Index Aalten (Holland): fifty-one Jews hidden in, 425 Adnet, Jules and Marie: save a Abegg, Dr Elisabeth: a rescuer, in Jew, 367 Berlin, 244 Adolph, Krystyna: a rescuer, Abrahams-Emden, S.: recalls her rescuer, 399 111–14 Abrahamsen, Samuel: recounts acts of support and Adriatic Sea: Jews helped to rescue in Norway, 311, 315 escape across, 295 Abramovich, Ariela: saved, 136 Adventists’ Seminary Abramowicz-Wolska, Maryla and (France): Jews sent for refuge to, Feliks: help Jews to survive, 375 118 Aerdenhout (Holland): a young Abramowitch, Maja: see Zarch, Maja Jewish boy finds sanctuary in, Abresch, Father Pio: see Father 408 Agarici, Viorica: saves Jews, 298 Pio Ahlfeld, Eva: given sanctuary, Absil, Walter: and the rescue of his cousin, 389 338; with her rescuers’ two Achille, Father: helps an Italian children, Photo 31 Jewish family escape, 444 Ainsztein, Reuben: writes about ‘actions’ (organized SS killings): 33; Jews saved Righteous Germans in Bialystok, during and after, 91–2, 97, 98, 263–5 100, 101, 104, 166, 256, 264, Albania: Jews saved in, 11, 265, 270, 273 300–2; and the Albanian ‘moral Adama (Poland): an execution at, code’, 523 150 Alechinsky, Drs: shelter two Adler, Ella: recalls no kindnesses, 12–13 Jewish boys, 386–7 Alice, Princess Andrew of Greece: saves Jews, 304–5 Alkmaar (Holland): rescuers in, 408, 413; a ‘health vacation’ in, 420–1 All Saints Church (Warsaw): rescue in, 201 573 T H E R I G H T E O U S Alpes Maritimes (Italian-occupied France): Italians Ancely, Captain Edmond: and a refuse to enforce anti-Jewish measures in, 435 French rescuer, 343 Alsace: a priest from, provides false papers, 329; Anciaux, Mimi: with two Jewish an SS man from, betrays, 472 children in hiding, Photo 19 Alsace-Lorraine: help for Jewish refugees from, Anderlecht (Belgium): sanctuary 348–9 in, 386 Alsedziai (Lithuania): a priest in, saves Jews, 124 André, Father Joseph: a Belgian Altara, Rahela: saved, with her family, 295–6 rescuer, 375–6 Althoff, Adolf: helps three Jews, Andrioli family: give sanctuary, 236–7 356 Amarant, Oded (‘Dorko’): in hiding, 69, 70–1 ‘Angel of Majdanek’: a Pole, 492 Amato, Albert: recalls a Righteous Italian on the Anger, Per (a Swedish island of Rhodes, 458–9 diplomat): helps Jews in Amato, Lina: saved, 459 Budapest, 467 Amelia, Sister: gives sanctuary, ‘Anne-Marie’: an assumed 229 identity, 344 American Emergency Rescue Annemasse (France): a rescuer at, Committee: helps Jews, 26 349 American Friends Service Committee (Quakers): Anti-Defamation League: its help Jewish children to leave France, head, a ‘Hidden Child’, 111 350 anti-Semitism: animates, 12; American $20 gold coin: averts a betrayal, 182 poisons, 14; and a Ukrainian’s Amersfoort (Holland): protesters imprisoned in, curse, 35; and a ‘terrible place’, 393; a rescuer in, 396 94; ‘deep effects’ of, 96; and a ‘Amira’: an assumed name, 297 mother’s curse, 100–1; and Amsterdam (Holland): Jewish self-defence in, 392; murder, 151; ‘I am an anti- Dutch protests in, 392–3; arrest of Jews in, 393; acts of Semite’, 154; and rescuers, rescue in, 395, 153–4, 201–2; repelled by Nazi 399, 403–5, 408; rescuers honoured in, 397; savagery, 184; rebuffed, 189; in deportation from, 403; Jews