THE CITY RECORD LXXIV NUMBER 22241 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 24, 1946 PRICE 10 CENTS Wilbrun, Inc., 215 Beach 116th st., Rocka- Division, $20 from Automobile Under- THE CITY RECORD way Park, N. Y., erect steel "Quonset No. writers Detective Bureau for recovery of 41/10 155 40" building, 40 feet by 60 feet, to be used an automobile. AUGUST 8 OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK as a store to sell merchandise 605 feet Ceased—Helen Pomykala, Police- Published Under Authority of Section 872-a of the New York City Charter east of the foot of Beach 116th st., and Services Beach Channel dr., Jamaica Bay. woman, Military Service Bureau, July 31. STEPHEN G. KELLEY, Surer/not United States Gypsum Co., 561 Richmond ARTHUR W. WALLANDER, Police WILLIAM VIERTEL, Enrroa ter., S. I., do maintenance dredging to 24 Commissioner. 2213 Municipal Building, Manhattan, N. Y. 7. WO rth 2.1800 feet below mean low water alongside of the wall at the foot of Lafayette ave., President, Borough of Brooklyn Published daily, at 9 a. m., except Sundays and legal holidays. Kill van Kull, Richmond. Subscription: $20 a year; $10 six months; $5 three months. Daily issue, Long Island Railroad Co., Room 343, Report for Week Ended Aug. 10, 1946 10 cents a copy (by mail, 15 cents). Pennsylvania Station, Manhattan, N. Y. 1, Division of Audit Entered as Second-Class Matter, Post Office at New York, N V Orders issued, 23; estimated cost $765.05. OTHER CITY RECORD PUBLICATIONS install three dry ice liquefiers for liquefac- tion of dry ice into carbonic gas at the Vouchers forwarded to Comptroller for Order must be accompanied b currency, money order, or check drawn ro the order of payment, 28; estimated cost, $2,712.54. "Supervisor of TEl CITY Recoen." Checks for $3 or more must be certified. foot of Borden ave., East River, Queens. Consolidated Edison Co., 4 Irving pl., Bureau of Highways and Sewers By Mail By Ma Manhattan, N. Y. 3, cut off gas service not DIVISION OF MAINTENANCE Assessed Valuation of Real Estate New York City Charter and Ad in use in front of Whitehall Street Ferry Sewage Pumped at Pumping Stations— (106 Sections) Prices Vary. ministrative Code, Amendment' to-- Terminal, East River, Manhattan. Avenues U and V, and W. 29th st., 135,- Canvas of Votes $1.00 $1.10 834,000 gallons; Morgan ave. and Jewell Election Law Decisions, Digest 2.50 2.60 Cumulative to July 1, 1941.. $1.00 $1.10 Colonial Sand and Stone Co., Inc., 30 Annual Supplements- st., 45,000,000 gallons; Gowanus Flushing Electrical Code .75 .85 Rockefeller Plaza, Manhattan, N. Y. 20, Exempt Properties, List of 3.00 3.10 1941-1942; 1942.1943, each.. .50 .60 Tunnel, 336,000,000 gallons; Paerdegat Sta- Fire Department Specifications for Registration of Voters, Each, A.D. .25 .30 erect a temporary portable watchman's tion and Avenue M, 115,680,000 gallons. Tank Trucks, etc. .35 .40 Rules and Regulations of New York shanty 8 feet by 10 feet, at the foot of Miscellaneous—Complaints, lg. Land Value Maps, 19434944 and City Agencies— Bdway., East River, Astoria. Prior 2.00 2.15 Cumulative to Nov. 30, 1941 2.00 2.10 DIVISION OF PERMITS New York City Charter .25 .30 Annual Supplements. Each 1.00 1.10 Muff Holding Corp., foot of Steinway Permits Issued—Corporation, 124; plumb- New York City Charter Index.— .25 .30 Sanitary Code .75 .85 st., Astoria, replace old plankings with ers, 85; miscellaneous, 62; sewer connec- new ones on existing walkway of your tions, 39; sewer repair, 6. privately owned property located at the TABLE OF CONTENTS Cash Received—Water, $1,432.35 ; sewer, foot of Steinway st., Astoria. $108.35 ; inspections, $21 ; special paving New York Central R. R. Co., 466 Lex- deposits, $1,748.25; vaults, $27.60; subpoena Assessors, Board of—Notice to Pre- Public lArorks, Department of— ington ave., Manhattan, N. Y. 17, make fees, $1.50; private sewers, $700; sewer sent Claims for Damages 3793 Proposals 3792 street opening to repair service pipe on connections, $390; total, $4,429.05. Board Meetings 3791 Report for Week Ended August 10, the Marginal st., in front of Pier 34, DIVISION OF MAINTENANCE—INCUM- East River, Manhattan. Bronx, President Borough of The— 1946 37873 BRANCES Proposals 3793 Purchase, Department of— Gulf Oil Corporation, 17 Battery pl., Incumbrance Complaints—Unsettled, Aug. Notice to Bidders 3792 N. Y., make minor repairs to waterfront 3, 1946, 45; received, 9; settled, 13; unset- Brooklyn, President Borough of— Proposals 3792 structures during 1946 at the seaplane bases 3791 tled Aug. 10, 1946, 41. Proposals Sales by Sealed Bids 3792 at Wall st. and E. 23d st., East River, Incumbrances Removed — Furniture, 7 Report for Week Ended August 10, Queens, President Borough of—Pro- 3787 Manhattan, at E. 58th st., Mill Basin, loads, 20 hours worked; trees, 1 load, 4 1946 posals 3793 Bklyn., and on city-owned land under water hours worked. Changes in Departments, Etc 3787 Regulations Relating to Contracts 3794 at Blackrock and Chatterton ayes., West- JOHN CASHMORE, President. Comptroller, Office of the— Supreme Court, First Department— chester Creek, Bronx. 