[ CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS beginning JANUARY I I n IJ COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Page 1. THE STATE OF WYOMING ) COUNTY OF SWEEl'WATER ) SSe CITY OF-ROCK SPRINGS) ROCK SPRINGS, WYOMING, JANUARY 5, 1953 The Council met in Regular Session this 5th day of January, 1953 The-Mayor called the meeting to order and upon roll call the following answered present: Councilmen MY"ska, Jones, Kaumo, Wendt and Hafey. Councilman Fech, absent. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held December 15, 1952, and the· Special Meeting held December 29, 1952, were approved as read by the Clerk. 1_'-, It was then moved by Councilman Jones and seconded by Councilman Kaumo that the Officer's Reports as presented be accepted and plac~d on fil.e Mot-ion carried. The following list of Eills and CIa ims were then presented to the- Council for payment: EIJW..IN E•• JA)fES SALARY $100.00 STEVE MYSKA 1111 40.00 JOHN E. WENDT 1111 40.00 AN GEL 0 KAUMO '"' 40.00 DVHGHT J. JONES 1111 40.00 MICHAEL FECH. SR. 11ft 40.00 ARTHUR M. HAFEY 1111 40.00 EDWIN V. MAGAGNA 1111 150.00 CARL F. AS rALA "" 300.00 EVELYN F. DERU 'HI 215.00 RAY-MeND F. VENTA '''' 100.00 DR .. K. E. KRUEGAR 1111 50.00 WAFE SEALE '''' 140.00 JOSEPH PORENTA "II 240.00 ARliENE I. PIVIK 1111 225.00 JGHN ZAKOVICH lilt 350.00 JOHN VERCNDA III! 300.00 JOHN HANSEN nn 300.00 I 'I JAMES H. DOAK lin 300.00 i I WI1LIA MJ. HARVEY "" 300.00 OSGAR OLSEN 1111 300.00 LOUIS W. MUIR 1111 300.00 PE':PE MIRICH "" 300.00 GEORGE LEMICH '"' 300.00 JAMES STARK 1111 300.00 JOHN MARIETTA '"' 30.00 PETE J. TRONQUET "" 325.00 ISAAC ROBERTS, JR. 1111 300.00 ROBERT CUTHBERTSON 1111 300.00 ROBERT M. STUART "" 300.00 EARLE LA'NLESS 1111 55.00 KENNETH OCKER1~N 1111 55.00 OLIVER HENSALA 1111 55.00 ED-PALANCK nn 55.00 WILLIAM J. MATTHEWS 1111 55.00 WILLIAM E. SMITH "" 55.00 andy M. ANGELOVIC lin 32;.00 ANTON STARlfAN "" 210.00 CLIFFORD B. HOPKINS 1111 310.00 JAMES THOMPSON "" l50~00 JOHN RIEOVICH "II 270.00 ALEX KVASNAK II" 240.00 OOESIMO BRANCH 1111 240.00 I RIGHARD BARRASS II" 240.00 HEN'RY POTTER '"' 240.00 MIKE BEHUN "" 240.00 LESTER BWEMEL 1111 240.00 JOE BEHUN 1111 240.00 MIKE PAULICH "" 240.00 PAT BRANCH, JR. '"' 240.00 JOHN REGSBY' "" 185.15 ALEXANDER R. aIRISTIE "" 200.00 J. T. GREEN nil 64.40 CATHER JNE COSTANTINO '"' 24.30 ANTON YUGOVICH "" 27.60 Page 2. The following list of Deductions ndshown in the above salaries are as follows: Withholding Tax: $1,215.60; Social Security: $86.77; Insuran e: $25.89; Firemen's Pension Fund: $24.50; Policemen's Pension Fund: $60.00; and Hospital: $350.80. ACME SANITARY SUPPLY CO. SUPPLIES $ 50.60 ALLIED STEEL CO., INC. GllADER BLADES 229.65 AMERICAN LINEN CO. MONTHLY SERVICE 5.00 AMSTERDAM PRINTING & LITHRO. CO. SUPPLIES 10.37 AUTO PARTS & SUPPLY CO. PARTS 144.61 BERTA TRANSFER CO. SERVICES 13.95 BlliE BELL CO. DIESEL FlJJtEL 11.54 BROADWAY TEXACO GASOLINE & PARTS 73.75 BEN CARD, CO. TREAS1HtER COL. PUBLIC MONIES 