from, smuggled out of Austria, 246; in Romania, 298; Holland, 413; a ‘health vacation’ from, 420–1; Jewish lacking, in Bulgaria, 309, 523–4; children from, found hiding places in a distant weak, in Belgium, 373; in Holland, village, 425 373; known in Italy as ‘the German disease’, 433; ‘nowhere to be seen’ in Italy, 443 Antonescu, Marshal Ion: Romania’s dictator, 297 Antonowka (Poland): an escape from, 41 Antwerp (Belgium): a Jew rescued from, 15; Jews from, given sanctuary in the Ardennes, 370; Dutch Jews smuggled through, 413, 414 Arad, Yitzhak: and Vilna, 12 574 I N D E X Aran, Lydia (formerly Lydia Ashkenazys (a Jewish couple): in Gluskin): saved, 111–14 hiding, 380 Arczynksi, Ferdynand: and the Council for Asse (Belgium): a final act of Assistance to the Jews, 186 rescue in, 382 Ardennes Forest: village rescuers in, 370 Assisi (Italy): Jews hidden and Arendonk (Belgium): a Jewish child in hiding in, rescued in, 454–6 378 Asti (Italy): a Jewish family in Armavir (North Caucasus): two hiding near, 446 Jews given shelter in, 55 Athens (Greece): rescue of Jews Armenians: rescuers, 52, 247, 473 in, 304–5; a protective journey to, Arndt, Ellen: rescued, 242 439 Arndt, Erich: a rescuer, in Berlin, Atlantic Wall: defences of, and a 243 rescue scheme, 416 Arnhem (Holland): an act of rescue in, 429 Au Revoir les Enfants (film): a Arnskov, Fanny: helps Danish tribute to a rescuer, 354 Jews, 319 Aubazine (France): Jewish girls Arrow Cross: seize power in in hiding at, 331 Budapest, 469; honour ‘Auntie Maria’: a rescuer, 181–2 ‘protected’ houses, 471; kill Jews in the streets, 471; Auschwitz (Auschwitz- discover Jewish children, and kill them, 472; a refuge Birkenau): views of a survivor of, 14; a survivor of, finds her near daughter, 152–3; a suicide before headquarters of, 473; an SS man protects Jews from, 474; deportation to, 180; a rescuer execute a Roman Catholic rescuer, 475; seize Jews, 476, deported to, for resistance 478; question a pastor, 478; and a Death March, activities, 184; a future leader of 481; Jews rescued from, 481–2; and a ‘miracle’, 484; rescue efforts imprisoned at, 186; a execute two Christian rescuers, 484; a writer wanted by, rescuer’s father sent to, 212; one of in hiding, the 485; final attacks by, 487; a massacre by, averted, first victims at, 228; an Austrian 486–7 rescuer deported to, 249; Oskar ‘Artymowicz, Alexander’: an assumed name, 189 Schindler extracts 300 women Aryan identity cards (and other forged documents): from, 282; Schindler rescues a 96, 101, further 100 deportees from, 283; 118, 151, 154–5, 163, 174, 175, eight Jewish women saved from 176, 178, 180, 192, 195, 201, deportation to, 288; 205–6, 211, 227, 265, 274 deportations to (from Poland) ‘Aryan’ Warsaw: Jews given sanctuary in, 149, 220; (from Germany) 237, 243, 173–213 244, 263, 279; (from Central Europe and the Balkans), 288, 291, 293, 305; (from Norway), 312 n.4, 316; (from France) 322, 323, 326, 333, 340, 342, 344, 352, 353, 355, 356; (from Belgium), 361, 363, 364, 366, 367, 368, 373, 374, 378, 386, 388, 457; (from Holland), 394, 575 T H E R I G H T E O U S Auschwitz (continued) Baarle-Nassau (Holland): an 401, 402, 424, 429 n.67; a deportation to, averted, escape