Brief Notes on Mother Tongues , Punjab

Brief Notes on Mother Tongues , Punjab

CIENSlJJS Of DNDIA 1971 PUNJAB BRIEF NOTES ON MOTHER TONGUES (Based on 1961 Returns) By 315.455 R. C. NIGAM 1971 ~NT REGISTRAR GENERAL, INDIA IF THE REGISTRAR GENERAL, INDIA Mot Ton (LANGUAGE DIVISION) LIST OF MOTHER-TONGUES (1961) PUNJAB SI. Name of Mother­ Name in Local Comments, if any No. tongues with Script variant spellings in brackets 1 2 3 4 Adivasi ( Adibasi, Could be helpful if ~J(.ci­ Adiwasi) fic tribal/community name could be linked up with mother-tongue name. '2 AfghanijKabuli/ ~GorTol t~T~:81 jU'tl"3.' Pakhto/Pashto/ u;:;i'a!uo Tol Pathani 3 African Return is after the name of the continent. Spe­ cificmother-tongue names will have to be as­ certained. 4 Aia Alam Unclassified in 1961 Census. Will need further scrutiny. 5 Almori 6 Anal "POC3 7 Arabic/Arbi »{CI~l In 1961 Census some Urdu speakers also had returned Arabic/ Arbi as their mother- tongue. S Assamese ( Assami) WF[ll-il 9 Awadhi { Avadi) »{~l 10 Baghelkhandi ~ti18ci~1 (Bhugelkhud) 2 SI. Name of Mother­ Name in Local Comments, if any No. tongues with Script variant spellings in brackets 1 2 3 4 11 Bagri ( Bagari, Bagria, Bahgri ) 12 Bagri-Rajasthani ~TaJ~l-'aTtlRe: T'()l 13 Bahawalpuri ~T~'Sy''al 14 Baliai ( BaHam) e 81",,1 E1 15 Balochi/Baluchi ri~l 16 Bangaru ( Bangru, ~taJil. If returned again in Banger, Bangri) 1971, then location of speakers at the village level need be specified. 17 Baori (Bawria, ~l){a1 The name of at least Bawaria, Boari, one village of their Boria) concentration from the state will be required to be noted. 18 Bashahri (Bhashehri. ~ij~al In 1961 Census was Bushaitlari) grouped with Kiunthali. 19 Belgian ~c5tr1llio The Mother-tongue re­ turn is after the name of the country. Speci­ fic language name viz•• Dutch or Flemish. French. etc., as Mother­ tongue return would be more useful. 20 Bengali ( BangIa. Bangali)· 21 Bhadrawahi (BhadarwaIi) 22 Bhandari (Bandari) e~TOl In 1961 Census was grouped with Marathi. 23 Bharati (Bharti) . 'BTOal More specific Mother­ tongue will have to be ascertained. 3 Sl. Name of Mother- Name in Local Comments, if any No. tongues with Script variant spellings in brackets 1 2 3 4 24 Bharmauri/Gaddi ~"roHol (Oadi) 25 Bhattiani (Bhatwan) ~fC>l-{lo1 26 Bhili ~l81 27 Bhojpuri (Bajpuri) ~iit101 28 Bhopali Appears to have been returned after the name of the city of Bhopal to which the individual might have belonged. So actual Mother-tongue name need be ascer­ tained. 29 Bhotia-Unspecified It would be better if (Bhodi, Bhoti) specific Mother-tongue names are available. Even specific tribal/ community name of Bhotia group will be helpful. 30 Bhutani 31 Bihari Blanket sort of name covering well known languages like Maithili, Bhojpuri, Majahi etc. 32 Bodo/Boro ai/aa 33 BoIti Zaban aB"3'l 'HaTo Unclassified in 1961 Cen­ sus will need scrutiny. 34 Braj Bhasha/ Braj Bhakha (Brij) 35 Bundelkhandi 36 Burmese 4 SI. Name of Mother- Name in Local Comments, if any No. tongues with Script variant spellings in brackets 2 4 37 Cambodian If returned again then it may have to be ascertained whether French is meant. "18 CanadhL'1 .. ~~hro Name after a country where French and English arc official languages. 