VR and D Film Festival press release .. PRESS RELEASE Seoul, . October . The th edition DKIFF Festival took place this year form th to th of October in the LotteCinema Broadway and in parallel at the Korea Electronics Show in COEX Mall in Seoul. We are happy to announce winners of the VR Festival Section as well as of the D Film competition. Congratulations to all winners. AWARDS DKIFF Short Film Best Picture , chemin des Gauchoirs France, , min., Color DKIFF Feature Film Best Picture Bright Torch D Taiwan, , min., Color DKIFF Special Prize Future Is Mine South Korea, , min., Color DKIFF Jury Prize Hell of a Wedding Iran, , min., Color DKIFF Grand Prize in VR Film I, Philip France, , min., Color DKIFF Short Film Best Picture Like Soldiers, Like Children South Korea, , min., Color DKIFF Best Picture in VR Film Panorama United States / South Korea, , min., Color DKIFF Feature Film Grand Prize Tenderness Poland, , min., Color DKIFF Technical Grand Prize War of Gaul France, , min., Color DKIFF Short Film Grand Prize Wild Cats D Belgium, , min., Color DKIFF Technical Contribution Award Wolfgang Woehl, Filmmuseum München. CONTACT DKIFF Organizing Committee , rd FL, Samneung Spacehyang, -Seokgye-ro, -gil, Nowon-Gu, Seoul -- South Korea. Email: info@dkiff.org www.dkiff.org DKIFF Short Film Best Picture f France, , min., Color , chemin des Gauchoirs Cable cars converted into houses, how fascinating... A shepherd makes sure that nobody’s there, ties his goat to the quay and gets into a luxurious outhouse. Vacillating between this unexpected comfort and the ground, he starts feeling at ease, until he meets the place’s real occupants. Lyonel Charmette For his graduation at Supinfocom, a D computer animation school, Lyonel Charmette gained experience by making the co-directed short film, Bolides. The film was awarded in several festivals. He continued with an independent short film (Exit Exit, ) and then with a film supported by a production company (, chemin des Gauchoirs, ). He also worked as a D graphic designer for advertisements and feature films, such as John Carter and Dragon’s Hunters. He has recently founded, with a partner his own D animation and post production company, called Dahu. , chemin des Gauchoirs —<\ ⇣ 케tt... 정– ‡0X‡? \ ëX0î D4ƒ ∆î ÉD Ux \ §, ¯가 LX ¸å| Ä P– 6‡‡ X¨ò› T•‰– ‰¥⌅‰. ⌘ë§Ï¥ ∏Hh– »LD ì¿Ã, ¯ ê¨X –¸¸D Ãòå ⌧‰. Lyonel Charmette d]Lyonel Charmette @ x≈ ëàx Bolides|îË∏영T| µt ΩÿD ◆X‰. Bolidesî Œ@ 영T⌧‰–⌧ ¡D Œt 받å ⇠»‰. ¯î ≈Ω영Tx Exit Exit ()¸ 영T ⌧ë¨X ,ê| 받@ chemin des Gauchoirs ()<\ ∏준à 영Tƒ–⌧ \ŸD à‰. ¯î‰ë\ ⌘‡‰¸ 영T‰D É»‡ hÿ \ŸXî 파∏너@ ‰ƒ|î D ÃT@ ƒ⇠ë≈D ‰Ëî å¨| $Ωà‰. Director: Lyonel Charmette Stereographer: Lyonel Charmette Type: Animation Country: France Company: Vanilla Seed Category: Short Film Year of Production: Scenario: Lyonel Charmette Sound: Sylvain Livenais Editor: Lyonel Charmette Exec. Prod.: Jean-François Sarazin Music: Sylvain Livenais DKIFF Feature Film Best Picture f Taiwan, , min., Color Bright Torch D Chinese culture passed on throughout thousands of years is expresses at the greatest extent through faithful full records of World Cultural Heritages in China. Inheritors are different but they share the common ground: They hope to insist on what they truly love, dedicate their energy and efforts into their career, and are longing for sharing their lifetime knowledge with no reservation. Chuan Lee Chu Works: Unforgettable (D Documentary Film), True Love (D Short Film), D Taiwan (D Documentary Film), May Day DNA (D Film), Clown Fish (D Film) Bright Torch D ⇠ú DX ⌘m 8Tî ⌘mX 8T⌧‰D µt ò \⌅⌧‰. 