Coloquios de Palcontologia, 2002,53: 33-68 ISSN: 1132-1660 An annotated check-list of genera and species of carpoids Lista anotada de los géneros y especies de carpoideos Patricio DoMíNcuEz ALONSO1’2, Richard RS. JEFItERIES1 & Dolores GIL CID2 Ábstract: Tisis ciseek-list includes liso al presoní valid names of genera and species of liso carpoids. It is a provisional atíempí lo stabili- ze tse names of MI fornially described carpeids up te date and includes mosí of Ihe combinations of genera and species that bayo been used in tSe seicotifie literatsjre, It sisould be especially useful re tisose roading oidor papers in wbicis a wide variety of genera and spe- cies Sayo beco used, and te tisose iriterested in biodiversity, evelutionaiy studies or isistory of the palaeontology. Tise ciseclc-list is divi- ded mío five sections: 1. índex ofgenera; II. índex of species; Hl. índex of valid speciflc epithets; IV. Tables of stratigrapisical occurrence and y. Tiso mosí complete and up-to-date lisí of references en Ihe taxonomy of carpoids. Key words: ciseck-lisl, index nonrioorrrnr, Seluta, Cornuta, Mitrata, Ctenocystoidea, Cineta, calciciserdates, isomalezoans, stylopisorans. Resumen: Esta lista recoge los génerc>s y especies actualmente válidos de carpoideos. La lista incluye la práctica totalidad de las cera- binaciones de género y especie que San sido empleadas en la literatura científica. No es una lista exhaustiva de sinonimias pero se ofre- ceo referencias clave para elaborarlas. Este trabajo debería sordo utilidad para aquellos lectores interesados en obras antiguas donde una confusa variedad de formas son descritas o referenciadas y para aquellos interesados en paleodiversidad, procesos evolutivos o isistoria de la paleontología. La lista se encuentra dividida en cinco secciones principales: 1. Índice de géneros; II. índice de especies; III. Indice de epítetos específicos válidos; IV. Tablas de distribución estratigráfica y V. la más completa y actssaalizada relación de referencias biblio- gráficas sobre taxomía de carpoideos. Pajabras clave: indice, índex norniooru,n, Soluta, Comuta, Mitrata, Ctenocystoidea, Ciocta, calcicordados, Homalozna, Stylopisom. INTRODUCTION In Ihis chock-list a total of 179 species of carpoids aro alphabetically rocorded by Classes (including 22 The carpoids are an informal grouping of Palaeo- solutos, 52 cornutos, 75 mitrales, 24 cinctans and 6 zoic fossils wisich hayo a skolelon ofecisinoder¡n-like ctenocystoids). It is a provisional attempt lo stabilize calcito buí Iack radial symmetry based 00 tSe water be names of alí forrnally described carpoids up lo vascular system. date and includes mosí of the combinatioras of gene- They aro isighly controvorsial being regarded by raand species lhat hayo beon usod in bibliography. It sorne as aberrant echinoderms and by others as mem- should be especially useful for tisose reading oidor bers of liso stem groups of many of Ihe major sub- papers in which a wide variety of genera and spocies groups of deuterostomes (craniales, tunicates, acra- Sayo been usod, and lo thoso interested in biodiver- niales, chordates and conceivably of tSe sity and evolutionary sludies. When placing species echinodem~s, isemichordates, ambulacraria and por- in particular gonera we nocessarily oxpress our own haps of Iho deuterostomes lhemselves). personal opinions. No attempt at pisylogenetic orde- TSe aims of Ihe prosoní work are bibliographical ring has been made. TSe sequence is puroly alpisabe- so we do nol consider the stem-group position of tSe tic. TSe check-list comprises five main sections: various subgroups of carpoids. Instead, we use as groups liso Jaokolian orders plus liso ctonocystoids 1. índex of gonera and within tiseso groups wo arrange tSe genera and II. índex of species species in alphabetical ondeE III. índex of valid specific names IV. Tables of stratigraphical occurrence ¡ Departmení of Palaoontology, TSe Natural History Museuni, London SW7 SBD, 1.3K. [email protected]; rpsj@?nhmacuk Departamento de Paleontología & Instituto de Geología Económica (UCM-CSIC), Fac. CC. Geológicas. Universidad Complu- tense de Madrid, 28040 Madrid, Spain. [email protected]; [email protected] 33 /‘esíiioi’s í)or.5551555c: Alsossto & ¿5:[]. Xis sistroraled check-lisl of gersera asid species of carpoids 100% 50 90 ‘e, 5 80 ‘5, 40 70 a 60 30 50 a 40 20 5 30 2 10 20 ~‘II 10 o 31 0000 0 0000 0000 505 55 90 50 909209 9409 09c01975519990515520® Ficure 2.- Valid described species of carpoids per decado (iSick Fietsre 1- Cusnulaíi»e nuortrbcr of al proseo] das salid described lino) and cutnulati»e percenlage sf »alid described species por sísec¡es ssf carpoids por sean. decade (lisio I¡ae). /-eQisres 1,— :Vsose’ro eseíonu!¿it/ss dc copes ‘es así ro/mcta le ió!ie/css figura 2.