
IUCN Red List version 2021-1: Table 7 Last Updated: 25 March 2021 Table 7: Species changing IUCN Red List Status (2020-2021) Published listings of a species' status may change for a variety of reasons (genuine improvement or deterioration in status; new information being available that was not known at the time of the previous assessment; taxonomic changes; corrections to mistakes made in previous assessments, etc. To help Red List users interpret the changes between the Red List updates, a summary of species that have changed category between 2020 (IUCN Red List version 2020-3) and 2021 (IUCN Red List version 2021-1) and the reasons for these changes is provided in the table below. IUCN Red List Categories: EX - Extinct, EW - Extinct in the Wild, CR - Critically Endangered [CR(PE) - Critically Endangered (Possibly Extinct), CR(PEW) - Critically Endangered (Possibly Extinct in the Wild)], EN - Endangered, VU - Vulnerable, LR/cd - Lower Risk/conservation dependent, NT - Near Threatened (includes LR/nt - Lower Risk/near threatened), DD - Data Deficient, LC - Least Concern (includes LR/lc - Lower Risk, least concern). Reasons for change: G - Genuine status change (genuine improvement or deterioration in the species' status); N - Non-genuine status change (i.e., status changes due to new information, improved knowledge of the criteria, incorrect data used previously, taxonomic revision, etc.); E - Previous listing was an Error. IUCN Red List IUCN Red Reason for Red List Scientific name Common name (2020) List (2021) change version Category Category MAMMALS (Mammalia) Alouatta sara Bolivian Red Howler Monkey LC NT G 2021-1 Aotus zonalis Panamanian Night Monkey DD NT N 2021-1 Chalinolobus tuberculatus New Zealand Long-tailed Bat VU CR G 2021-1 Eonycteris major Greater Dawn Bat DD NT N 2021-1 Falsistrellus tasmaniensis Eastern False Pipistrelle LC VU N 2021-1 Harpyionycteris celebensis Sulawesi Harpy Fruit Bat VU NT N 2021-1 Hipposideros stenotis Northern Leaf-nosed Bat LC VU N 2021-1 Hyperoodon ampullatus Northern Bottlenose Whale DD NT N 2021-1 Kerivoula myrella Manus Island Woolly Bat DD VU N 2021-1 Loxodonta africana African Savanna Elephant VU EN N 2021-1 Mico leucippe Golden-white Bare-ear Marmoset VU LC N 2021-1 Phoniscus papuensis Golden-tipped Bat LC VU G 2021-1 Plecturocebus olallae Olalla Brothers’ Titi EN CR G 2021-1 Plerotes anchietae D'Anchieta's Fruit Bat DD LC N 2021-1 Pteropus howensis Ontong Java Flying Fox DD CR N 2021-1 Saimiri oerstedii Black-crowned Central American Squirrel Monkey VU EN N 2021-1 Saimiri vanzolinii Black Squirrel Monkey VU EN N 2021-1 Scotonycteris zenkeri Zenker's Fruit Bat LC NT N 2021-1 Syconycteris carolinae Halmaheran Blossom Bat VU NT N 2021-1 Trachypithecus barbei Tenasserim Lutung DD VU N 2021-1 REPTILES (Reptilia) Amblyodipsas rodhaini Rodhain's Purple-glossed Snake DD LC N 2021-1 Atractaspis reticulata Mole Viper DD LC N 2021-1 Centrochelys sulcata African Spurred Tortoise VU EN G 2021-1 Cordylus rivae Ethiopian Girdled Lizard LC DD N 2021-1 Elapsoidea chelazzii Somali Garter Snake EN DD N 2021-1 Hardella thurjii Crowned River Turtle VU EN G 2021-1 Hemidactylus smithi Smith's Leaf-toed Gecko DD LC N 2021-1 Heosemys