FLMJ-N ytt. A dnalm s Förlag (Järnvägar) E dition 2/08 80p N ürnberg R eport, 2008. The FLMJ’s Industrial A rea. R ailw ays on Iceland & S valbard. A nd m uch, m uch m ore… FLMJ-Nytt Edition 2/08; April 28th, 2008. Published by Adnalms Förlag (Järnvägar). Copyright © 2008 to Adnalms Järnvägar. All rights reserved. “Siljan” Readers are welcome to copy parts of —FLMJ-N ytt“ prov ided th at 38 Brookside Park su ch copies are n ot u sed to h arm th e welfare of A dn alms Farnborough Jä rn v ä g ar or an y of its association s. A ll v iews ex pressed in th is GU14 9AZ pu b lication are th ose of th e con trib u tors an d do n ot n ecessarily England reflect th e official v iews of A dn alms Jä rn v ä g ar or an y of its su b sidiaries or association s. +44 (0)1252-377647 C ontents: [email protected] 0 3 … E ditorial. www.adnalm.org.uk 0 4 … Report from N ü rn b erg . 0 7 … Roco & Fleisch man n . 0 8 … FLMJ‘s In du strial A rea. EDITOR: Adrian Allum. 10 … Railways on Icelan d an d S v alb ard! 12 … D V D Rev iew. 13 … W eb site Q u estion s. Front Cover: 14 … N ews in B rief. A “Kit-Kat” wagon is seen In clu din g S tock Rev iews, Ru mou rs, an d th e u su al. at the goods shed at the new Industrial Area near Siljansnäs! The wagon is N ext E d itions: an old Lima model, but E dition P ress-stop P ublished the building is a suitably repainted Pola kit. 3-0 8 Ju n e 27 th Ju ly 7 th Development continues! 4-0 8 S eptemb er 5th S eptemb er 15th 5-0 8 N ov emb er 14th N ov emb er 24th 1-0 9 Feb ru ary 6th Feb ru ary 16th 2-0 9 A pril 9 th A pril 19 th P rodu ced with Microsoft P u b lish er on W in dows X P . [C :\D ata Files\P u b lish er\1-FN ] A n n u al S u b scription costs £ 4 (20 0 8 ), post-free to U K an d S wedish addresses. E lsewh ere at cost. T o adv ertise in —FLMJ-N ytt,“ A 5 portrait = £ 4; A 6 lan dscape = £ 2. Photos by A. Allum, W e will on ly con sider adv ertisemen ts th at are related to ou r su b ject; S wedish railways, prototype an d model. A ll in formation pu b lish ed in g ood faith ; n o liab ility unless credited. accepted. A lso av ailab le on lin e (as P D F) at www.adn alm.org .u k E & O E . 2 … FLMJ-N ytt From the E ditor… I have enjoyed a weekend in Oldenburg, Germ any! The only Swedish train that I saw, was a M ärklin restaurant car in the old brown livery on a stand at the M odelling Exhibition where I was helping som e friends operate a British 7m m scale layout. W ith (alm ost) all expenses paid, it was a nice chance to get away for a few days, and being a weekend, m y job searching was not com prom ised! W e returned via Venlo, and a good photo opportunity. Having broken m y Kodak Z740 cam era, I was using m y original digital cam era instead, with the battery com partm ent held shut with insulating tape! I certainly did appreciate seeing trains that are so different to m y usual interest, and I was certainly intrigued to see what can only be described as a 2½ -car DM U! Between the two passenger cars, there is a very short unit housing the engine! There was even a 3½ -car version also! All of this was new to m e, having never ventured out this way before. Apart from m y m any trips to Sweden, the only other non-UK travel has been a day-trip to France and an overnight stop in Narvik. (The journey to and from Oldenburg took m e from , through and to five countries in one day; and that felt like an achievem ent!) All of this has got m e thinking about the FLM J in som e ways. The FLM J is a fam iliar railway to people who know it well. But m aybe we should look at it as if we’ve never seen it before. W hat sort of im age does it present? W ould it create a positive “first im pression” for the railways of Sweden; or would it be “just another foreign layout” that first-tim e visitors would not take a lot of interest in? The FLM J has certainly earned a good reputation within Sweden, with one distinguished observer acclaim ing that we are the am bassadors for Swedish Railway M odelling abroad! Praise indeed, but we m ust not rest