1798 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. FEBRUARY 2, of the Manderson-Hainer bill-to the Committee on the Post­ rate oi 35 cents on all unstemmed leaf tobacco-to the Committee Office and Post-Roada. on Ways and Means. Also, petition of E. T. Martin and 24 others, of Vernon, N.Y.,_ Also, resolutions of the Chamber of Commerce of Port Town­ for the pass:.tge of the Hill bill relating to oleomargarine-to the send, in protest to the placing of lumber on the free list-to the . 9<>.:;n91ittee on Agriculture. Committee on Ways and Means. _:- -~[~fu, petition of John J. Schmidt and 150 other citizens of Also, petition of 200citizensof Clallam County, Wash., for the l;Jt.~:i ', N. Y. t against the increase of revenue tax on cigars, etc.­ improvement of the Quillayute River and harbor-to the Com­ to the Committee on Ways and Means. mittee on Rivers and Harbors. By Mr. v iLLIAl.1 A. STONE: Petition for passage of House Also, memorial of the Legislature of the State of Washington, bill permitting frat:wnal p.wers equal rights through United urging Congress to make provision for submitting an amend­ States m ::tils-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post­ ment to the Constitution -providing for the election of United Roads. States Senators by the vote of the people-to the Committee on By Mr. STORER: P etition of the Charles C. Jacobs Cordage Election of President, Vice-President, and Representatives in Comp:my, suggesting cert-ain changes in the Wilson bill-to the Congress. Committee on Ways and Means. Also, resolution of the trustees of the Cincinnati Museum As­ sochtion, in favor of free art-to the Committee on Ways and Means. - sENATE. Also, protest of Mr. George A. Root and 5 others, citizens of Cincinnati. Ohio., against the passage of the Wilson bill-to the FRIDAY, February 2, 1894. Committee on Ways and Means. _ _ Also, reaolutions of the employes of the Newport Rolling Mills Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W. H. MILBURN, D. D. Company, by Edward Bowen, chairman of the committee, pro­ T-he Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. test.ing against tJ.e p~ssage of the Wilson bill-tO the Commit­ GUNBOAT CASTINE. tee on Ways and Means. A iso, petition of Max Worcber & Son, protesting against the The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate acommunic&­ reduction of the tariff on surgical instruments-to the Commit­ tion from the Sec1·etary of the Navy stating, in response to a. tee on Ways and Means. resolution of January 31, 1894, the reasons why the New York Also, protestof the employes of D:.w id Reeves, of Cincinnati, Navy-yard has been selected as the place for the work of length­ Ohio, ag<Linst the proposed change in the tariff on gold leaf-to ening the gunboat Castine, instead of the navy-yard at Ports­ the Committee on Ways and Means. mouth, N. H.· which, on motion of Mr. HALE, was referred to Also, pro ~ est of the excentric Association of Engineers of Cin­ the Committee on AppropriationB, and ordered to be printed. cinnati, Ohio, against the passage of the Wilson bill-to the PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. Committee-on Ways and Means. · Also protest of Hamilton County (Ohio) League of Builders' Mr. LODGE -presented a petition from ..the Royal Society of Associations, by Fred B :.tder, president, against the passage of Good Fellows, of Massachusetts, praying for the establishment of the income:tax bill-to the Committee on Ways and Means. more favorable postal rates for the fraternity and beneficiary Also, petition of I. Gradel; secretary of the Lithographers' press of the country; which was referred to the Committee on Union, of Cincinnati, Ohio, protesting against the passage of the Post-Offices and Post-Roads. · Wilson bill-to the Committee on Ways and Means. He also presented petitions- of Prof. Herman Kower and 38 Also, protest of P.R. Mitchell Company, of Cincinnati, Ohio, other members of the faculty of the University of California· against the change of the duty on curled hair-to the Commit­ of Prof. Frederic Gardner, .jr., and 13 other members of th~ tee on W ays and Means. United States Department of Agriculture; of G. Stanley Hall Also, memorial of 101 voters of Columbia, Hamilton County, president, and 34 other members of the faculty of Clark Ohio, of all politica.l parties, against the passao-e of the Wilson Univ~rsity, Georgia· of L.A. Morrison and George Dimmock, bill- to the Committea on Ways and Means. "' - citizens ol New H ampshire; of C. A. Adams, jr., and 14 dther Also, petition of dealers and jobbers of playing cards, of New members of the faculty of Harvard Univer·sity, Cambridge, Orleans, La., against a tax