r DISTRICT ELEMENTARY EDUCATION PLAN 2002-10 AND ANNUAL PLAN 2002-03 DepartniGnt of School and Mass Education Government of Orissa SARVA SHIKSHA ABHIYAN ORISSA PRIMARY EDUCATION PROGRAMME AUTHORITY ORISSA, BHUBANESWAR. NIEPA DC D1 I abi-'*-^''^'^ p DOC, ; - i s ; r r s , ^ ^ J ■'=^J .icyAh!*A*^DA . ^ y : ' ■- ■ A 'iAJCA/^PUrLy.' ■ ' ^ '• / ' ♦ '^ ‘ ■',--tH?Hi^PAiiA/TA»K^iF'XLU-4^,'" '/ ^ ' — <!>>J"' \ : . " ^ ' '. ♦“••.• V O C / '•'T'w ' ■ — ■ . ■ V :\ ; >T -r.' V I N\AP OF SUWDARGARM DISTRICT v J**' / ^BANnOAHt^ V . ' mDEx / I - : ; . ?i5T«)CT aow<cy>>vv ROAIV --------------- Sl^fv»spw r PA1V.WAY -M < < 1 1 v-t*- BU»CK fUVCR. OlST*lS^ H<3R5 D TTAtA, »> gLOCK MoR-S ♦ TWAS»k. HQ.RS' ?M/>'hap£iiJT'f e HX<1 . SARVA SHIKSHA AHHIYAN suni)ar(;akm Chairman: Dr. Mona Sharrna, IAS C ollector & District Magistrate Sundargarh, District Member Secretary'! Shrl Prakash Kumar Joshi. OES District Inspector of Schools Cum District Project Officer, SSA Sundargarh Member of District Resource Group (Planning) Shri Dharani Dhar Patel Sr. Teacher Educator,DIET, Sundargarh Shri Saiiandra Kumar Mishra S! of Schools, Sundargarh MPL Shri Ganesh Ram Nnik SI of Schools, Subuega Shri Bhngirathi Sahoo SI of Schools, Bonai Shri Surendra Kumar Dash SI of Schools, Sorda, Nuagaon Shrl Devendra HIjaya Hota SI of Schools, Hemgir AllHRKVIATIONS S.S.A - SARVA SIIIKHA ARIIIVAN JI.H.S - House Mold Serve D.E.K.r - District Elementary EiliicHtion l*lan O.F.E.P.A - Orissa Primary F diieation I*ro[>ramme Aiitliority E.G.S - Education Guarantee uSclieme A.I.F, - Alternative & Innovative Education D.I.E.T - District Institute of Educational Training U.E.E - Universalisation of Elenientarj' B^ducation S.C - wScheduled C aste S.T - Scheduled Trihe PS - Primary School U.P.S - Upper Primary' School H.S - High School P.T.A - Parent Teachers Association M.T.A - Mother Teacher Association V.E.C - Village Education C'onimittee B.K.C Block Resource Centre C.R.C - Cluster Resource Centre B.R.G - Block Resource (iroup D.R.G -■ District R'^source Group C.R.G - Cluster Resource Group T.L.M - Teaching Learning Material T.L.E - Teaching learning Equipment P.R.I - Panchayat Raj Insinuation G.P - Gram Panchayat N.G.O - Non Government Organisation S.T.S “ Secondary Training School E.C.C.E - Early Childhood Care and Education A.W.( - Angan Wari Centre fl.E.E - Universalisation of Elementary Education Mpi - Municipality M.L.I - Minimum level of Learning N.A.C - Notified Area council CM.S - Circle Inspector of Schools D.I.S - District Inspector of Schools S.LS Sub Inspector of School D.P.O - District rrojrrt OUlici - IMstHct Project Co-Oridaiiator J.E - Jiiiiioi Knjiini'ei WatsHii - Water and Saiiilatinri I.T.D.A - Integrated I’ribal Dcvelopinent Afjcncy n.R.I) A District Rural n*‘V('io|)incnl Aj»ciicy LlS rO l lABLLS SI. ( hapter & Subjei t Source Short Analysis No I ’ahle No. C'ha£ter-II 1 1 Child population, Enrolment SSA Survey 2001 & drop out of children of age grouj) 0 -3 2 2 Child population, Enrolment SSA Survey 2001 & drop out of children of age group 3-5 3 3 Child Population 6-11 age SSA Survey 2001 group 4 4 Child Population 1114 age SSA Survey 2001 group 5 5 Child enrolment age group 6 ■ SSA Survey 2001 \1 and D1 of Schools 6. 6 Child enrolment age group SSA Survey 2001 11-14 and D1 of Schools 7 Out of School Children 6-11 SSA Sur\ ey 2001 8 8 Out of School Children 11- SSA Sun'ey 2001 14 “ g 9 Block wise & Ty|>e wise D.I of schools institution I F ' 10 Number of Schools & D.l of schools Teachers in the district ~\T~ n Projection of children till 2010 (Total) 12 12 Projection of children till 2010 (ST) 13 13 Projection of children till 2010 (SC) 14 Projection of children till 2010(Ci^^al)_____________ ------------ ------- 15 Building less schools & ~ S~S A Survey & ~ completely dilapidated class D.l of schools room ~16 ' Requirement of Afldl. C’lass SSA Survey W r room following the Principles of Pupil class room ratio and Teachers J l . Z l u Z Z l Block wise total Addl.class SSA S u rv ^ 2001 SARVA SHIKSHA AnillYAN SUNUARGARII rhairmaii! Dr. Mona Sharina, IAS Collector & District Magistrate Siindnrgarh, District Member Secretary: Sliri Prakash Kumar Joshi. OES District Inspector of Schools Cum I>istrict Project Officer, SSA Sundargarh Member of District Resource Group (Planning) Shri Dharani Dhar Pate! Sr. Teacher Kducator,DIET, Sundargarh Shri Sailandra Kumar Mishra SI of Schools, Sundargarh MPL Shri Ganesh Ram Naik SI of Schools, Subuega Shri