- Espee:ics válidas dc earpoideos descritas por décadas s/’ eosj’oielc:os s/sas 54<55 usi ¿sises. (en liesea gruesa) y isoreeniaie acumulado de especies válidas ele’scritas por clúcades (línea tina). TSe ciseck-list is based típon valid iaxenoniic lite- dala. Tho syrnboí sc >» associated with a namo emp- roture necords ond is arranged taxonomicaíly by Class, isasizes tSe eross-reference íisat musí be followed. ISeo alpisobetically by Gonus and Spoeios witbin oacb Tubbs oJsírodgraphieol occíctrence (Sectien IV) list Class. Entiles o liso hijeo ofGenero (Section 1) inclu- te spocies ordeíing tisom by suratigropisical oceurrence de: Genus; A utisor(s) wiso desenibed liso genus; dato of and ISeo, witisin caeS suage, o alpisabetical orden Dala [br tSe stages aro based en Fo.ssil Record 2 BENTON, liso original pníblication; type species (using uSe origi- nal spelling, ciseck So Índex of .spec:icfl: ouínber of i993 in orden lo relato oursuratigrapisical dala witb equi- specios: included specios (¡So syrnbel e”’» denotes liso valeor doto of otisor groups witiseut preposing a new lype species); stratigrapisical occurrenco; goegrapisical worldwide siraligrapisical correlation. Re nomos of liso distnibiruion; kev relerenees. Entries in the Índex oJ síagos are also reforrod lo in Soctiens 1 and II. Recently doscribod spocios are usually not diffrcult te assign lo a Speeics (Seclion II) includo: combination of genusond specicsúscientific binomir.a);Autisor(s} wisodescnibed particular siage. Olderspocieshíwcvcr~ especiahlytho- se based 00 Sistorical colleclions with only a general riso species (in pa¡entiseses if liso specros rs new ossre- ned lo a clifforetñ genus tisan wison desenibed bv aul- lecation in tSe bibliegrapisy or in Iho labels accompan- ying tSe specimens, are diffrcull lo assign stratigraphi- Sor): date r>f Ibe original pubíication; autisor(s) of tSe cally. lo tiseso casos liso species oppoar in liso labIo with new combí o<tlron oric~ínol name; occuirronco, distnibu— tion. kev ictorenccs Also included ~500 Indo» oJspe- a quoslion mark «7», or in grey stipple. Tisis índex was cempilod from eur ewo notos ond ‘sanie 5 (Suclion III), wisore liso val id spocifrc riamos of oíl e arpords are lisled and referred lo liso bibliograpisie records and subsequently completod gonera. Some spo<rlic epitiscís Sayo beco used in seso- and cisocked by using external databases sucis as rol gesiora. No separatron oto classes Sas been attemp- GeoRcf and Zoelogical Record (boris from Silvor- 5pc llj!c~ nonios wisicis is lisereftre lcd i o liso hrelc of Plalter Information N.y.) and general soareises en liso enrorely alpisabeiical. Internet. We did nol make an exisaustivo search in liso Supragenerie taso aro oot considered Soro. excepí complote printod version of tSe Zeological Record. lisose lraditionally considered as classes (j.c. tSe for- lo addition te lisis papor version. tisis cisoek-Iist it mor JaeLel ion ordens plus tSe alen doscribed cíe- also ovailable al liso web sites of our instituticos al r>ocvstoids), TSe recomniended nomos are sisown in Departctmeole do Paleontología, UCM, Madrid boU type. TSe oíd nomos (incor-recí spollings. rice- <hltp://www.ucm.os/iofo/palee/carpos> and TSe ireer goríder. no/nielo sano. nonhilso dubio, junior Natural History Museum <Sltp://wwwnhm.ac.uk/ sviasuytas. etc.) are sbown in squaro brackers «1 palaeenlology/carpoids> wisoro it will be periodi- TSe symbol «~ss indicates SoIS a synonyns and a cross calíy updalod. reference inside liso indos; picoso cisock ilIon furtisor Typical eníries in tSe cisock-list retad os fellow: Gsñrsc¡sócss lIs’ /‘os)esnílolrsgíss 34 <lItIo 5 35-61= Patricio Domínguez Alonso & el al, .Nn annotaied ciseck-iist of gerrera asid spocies of caxpoids REFERENCES: THORAL, 1935b; UBACHS & CASTER in CASTER, Example 1, a genus nanie: 1967 Lagynocystis JAnKEL, 1918 THoI¿AL, 1935 described a new Soluta as Den- TYI’e 5PECiES: Ano,nalocystites pyrarnidalis (BARRANDE, 1887) drocystites 1/idali, a combination no longer in use NUtrSABER OF srecies: 1 (and Iherefore quoted in square brackels «[1») since t (BAima~oe, INCLUDEI) seecios: Lagynocysíis pyrarnidalis UBÁGES & CASTER, 1967 ira Ihe Treatise on Inverte- 1887) brate Palaeontology (CASTER, [967) proposed Iho STRATiGRAPHicPJ. OCCURRENCE: Lower-Middle Ordovician (Llanviru) genus Minervaecyshs for this soluto and so Iho new GEocítAprircAL DiSIRiBUTiON: Europe (Bohemia, France, combination Minervaecystis vidalí (THORAL, 1935) Spain) became available. The symbol «=» before Minerva- REFERENCES: BAi&4y0e, 1887; CHAUvEL, 1941; CHAUvEL & ecystis vidalí thus indicales Iho currently used NíeN, 1977; JAEKEL, 1918; JEFFI5RrFS, 1973; PAR5LEY, 2000; synonym arad acts as a cross roference lo the cisock- UBAcris, 1991 lisí where moro information
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