller ha.d the authority of a He came to the group via Harvard, Pope in dealing with the Curia, it Princeton, Yale, and the Georgetown wasn't long before the Trilateral Com­ School of Foreign Service. And he was mission was in operation under Rocke­ so trusted that he was given access to feller associate Zbigniew Brzezinski. the archives of the C.F.R. Quigley Blumenthal and Brzezinski, of course, reached the conclusion, based on the were later moved into respective con­ archival material, that the interna­ trol of Treasury and National Security tional banking community was ma­ under the Carter Administration. Jim­ nipulating not only the great corpora­ my Carter got his job through the tions to which it made loans, and Trilateral Commission. whose stocks it held, but also the for­ Q. You covered the 1976 Carter eign and domestic policies of the U.S. campaign as a journalist and wrote your book Government. Jimmy Carter/Jimmy Q. Just why was the Trilateral to warn that the Carter cam­ Carter Commission formed? paign was a wholly owned Rockefel­ A. As Trilateral officials are hap­ ler subsidiary. How did all of that py to admit, the Commission was en­ work? tirely the idea of David Rockefeller, A. First, David Rockefeller began who is chairman of Chase Manhattan personally to cast about for a suitable Bank. The Trilateralists say Rockefel­ man who could be a viable candidate. ler was worried about the increasing Assorted polls tested the temper of the commercial competition between the American people as Nixon and long­ United States and the combined in­ time Rockefeller family retainer Hen­ dustries of Japan and Western Eu­ ry Kissinger prepared to abandon rope. His idea was that if the three Southeast Asia to the Communists and industrial superpowers - Japan, the open the door to Red China. When the United States, and Western Europe - Watergate scandal was sprung it be­ could form some sort of industrial came clear that David needed a credi­ cartel they could sit down quietly and ble Democrat. carve up the globe into economic areas The idea was to come up with a The Review Of The NEWS, February .27, 1980 41 "progressive" Southern governor who key to exposure was in the hands of could sound both Conservative and David Rockefeller and his fellow "Liberal" at the ,same time and court banking insiders. both the white and black votes of the Q. SO "Jimmy Who" moved on to big city machines. By the fall of 1973, become President of the United States. Rockefeller had reduced his list to two A. What was especially interesting such candidates: Florida governor for me to watch as a journalist was the Reubin Askew and former Georgia way in which the major media, partic­ governor Jimmy Carter. They were in­ ularly Time magazine, promoted Car­ vited to dine with David Rockefeller ter. After Time devoted a flattering and Trilateral administrator Zbigniew 1971 cover photo to him as a progres­ Brzezinski at Rockefeller's Tarrytown, sive Southern governor, it used that New York, estate. Jimmy Carter got cover photo in all of .Time 's ads in the nod soon afterward. other magazines through 1975. Time's As Zbigniew Brzezinski later put it reports on the Carter campaign were so in an interview: "We [he and David adulatory that they could scarcely be Rockefeller] were impressed with Car­ differentiated from the campaign's ter." What impressed them was not his own literature. And heavy promotion independence. was going on at a time when polls Q. But I remember that even showed only five percent of registered former governor Terry Sanford Democrats favored Carter for the made an abortive try for the Presi­ nomination. If that sounds to you like dential nomination during this pe­ a replay of. what is happening with riod. Why did Askew and Sanford George Bush, another Trilateralist, fail where Jimmy Carter succeeded? you are catching on. A. Apparently Rockefeller and . Q. What does the Trilateral Brzezinski thought Carter was more group do? That is, what function reliable. Carter showed overwhelming does it serve? ambition. And he was possessed of the A. The purpose of the Trilateral kind of ruthlessness that David and Commission, and also of the larger his friends understand. This made and older Council on Foreign Relations him vulnerable. It included conniving and Bilderberger groups, is to use con­ with his own personal banker, Bert centrated wealth to exert world power. Lance, to funnel the money of bank The individuals involved are the most depositors into the Carter peanut busi­ influential of all the "old boy" net­ ness and into the bank accounts of works outside .the Soviet Union and Lance associates and family mem­ Red China. bers, to finance Caiter's campaign The Trilateralists made their objec­ while waiting for matching federal tive very clear in their 1974 report funds. The illegalities were enough to called "The Crisis of Democracy." Let send the whole gang to jail. And the me quote for you some of this re- The R�view Of The NEWS, February 27, 1980 43 markable document produced by the our democratic republic "is only one organization to which President Car­ way of constituting authority, and it is ter, Vice President Mondale, Zbigniew not necessarily a universally applica­ Brzezinski, and George Bush all belong.
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