Bhagirathi Sahoo SI o f Schools, Konai Shri Surendra Kumar Dash SI of Schools, Sorda, Nuapaon Shri Devendra Rijaya Hota SI of Schools, Hemgir ABHREVIATIONS S.S.A SARVA SHIKKA ABIIIYAN H.H.S House Hold Serve l).i: K.i* District FIcmcntar'}' Eiliieation Plan O.P.E.P.A - Orissa PriniHrv 1 fliicali(»n Programme Aiitliorify K.G.S Education Guarantee Scheme A.I.E Alternative & Innovative Education n.I.E.T District Institute of Educational Training IJ.E.E Universalisation of Elementary Education S.C Scheduled Caste S.T Scheduled Tribe F.S Primary School II.P.S Upper Primary School H.S High School P.T.A Parent Teachers Association M .r.A Mother Teacher Association V.E.C Village Education Committee B.R.C Block Resource Centre (:.R.C Cluster Resource Centre R.P.G Block Resource Group D.R.G District R'jsource Group C.R.G Cluster Resource Group T.L.M Teaching Learning Material T.L.E Teaching Learning Equipment F.R.I Panchayat Raj Insinuation G.P Gram Panchayat N.G.O Non Government Organisation S.T.S Secondaiy Training School E.C.C.E - Early Childhood Care and Education A.W.C Angan Wari ( ’entre II.E.F Universalisation of Elementary Education Mpl Municipality M.L.I Minimum level of Learning N.A.C Notified Area council (M.S ( ircle Inspector of Schools D.IS District Inspector of Schools SA.H Sub Inspector ol School D.r.O - District Projert Officer D.P.C - Ilistritt Project ('o Orklaiiatoi J.E Junior Engineer Walsan Water and Sanitation 1.1 n.A Integrated I'rilial Devclopinenl Agency D.K n A District Rural Developnienl Agency LIS 1 OF rADLI:;S SI. ^ ( 'hapter & Subject Source Short Analysis No 1 able No. C'hapter-n 1 1 (^hilcl population, Bnrolment SSA Survey 2001 Sl drop out of children of age _ ~ ^roiyi 0 3 ----------------------------------- 2 Child population, Bnrolment SSA Survey 2001 Sc drop out of children of age _group 3 5 3 3 Child Population 6-1 I age SSA Survey 2001 group 4 4 Child Population ) 1 14 age SSA Survey 2001 group 5 5 Child enrolment age group 6 SSA Survey 2001 n and 1)1 of Schools 6. 6 Child enrolment age group SSA Survey 2001 1M 4 and DI of Schools 7 7 Out of School Children 6-11 SSA Survey 2001 8 8 Out of School Children 11 - SSA Surv ey 2001 14 9 9 Block wise & Type wise D.l of schools institution l o “ 10 Number of Schools D.I of schools I'eachers in the district i r 11 Projection of children till 2010 (Total) 12 12 Proje( tion of children till 2010 (ST) n 13 Pro jet tion of children till 2 0 1 0 (SC) 14 Projection of children till 2010 (General) 15 15 Building less schools & SSA Survey Sc completely dilapidated < lass D.l of schools room ^ 16 Requirement of Add 1. Class SSA Survey 2001 room following the Principles of Pupil class room ratio and 1 eachers JL 17 Block wise total Addl.class SSA Survey 2001 rooms for Add. Enrolment. 18 18 Block O.F..R of Sundargarh SSA Survey 2001 district____________________ ~19 V i G P wise (arget setting for iiniverlisation of Primary cdiication (6-1 1) 26 20 ' G P wise target selling for un I vcrl i saI ion o f I^ri maiy education (] 1-14)_______ 21 21 Requirement of addl. SSA Survey 2001 j^ a d i^ s ____________________ 22 22 Requirement of block/cluster SSAl>urv7y'200r resource persons____________ 23 Y f School less habitations in SSA Survey & each block (I)___________ _D^c^^liools 24 Y4 School less habitations in SSA Survey & each block (II) D.I of schools 25 25 No. of children to be benefited with the opening of E.G.S (PS & UPS)___________ 26 26 Up gradation of E.G.S to primary school_________ 21 27 Abstract of class wise F).I of schools enrolment 2002-2003 28 2H Class m se emolmeiU of D.I of schools Govt. Schools 2002 2003 I 9 -do- Residential school 3^ 30_ -do- Private Schools P jI '31 31 Enrolment in tlie district D.I of schools (SC) Govt .School s__________ T2 32 Enrolment in the district D.I of schools & IRW Dept. U 3 ? Enrolment in the district D.I of schools (SC) Private ^choojs________ 34 34“ Enrolment in the district (S I ) D.I of schools govt. Schools _____________ 35 ^ 5' Enrolment in the district (S f) D.I of schools Residential s c h o o ls____ ___ TRW Dept. 36 Enrolment in the district (ST) D.I of schools Private schools T7 37 Enrolment in the district D.I of schools (Gen) Gov t ._______ _______ T8 38 Enrolment in the district D.I of schools <Sr l<e^^ntjaljch()_ds___ TRW Dept.___ 39 Enrolment in the district SSA SuiTpy 2001 ^Genera]) Private __________ ("hapter-rv 40 I'able No.
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