
'(86826010 HJUgd .rlls/ 'u'srauptDc y3 'gs6I ,{1n1'e1p4sny urelsela're^rd ajool :(tzrg€l l0 Hluad :opalosltuesoqa '80r9tI 'PIl€Ilsnv erer{ I0 HJdgd:opaD OVBZItauptDD V2'8961IInf uralsel6'qetlnuueog.2d,tJ 'Gg6i 'reupreg L9:/t €IIeJlSnVurelseld cos ,(og 1 J BulJlJel eF{uB{ 'seraadspepnlcul 'uollseles eql Jo pequcsop-lserlDeeqt s€ uesoq) st ttllotlclJa €'ecuoq ol p€el ou se,u8 stsou8etp 'se,ree1;o an3o1olo:daq1 ed,{1olcelelco1es ol aleudo.tddest 1tltnr; pueecuecse.rouuoc ,{Soloqdroru;o 'eleql 'uolsstlcsl1 eBu€Jer{t ue^€ tnq pec€ldllrts oJB V uolces eqt uI salseds€I pePnlculucwueg '(uasoqc 'opal) ' eleq !'|D!|otrr1ta g :adKJ ' ((,LBl) vvg'ztg :9 Iersnv Ic qtueg s!|,{tsoruo l.es B.rsrluBfl suopsJg!d,{lolra'I 'SJoqtnEraqlo ,(q ,{puecer peqsllqndexel cgrcadsagureerql Sugdacce1ou ro; ue,lt8 e'tusuoseeU epeu ere suoqecgtdflolcel oAJ '(966I e?Jf,eD) Dtpuocte puB (9661 e?roe}) oaqdouts '(166I e8roao) DtprocluaA Jo suorsr,{eJluacu ur peldeoce sldecuoc eql t0l.,I\ eull uI snlPls clJlaedsqnspepJoct? erE BxEl '{u€r eerlt pu" tlJrcedso1 pesrursr (186I aSJoeC)uorst,rer fuI uI )u€J IPIoIJE^le pelee4 uoxel euo 'pequcsepsr sercedsqns,,(eu € ',pIT€JlsnVJo"Jold,, aql uIDl,tryut7€rJoluaulEeJ] P ro; uonendard u1 uollJnpo4ul 'Peldecce 'g 'Jourw 'dsqrls lou em suauDwat dsqnsopnulwas g pue osowot'dsgns stlouaplcJo olloltSuolqo olsrlupg 'r/u!c!Dl'g pue slfJsocuo'taes orsrluDgJo! uesoqcere sed,flolce1 /r\eusE peqlJcsepsI 'g xn1otlso'dsqnsosopnpd oteluog luBJ clJlcedsqnsol suapuaospJE^lpuslau PueoqluDlJDw'te^ plprtJlp g'pron!4uad mt oltaluoc I pu" luBJ clJlcedsol pesleJsI r2ruollrDo dsqnso\ofit8alut '(9661 'I'1 olstluDg VZ-rc t,J) 11 zrsli(ng (a?ec?alord) ots-jtuDguo seloN SV'e8roeo lrB4sqv ',salqvD t919elI?JNnV urelsa/ ?,{ulpret'p?od,{BI5re{8I lnoJ, e8roe0SV (eBarBalordJ J'.I 4srllfra' uo seloN (966I)tZ-IZ:(f)tt ?Is nN NuytsiaVol. 11,No. I (1996) 'Type Discussion. At PERTH there are two sheetsof Gardner 12840,one labelled Specimen,and with alabel typed by him with the detailsin Latin aswas often his practice,the seconda duplicatefrom the material bequeathedto the BenedictineCornmunity at New Norcia with a photocopyofthe above 'Moore typed label but no annotationas a Type. Thereis alsoa sheetof River, July 1958,C.A. Gardner .r.r.', with his hand-wdtten label (also in Latin) but no annotation as a type. All are flowering specimens.The sheetwith the'Type Specimen'label is selectedas lectotype. New taxa and chans€s of status Banksia aquilonia (A.S. George) A.S. Gsorge, rtat rroy. Banksia integrifoliq var. qquilonie A.S. George, Nuytsia 3: 283 (1981); B. integrifoLia subsp. aquilonia (4.5. George)Thiele, Austral. Syst.Bot. 7: 406 (1994). Type:WittsLookout No. l, Crystal Creek National Park, S of Ingham, Queensland,12 Aprtl 1915,A.S. George 12913 (holo: BRt iso CANB, NSW, PERTH 04326067). Discussion. This taxon wasaltered to subspecificrank by Thiele & Ladiges( 1994),but I now consider it specifically distinct from B. integrtfolie. Its leaf arrangement- spirally arrangedbut crowded - is readily recognizable through all growth stagesfrom the first seedling leaves. Whorled leaves characterizeall the plants that compriseB. integrifulia. B. aquilonia alsohas a unique row of short, stiffbrown hairseach side of the midrib on the abaxialleaf surface,and its follicles typically areslightly larger