8T⌧‰Dt¥ 받î t‰@ ‰t¿Ã, ‰ ⇡@ »D ∏‡ à‰. ¯‰@ꇉt 정– ¨ëXî É–Ù정D flD Ä<p ¿›D ò⌅‡ ˆ¥ \‰. ÚhÀ d]Chuan Lee Chu ëà: Unforgettable (D Documentary Film), True Love (D Short Film), D Taiwan (D Documentary Film), May Day DNA (D Film), Clown Fish (D Film) Director: Chuan Lee Chu Stereographer: Hsiu Wei Lin Type: Documentary Country: Taiwan Category: Feature Film Year of Production: DKIFF Special Prize f South Korea, , min., Color Future Is Mine On graduation day, Mini takes a walk in her school and goes by an empty classroom. An eerie hum comes from a classroom, and she is overcome by the temptation to walk into the classroom. Joonseong Hong : m s (HD, Color) Director / Composer / Editor, : m s (HD, Color) Thailand Film Festival, : m (HD, Color) Art Director, : m s (HD, Color) Producer Ë– tà »x x≈› †, ¸lî YP| pÉ. ¯@î t¡\ å¨가 òî H P‰ ^D ¿ú‰. Å금ù– )¯x ¯@î P‰D ¿òX¿ ªX‡ ‰¥가0\ ∞Ï\‰. M준1 d]Joonseong Hong : m s (HD, ÏÏ) ⇣≈ / ë· / ∏—ê, : m s (HD, ÏÏ) ‹m 영T⌧, : m (HD, ÏÏ) 예 ⇣≈, : m s (HD, ÏÏ) ⌧ëƒ Director: Joonseong Hong Cinematographer: X1¸ Stereographer: \ë⌅ Type: other Country: South Korea Company: ⌧∏ 대YP Category: Short Film Year of Production: Scenario: M준1, $준î Sound: \©⇠ Editor: M준1 Exec. Prod.: å¨영 Music: 강8정 Cast: tÿ¨|, å준1, —준, @ 1, •08 DKIFF Jury Prize f Iran, , min., Color Hell of a Wedding This comedy tells the story of a group of children who, during a wedding, will soon discover that the brother of the groom, which is also the organizer of the evening, is a dangerous drug dealer. But neither their parents, nor the police, believe the children. They then decide to solve the problem by themselves by spending the night to have the drug dealer and his dumb assistants arrested. Reza Khatibi Three long features already done: Les Beaux Lendemains de Téhéran (), Dar shahr khabari nist (), L’Enclave (), A Hell of a Wedding D() Janjal dar Aroossi \ 4¨X Dt‰@ ¥§ ‡ëX 형t⌅ÿ\ »} 밀‰¡t|î ÉD ⌧¨\‰. ¯Ïò Ä®ÿ¸Ω0t ˇ¥ ¸¿ J0–Dt‰@ꇉt ¯X 정¥| 밝혀º Ét|‡ ‰–\‰. Reza Khatibi d]Reza Khatibi t⌅– 8∏X•∏ 영T| ⌧ëà‰. Les Beaux Lendemains de Téhéran (), Dar shahr khabari nist (), L’Enclave (), A Hell of a Wedding D() Director: Reza Khatibi Cinematographer: Mohammad Ahmadi Stereographer: Jean-Marie Boulet Type: Narrative Country: Iran Company: Kavir Film Category: Feature Film Year of Production: Scenario: Reza Khatibi Sound: Taher Pishvahi Editor: Pegah Ahmadi Exec. Prod.: Mohammad Ahmadi Music: Behzad Abdi Cast: Alireza Khamsseh : Reza’s Father Mirtaher Mazloomi : Manouchehr Naimeh Nezamdoost : Reza’s Mother DKIFF Grand Prize in VR Film f France, , min., Color I, Philip years after Philip K. Dick’s death, in , David Hanson, a young engineer in robotics, revealed his first android with human form, Phil. I Philip immerses you in the memories of what could be the