TheatreOrgan Bombarde JOURNALof the AMERICAN THEATREORGAN ENTHUSIASTS ~ June 7967 YOUR FUNI IN THEMOTOR CITY THE1967 IN NATIONAL ATOE CONVENTION '67 DETROIT MICHIGAN ♦ •• • . -- ~ ~ ., ".. .,.,.~ Anl~di8~-'i11111111e, Valafion Yo111/Re111e111be, Fo,e~e~i Ro~GEk~•· A~Etl·· HA/f\N\GND•• S4LPM/itl•· 1'iMBAI!-.. THE - __ ---<'_,,,.-- - - - ......~ -- - - -~ ~ ✓-- ,, :f R.e.§ -w.a!.e.o,,t 0 !Uf an."'6.-l6.. an-tii , H.a.E..en.<J-' 6.. 9{.e.6..o.,,J, arn.a.n 'J- .tR.e. - - / - - - _. p, (,M6.. Oe f aK.e.e-0-Un½, eaft.eottr\A.Cl WRITE FOR BROCHUR . H.O.F ., 3291 GUIDO ST O E . ., AKLAND, CALIF. 94602 A'MERICANTHEATRE ORGAN SOCIETY ARCHIVESLIBRARY TheatreOrgan Volume 9, No. 3 Boffibarde Volume 4, No. 3 A.T.0.1:.. National Membership is $6.00 per year, which includes a sub scription to Thea1re Organ 8 0111- barde, the off icia l publication of the A merica n T he­ a tre Organ l:.nthusiasts. M ake check or money ord er payab le to A.T. 0 .1:.. and mai l to P.O . lfox 7404 ~ 7"£/'.1F/7C Bitt er Lake St ation. Seattle, Washington 98133. L/ ~_,,,_;TS ,9;- ALL MATERIAL FOR PUBLICATIONS rLOR/S.7.J /},i.,L. /N TE/Z-!-'Ec,,;c,,;v.S Te;! : G ~ ,,7,,:-,;,,./ SHOULD BE SENT TO THIS ADDRESS . ,Dc?L/ t/cR v' e~--.o 6. * * * A.T.O.E. Officers The best route to take to get to the Pick-Fort Shelby Hotel is the southbound Lodge Freeway (l- Dick Schrum President 696) south from the eastbound Ford Freeway (l-94). Exit from the Lodge Freeway at Howard Erwin A. Young, Jr. - Vice President Street, two miles south of the Ford Freeway . Turn left on Howard to Third Street (2nd traffic light, Dorothy Mac Clain - Secretary-Treasurer 2 blocks from Freeway Exit). Turn right on Third St .; go south one block to Lafayette. Turn left Marilyn Schrum - National Secretary onto Lafayette and drive two blocks to the hotel. All airport ground transportation and nearly all visitors driving to Detroit will enter the city via A. T.O.E. Board of Directors the east bound Ford Freeway (l-94). Carl Norvell - Chairman I might emphasize again the importance of everyone letting us know in advance, via the regis­ Dorothy Mac Clain tration card, whether or not they will be attending the banquet. Total reservations must be con­ Howard Day firmed at Cobo Hall on Friday before the official registration begins. Don Hall W. "Tiny" James Congratulations to the newly elected Richard F. Kline, Jr. Dick Simonton Directors to the Board: Judd Walton from THE Dr. Philip C. Olson Erwin A. Young, Jr. Allen W. Rossiter PRESIDENT W. " Tiny " James, re-elected A. T.O.E. Honorary Members Erwin A. Young, Jr ., re-elected 1959 - Jesse Crawford Many thanks for the services and sin­ 1960 - Farny Wurlitzer Membership has reached an all-time high cere help and guidance from the retiring 1961 - Mei Doner in A.T.O .E. This is a solid basis for a Board Members : Howard Day and Rich­ 1962 - Leonard MacClain sound future, backed by the l 2 years' 1963 - Eddie Dunstedter ard Simonton. heritage marked last February 5th in I 964 - Reginald Foort New York. It is gratifying to all who Congratulations also to all newly elected 1965 - Dan Barton 1966 - W. "Tiny" James have given of their time and talents in Chapter officers. all phases of the hobby to see a tremen­ SEE YOU IN DETROIT! EDITORIAL STAFF dous surge of enthusiasm. They will serve 2 years, beginning m Publications Director - Bill Peterson A great amount of activity has also July I, 1967. opened up new avenues of public exposure THEATRE ORGAN to our favorite instrument. To name a Editor - George Thompson few: a charter member played a full­ Associate Editor - Ray Brubacher Retiring Directors: fledged concert on the gigantic Atlanta Richard C. Somonton Fox Moller for the 1966 American Guild THE BOMBARDE Howard A. Day Editor - W. "Stu" Green of Organists National Convention; The­ The remaining four members , with I Associate Editor - Peg Nielson atre Pipe Organ and Silent Films have year left to serve of their two years terms hit New York 's Broadway twice with Dorothy MacClain Advertising Manager - Dewey Cagle smashing success; a terrific upswing of Don Hall successful concerts and activities in the Richard F. Kline, Jr. * * * Chicago area; the most welcome addition Judd Walton Theatre Organ Bombarde (title registered U. of two new chapters with the possibility 521 ballots were received, four of which S. Patent Office) is published bi-monthly by of two more; the gift of a large theatre were disqualified . There were 58 write-in the American Theatre Organ Enthusiasts, Dick Schrum, president. All rights re­ organ to a chapter from a Symphony candidates. Orchestra. These