Geological Survey of Norway State Geological and Subsurface Survey of Ukraine Best practice and standards on geological mapping, data management and information (NUMIRE) joint project under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway contract UKR-12/0012 FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK 2nd General Workshop and Field Trip Kyiv – Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine May 19-25, 2013 General Workshop on the NUMIRE joint project between geological surveys of Norway and Ukraine Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, May 19-25, 2013 Загальний семінар за спільним проектом NUMIRE між геологічними службами України та Норвегії Дніпропетровськ, Україна, 19-25 травня 2013 року CONTENTS Location sketch ............................................................ 3 Object A. Kryvyj Rig Iron-Ore Mining Camp ............ 4 Object B. Khortytskiy Granite Massif....................... 11 Object C. Nikopol Manganese-Ore Mining Camp.... 13 2 General Workshop on the NUMIRE joint project between geological surveys of Norway and Ukraine Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, May 19-25, 2013 Загальний семінар за спільним проектом NUMIRE між геологічними службами України та Норвегії Дніпропетровськ, Україна, 19-25 травня 2013 року Location sketch Crystalline basement slopes routes access/ leave sections Vo ro nez boarding/ Dn h ip sk overnight sites rov a s ko- D one ts ka Ant Volyno- D icline Podilska Kyiv epr e ss Plate ion F Lvivskiy o r Trough e -C a r UKRAINIAN SHIELD p a Folded Carpathit h Donbas ia n T Tr r an o Dnipropetrovsk s u ca g Tr rpa h ou t gh hi a an ns Kryvyj Rig Khortytskiy Iron-Ore Granite Massif Mining Camp 100 km Major Precambrian Nikopol Domains of Eastern- Fore-Crimean Manganese-Ore European Mining Camp ia Depression Platform and Volgo nosc Volyn Fen -Ura Sa rm lia a tia UKRAINE Azov Sea Dnister- and Ukrainian Shield Fore- Boug Ros- Dobrugean Tykych Trough Scythian Plate Ingul Dnipro in nta ou a Black Sea M me Cri Mega(Geo)- Azov Blocks in 200 km Ukrainian Shield Geology and layout Dnipropetrovska region Poltavska Kirovo- region r D e n iv gradska ip R ro region R Pavlograd i ve r Samara Oleksandria Krasnoarmiysk Dniprodzerzhynsk DNIPROPETROVSK Pyatykhatky Adamivka Sinelnikove Zhovti Vody Solone er iv R ha River s r Apolonivka Vovc let e Malosofiivka iv gu R In a r Donetsk a Kryvyj u r S Sofiivka e region Rig a v i r B R k o ZAPORIZHZHYA k M u A l v a z a B C Nikopol Pology r) Ordzhonikidze khovske oi Ka Se rv a (Rese B Tokmak er da r R e ive iv Andriivka r Mykolaivska region Mykolaivska R ro Zaporizka region ip n r D e v i R Khersonska region a Osypenko n h c o Melitopol l o Berdyansk Kakhovka M Prymorsk field trip objects 50 km paved roads railroads A Z O V S E A Administrative sketch 3 General Workshop on the NUMIRE joint project between geological surveys of Norway and Ukraine Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, May 19-25, 2013 Загальний семінар за спільним проектом NUMIRE між геологічними службами України та Норвегії Дніпропетровськ, Україна, 19-25 травня 2013 року Day 2, Tuesday, May 21, 2013 Dnipropetrovsk 50 km Object A. Kryvyj Rig Iron-Ore Mining Camp Kryvyj Rig Rough distance 300 km, estimated duration 9 hours. Kryvyj Rig iron-ore mining camp is located in the central part of Ukrainian Shield. It is confined to Kryvorizka structure extended over 80 km in the longitudinal direction and developed at the boundary between two mega-blocks: Ingulskiy in the west and Middle- Dniprean in the east. These mega-blocks are separated by deep-seated Kryvorizko- Kremenchutskiy fault extended in the area from south-south-west to north-north-east. Ingulskiy mega-block is composed of Paleo-Proterozoic rocks whereas Middle- Dniprean mega-block includes Paleo-Archean granitoids with superimposed Meso-Archean greenstone belts. Kryvorizka structure comprises complex geological unit including Meso-Archean and Paleo-Proterozoic metavolcanogenic-sedimentary rocks as well as Cenozoic sediments. Stratified rocks are hosted by Paleo- and Meso-Archean granitoids (Fig. A.1, A.2). Structure emerged in Meso-Archean due to Paleo-Archean proto-crust breaking by deep-seated faults and development of rifts separated by granite-gneiss domes (Fig. A.3). Complex history of the area had caused complicated geology and various minerals associated. Most prominent feature is the iron-ore mineralization with a range of large deposits supplying operating mining-beneficiation plants. To date, 16 deposits with explored iron-ore reserves are in production (Fig. A.4). In term of stratigraphy, the iron-ore deposits are confined to Saksaganska Suite of Kryvorizka Series. High-grade iron-ore bodies as well as ferruginous quartzite layers are also known in the lower part of Gdantsivska Suite. Kryvyj Rig iron ores belong to metamorphogenic mineral type. Two classes are distinguished by iron content: • low-grade iron ores with iron content from 15-20 to 46% which are commonly called “ferruginous quartzites”; • high-grade iron ores where iron content varies from 46 to 70%. The low-grade iron ores by mineral composition and forming conditions are divided in two sub-classes: magnetite quartzites and hematite quartzites. Magnetite quartzites are developed in the sheeted bodies within Saksaganska Suite ironiferous horizons of Kryvorizka Series. They are normally being exploited by open-cast method and processed by beneficiating units at five Kryvyj Rig mining-beneficiation plants supplying magnetite concentrate, agglomerate and pellets. About 30 mineral sub-types of these products are distinguished: magnetite, hematite-magnetite, carbonate-magnetite, carbonate-chlorite-magnetite, cummingtonite-magnetite, riebeckite-magnetite, etc. Hematite quartzites are the products of magnetite quartzite supergene alteration where magnetite is replaced by martite, the iron carbonates and silicates – by disperse hematite (“hydro-hematite”), and quartz is preserved as the relic mineral. Hematite quartzites are developed in the upper (up to 20-100 m by depth) ironiferous horizons of Saksaganska Suite at the contact with Cenozoic sediments. These ores are not involved in mining operations so far and are considered to be the raw materials for Kryvorizkiy mining- beneficiation plant for oxidized ores (KMBPOO) under construction. 4 General Workshop on the NUMIRE joint project between geological surveys of Norway and Ukraine Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, May 19-25, 2013 Загальний семінар за спільним проектом NUMIRE між геологічними службами України та Норвегії Дніпропетровськ, Україна, 19-25 травня 2013 року aplite-pegmatoid rock association Gl e y u- vatska me tat err ig enous compl ex 10 k m Su i t e Upper (undivided by roc k asso ciations) dyke diabas e rock association 400 to up 1800 carbonate-carbonaceous- Kryvyj Rig- metaterrigenous complex Kremenchuk Gd a n- schist-metasandstone fault tsivs ka Su i t e rock association carbonate-carbonaceous- ot her sch ist rock assoc iation faults fer ruginou s-schis t 300 450 rock association iron ore metaterrigenous-ferruginous complex Middle quarries rP o re o t o I c z Saks a- ganska jaspilite-silicate-schist Su i t e rock association Kryvorizka Series Kryvorizka 650-800 metakomatiite rock association Skel yu- 60 vatska metaconglomerate-sandstone- Su i t e sch ist rock assoc iation No v o- metaconglomerate-schist kryvorizka rockj asso cia tion Su i t e 300 300 plagiogranite-tonal ite rock association (Saksagan granitoid complex) metav olcanogenic-s edimentary c omplex metadacite-andesite-tholeiite and metakomatiite-jaspilite-tholeiite 110 0 rock associations undivided Undi vi ded A r c h e a n h e c r A gneiss-granite-plagiogranite Konks Series ka rock association Middle Upper (Dnipropetrovsk granitoid complex) LOCATION PRECAMBRIAN tform B la oundary MAP P CRUSTAL n a e SEGMENTS Project results Project EUROBRIDGE p o r u E a - di ast ern n E ca os V nn o Fe lg o S -U a r charnockite-granulite complex rm al Ingulskiy a ia (essentially retrograded) t mega-block ia plagiogranitoid-amphibolite complex Uk rain i an Shield Verkhi vtsev o greenstone complex - volcanic portion greenstone complex - tonalite plutonic portion greenstone complex - late two-feldspar Sura granite portion greenstone Sophievka belts Kryvyj Rig Pavlivka Kosivtsevo Ko nka Chort omlyk Bilozerka MIddle-Dn ipr ean mega- block N Soroki 50 km Azovian mega-block Fig. A.1. Main geological features of Kryvyj Rig structure and regional geology. 5 General Workshop on the NUMIRE joint project between geological surveys of Norway and Ukraine Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, May 19-25, 2013 Загальний семінар за спільним проектом NUMIRE між геологічними службами України та Норвегії Дніпропетровськ, Україна, 19-25 травня 2013 року SDBH-8 16987 9832 A 20500 22350 19829 17752 17820 B 9813 20811 1242 3292 0 339,0 750,0 1 1018,0 1238,0 1209,0 2 3 3550,0 3044,0 4 5 A 5432,0 6 B 7 km metavolcanogenic-sedimentary complex metaconglomerate-schist rock association metaconglomerate-sandstone-schist rock association metakomatiite rock association metaterrigenous- normal ferruginous complex ferruginous jaspilite silicate-schist rock association faults reverse carbonate-carbonaceous-metaterrigenous complex faults, nappes drill-holes metaterrigenous complex 3550,0 plagiogranite-tonalite rock association (Upper Archean Saksagan granitoid complex) gneiss-granite-plagiogranite rock association (Middle Archean Dnipropetrovsk granitoid complex) Fig. A.2. Geological cross-section across Kryvyj Rig structure. SDBH-8 – Kryvyj Rig super-deep borehole. 6 General Workshop on the NUMIRE joint project between geological surveys of Norway and Ukraine Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, May 19-25, 2013 Загальний семінар за спільним проектом NUMIRE між геологічними службами України та Норвегії Дніпропетровськ, Україна, 19-25 травня 2013 року 3 orogenic (PR 1) 2 proto-geosyncline (PR 1) rifting- late 1 (PR 1) rifting- early (AR 3) LEGEND Rock complexes: meta-volcanogenic-sedimentary meta-terrigenous-ferruginous carbonate-carbonaceous-meta-terrigenous meta-terrigenous diabase Granitoid associations: dykes gneiss-granite- faults plagiogranite plagiogranite- tonalite Fig. A.3. Apparent geodynamics of Kryvyj Rig structure (after I.Paranko, 2002).
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