19 Canter If returned again loca­ tion of speakers at village level need be specified. 40 Chamrali In 1961 Census was group cd cr..der Hirdi. 41 Changru If returned again loca­ tion of speakers at village level need be specified. 42 Chibhah 43 Chinese/Chini 44 Coorgi/Kodagu (Khurgi, Kurgu, Kurug, Coorgie) 45 Danish 46 Derawa] 47 DeswaIi/Hariani .. BtRTP;l/<:rfcr);fT'Ol Location of speakers at village level need be specified. 4~ Dogri 49 Dutch 5 SI. Name of Mother- Name in Local Comments, if any No. tongues with Script variant spellings in brackets 1 2 3 4 50 Dwed Boli Unclassified in 1961 Census. Will need scrutiny. 51 English Ilfora til 52 French GotH1Hl 53 Garhwali (GadwaJi, or3~T'Bl Ghadawad, Godhwali) 54 Garo OTT~ 55 German :;:JOH()l 56 Goanese (Goawari, c!pw()l Goani, Goan) 57 Gohari Unclassified in 1961 Census. Will need fur­ ther scrutiny. ~ 58 Gorkhali ( Gorkhi).. o1ClI::(18"l Nepali and Gorkhali figures may be collec­ tively represented. 59 Greek l:i!()T()l 60 Gujarati (Gujrati) ~;:ro131 61 Gujjari O],;:rol 62 Himachali Name after a state where several known dialects are spoken. 63 Hindi 64 Hindko (Hind-Co) 65 Hindusthani 66 Ho 6 Sl. Name of Mothar­ Name ofLocal Comments, if any No. tongues with variant Script spellings in brackets .., 1 2 3 4 67 Indonesian A general name for broad geographical area where known languages like Javanese, Balinese, Batak etc. are spoken. 68 Irish )){fOl3' 69 Italian fecT~' 70 Jabakhri ;:(l=£T1:Iol Unclassified in 1961 Census. Will need fur­ ther scrutiny. 71 Jadeji 72 Japanese 73 Jati (Jattia) Will need further scru­ tiny. 74 Jatki-Punjabi 75 Jhangi (Jhang) Was grouped under Punjabi in 1961 Census. 76 Jokhri ;11:101 Was unclassified in 1961 Census. Will need fur­ ther scrutiny. 77 Kachchhi (Kachi) . Cf6:1 78 Kalazan Was unclassified in 1961 Census. Will need further scrutiny. 79 Kamari ofl-Jl-al 80 Kanashi , 01''011:11 81 Kanauri fq~ol 82 Kangali (Kengali) 0I'~orT'81 Will need scrutiny. 83 Kangri 7 SI. Name of Mother- Name of Local Comments, if any No. tongues with Script variant spellings in brackets 1 2 3 4 I 84 Kanki Unclassified in 1961 ~I Census. Will need further scrutiny. 8S Kannada ( Kanarsi, C!t'O;S Kanari, Kanarese, Kanadi, Conrise, Kanada, Kanad, Kanruse, Canarese, Canari, Canarise) 86 Kantari If returned again loca­ tion of speakers at village level need be specified. 87 Karandgam If returned again loca­ tion of speakers at village level need be specified. 88 Kashmiri 89 Khandeshi Khandeshi is the name of a district (former) only. Actual Mother­ tongue name need be ascertained. 90 Kharia 91 Khasi 92 Koukani ( Kokini Kokoni, Kookni, Koukini) 93 Kuki-Unspecified Speci,fic tribal/conunu- nit:y name may have to be linked up. 94 Kului ( Kulvi, 'C!:~1 Manali) ~ 9S Kumauni ( Kumaoni, EiHGl Kamauni) 8 Si. Name of Mother­ Name in Local Comments, if any No. tongues with variant Script spellings in brackets 1 2 3 4 96 Kundh Unclassified in 196 1 Census. Will nee d further scrutiny. 97 Ladakhi 98 Lahori Name after Lahore a city in Pakistan. Will need scrutiny. 