than those of B. integrifolia. Banksia conferta subsp.penicillata (A.S. George) A.S. George,stat noy. Bqnksiqconferta var. penicillata A.S. George,Nuytsia 3: 289(1981). Type:N of Clarenceon the Newnes Tunnel Road, New South Wales, 6 April1975, R. Coyeny 3537 (holo: NSW; lso: PERTH 01579967). Discussion. This also createsthe autonymB. conferta A.S. Georgesubsp. conftrla. The subspecies are distinguished as follows: sv.bsp.confertq has tessellatedbark, entire adult leaves, pubescent involucral bracts and pubescentapices to the common bracts;subsp. penicillqtq has! smoothbark, se ate leaves,villous involucral bracts and penicillate common bracts. Banksia ericifolia subsp.macrantha (A.S. George)A.S. George,st1t. nov. Banksiaericifulia tar. mocranthaA.S.George, Nuytsia 3: 400(1981). Type:c.3kmNWof Byron 'Coast Bay on road to to Coast' Motel, New South Wales, 28 April 1975, A.S. George l3}1l (holo: NSW; lso: CANB, PERTH 01580000,01580019). Discussion. This also createsthe autonym B. ericifolia L.f. subsp.ericifolia. Banksia meisneri subsp.ascendens (A.S. George) A.S. George,.r1dt. ,?ov. Bqnksiameisneriyar.ascendensA.S.George,Nuytsia3:448(1981).Z)pe:SofTutunup(eastof Busselton),Western Australia, 26 l]|xle1973, A.S. Ceorge 11659(holo: PERTH 01591142;tso: CANB, K, NSW, PERTH OI59I I5O). ',{JnlueJ tsel €eJ€eql Jo :eBuerqsnq E ol ueAISerx€u eql sE,\\tqBIllDtS IIE.II s,1q8l1mtgsll u,toul {cPJl plo uD Jo Suluurgeq eql l€ '.I€}s sr qcrq,nr,{1rleco1 aqt ot ecueJeJeJuI IqBII - rfl?/puE E - raJJDurle'I eqt uo4 peur€N (SoptuKl4 'lsn8nv-,{Et\i Pouad SulJa ol! '1sero; 1d{pcna uI auolspussJe^o uruol ,{puESul s,^olo Jt JlqrH 'sel"lA 'doqy41;o 'uou qlnos netr1 quou suorl€lndodIIEUJs IBJa^es ol pelllJlsed qlJ$IQ '(ldSN) '3uo8e11ty41;o u s srrli 22,,!.4g Syuq /I r :S!I-IV,^&HInOS .^dAN paurulrrra uorysano)taqlo 'GJUAd',^NSN '1Aht') 'IdS .o.fl:t&SN 'sepld '3uo8e11rl41;o 'dollllH :opq) 0E6gI aqroag S V'O661eunl 6Z qtnog ,{e\I quou .rPou:srd(J 'ueJJrporeqnlou8ll-uou nttquq rzcrdll ttsopnlod ttts1uog qy 'tou 'dsqns'e8roeg 5 y xnlo.rlsB dsqns lg U ?sopnlEd s!$luu{ '(e€e3Eletu€S) tg a snaltodssndtDcorq pug (eEscEquC).Ig d ( lua^) ,sfllar 'serlrtlleJ '( otuola\dwal 3 e Jeqtopu€ ( Jg lloptlsotd oalog,{lqElou) eueceelordreqlo uI Jg U apaw g' pllrl,l\slpuug g 3 e)otetuDg utueeseq,{ru salduexA peu€u ^lpuuoJ lou eJBlnqselceds uurlurlsnv urelse,,1!reqlo Jo requnu B ul rncso slueIJ€ I€lsuocpeleel es:€oJJo ^\o-I eraq paldale 'rellet trousr sercedsqnseqJ pu€lul queld pe,ruel,,norruu ol uo4elndod aql1o e8pe prc,trreseql 1" 'uoqs '(turo4 sel€el p"o.rq qlr^\ stuuld,$ol urorJuoqrsuerl u srereql 1ce1g),ft11uco1 ed^t eql tV serJeds eql urqtr,^ uonrunfsrp lEelc ou sr eJeq]lBql luelxe eql ol elqEIJE^sI srelcEleqceseql Jo qceg llqPq snoJeJrroueJou puEse^Eal lep?oJq'reuoqs flFnsn'ernluls JelPutsstl{q s4rluapDJo S It "rdiluto4 peqsrn8utsrpeq qcrqtw'nddoylosowot'dsqns s\lotuaprccog psqsrlqnd(686I ) nddol1 uopsncstg 'rg d sIIBluapIJJoEIs{uEfl srql.o11o!Buo1t1o.st"t,,t-.d;t:,1:::::tl:r"ffi":Tii.il#l*Hil;#'.";ti:fi:il| :/g6I prolJrTJ?9 ue Jjuo;lees) otloltSuolqo g;o leeqseddlotcel eql uo acuecseJoguleqJ se^lesueql suerurcedseql .{pnls ol ,{lrunuoddo eql psq I ,{llua.3u (008I) sellruB^€J ,{q peqsqqnd sotuuu '(I86I ;o sed,Qeq1;o sqderSoloqd,{po puq 1 e8roa9) ?lsrltrrg g:ouorst.ta.r .