annandalii Yellow-headed Temple Turtle EN CR N 2021-1 Letheobia stejnegeri Stejneger's Beaked Snake DD LC N 2021-1 Lissemys punctata Indian Flapshell Turtle LR/lc VU N 2021-1 Lissemys scutata Burmese Flapshell Turtle DD LC N 2021-1 Malayemys subtrijuga Mekong Snail-eating Turtle VU NT N 2021-1 Morenia ocellata Burmese Eyed Turtle VU EN G 2021-1 Morenia petersi Indian Eyed Turtle VU EN G 2021-1 Nilssonia formosa Burmese Peacock Softshell EN CR N 2021-1 Nilssonia gangetica Indian Softshell Turtle VU EN G 2021-1 Nilssonia hurum Indian Peacock Softshell Turtle VU EN G 2021-1 Nilssonia leithii Leith's Softshell Turtle VU CR G 2021-1 Nilssonia nigricans Black Softshell Turtle EW CR N 2021-1 Palea steindachneri Wattle-necked Softshell Turtle EN CR G 2021-1 Pangshura sylhetensis Assam Roofed Turtle EN CR G 2021-1 Pangshura tecta Indian Roofed Turtle LR/lc VU N 2021-1 Pseuderemias striatus Peters' Sand Lizard DD LC N 2021-1 Rhampholeon chapmanorum Chapman's Pygmy Chameleon CR(PE) CR N 2021-1 Sacalia quadriocellata Four-eyed Turtle EN CR G 2021-1 Scincopus fasciatus Peters' Banded Skink DD LC N 2021-1 Urocotyledon weileri Weiler's Gecko DD EN N 2021-1 Xenocalamus michellii Michell's Quill-snouted Snake DD LC N 2021-1 IUCN Red List IUCN Red Reason for Red List Scientific name Common name (2020) List (2021) change version Category Category AMPHIBIANS (Amphibia) Allobates algorei Spotted Nurse Frog LC NT G 2021-1 Allobates chalcopis Martinique Volcano Frog VU CR G 2021-1 Amolops archotaphus Doi Inthanon Rock Frog LC DD N 2021-1 Anomaloglossus praderioi Sapito Niñera De Praderio DD EN N 2021-1 Anomaloglossus roraima Sapito Ninera Del Roraima DD EN N 2021-1 Cynops ensicauda Sword-tailed Newt EN VU N 2021-1 Cynops pyrrhogaster Japanese Fire-bellied Newt LC NT G 2021-1 Dendropsophus pelidna Betania Treefrog LC NT G 2021-1 Echinotriton andersoni Anderson's Crocodile Newt EN VU N 2021-1 Eleutherodactylus alticola Jamaican Peak Frog DD CR N 2021-1 Eleutherodactylus cooki Cave Coqui VU EN N 2021-1 Eleutherodactylus cundalli Cundall's Robber Frog NT VU N 2021-1 Eleutherodactylus fuscus Jamaican Ear-spotted Frog CR EN N 2021-1 Eleutherodactylus glaucoreius Blue Mountain Rockfrog NT EN N 2021-1 Eleutherodactylus gossei Jamaican Forest Frog LC VU N 2021-1 Eleutherodactylus griphus Cockpit Frog CR EN N 2021-1 Eleutherodactylus gryllus Cricket Coqui EN CR G 2021-1 Eleutherodactylus jamaicensis Jamaican Bromeliad Frog EN CR N 2021-1 Eleutherodactylus jasperi Golden Coqui CR CR(PE) N 2021-1 Eleutherodactylus locustus Locust Coqui CR EN N 2021-1 Eleutherodactylus pantoni Jamaican Yellow-bellied Frog NT VU N 2021-1 Eleutherodactylus pentasyringos John Crow Yellow-bellied Frog VU EN N 2021-1 Eleutherodactylus richmondi Richmond's Coqui CR EN N 2021-1 Eleutherodactylus rogersi Bahamian Flat-headed Frog DD LC N 2021-1 Eleutherodactylus unicolor Dwarf Coqui VU CR N 2021-1 Gastrotheca helenae Helena's Marsupial Frog DD EN N 2021-1 Hynobius abei Abe's Salamander CR EN N 2021-1 Hynobius boulengeri Odaigahara Salamander VU EN N 2021-1 Hynobius dunni Dunn's Oriental Salamander EN VU N 2021-1 Hynobius katoi Akaishi Salamander DD EN N 2021-1 Hynobius naevius Blotched Salamander LC EN N 2021-1 Hynobius