on our laurels. Adrian Allum . FLMJ-N ytt … 3 R eport from N ürnberg. The Swedish scene gets a better coverage this year, as our report from Nürnberg suggests. (However, none of Mehano’s eight new variants of the class 66 will be in a Swedish livery!) ADP-Modell is bringing out a 2-axle timber wagon type ‘Laaps’ in modern red & yellow livery, but we know nothing about its availability at present! Fleischmann is bringing out a type ‘Rnoos 664’ wagon (for container and- or timber traffic) in both H0 and N scales. Heljan’s ambitious Swedish programme announced a few years ago resulted in only a few of the eight carriages being produced. This year, they have announced three more, along with new versions of the F5 2-axle baggage car. They have proposed the ‘F’ class steam loco in three number versions (plus three as the Danish class ‘E’) and to be available during the second quarter this year! The ‘T21’ diesel is also proposed in three number versions, for fourth quarter this year. H o b b yt ra d e / B ri m a l m is extending their ‘TMZ’ range with one in “Stena Metals” livery as number 1419. There will also be a type ‘H/Ibcos’ goods wagon for Epochs 3 & 5; a ‘Hbis-763’ goods wagon in an assortment of liveries for SJ, TGOJ, Green Cargo, DSB and NS; and a type ‘Hirrs 007’ “double-wagon” in Green Cargo and Nordwaggon liveries Jeco has already released their new product for the year, the T44 in Green Cargo livery as number 323, the solitary example in that livery. Still under development, is the Ra (Rapidlok) loco; of an earlier design than the recent Lima model. Jeco’s running quality will be better than Lima’s! 5 … FLMJ-N ytt NMJ Topline is to produce SJ wagons types ‘Kbps’ and ‘Os’ but these might not actually appear until 2009. For 2008, however, the 1960s coaches are likely soon! More about NMJ in our Rumours section at the end of the journal! Piko is planning another LKAB wagon, and one can only hope that availability is better than with the previous one! Its article number will apparently be 54908. Roco’s big item for the year is of course, the Da-loco, and pre- production samples have been reviewed in both “Allt om Hobby” and “Tåg” magazines, with good reviews from both. The production model is expected second quarter, this year! {STOP PRESS: It is in the shops already!} There will also be a new set of Iron Ore wagons, FLMJ-N ytt … 5 same as before, but with new running numbers; Roco have caught on to the modellers’ desires! (Bachmann does a similar thing for the UK 00-scale market; same wagons, new numbers; and they sell!) Also, however, there will be a model of the modern LKAB master-slave pairs of Ore wagons two be sold in packs of two (four wagons per pack). These are expected at the end of the year. (See picture overleaf.) SSJ is still developing their ‘X7 (Xoa7) and UB7X set,’ but there will only be 100 produced and they won’t be cheap! Swedtram have some new high quality brass models of Göteborg tram type ‘M25h’ (for right-hand drive). Trix, along with Märklin (the latter celebrating “70 years in Sweden”), is producing the T44 in SJ orange/blue livery (available from 2009) but only Märklin will produce the HectorRail 441 loco (as a limited edition). Trix is also producing the Märklin Ga-loco as a limited edition two-rail version. Märklin is producing as a limited set, two ‘Sdgkms’ bogie flats, each with two 20’ Volvo containers. This is not necessarily a Swedish wagon design, but it would not be out of place in Sweden. Whether or not it has a Swedish UIC number, remains to be seen! Onto the Scenic side of things… Brekina is, as expected, r e l e a s i n g their new Saab 96 in three new colours, light blue, orange and mustard-yellow. Also, there is an old Mercedes school-bus with Swedish markings and a Scania lorry in “Drick Bockens” livery. Kibri is under new ownership and many of the industrial vehicles and cranes will become available in motorised options, as kits and as ready to run models.
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