on playing cards-to the Committee Mass.; of George T. Winston, president, and 8 other members on Ways and Means. of the faculty of the University of North Carolina; o! Prof. A. Also protest of Ault & Wiborg, of Cincinnati, Ohio, against S. Packard and 8 other members of the faculty of Brown Uni­ reducing duty on printing ink-to the Committee on Ways and versity, Providence, R. I., and of Prof. John A . Rvder and 6 Means. other members of the faculty of the University of Pennsylva­ Also, protest of A. L. Andrews and 42 other employes of the nia, praying 'for the removal of all duties upon scientific and Globe Iron Roofi ng and Corrugating Company, of Cincinnati, philosophical apparatus whose chief use is for instruction or re­ Ohio, against the passage of the Wilson bill-to the Committee &earch; which were referred to the Committee on Finance. on Ways and Means. Mr. PROCTOR pr3sented a petition of Grand Lodge, Inde­ Also, -p rotest of the Freeman Perfume Company, of Cincin­ pendent Order of Good Templars, of Vermont, praying for the nati, Ohio, against the pa-Ssage of the Wilson bil-l-to the Com­ appointment of a national commission of inquiry to investigate mittee on Ways and Me-ans. the alcoholic liquor traffic; which was referred to the Commit­ By Mr. VAN VOORHIS of New York: Telegram from G; C. tee on Education and L<;i,bor. Buell & Co., of Rochester, N.Y., urging the defeat of the free He also presented a memorial of the Bee-keepers' Associa­ refined sugar feature of the Wilson tariff bill-to the Committee tion of Vermont, remonstrating against the proposed reduction on Ways and Means. of the duty on honey; which was referred to the Committee on - Also, petition of four prominent wholesale grocery firms ot Finance. Zanesville, Ohio, protesting against anv change in the tariff oi He a.lso presented the memorial of L. F. Abbott and 11 other · bounty on sugar-to the Committee on"'Ways and Means. woolen manufacturers, of Bennington, Vt., remonstr-ating against placing wool on the free list; which was -referred to the Com­ By Mr. WEADOCK: Petition to admit to the mail as second­ mittee Qn Finance. class matter all publications of fraternal and benevolent so­ Mr. DAVIS presented petitions of sundry citizens of. Lanes­ cieties-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. boro, Montgomery, and Springfield, of Lodge No. 57, Ancient By Mr. WHITE: Petition of W. B. Doarnan and 34: others, Order of United Workmen, of Delavan, and of Council No.1206, citizens of Cleveland, Ohio, against passage of the Wilson tariff Royal Arcanum, of Itasca, all in the State of Minnesota. in the bill-to the Committee on Ways and Means. interest of fraternal society and college journals, praying.for the Also, petition of Fries & Schule and 6 other business firms pass3,ge of the Manderson-Hainer bill, proposing to amend the and citizens of Cleveland, Ohio, against the passacre of the Wil­ postal laws; which were referred to the Committee on Post-Of- son tariff bill-to the Committee on Ways and Me~ns. fices and Post-Roads. .. By Mr. WILSON of Ohio: Petition of Steele, Hopkins & He also presented a memorial of the Chamber of Commerce of M~redith, <?f S~ringfield, -Ohio, against free-sugar feature of the St. P aul, Minn., remonstrating against placing iron ore and un­ Wilson tarrff bill-to the Committ9e on Ways and Means. dressed lumber on the free list; which was referred to the Com­ By Mr. WILSON, of Washington: Petition of 14 citizens of mittee on Finance. Centralia, Wash., protec;ting against the passage of the Wilson He also presented the petition of H. J. Bishner and other citi· bill-to the Comm;ttee on Ways and Means. zens of Wells, Minn., praying for the imposition of a. unUorm Also, petition of 6 citizens of Snohomish, Wash., for a uni­ duty of 35 per cent on unstemmed leaf tobacco; which was re­ form rate of 35 cents on all unst-emmed leaf tobacco-to the ferred to the Committee on Finance. Committee on Ways and Means. He also presented a petition of the Socialist Labor party, of Also, petition of 5 citizens of Seattle, Wash., for a uniform St. Paul, Minn., prayingfor thegovernmentalcontrolofthetele- 1894. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 1799 graph service; which was referred to the coU:mittee on Post-) nals; which was referred to the Committee on Post-Offices and Offices and Post-Roads. Post-Roads. He also presented a petition of Battery A, First Battalion of Mr. WASHBURN presen~d a petit10n of the Itasca CounCll, Artillery, National Guard, State Militia, of St. Paul, Minn., pr~y- Royal Arcanum, o~ Itas~a, Mmn., ~ prayer for the passage o~ ingforthe passage of House bill No.
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