last love affair of the writer. But aren’t these memories the fruit of the imagination of an android which learned, little by little, how to become a human? Pierre Zandrowicz is a young director based in Paris. Self taught, he learnt by directing several short films including two that won numerous international awards. Meanwhile he started to direct films for prestigious architecture agencies. These experiences allowed him to gain a true expertise for refined images and narrative poetry. Lately, he wrote and directed a series of film for Louis Vuitton and collaborates with artists such as Philippe Pasqua and Etienne Jaumet. I, Philip Philip K. Dick가 ˝@¿ Dt ¿ú D– David Hansont|î ⌦@ ‘¿»¥î ê‡X ´ ë àx PhilD ı⌧à‰. Phil@ ¨åX ®µD ¿»‡ Philip K. DickX »¿… ¨ë| ⇠ƒ àî 0µD ÙÏ준‰. tÏ\ 0µ‰@ ¯저 \⌥tuå Ét¿Ã... p금) ¨åtÄ 4«x¿ hο JDL? Pierre Zandrowicz d]Pierre Zandrowicz î 파¨–⌧ ( ⌦@ ⇣≈t‰. ¯î m⌧<\ x정 받î ÏÏ Ë∏ 영¡D ⌧ëXÏ 영¡ ⌧ëD ≈Yà‰. Ÿ‹– ¯î ò ò가î tï 娉D⌅t 영¡D ⌧ëà‡ t ΩÿD µt 8(⌧ ¯º¸ ‹– 대\ ®‰x ¿›D ªå ⇠»‰. \¸–î Louis Vuitton, Philippe Pasqua, Etienne Jaumet¸⇡@ ¨å‰D⌅t 영¡D ⌧ëà‰. Director: Pierre Zandrowicz Stereographer: Joséphine Derobe Type: Narrative Country: France Company: Okio-Studio Category: Short Film Year of Production: Exec. Prod.: Antoine Cayrol DKIFF Short Film Best Picture f South Korea, , min., Color Like Soldiers, Like Children One morning, six-year old Dong-hee arrives at a quiet nursing home on the outskirts of Seoul. While the adults talk, Dong-hee is left alone and ends up helping his great grandfather’s escape out of the nursing home. LIM Boyoung Another Face - HDV min Scenario / Direction, So Weird Today - DV min Scenario / Direction, Two Brothers - HD min Scenario / Direction, Walpurgis Night - HD min Scenario / Direction, Boycott - HD min Scenario / Direction åD— ¥ê † Dh. ¥ åD Ÿ⇠î ƒ» D`@ hÿ ⌧∏D †ò PxX \적\ xxîë—–– ƒ)\‰. ¥x‰tê¨| D¥ ¨t, Ÿ⇠î Ÿ⇠X ùp`DÑ¿@ »¸X‡ ¯| ƒƒ ”D‰»‰가 `DÑ¿ X —–»úD ’î‰. ÑÙ영 d]LIM Boyoung ‰xºt - HDV min 각¯ / ú, $ò@t¡X‰ -DVmin 각¯/ ú, ⌧각¿0 - HD min 각¯ / ú, ⌧xt0X $ - HD min 각¯ / ú, Ùtg ∏ - HD min 각¯ / ú Director: LIM Boyoung Cinematographer: @ 9 Stereographer: @영x Type: Narrative Country: South Korea Category: Short Film Year of Production: Scenario: ÑÙ영 Sound: ¨‹¨¥‹ Editor: 박8영 prod. Design: @¸D Exec. Prod.: \uX Music: @x영 Cast: Ÿ⇠, \∞ƒ, `DÑ¿, ⌧† DKIFF Best Picture in VR Film f United States / South Korea, , min., Color Panorama This is a m/v about old guy’s life, love, etc.. Music by Guitarist Han Hyung Ill is famous artist in South Korea. This M/V is first version with storytelling on the vr contents. LEE SEUNG KI Graduated from Department of Journalism and Broadcasting, Kyunghee University., TV Broadcating program Director, CES VR Content Developer 파x|» tà §¡D$î \ ®êX ∂, ¨ë, ¯¨‡ x›D Dщ¥ 0¿ (¸ hÿ §†¨ T¡X 형›< \ Ä¥»‰. D대X \mX ®µ¸ ⌦@t‰X ¨ëD ÙÙXå ¯$¥‡ à<p, 0π⌅∞X 형›D (©\ »\¥ ‹ƒX §¡D$ t‰. tπ0 d]LEE SEUNG KI Ωl대YP ‡8)°Y¸ x≈, 브t )° ⌅\¯® ú, CES VR XP ⌧ë Director: LEE SEUNG KI Cinematographer: t⌅† Stereographer: 박ƒ—, t⌅† Type: Per- formance Country: United States / South Korea Company: Dorun Media Category: VR Movie Year of Production: Scenario: \형| Exec.
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