Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 11-9-1994 Arbiter, November 9 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. University Village apart~ents scheduled for completion in January offer many features I'ATlICIA Gll60I ing and air-conditioning and have been Staff Writer The center will provide mailboxes, a designed for high efficiency energy conser- . option. laundry room and multi-purpose meeting vation. Surveys of resident students indieat- "Were hoping to put together a variety rooms. The facility would be available for 1995 will bring a new housing option to ed storage space' was a priority, so large of incentive packages," Boerl said For exam- scout troops, jazzercise classes or parents' BSU students With the opening of closets will be a welcome feature. ple, the usual transfer fee will be waived night out Boerl said he hopes to include a . University Village, an apartment complex. "We've really done everything we could for existing residents, computer lab. with 66 two-bedroom apartments. to put in as much light and keep the units Students interested in renting at' The complex will be easily accessible to Dave Boerl, assistant director of Student as bright and cheery as possible," said BoerL Universi~y Village may put their names on a BSU. A greenbelt walkway will connect It to Waitlrigl~ Residential Life, said residents of UnivClrsity. .' ". Extra large windows will let the sun- University Heights. " : ..: ;-,. ,- .,.;. '..•....":fhe wattii.;g lI~ls rCa\lyaninteresfUst," . ViIlagewiU enjoy more comforts than have .....shlne'in.F.llch Ii' rtmentwill'be re sal<t BOiet);;·;·,·:······.:f.;:;::..:;··?::.,,;.,:c' ......•, .•,.. ;. '~evlci~Y~~·~Yai~"!~1~K~Y~r~jj~~1;~~=:.{:.:. .. -. ., ';." '" ' ~ .y -< housing..' ./'" .••...•.. •.. .. University Oversized kitchens will Include large comm~riity'centerwllererC;Sldentscari; 'ill<:o~sleilt with the u;]l~ry~ve to .: theunJ&aie@mpleleaMo¥'apartni ts,·· pantries and plenty of Cabinets, as well as enjoy a \taridyof eduCational and recre- price housing 20 percent below cOmparable' sh~Uld be readyforvje~in8 ineatIY':';." dishwashers and garbage disposals. The ational programs. apartments in the community. The units January. For more information' or to pOt apartments, which measure 8OS-square-feet "In some respects you might call It a 'will be rented to full-time students and their your name on the waiting list, contact each, will have lndivtdually controlled heat- very mini Student Union," Boer! said families. Current residents will have first Student Residential Life at 385-3986. INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY: ISO.humps No. 1 Griz Football prayers accused of assault willbe removed SCOTTSAMES from team ifthey are convided, (oach Pokey says Sports Editor team: HOUEEIlANKENSHlI' BSU student Jeremy No one pulled down the goal posts at Bronco Senior Staff Writer Arnold said the two players Stadium and there were no riots in the streets, attacked him and another but last Saturday's huge 38-14 win over No.1 BSUFootball Coach student at the Towers Montana sure did give BSUfootball fans a reason Pokey Allen said he will Residence Hall to party, eliminate players Marcette ASBSUsenators Dan The Broncos, ranked 15th nationally among Lawson and Derrick Clay if Nabors and Joe Castor have Division I-AA teams, ran over, through and the two are found guilty of been looking into their around a Montana team that had solidified its No. aggravated assault charges concerns of residence hall 1ranking a week before by soundly thrashing a filed against them after security. strong Idaho squad allegedly beating up two "I'm curious how two This time it was the Grizzlies' turn to get other students. guys bleeding, one with a mauled, as the BSUdefense hounded highly tout- The two football players concussion, got 'through the ed Montana quarterback Dave Dickenson aUday, are innocent until proven Towers lobby without any- lssac:kinghim II times and finishing the day with a guilty and Allen says he will one noticing and calling the 'm total of 13- not take any action until the police or the paramedics," i. "Jthink we're turning the comer a little bi!," two players are given their Nabors said BSUhead coach Pokey Allen said after the game. due process. According to police "I think these guys are staning to see what they Allen said if the two reports, the incident canda." players are convicted of the occurred at 2;30 a.m., after One thing they now have a shot at doing is crimes, they would be in' the residence hall assistants . winning the Big Sky Conference crown-some- violation of the team's train- were off duty. thing no BSUteam has done since Ism ing rules, which establishes Lawson and Clay could The Broncos are in a three-way tie with Allen's expectations of the not be reached for com- Continued on nine members of his football ment :~~~.. " ~:'., 2\WiDNfsDAY,WOVEMBiR·.