2016 Annual report 2 Table of contents Table of contents I. Message from the President 3 II. Mission Statement 4 III. The General Committee 6 IV. FCI staff 8 V. Executive Director’s report 9 VI. Outstanding Conformation Dogs of the Year 12 VII. Our commissions 15 VIII. Financial report 39 IX. Figures 42 X. 2017 events 53 XI. List of members 61 XII. List of clubs with an FCI contract 70 Fédération Cynologique Internationale Chapter I Message from the President 3 Message from the President about the weakness of the FCI, today we are more united than ever, with new countries joining and the commitment of Australia and New Zealand to remain as part of the FCI. We are also in continuous communication with organisations such as the American Kennel Club, the Canadian Kennel Club and the UK Kennel Club to promote responsible dog breeding, promote the recognition of pedigrees and judges, and the joint effort to preserve dog sports and responsible breeding around the world. We are renewing our administrative capacities, with new processing and data entry equipment to better serve our members. We are also repeating our communications efforts inserting the FCI in international campaigns on dog’s welfare with the purpose of creating dog-loving societies in every corner on Earth. We are rethinking how we communicate with the younger generations of dog lovers with the creation of study manuals on dog sports and dog activities for every Another year has concluded and like any other year we are age while promoting the inclusion of younger individuals celebrating our success and learning from our members. in cynological matters and supporting the promotion of We are thankful for another twelve months with a positive cynology-related careers and work opportunities. outcome for the FCI. Progressively we have proven to be on the right track, taking responsible fiscal decisions for the sake In order to maintain a modern and agile organisation it is of the future of the most important canine world organisation important to prepare for the future. That is why we are working for more than one century. on the FCI new Statutes that will open up the path of the FCI for years to come. We are making sure that all of our members’ This annual report you are reading will show you a best interests and concerns are being heard, analysed and comprehensive summary of our administrative and cynological discussed. Only united and with open and honest conversation activities as well as the work of our office in conjunction with we will ensure the FCI and our pedigree dogs’ future. our members’ offices related to the welfare of all dogs. A rapidly changing world compels us to protect our The president’s message for the annual report is normally used organisation, fiscally and morally. I take this opportunity to to summarise the achievements of the year that has passed thank my colleagues at the FCI General Committee and the and to justify the actions of the president or the organisation. FCI for their commitment and passion for the future and well But not this year. This time I want to tell you how our actions being of our organisation and most importantly for our dogs. in the past year will affect the future of the FCI. I am not And last but not least, the positive result of a year of great saying it is not important to summarise our achievements and work is definitely thanks to our members, who have trusted to explain why we proceeded in a certain way, but this year I me to humbly lead them and to maintain our passion and love want to talk about our future as an international organisation, for dogs. but most important about the future of our dogs worldwide. Three aspects have been transcendental during the past year; cooperation and collaboration, innovation and preparation for the future. These three aspects will lead our organisation for the next year. We have been working closely with our national organisations Rafael de Santiago ensuring them our full support on their national initiatives and FCI President hearing their concerns and proposals. After years of theories 2016 Annual report 4 Chapter II Mission Statement Mission Statement Introduction Introduction In accordance with the celebration of the 100 Anniversary Dans le cadre du futur 100e anniversaire de la Fédération of the Fédération Cynologique Internationale, the Cynologique Internationale, le Comité Général de la FCI a General Committee of the FCI reviewed its Mission and revu la mission, les visions et les valeurs de la FCI afin de Vision Statements and Values to maintain our leadership maintenir notre position de leader mondial. worldwide. Mission Mission statement La FEDERATION CYNOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONALE (FCI) est The FEDERATION CYNOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONALE (FCI) is l’autorité cynophile mondiale. Elle est responsable de la the supreme authority of the canine culture worldwide. préservation de la santé des chiens et des activités canines The FCI is responsible for safeguarding canine