Relevé épidém. hebd. ) 1964, 39, 453-464 N** 38 Wkly Epidem. Ree. | ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTÉ WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION GENÈVE GENEVA RELEVÉ ÉPIDÉMIOLOGIQUE HEBDOMADAIRE WEEKLY EPIDEMIOLOGICAL RECORD Notifications et infoimations se rapportant à l’application Notifications under and information on the application of the du Règlement sanitaire international et notes relatives à la International Sanitary Regulations and notes on current incidence fréquence de certaines maladies of certain diseases Service de la Quarantaine internationale Internationai Quarantine Service Adresse télégraphique; EPDDNATIONS, GENÈVE Telegraphic address: EPIDNATIONS, GENÈVE 18 SEPTEMBRE 1964 39® ANNÉE — 39«* YEAR 18 SEPTEMBER 1964 MALADIES QUARANTENAIRES ■ QUARANIÎNABLE DISEASES Territoires infectés an 17 septembre 1964 ■ infected areas as on 17 September 1964 Notifications reçues aux termes du Règlement sanitaire international Notifications received under the International Sanitary Regulations relating concernant les circonscriptions infectées ou les territoires où la présence to infected local areas and to areas in which the presence of quarantinable de maladies qiuirantcnaires a été signalée (voir page 414). diseases was reported (see page 414). ■ « Circonscriptions ou territoires notifiés aux termes de Tarticle 3 à la ■ = Areas notified under Article 3 on the date indicated. date donnée. Autres territoires où la présence de maladies quarantenaires a été notifiée Other areas in which the presence of quarantinable diseases was notified aux termes des articles 4, 5 et 9 a): under Articles 4, 5 and 9 (a): A = pendant la période indiquée sous le nom de chaque maladie; A =: during the period indicated under the heading of each disease; B — antérieurement à la période indiquée sous le nom de chaque maladie; B = prior to the period indicated under the heading of each disease; • = territoires nouvellement infectés. • = newly infected areas. PESTE — PLAGUE Sucre, Canton INDE — INDIA Bihar, State Charapoto, Pur. .... ■ i . x n .62 Bhagalpur, District . ■ 3.VHI.63 30.VIII-17.DC San Vicente, Farr. ■ 1.XU.62 Begumpet ( A ) ............... i5 .v ra Calcutta (PA) ^ ................ ■ 17.ra.56 Darbhanga, District . ■ 8.IV Mongbyr, District . B i.v in Afrique — Africa Nagpur ( A ) ................... ■ 18.VI M uz^arpur, District . « 9.V.61 Patna, D istrict............... • 20.V.63 Pumea, District .... • 23JCI.63 CONGO (LéopoIdvUIe) Asie — Asia Santa] Parganas, District. ■ 3.Vm.63 Orientale, Province Saran, D istrict............... ■ i5.vm Andhra Pradesh, State Shahabad, District . ■ 7.DC.63 Kibalhituri, District INDE — INDIA Djugu. Terr....................... B 26.VIU AruBtra Pradesh, State Adilabad, District . > 18.VII Chittoor, District .... ■ i7.vra.63 Anantapur, District . ■ 4 .v n SUD-OUEST AFRICAIN Chittoor, District .... ■ 29.11 Gujrat, State SOUTH-WEST AFRICA Cuddappah, District . ■ 10.vm.63 East Godavari, District . B 2 9 .v m Baroda, District .... ■ n .v i Ovambolasd, District . B 28.Vm VIET-NAM, RÉP. DU Guntur, District .... ■ 31.XH.59 Surat, District ..... ■ ll.VI VIET-NAM, REP. OF Hyderabad, D istrict. ■ 7.n.63 Karimnagar, District . ■ 13.H D a la t( A )....................... B22.VHI Krishna, District .... ■ 25. VII N hatrang(FA )................ B 22.VHI Kumool, District .... B l.VIII « Saigon (PA exclus) . A 12.IX Mahbubnagar, District . ■ 17.VH Madhya Pradesh, State Amérique — America Gia-Dink, Province Medak, District , . ■ 28.IH Nalgonda, District . B29.VHI Bastar, District................ ■ 19.VH Tanbioh, District .... B22.V in Bilaspur, District .... ■ 27.V Thuduc, District .... B22.VUI Ncllore, District .... ■ 13.11 BOUVIE — BOLIVIA Nizamabad, District . ■ 5.XH.63 Raigarh, District .... ■ 29.V Long-Khanh, Province Chuquisaca, Dep. Visakhapatnam, District . ■ 5.V.63 • Xuanloc, District . A 12.IX * Warangal, District . B 18.VII Belisario Boato, Province West Godavari, District . ■ 27.XH.S9 Villa S e rra n o ............... B 26.VIII Madras, State Tomina, Province Tabacal, Canton .... B 3I.V t Chingleput, District . B 15.VHI CHOLÉRA — CHOLERA Assam, State North Arcot, District . ■ 25.X.62 Ramanathapuram, District BRÉSIL — BRAZIL « 2.IX AlagoaSy State 30.VIII-17.IX Sibsagar, District . ■ 18.IV Palmeira dos Indios, Dep. B2S.VH Paulo Jacinto, D ^ . B ll.VH Asie — Asia Maharashtra, State ÉQUATEUR — ECUADOR Ahmednagar, District « . • 1.VH.63 ManabU Province BIRMANIE — BURMA Akola, D istrict............... ■ 30.VI ^ A rexclurimi de la circonscription de Amraoti, District .... ■ 14.V Portoviejo, Canton Rangoon (PA) (exd. air­ l’aéroport de Dum-Dum. — Excluding Aurangabad, District • . ■ 18.U1 Fertoviejo, Farr................ ■ 1.XH.6: port) ........................... ■ 4.VI.63 local area of Dum Dum airport. Bhandara, District . n IS.VH — Bhir, District................... ■ 19.X.63 PHILIPPINES Amérique — America Nlari, Préf. Buldbana, District . , ■ 14.m Manila (PA) (exd. airport) ■ 12.Vn.63 Kibangou, S. Préf. ■ 5.Xfl Chanda, District .... • 30. vn Luzon, Group BOLIVIE — BOLIVIA Bast Khandesh, District . ■ 13.VII.63 Niari-Bouenza, Préf. Kolaba» District .... ■ 27.V P asay............................... B 27.Vn.63 La Paz, Dep, « M adingou....................... A U.K Kolhapur, District . ■ 31. VII Q u ezo n ........................... B 13.VU.63 Nor Yungas, Province Batangas, Prov. (excl. Pool, Prif. Nagpur, District .... ■ I4.V Caranavi, Canton .... B 8.V ■ 13.WI Nanded, District .... B 29.VIII Bauan (? ))................... ■ 13.VI Mindouli. S. Préf. .... Nasik, D istrict............... ■ 2.V1II Bulacan, ^ovince .... a 13.Vn.63 Santa Cruz, Dep. CONGO (LéopoldviUe) Osmanabad, District . ■ 30. VI Cagayan, Prov. ïchilo. Province Albertville (PA) .... ■ 7.V.Ö (excl. Aparri (P)) . Parbhani, District . 24.VI . l.VIU Buena Vísta, Canton . B 31.V Borna ( P ) ....................... ■ 23.1.61 Poona, District............... ■ 30. VI Camarines Sur, Province ■ 6.VI LéopoldviUe (PA). ■ 20.K(I Ratnagiri, District. ■ 3.VI Catanduanes, Province. ■ .8. VIII BRÉSIL - BRAZIL Matadi (P) ................... ■ 2S.XI.tl Cavite, Prov. (excl. San- Satara North, District. ■ 16.XII.63 Goias, State Stanleyville (A )............... ■ 27.1.62 Salara South. District . ■ 13JQ.63 gley Point (P)) .... ■ ll.VH Laguna, Province .... ■ 30. V * Mineiros, Dep. ..... B29.V Equateur, Province ■ 6.X61 Sbolapur, District . B 29.vra ■ 6.X.61 • Thana, District............... 