99 Lahuli «(I Lahanli, Lahouli)J lOll Lande( Landay, Will need scrutiny. Landey, Lenda~) 101 Loasia Unclassi,ficd in 1961 Census. Will need further scrutiny. 102 Lushai/Mizo liE~l 103 Madrasi HBcJTl11 A blanlect sort of name covering known lan- guages like Tamil, Telugu, MaJayalam, Kannad, Tulu etc. 104 Maithili (Maestbialia) Hers', u 105 Malabar Mother tongue name after a Geographical area indicating Tamil or Malayalam. 106 Matai/MalayfMalaya/ H~IE11 Malayan 107 Malani 01 108 MaJayalaru (Malayalam, Malayami, Malyalam) 109 Mandeali 9 Sl. Name of Mother. Name of Local Comments, if any No. tongues with variant Script spellings in brackets 2 4 110 ManipurifMeithei 111 Mar Unclassified lJ1 1961 Census. Will need further scrutiny. 112 Marathi (Maharathi, HOI01 Maharashtri) 113 Marwari HTo~r;3"1 114 MateH If returned aguin loca­ tion 0 f speake rs at village level need be specified. 115 M a thu ri Hliol 116 Mewari H~''Sl 117 Mewati ( Mawati) H~T31 118 Multani l:(B3'o1 119 Mundari ( Mumari, H.~Tol Mandari) 120 Nagari·Hindi otOTol/fti'-e-l If returned again only Hindi as Mother tongue name will be sufficient. 121 Neglo ~orEi Unclassified in 1961 Census. Will need further scrutiny. 122 Nepali fmllBl-1 Gorkhali and Nepali figures may be collec­ tively represented. 123 Odanwali €~o~lC?l If returned again local· tiou of speakers at village level need be specified. 124 Oriya (Odia, ~'Sl))iT Orissa, Oria, Oris, Orria, Orrian, Orriya, Urria) 10 S1. Name of Mother­ Name in Local Comments, if any No. tongues with Script variant spellings in brackets 1 2 3 4 125 Padari (Paddri) tlt!'al 126 Pahari-Unspecified tI~Jlsl Specific name of the spoken dialects would be more helpfut 127 "Pangwali 128 Pattani (paton) If returned again lOca­ tion of speakers at village level need be specified. 129 Persian In 1961 Census some Urdu speakers also re­ turned Persian as their mother tongue. 130 Peshawari (Peshori) ftl"RT~o' 131 Portuguese l;!03OTT81 132 Pothwari (Pathibari, tIO~ral Pathohari) 133 Punjabi 134 Purbi (Poorbi) 'Purbi' meaning the east or 'Off the "east' is a general name. Actual Mother tongue name need be ascer­ tained. 135 Rajasthani 136 Ramdasi UnClassified in 1961 Census. Will Dced further scrutiny. 137 Rathauri 138 Roman Name of a Script. Also Italian could be meant. 139 Rovabi Unclassified in 1961 Census. Will Deed further scrutiny. 11 S1. Name of Mother­ Name in Local Comment, if any No. tongues with Script variant spellings in brackets 1 2 3 4 140 Russian iiRl. 141 Sairi Hal If returned again loca­ tion of speakers at village level need be specified .. 142 Sankara If returned again loca­ tion of speakers at vill­ age level need be speci­ fied. 143 Sanskrit Sanskrit as a Mother tongue return need be taken with certain amount of reserve since there is no information of this language being a current spoken form. 144 Santali (Santhiali, Sentali) 145 Sasi Unclassified in 1961 Census. Win need fur­ ther scrutiny. 146 Serna (Seema) Rl-II 147 Sikkim Bhotia fRcrl-liel~' 148 Sindhi fRlll 149 SiraJi-Inner Siraji fRo'ffl (Serji, Seraja) 150 Spanish HUnl 151 Spiti ( Spitian, mita-l Spittian) 152 Swedish R~l~ol 153 Tamil 3'H'B' 154 Tandil cn~8 Unclassified in 1961 Census.

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