3793 Filing Bill of Costs 3793 Interest on City Bonds and Stock United Fruit Co., Pier 3, North River, Department of Public Works Vouchers Received August 23, 1946 3788 Filing Tentative Decree—Notice to Manhattan, N. Y. 6, make repairs to Report for Week Ended Aug. 10, 1946 Correction, Department of—Proposals 3792 File Objections 3793 substructure of Pier 2, North River, Man- Supreme Court, Second Department— Appointed—Auto Enginemen at $1,860 per Education, Board of—Proposals 3791 hattan. Filing Bills of Costs 3794 Pelmel Realty Corp., 721 St. Mary's st., annum : Emilio Grippo, Aug. 1; Hugh 3793 1: Solomon Hospitals, Department of—Proposals Filing Fourth Partial and Separate Bronx, N. Y., erect a one-story steel frame McDonald, Aug. 5. Aug. Ruden, Sewage Treatment Worker at $1,- Housing and Buildings, Department Tentative Decree 3793 building to house plant to manufacture of—Proposals 3792 Filing Tentative Decree—Notice to 980 per annum; Morris Fisher, Civil Engi- cinder blocks and other masonry units, neering Draftsman at $3,050 per annum; Marine and Aviation, Department of— File Objections 3794 erect a one story masonry building to be Michael J. Mahon, Civil Engineering Proposals 3792 Transportation, Board of— used as an office and the balance of the Draftsman at $2,750 per annum; Bland E. Report for Week Ended August 3, Notices of Public Hearings 3792 plot to be used to store raw materials and Proposals Dennis and Carey Marafino, Cleaners at 1946 3787 3792 finished products on the north side of the Proposals—Notice to Bidders $1,740 per annum; Rebecca Danowsky, 3792 foot of Boston Post rd. and Hutchinson New York City Housing Authority— Proposed Approval of Subcontractors 3792 Clerk at $1,560 per annum. 3793 River, Bronx. Proposals Sale of Ferrous Scrap Material 3792 Title Changed—Anthony N. Revelli, from Empire City Subway Co., Ltd., 140 West Official Directory 3790 Sale of Non-Ferrous Scrap Material, Bridge Painter at $3,050 per annum, to Police Department— Etc. 3792 st, Manhattan, N. Y. 7, relocate under- House Painter at $12.88 a day, Aug. 10. Owners Wanted for Unclaimed Sale of Scrap Heaters. 3792 ground conduit to clear proposed approach Promoted—July 1: Sophie T. Kielczew- Property 3791 Water Supply, Board of—Proposals 3793 to the Battery Park Underpass on the ska and Terri Wexler, to Stenographer at Report for Week Ended August 10, Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, 3793 Marginal st. between Coenties Slip and $2,280 per annum; Molly A. Pease, Ger- 1946 3787 Department of—Proposals Broad st., East River, Manhattan. trude Wald, Sonia Heiss and Margaret M. Lehigh Valley Railroad Co., 143 Liberty A. Newman, to Stenographer at $2,870 per st., Manhattan, install two toilets and two annum; Sam Levy, to Clerk at $2,870 per Department of Marine and Aviation existing pier to be used to store general lavatories on the second floor of Pier 8, annum; Samuel Cowman and Benjamin Report for Week Ended Aug. 3, 1946 equipment at the foot of City Island, Bel- foot of Rector st., North River, Manhattan. Rubin, to Clerk at $2,280 per annum. To PERMITS GRANTED don Point, City Island, Bronx. Consolidated Telegraph and Electrical Elevator Mechanic at $2,930 per annum: Consolidated Edison Co. of N. Y. Inc., Lawrence-Flushing Corporation, 1108 Subway Co., 64 Lafayette st., Manhattan: Alfred Richardson, Aug. 1. 4 Irving pl., Manhattan, N. Y. 3, remove Grand st., Bklyn. 6, install a 1,080-gallon construct two 4-inch trunk ducts foot of Services Ceased—Bridge Tenders at $1,- existing chain link fence within the earth fuel oil tank and low pressure boiler with 15th st., East River, Manhattan ; make 800 per annum : John J. Shanley, Aug. 6; mound enclosure around existing fourteen oil burner, and a 550-gallon gasoline tank repairs to manholes and subsidiaries foot of Joseph B. Martin, July 24. Laborers at $6 propane storage tanks west of the foot of with approved pump at the foot of 37th Park ave., Harlem River, Bronx. a day, July 31: Guido Oliva and Elias Jo- Hunts Point ave., East River, Bronx. ave., at Lawrence st., Flushing River. CONTRACTS AWARDED sephs. Able Seamen at $2,420 ner annum: Central Railroad Co. of New Jersey, Consolidated Shipbuilding Corp., W. 177th Contract 2501, for demolition of the Joseph A. Robidoux, June 28; Lawrence F. Jersey City 2, N. J., make repairs to dam- st., and Harlem River, Morris Heights, Staten Island Ferry Terminal at St.
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