10.DC Mindoro occidental, Prov. ■ 25.VU Mato Grosso, State Kasai, Province . Wardha. District .... ■ 7 .v n Nueva Ecija, Province. ■ 27.VI Barra do Bugres, Dep. B 4.V Katanga, Province . B i5.vm West Khandesh. District. ■ 3.m Nueva Edja, Prov.: Coxim, Dep. ...... B 9.VI Kivu, Province C abanatuan................ ■ 13.VI Yeotnia]. District .... m 25.V « Guiaba, Dep..................... A 24.VI Sud^Kivu, District Nueva Vizcaya, Prov. , . • i.v m Muium, Dep..................... B23.IV Mysore, State Pampanga, Province . ■ 9.V Bukavu, T e r r . ................ ■ i8.vnu Bangalore, District . ■ 28.v ra Pangasinan, Province . ■ i5 .v ra COLOMBIE — COLOMBIA LéopoldviUe, Province ■ 18.VIIU Belgaum, District .... B 4.vn ♦ Pangasinan, Prov. : Caldas, Dep, Orientale, Province . B U.VB Bellaiy. District .... ■ 22.VI Dagupan....................... 22.VUI Rizal, Prov. (exd. Manila La Norcasia, M................ B 12.VI Kibali^Ituri, District Bidar, D istric t................ B is .v n Victoria, M....................... B 18.VI Biiapor. District .... ■ 24.m (A ))............................... ■ 6.VH63 Bunia, T e r r .................... ■ 29.K6I Chitaldrug. District • . ■ 2S.V Rizal, Prov. : Caloocan . ■ 13.Vn.63 Caqueta, Imemlencia A26.VI DAHOMEY Dharwar, District. ■ 4.vn * Sorsogon, Province . ■ 29.vm Centre Dép. Préf. Gulbarga. District. ■ ll.VT Tarlac, Province .... ■ 18. vn PÉROU — PERU Mandya, District .... ■ 2UV «la Union, Province . ■ 22.VIII Huancavelico, Dep. Abom ^, Cire. méd. A 25.™ Raichur, District .... ■ U.VI Sud Dép, Préf. Mindanao, Group Tayacaja, Province Tumkur, District « . • . • 22.D Aliada, Cire. méd. A 1.K Agosan, Prov.: Butuan . ■ 18-vn Huachocolpa, District. B22.IV Orissa^ State Pisayas, Group Surcubamba, District . B 16JV Sud-Est Dép. Préf. Balasore, District .... ■ 1.XU.61 Cebu, Prov. (excl. port) . ■ 4.VII Huanaco, Dep. Kétou, Circ. méd. A 25.™ ♦ Bolangir (Patna), District B 29.VI1I Iloilo, Prov. (excl. port) , ■ 25. VU Huanaco, Provìnce Cuttack, District .... ■ 8.1I.S8 ÉTHIOPIE—ETHIOPIA ■ 21.VJ1 Huanaco, District . Ganjam, District .... « 30.Vn.62 B 7.VI GABON Puri. D istrict................... « 14.III THAÏLANDE — THAILAND Leoncio Prado, Province Sundergarb, District . ■ 29.n * N ’Gounié, Région . A 5.K Nakhon Ratcbsima, Alomias Robles, District B 16.IV Ogooué Maritime, Région A 29.™ Tripura^ Territory . ■ 25.V.59 Province ................... B 22.VUI Damaso Baraun, District B 2o;v Samut Prakan, Province . 24.Vn.63 José Crespo y Castillo, D. A 30. VII GHANA Uttar Pradesh, State Trat, Province............... B 22.VUI Padre Luyando. District . B 8.IV Brong-Ahafo, Region ♦ Aligarh, District .... ■ 7.1X Rupa-Rupa, District. B 12.IV Atebubu, Disteìct .... ■ 26.™ Bañaras (Varanasi), VIET-NAM, RÉP. DU Junln, Dep. D istric t....................... ■ 15.VU GUINÉE — GUINEA VIET-NAM, REP. OF Jauja, Province Bastí. D is tric t............... ■ 12.XI.63 Beyla, R é g io n ................ A 5.K Hardoi, District............... ■ I9.VHI Nhatrang (FA) .... A 12.K Satipo, D istrict............... A23.VH Lucknow, District « . ■ 27.XI.63 Saigon (PA) (aéroport ex* Tarma, Province KENYA Mathura, District. ■ 22.VIU
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