route through, 414 303; (from Italy), 440, 441, 442, 446, Baarn (Holland): the search for a 447, 450; from Hungary, 453, safe haven in, 421, 422 461, 463, 464, 466, 467, 468; two Jewish girls in, Babi Yar (Kiev): Jewish revolt at, helped by a Polish prisoner, 506; Jewish women in, 504 helped by a Hungarian fellow-prisoner, 506; a British Babich, Maria: saves a Jewish sergeant’s quest in, 509 boy, 45 Australia: a rescuer emigrates to, Babilinska, Gertruda: saves a 96–7 four-year-old boy, 110–11; Austria: Jews leave, 25; acts of rescue in, 246–50; a Photo 1 factory owner from, helps Jews in Poland, 275–80; Babrungas (Lithuania): six Jews refugees from, find eventual sanctuary in France, hidden in, 121 350–1; refugees from, find sanctuary in Italy, 432; a Babylonian Talmud: cited, 16 deportation on foot towards, from Budapest, 475–6, Badetti, Mother Superior 481; deportations by train to, from Budapest, 481–2, Virginie: shelters Jews, 442 484 Baer, Lore: recalls her years in Auvergne (France): villagers in, shelter Jews, 340 hiding, 408 Avelin, Father: shelters Jews, 382 Baja (Hungary): and the release of Avenue of the Righteous (Yad seven Jewish captives at, 508 Vashem, Jerusalem): 42 n.21, Bak, Samuel: in hiding, 114–16 172, 181, 198, 528 Baker, Mr (a German): his Avenue Louise (Brussels): a Righteous acts, 257–8 ‘miracle’ at, 389 Bakhman, Israel: hidden, 98 Avignon (France): a Jewish couple in hiding Bal, Henri and Gabrielle: provide in, 339 a safe haven, 365–6; help Jews in Avon (France): a rescuer in, 354 hiding, 366 Avondet family (Italy): give Baldowska, Wanda: saves a refuge to a Jewish family, 456–7 Jewish girl, 122 Azzanello di Pasiano Balicka-Kozlowska, (Italy): rescue in, 451 Helena: helps Jews, 203–4 Balicki, Zygmunt and BBC, the: and the morale of those in hiding, 116; Jadwiga: help Jews, 203–4 and news of Allied military successes, 279; and Balonowe Street (Lvov): betrayal ‘news reports’, 289; broadcasts a French bishop’s in, 108 protest, 330 Baltic States: guards from, 14; overrun by Germany, 14 Balul, Antoni: saves four Jews, 117–18 Balul, Wiktoria: helps save two Jews, 117–18 baptism: and rescue, 59, 293, 331, 357, 375, 378, 466, 471, 483 Baptists: save Jews, 11, 38–41, 522 576 I N D E X Baran, Jozef and Bat Aharon, Lili: records the Eleonora: rescuers, 99–100 story of a rescuer, 241 Baran, Julian: saves a Jewish couple, 95 Batja and Ester (Jewish Baranowska, Jozefa: takes in a sisters): given refuge, 147–8; Jewish child, 159 ‘every step was with love’, 148 Baranszky, Tibor: helps Jews on a Battel, First Lieutenant Death March, 476 Albert: helps Jews, 261–3 Barbie, Klaus: searches for Jewish children, for Batya (Pharaoh’s deportation, 342 daughter): ‘daughter of God’, Barczenko (a Ukrainian guard): a 10 ‘decent Gentile’, 489 Baublis, Dr Petras: saves Jewish Bargen, Herr von: reports to Berlin on Belgian children, 135–6 rescuers, 362 n. 3 Bauer, Professor Baron Hirsch camp (Salonika): and an act of Yehuda: recounts a story of rescue, 439 rescue, 231; and a Jewish Bartel, Professor: supports Jews, rescuer, 323 65 Baum, Karola: and a Righteous Bartolomae, Christian: recalls a German, 271 Righteous
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