213.46 CITY TREASURER I S PETTY CASH MISC. EXPENSES FOR 'MO. 34.61 COLONY CORP. PIPE 50.91 CYRSTAL ICE CO. ICE FOR MONTH 3.50 DE BERNARDI mos. WEST FLAT BQ-r:DGE REP. 1,932.00 DESERT. OIL CO. KEROSENE 9.57 DYE'S .oF"'ICE SUPFLY SUPPLIES 6.10 FINGERP1IINT EQUIP. CO. FRINTS 6.18 V.. A•• FISHER CITY HALL DEC. AS PER CQNTRAPT 680.00 FRONTIER SERVICE GASOLINE 2.09 GALLAHGER "RANSFER co. SERVICES RENDERED 6.78 GARDNER DENVER co. PARTS 38.25 GEORGLS BROS. STANDARD GASOLINE FOR ~<!oNTH . 65.05 GRAND "CAFE PRIS01\ER' $EALS 75.60 HAMILTON'S FURNITURE CO. MATTRESSES 41.29 HENDIRIE & BOLTHOFF CO. PARTS 10.40 IIHQVlTARD' S CAFE SAM RYDER DINNER 77.44 ELLIS llUDMAN SERVICE RENDERED 272.00 KOLMAN TIRE CENTER REPAIRS & SUPPLIES 165.45 MIKE LAYOS SR. CE"METERY SUPPLI":S 6.50 MILLS.CO. REFAIRS & suP LIES 111.98 MIRICI;{ BROS. GASOL n'E FOR MONTH 51.79 MONTGOME"RY WARD PAETS 5.69 MOUNTAIN STS. TEL & TEL. CO. NOV. SERVICES 53.50 MUNICIPAL FINANCE OFF'S ASSIN MEMBERSHIP FEE 30.::0 NATIONAL INS. OF MUNICIPAL CLERKS. AW..ruAL FEE 10.00 NATIONAL SUPPLY co. PARTS 8.25 NORTHERN UTILITIES CO. GAS & HEATERS '!"OH VETS 168.11 OCKERUAN ELRCTRIC CITY AHLL REPAIRS 204.30 J.C. FENNEY'S CO. GLOVES 5.88 JOHN 1?UTZ REPAIRS 5.80 CYRIL.RAH"ONCE & CO. WATER TO AIR10RT 27.50 ROBERTS ET,ECTRIC CO. PARTS 4.70 T. L •. m BERTS WELDING ]EPAIRS 6.00 ROCK SPRINGS ELECTRIC PARTS 7.48 ROCK SPRINGS FILL IN \ STATION GASOLINE 9.09 ROCK SPRIN GS L08AL AGEN'fS ASS' N BCNDS 64.50 TWCK SPR rnGS NEWSP APERS, INC. PUBLICAT IONS FOR MO. 543.38 ROUTH. BROS. MOTOR REPAIRS 38.97 SAWYEB. SIGNS SIGNS 28.00 SHUBERT RADIO SERVICE REPAIRS ON POEICE CAR 4.00 STOCK .GRO\\fERS MERC. SUPPLIES 32.42 SKEET! S AUTO SERVICE R'!£PA IRS 253.28 SWANSON BROS. COAL FOR MONTH 259.23 SiVEET1¥A TER PLUBMING & HEATING PIPE 4.30 UNION. PACIFIC COAL CO. LEASE 90.00 UNIVERSAL STORE PARTS 15.98 UTAH FIRE CLAY CO. PIPE 484.05 'fEST ERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. SERVICES FOR MO. 11.12 WESTWAY STANDARD SERVICE GASOL"NE FOR MO. 128.09 WHITE- EAGLE HOTOR "" "" 124.10 WYOMING OORADCASTING CO. ANNOU~CEI~ TS FOR MO. 35.00 'WYOMING GLASS CO. REPAIRS 24.50 7KK' S· NASH SALES & SERVICE SrnVICES FOR MO. 17.24 JOHN ZUECK COAL FOR rmNTH 61.54 . It was then moved by Coone ilman 11'{ endt and sec onded by Counc i1 Jones t hat the Bills and Claims as presented be allowed and that the City Cler be authorized to issue warrants against the City Treasurer in payment of same. Motion carried. ! ~ge 3. It was moved by CouncilI!',an Jones and seconded by Councilman Hafe that the Bonds and Oaths of James Stark, George Lemich, Louis W. Muir, Pete Mieich, John E. Wendt, Angelo Kaumo and Steve Mlfska as approved as to form and efficiency by the City Attorney be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried Having no further business t 0 come up before the Mayor and Counc , it was then moved by Councilman Mlfska and seconded by Councilman Kaumo that the Council a djourn sine die. Motion carried. Attest: THE STATE OF WYOMING) COUNTY OF SWEETWATER ) SS. CITY OF ROCK SPRINGS ) ROCK SP11.INGS, WYOMnJG, JANUARY 5, 1953 The Council met in Regular Session this 5th day of January, 1953 The Mayor called the meeting to order and upon roll c all the following answered preSBftt: Councilmen Kaumo, Jones, Myska, Wendt and Hafey. Councilman Fech, absent. The Mayor then declared nominations for President of the Council were now in order. Councilman Kaumo then nominated Councilman Wendt. It was then moved by Councilman Myska that the nominations be closed... Councill'an Hafey seconded the motion. It was then moved by Councilmah Jones and seconded by Councilman Kaumo that Councilman Wendt unanimously be elected President of the Council for the coming year. Motion carried. The Mayor then called to the attention of the Counc il that this me~~ing is set for the Frotest of the Occupational Tax for 1953. A. Fanelli.To Chipp ancf1i>h Chipp appeared before the Council for the protest of the raising of ~ the fee for Music Devices and also Pin Balls Machines. After due discussion of the Council and the mentioned representation, it wa s moved by Councilman Mlfska and seconded by Councilman Jones that the Ordinance Nos. 1114 and 1115 stay as previously passed. Motion carried. Thereupon, Hesolution No. 1116 entitled,"A RESOLurION AUTHORIZIN THE MAYOR AND CITY CLF...RK TO EXECUTE A CERTA IN AGREEMENT EXTE~m Thf G A CERTAIN L1<;A E FOR A SITE Fat STORAGE OF ~l'TE#fAL AND E?UIPMENT, SAID LEASE BEINO IDENTIFIED AS UNIOO PACIFIC COAL COMPANY'S CONTRACT DEPARTMENT NO. ,25214, L.D. 31S,"be Jilced upon its first reading and was read in full.' Thereafter, it was moved by Councilnan Jones and seconded by Councilman Kaumo that the rules be suspended for the purpose of placing Resol­ ution No. 1116 upon its second and third readings and final passage. Roll was called with the following results: Those voting AYE, Councilmen Kaumo, Jones, Myska, \I\fendt and Hafey. Councilman Fech, absent, not voting. The Ma~vor as presiding officer declared the motion carried and the rules suspended for the purpose indicated by more than ~hree-fourths of the Council. Thereafter, it w as moved by Councilman ltrska and~seccmdd by Councilman Kaumo that the Resolutfon No. 1116 do pass. The Mayor a s presiding officer deelared the MOtion carried upon roll call vote and Resolution No. 1116 was passed and adopted as introduced, rea~ and was signed by the Presidnet of t e Council, approved 0.; the Mayor and attested by the Clerk. The Cemetery Committee was then instructed by the Council to investigate the prices of opening and closing of graves and also the sell of lot of graves for the coming year. Th~ are to report back their findings and suggestions at the next regular meeting. Kaumo then reported on the N Street Bridge and the condition now L. presidting there. Investigation will be held and repairs be made this coming spring.
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