okiensis Oki Salamander CR EN N 2021-1 Hynobius stejnegeri Smaller Blotched Salamander LC NT N 2021-1 Mannophryne cordilleriana Andean Collared Frog CR VU N 2021-1 Osteopilus crucialis Jamaican Snoring Frog EN VU N 2021-1 Osteopilus ocellatus Jamaican Laughing Frog LC NT N 2021-1 Osteopilus wilderi Jamaican Green Treefrog EN VU N 2021-1 Peltophryne lemur Puerto Rican Crested Toad CR EN G 2021-1 Pristimantis anolirex Santander Robber Frog NT VU N 2021-1 Pristimantis briceni VU EN G 2021-1 Pristimantis colostichos Los Conejos Short-banded Paramo Frog VU EN N 2021-1 Pristimantis culatensis La Culata’s Paramo Frog DD EN N 2021-1 Pristimantis euphronides Grenada Frog EN CR N 2021-1 Pristimantis flabellidiscus Los Aranguren Paramo Frog DD VU N 2021-1 Pristimantis jabonensis Jabon Paramo Frog DD VU N 2021-1 Pristimantis kareliae NT CR G 2021-1 Pristimantis pedimontanus DD VU N 2021-1 Pristimantis rhigophilus DD VU N 2021-1 Pristimantis telefericus Merida Cable Car Frog DD CR N 2021-1 Pristimantis thyellus DD CR N 2021-1 Rana tsushimensis Tsushima Brown Frog LC NT G 2021-1 Scinax manriquei Manrique Snouted Treefrog LC NT G 2021-1 Tachiramantis lentiginosus Guacharaquita Robber Frog DD EN N 2021-1 Tepuihyla rodriguezi Rodriguez's Amazon Treefrog DD NT N 2021-1 Zhangixalus hui DD LC N 2021-1 Zhangixalus owstoni Owston's Green Tree Frog LC NT N 2021-1 Zhangixalus yaoshanensis EN NT G 2021-1 BONY FISHES (Actinopterygii) Acestrorhynchus maculipinna LC DD N 2021-1 Alosa alabamae Alabama Shad DD NT N 2021-1 IUCN Red List IUCN Red Reason for Red List Scientific name Common name (2020) List (2021) change version Category Category Ancylopsetta kumperae Foureyed Flounder DD LC N 2021-1 Belobranchus belobranchus Throatspine Gudgeon DD LC N 2021-1 Boesemania microlepis Smallscale Croaker NT DD N 2021-1 Cynoscion acoupa Acoupa Weakfish LC VU G 2021-1 Engraulis mordax Californian Anchovy LC DD N 2021-1 Gambusia dominicensis Domingo Mosquito Fish EN DD N 2021-1 Glossogobius hoesei Hoese's Goby DD EN N 2021-1 Laeops kitaharae Kithara's Flounder DD LC N 2021-1 Lentipes venustus Venus Goby DD LC N 2021-1 Lucifuga dentata Toothed Cuban Cusk-Eel VU EN N 2021-1 Lucifuga subterranea Pez Ciego VU EN N 2021-1 Meiacanthus anema Threadless Blenny DD LC N 2021-1 Mogurnda lineata Kokoda Mogurnda LR/lc EN N 2021-1 Mogurnda orientalis Eastern Mogurnda LR/lc EN N 2021-1 Mugilogobius fusculus Obscure Mangrove Goby DD LC N 2021-1 Omox biporos Omox Blenny DD LC N 2021-1 Oxyeleotris wisselensis Paniai Gudgeon DD EN N 2021-1 Rasbora baliensis VU LC N 2021-1 Redigobius oyensi Oyens Goby DD LC N 2021-1 Stenogobius psilosinionus Barcheek Goby DD LC N 2021-1 SHARKS & RAYS (Chondrichthyes) Aetobatus narinari Whitespotted Eagle Ray NT EN N 2021-1 Aetomylaeus bovinus Duckbill Eagle Ray DD CR N 2021-1 Apristurus fedorovi Stout Catshark DD LC N 2021-1 Apristurus japonicus Japanese Catshark DD LC N 2021-1 Apristurus macrorhynchus Flathead Catshark DD LC N 2021-1 Brevitrygon imbricata Bengal Whipray DD VU N 2021-1 Carcharhinus acronotus Blacknose Shark NT EN G 2021-1 Carcharhinus hemiodon Pondicherry Shark CR(PE) CR N 2021-1 Carcharhinus isodon Finetooth Shark LC
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