health internationales dont le but est de promouvoir les relations and international dog activities to enhance the relations entre le chien et l’homme. La FCI a été fondée en 1911 between dogs and humans. Established in 1911 the FCI et compte 92 membres et partenaires sous contrat (un includes 92 members and contract partners (one member membre par pays). Chaque membre émet ses propres per country). Each member issues their own pedigrees and pedigrees et forme des juges de manifestations canines train highly qualified judges. The FCI makes sure that the hautement qualifiés. La FCI garantit la reconnaissance des pedigrees and judges are mutually recognised by all the pedigrees et des juges par tous ses membres, partenaires FCI members, contract partners and any person involved sous contrat, ainsi que par toute personne active sur leur in their domestic canine scene. scène canine nationale. Vision statement Vision The FCI supports, via its members and contract partners, par l’intermédiaire de ses membres et partenaires sous the well-being of all dogs Worldwide. contrat, la FCI soutient le bien-être de tous les chiens dans le monde entier. Values Valeurs THE FCI cares about all dogs worldwide. THE FCI considers the health, temperament and La FCI se préoccupe du bien-être de tous les chiens behaviour as the most important matters in dogs dans le monde. and their Breed Standards. La FCI considère la santé, le caractère et le compor- THE FCI promotes dog activities and dog sports tement comme les points essentiels pour les chiens worldwide, which it considers beneficial to the dogs. et leur standard de race. THE FCI entrusts its commissions to make recommen- La FCI soutient, dans le monde, les activités canines dations about other important matters. et les disciplines canines sportives qu’elle considère bénéfiques pour les chiens. THE FCI divides geographically the world of dogs through its five sections. La FCI charge ses commissions d’émettre des recom- mandations sur d’autres thèmes importants. THE FCI trusts its members and contract partners to protect the integrity of their National Registries. La FCI divise le monde canin en cinq sections géo- graphiques. THE FCI recognises and respects agreements with nonmember national organisations. La FCI exprime toute sa confiance dans la capacité de ses membres et partenaires sous contrat à se porter THE FCI sets the highest standards for its headquar- garants de l’intégrité de leurs livres des origines. ters. La FCI respecte et reconnaît les accords qui ont été THE FCI ensures the regular celebration of World and conclus avec des organisations nationales non- Section Championship events. membres. La FCI établit des normes de la plus haute qualité pour son siège social. La FCI veille à l’organisation régulière de champion- nats du monde et de section. Fédération Cynologique Internationale Chapter II Mission Statement 5 Introducción Einleitung en el marco del 100º aniversario de la Fédération Im Rahmen des 100-jährigen Jubiläums der Fédération Cynologique Internationale, el Comité General de la FCI Cynologique Internationale hat der FCI-Vorstand das ha revisado y modificado su Declaración de Misión y su Mission-Statement und das Vision-Statement sowie Declaración de Visión, así como los Valores de la FCI, a fin die „Werte“ der FCI überarbeitet, um die weltweite de mantener nuestra posición de liderazgo mundial. Führungsposition in der Kynologie zu erhalten. Declaración de misión Mission-statement la FEDERATION CYNOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONALE (FCI) es die FEDERATION CYNOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONALE (FCI) ist la autoridad máxima a nivel mundial para la cinofilia. La die oberste Autorität für Hundekultur weltweit. Die FCI ist FCI es responsable del aseguramiento de la salud de los für die Sicherstellung der Gesundheit von Hunden und perros y de las actividades caninas internacionales para für internationale Hundeaktivitäten zur Förderung der fomentar las relaciones entre los perros y las personas. Beziehungen zwischen Hunden und Menschen La FCI fue fundada en 1911 y tiene 92 miembros y países verantwortlich. contratantes (un miembro por cada país). Cada miembro expide sus propios pedigríes y forma a jueces altamente Die FCI wurde 1911 gegründet und hat 92 Mitglieder cualificados. La FCI se asegura de que todos los miembros, und Vertragspartner (ein Mitglied pro Land). Jedes países contratantes y personas que en cada país se dedican Mitglied erstellt seine eigenen Ahnentafeln und bildet al mundo del perro reconozcan y acepten los pedigríes y hochqualifizierte Richter aus. Die FCI stellt sicher, dass los jueces en el seno de la FCI. die Ahnentafeln und Richter innerhalb der FCI von allen Mitgliedern, Vertragspartnern und allen in der Hundeszene Declaración de visión tätigen Personen anerkannt werden. con ayuda de sus miembros y países contratantes, la FCI Vision-statement ampara y fomenta el bienestar de todos los perros del mundo.
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