~:·'994,·..........................~........-------------------------------~~77"~~~____:__;i~t~£~:~I~'i:~~fj;~ri;'T7___ THEARBITER _,I~,~n'". e~..Tsbu·cl--et· 3~~:E;,:=,~~i,~~~~:~ii~J'i~~:·· y , T ~ I -KJ us meat the McCain challenge before the graduillion Ihree ~ , " end of the year," said Ruch, ' . " ,', .• , " sttllleSlers III Seelhe world wilh deductible, and discounts for student groups advance are available. The teams are led by a trained Time 10 brealhe: helpfrolllSludies , leader who is familiar with the host com- Apply for graduation now-especially if munity's language and culture. Boise Siale you want to get out of here in the next Abroad 'scholarships For a free schedule and group informa- four semesters. tion, call Micheie Gran at Global Volunteers approves an official· Graduation applications are available at The university Studies Abroad Program at 1-800-487-]074 or write 375 E. Little the Registrar's Office in the Administration is offering scholarships to students who Dead Week' before Canada Road, St. Paul, Minnesota 55117. Building. The recommended time to apply want to see the world, for graduation is three semesters before Studies Abroad will award $3,000 in filial exallls your planned graduation date, or after you scholarship money for new programs in The ASBSU Senate passed a resolution have earned 70 credits. Bilbao, Spainand Luneberg, Germany, and late last month designed to relieve strug- Three entities Why the early planning? According to two $300 scholarships will be awarded to gling students from a lot of pressure. The the graduation evaluators, the system is not students participating in the new BSU merge to form new Dead Week resolution proposes that at the automated. This means people who work in summer program in Heredia, Costa Rica. end of each semester students have three BSUdeparlment this office must do each evaluation by hand. Three $200 scholarships will be awarded class Periods off prior to the final examin Students cannot graduate until their evalua- for programs in Avignon, France; Siena, Boise State has announced' the consolida- that class. tion is done. Italy; Cologne, Germany; and London, tion of its premier public entertainment The resolution has been approved by For those graduating in May, the last day England. Two $300 scholarships will be venues and box office services under a new President Ruch and is now under evaluation to apply is jan. 2Q-;.but don't wait. awarded for the summer program in division that will be called the Department by the university calendar committee. Since Students who applied for graduation Morella, ~Iexic? of Public Event Facilities. the next class calendar has already been early should be getting their evaluations in Scholarship applications for summer and The new unit will include the Pavilion, established, Dead Week will not go into the mail in December . fall ]995 and spring 1996'are available Morrison Center for the Performing Arts effect for at least another two years. -Dawn Kramer through Studies Abroad by calling 385-3652. and Select-A-Seat. "The purpose behind this resolution is The deadline for all completed scholarship This change is due in part to the ever- to give BSU students a chance to do well applications is April l, ]995. increasing demands on financial resources on their finals. It will give them time to and is an effort 'to 'utiiize'more fully those assimilate information in their classes Need A car? resources to better serve the university and before taking the final exams," said ASBSU College students and others may be able community cultural needs, said Buster Neel, Sen. Bob McKee. to spring a good deal on a car next week. Volunleer around vice president for Finance and -Mary Doherty the world during Administration. The General Services Administration The department, under the supervision announces another spot bid sale of approxi- mately 55 vehicles on Nov. ]7. Christmas break of Finance and Administration, will be head- The sale will begin at ]0 a.m. at 2039 Several alternatives to the standard ed by Dexter King, who has 24 years experi- University sponsors Airport Way in Boise. beach vacation are available to BSU students ence in the operation of university public sludy tour to Iialy Vehicles to be sold include ]987 to ]989 during the Christmas holiday, january and event facilities, including the last ]3 years as Chevrolet and Ford vans, ]98510 ]992 Spring break. director of the Pavilion. and Turkey Chevrolet, Dodge and Ford 4 x 4 and 4 x 2 Opportunities for students to assist with The Pavilion, Morrison Center and Select- History professor Charles Odahl will lead pickups.
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