{ru peqsqqnd1 ueq16 'epsu eq u€J uoll3ullslp clJlcodsEryul pcrlrud u qcrq,t 1e,{lrnuquocsrp pcrSoloqdrour ou sI aleqt 13ql J€elc seuoJeq 1I'peululexe sl sarradseql Jo aBu€Jl€lol eqt ra^o uoqerJel eql ueqd;puelsuean} uJelsee-q$rcsur DllollSuolqo g go suorlvlndod ,{1umu pere,roc qcr€aser rleql lnq p.IoJJIJ ? upJuoJ (pl€IJu.I€J T uoplsl {) toulut'dsqns onollSuotqo A, uoqeurquroceql paqsrlqnd (186I) pIoJIIJ T uBruoJ uolssn)s1Q '^eJ ?lloJlBuolqo BJs{u"{ '8uol stut 7Z-VZ 'Buo1 slqsrd puu 3uo1uru g1-g se,leelSurpuerds ro Surpuecsesaapaarslldsqns pue urur 13-g1 slDstd puu Suol ruru l-€ se^"el paxeger Sur,requaunaw dsqns'ql8uel IDSIdpue se^€el uo peqslnSuqslp em sercedsqnseq; uausraw dsgnsuueuqe'Iuauslaw €' ur,(uolnesql solsalf,osp sIqJ uolsswsle az ,rslurg uosltoN r8ro.D S V 24 NuytsirVol ll. No.L (1996) Discussion. This has a habit similar to that of B. conferta srbsp.penicittata A.S. George,i.e. non_ lignotuberous,tall, and openly branched,but the flowers are quite like those of B. paludosa ." being short and openly spacedin the conflorescence.The open spacingofthe flowers in the conflorescence 1scharactedstic of B. paLudosaand occurs in no other speciesof ser. saLicinae. There is also no difference from typical B. paLudosarn leaf and fruit morphology. It is geogmphicallydisjunct from typical B. paludosa, the nearestpopulation of the latter being c. 30 km away. Banksia seminuda (A.S. George) Rye Discussion.Hopper (1989) describedB. seminuda subsp.remanens Hopper, distinguishingit from typrcalB. seminudaby its shorterstature, morefloriferous habitand usuallyshorter,less se ateleaves. Within the species,each of thesecharacters is variable to the extentthat there is no clear disiunction into infraspecific taxa, and the subspeciesis not acceptedhere. Acknowledgements I am gratefulto Kevin Thiele for providing a copy ofhis Ph.D.thesis (The University ofMelbourne) and fbr a copy of the manuscriptof his paper with Pauline Ladiges now (April 1996) submitted to "Australian SystematicBotany". I also thank the staff of ths herbadumattheReal Jardin Botiinico, Madrid, Spain, for their assistancein studying the material of Banksia in the Cavanilles collection durins mv recentvisit. References Cavanilles,A.J. ( I 800). Observacionessobrc el suelo,naturalcs y plantasdel PuerloJackson y B ahia,Botanica.Annales de Historia Natural 3r 206'239. Conran, J.c. &Clifford, H.T.(1987). V ati,tion in Banksia obLrnfliria Cav. (prorcaceae).Brunonia t0i 177 i87. George,A.S.(1981). The gcnus B.rnkrin L.f (Proteaceae).Nuyrsia 3i239-4?3. George,A.S. ( I 99 1). New taxa,combinations and t.lpific,ttons in Verti(:ordia(Myrtaceae: Chamclau ciae). Nuytsia? i 23 I 394. "Flora GeorBe,A.S.(1995). SJnaphea. In: Orcha ,A.E. (ed.) of Au srralia."Vol. 16.pp.271 306,315. George. A.S . ( I 996). New taxa and a new infngeneric classificrtion in Dryardr.r R. B r. (Prorcacexe:Crevillcoideae). N uylsia 10:313-408. Hopper, S.D.(1989). New subspeciesof Bdrkria seminudu$(l B. otidentalis (Proteaceae)from the southcoast of Westem Australia. Nuytsia 7: 15-24. Thiele. K. & lrdiges, P. (1994). Thc Dd.nksia integrili Li| L.t. srycies complex(proreaceae). A ustral.Sysr. Bot. ? : 393 408. Thiele, K. & Ladiges, P. (in press). A cldistic analysisof Earkia L.t (Proteaceae).Ausrral. Syst.Bot. .
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