things and many, served. Entire contents copyrighted 1966 by many more activities and concerts na­ A.T.O .E. Inc. Office of publication is 565 tion-wide, could not have been accom­ N. Portland Blvd., Apt. IOI, Portland, Ore­ gon 97217. plished without our enthusiasts on the scene. POSTMASTER: 2nd Class postage paid at Portland, A .T.O .E. is growing; it is a vitally Oregon. If UNDELIVERABLE, send form 3579 to strong organization steeped in tradition, ATOE Circulation Dept. Box 1314, Salinas, Calif. leading the way. Let's keep the good work going! Dick Schrum, President 1 theatre organ I bombarde AN ACRE OF SEATS IN A PALACE OF SPLENDOR By Bill Peterson, number 4 in a series THE FOX THEATRE-SAN FRANCISCO This fabulous theatre vvas designed by Thomas W. Lamb and vvas opened on June 28, 1929. William Fox planned this as the ultimate theatre in his empire, vvith a seating capacity of approximately 5000. Original blueprints called for a 1000 room hotel to be built in conjunction vvith the theatre, but the financial crash prevented the completion of the master plan. The Fox had a lobby finished in vvalnut and 18 ca rat gold leaf, and an auditorium vvith deep-set arches heavy vvith fresco vvork. The re vve re tvvo organs, one a Moller located on the lobby third I eve I ba I cony, and the other vvas a Wurlitzer Cravvford Special 4/36 vvith the main console in the center of the orchestra pit. The slave console vvas on the stage. The Fox vvas torn dovvn in 1963 . june 1967 2 ~ ' Editor ~ · " &eorge of ThompsonTheatre Organ I. S. U. CONSOLE IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY HAS EX-THEATRE ORGAN by GARY DIRKS The organ is located in Great Hall at the ever: due to the limited amount of time Memorial Union on the campu s of Iowa availab le most of his work has been de­ State University in Ames, Iowa. The or­ voted to the pipe chambers. gan was originally installed in a theatre The original go ld and white console was in Wisconsin and in 1936 was purchased replaced by a console of oak. The ancestry and given to I. S. U. The orga n as origi­ of the present console is unkn own, it has nally in the theatre was a 3 manual 11 survived the rigors of time quite well. The rank Wurlit ze r. When the orga n was console is on wheels and is stored back­ moved 11 more ranks were added for a stage and wheeled out to the stage for tot al of 22. playing. Mr. Ralph Borek, an instru ctor in Eng­ The organ is rather deficient in percus­ Write : The Organ Literature Foundation lish at I. S. U. takes care of the organ and sion but makes up for it by having a very Nashua, New Hampshire (USA) has done a good j ob ma intaining it, how- good solo section. Dear Mr. Thompson : We have just issued an addenda to Pedal Great Uni son off Solo Catalogue E. Sub Bass 15 · Ac c. to Ac c. 1 6' . 4 · Flut e 8 " T1b1a16 ' Ace Unison off Open Diapason 8 ' We would appreciate it if you would Open Diapason 16 ". 8" T1b1aClausa 8" mention this in the next issue of Theatre Tuba 16 ' Great String 8 ' Organ and Bombarde. It is available Tibia Clausa 3 · Clarinet T C. 16 ' Solo Strin g 8 ' gratis upon receipt of a self -addressed Cello 8" Bourdon T. C. 1 6' Clarinet 8 ' stamped envelope. Thanks . T1b1aClausa T. C. 16" French Horn 8 " Sincerely yours, Accompaniment Clarin et 8 " Tuba 8 " Henry Karl Baker C. Viole T. C. 1 6' Oboe Horn 8" Flute 4· Claribel Flute 8 ' Concert Flute 8 " T1b1aClausa 4 · T1b1a3· Open Diapason 8 " Nazard 2 -2/ 3" Open Diapason 3 · T1b1aClausa 8" Tierc e 1-3/ 5' ADVERTISERS!! Dulciana 8" String 8 ' Oboe 8 ' Vio le D"orch 8 ' Percussion Gemshorn 8 " •••••••••••••••••••••••• Vax Humana 8 ' Harp celeste •••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 ranks of strings 8" Flut e 4 · Marimba •••••••••••••••••••••••• Octave 4 ' •••• Flute 4 · Xylo phon e •••• Octave 4 ' Tibia Clausa 4· Cathedra l Chimes •••• Send All Material Solo Piccolo 4 ' •••• T1b1a4 · •••• Violin 4 · Horn Diapason 4 · The percussion pla ys •••• and Inquiries T1b1a12th 2 -2/ 3 " •••• Flau tino 2· from bo th the acc . and 1111 For Advertising To Nazard 2 -2/ 3 ' th e solo ma nu als. Couplers Tierce 1-3/ 5' •••• Piccolo 2· •••• sSolo to Solo 16 '. 4 · ====DEWEY CAGLE-AD MGR . Solo Unison off Tremulants •••• 3291 GUIDO STREET Great to Great 16 '. 4 · •••• •••• OAKLAND, CALIF . 94602 Solo to Great 16 '. 4 ' 2. one for each chamber . •••• •••• •••• • •••••••••••••• EDITORS NOTE : Stoplist is reported as submitted, note that only •••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• two tremulants are listed .
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