
PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE AGENDA DATE: December 18, 2019 LOCATION: City Hall Conference Room TtrME: 4:00 P.M. I. CAIL TO ORDER II. ANNOUNCE MEMBERS IN A'|'TENDANCE (VERIFY QUORUM) II]. ADOP]'ION OF MINUTES: October 16.2019 IV. DEPARTMENT REPORTS I . Building & Codes Department: Monthly Reports 2. Police Department: Monlhly Reports 3. Fire Rescue: Monthly Reports COMMITTEE ACTION REQUIRED None VI. CITY COLTNCIL ACTION REQUIRED ORDINANCH 49-2019-20: AN ORDINANCH TO AMEND THE CITY CODE PERTAINING TO A PROHIBITION ON ELECTRIC MOTORIZED BICYCLES. SCOOTERS, AND SKATEBO ARDS (Councilman lkileman) VII. OTHER None VIli. ADJOTJRNMENT IX. PUBLIC COMMENTS 1) Recovery S;,raposium presentation by April Bames. RN, Director of Outreach at The Next Door Treatment Center (Councilman Richmond) PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES October 16,2019 - 4:00 p.m. City Hall Conference Room Attending Committee Members: Councilman Jeff Henley, Chairman; Councilman Erb, Councilman Travis Holleman; Councilman Vonde[1 Richmond: Councilwoman Wanda Smith Others Present: Mayor Joe Pitts, Fire Chief Freddie Montgomery, Police Chief Alonzo Ansley, Building & Codes Interim Director David Smith, Richard Stevens, Kathy Gray The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Chairman Henley and it was noted there was a quorum. Minutes from the Scptember 18,2019 meeting were approved by the committee after a motion was made by Councilwoman Smith and seconded bv Councilman Richmond. BUILDING & CODES: -Mr. Smith stated that he would answer any questions regarding the monthly reports Commercial permits are tracking as usual. Permits are up on building, and are close in volume to two years ago. Codes has slowed down, probably due to a reduction in grass growing. Councilwoman Smith asked about the schedule for mowing and he said that the abatement crews mow Monday through Friday from 7am until 2:30pm. They have expanded the hours for contraetors this month. They are going paperless on inspections next week. They have had the software for some time and are now starting to use it. Councilwoman Smith asked how long citizens have to comply with codes violations. Mr. Smith said that they give l3 days on grass violations and then it takes three to four days to get to them. Housing code violations are given 30 days and junk cars are given 15 to 20 days. If not comected, violations are taken to City Court. Councilman Hcnley asked about the criteria on high grass and Mr. Smith said l3 inches is a violation. Councilman Richmond met with Animal Control regarding a recent report of a citizen operating a kennel. They do not think she is running a kennel and will conduct monthly visits. They may limit the numbcr of dogs allowable in the future. Councilman Henley asked if September multi-family figures were a record number and Mr. Smith said they processed out more than usual. POLICE DEPARTMENT: -Chief Ansley presented monthly reports and asked for questions He noted there were several businesses cited for beer sales. Mentioncd that the Lcadership Clarksville Law, Crimc & Justicc Day went very wsll last week. Councilwoman Smith is a current member and she said that the class and training were outstanding. Councilman Henley mentioned the high number of vehicle burglaries and asked about a recent Idlewood Drive burglary. Chief Ansley said that is a cument major problem and he will check into that burgtary. He invited the committee to attend Crimeview meetings held every other Friday moming at 7am in the basement at CPD Headquarters. Mr. Stevens said that he sent a news release today regarding a Holiday Crime Prevention program urging residents to "Park Smart" and offering tips on holiday safety. Councilman Richmond mentioned that he went by the Police Headquarters recently and scheduled a meeting with Chief Ansley and a tour of some of the facilities next Tuesday. He suggested that others do so and Chief encouraged them to. FIRE DEPARTMENT: -Chief Montgomery gave a review ofthe monthly reports and asked for questions. Noted there were over 12,000 runs last month (5% fires), and $600,000 in property loss. Councilman Henley said in looking at past months it seems that runs are higher now. Chief Montgomery said that he will doublc check the numbers but it may be that this repofi includes five weeks. Mayor Pitts said that there is possibly morc accountability in rcporting now than in past months. Chief Montgomery gave a breakdown report to the Committec, highlighting on rhe following items: He stated that the drone has been delivered. Capt. Rios is currently in PIO training. He is startinglo look at garage building design with David Smith. They arc working on a better procedure for rracking work orders. He stated that training is very important and is a priority. They are working with the school system Stem Program. Three fire fighters who are on the Blue Way team recently went for training in Kentucky. The first phase of training was free and he commended the team for their initiative. He is working on tweaking the criteria lor employei evaluations. They are launching a Mental Health Monday safeqr program. Thcy are working with Human Resources on improving their promotion process. CITY COT]NCIL ACTION REQUIRED "A Resolution authorizing retirement of a Patrol Service Dog "Koda" from K-9 Unit and donation to Police Officer Keith Jones" Chief Ansley stated that Koda is nine years old today and was involved in an accident that left him with a spinal injury, unable to use his hind legs, preventing him from performing duties ofa Patrol Service Dog. He is aiking that Koda be retired and donated to his handler, Officer Keith Jones. We will compensate him a small amouni for veterinarian cost and food. The Resolution was approved by all after motion was made by Councilwoman Smith and seconded by Councilman Holleman. Chief Ansley said that a non-profit organization, Spike's K-9", is sponsoring a fund to provide medical assistance to Koda. They are not invoived witlithe Cityorthe CpD. DISCUSSION REGARDING CHANGING THE TIME OF BEER SALES ON SUNDAY Councilman Holleman said that he is working with City Attomey Lance Baker to draft an ordinance changing the time ofbeer sales on Sunday f'rom noon to l0:00 a.m. The City regulates beer sales and the State r.grLt.i liquor and wine sales. Currently, pursuant to state law, liquor and wine may be purchased on Sundays starting at l0:00 a.m. and he would like to see all alcohol sales consistent. It will have to go before the City CounciI but he would like to poll the committee today and get rheir thoughts. Chief Ansley .aid fro- a law enfbrcement standpoint he has no objections. Councilwoman Smith said that as a minister, she is opposed to the change and feels that the ministers in Clarksville will object. Councilman Richmond is also in ofposition frorn a peisonal standpoint. Councilman Holleman said hc supports it from a business aspect and hii talked to several local business owners who would like to see the change. Councilman Erb asked if we could change the process to abide by the State law on beer sales so the City will not have to regulate it. Councilman Holleman will check with Lance Baker on that and report back. There was no furthcr business Councilman Holleman made a motion to adjoum and Councilman Richmond seconded the motion. Submitted by: Kathy Gray Clarksville Police Department BUILDING + CODES DEPARTMENT CLARKSV LLE IENNESSEE'S I a I MEMORANDUM TO: Public Safety Committee FROM: David Smith Interim Director RE Statistical and Rer enue Data DATE: December 18,2019 Enclosed herewith please find a comparison of the total number of permits issued for ne\n construction to include the estimated cost of construction for the 2017 and 2018 (January through December) calendar years, I am also enclosing a permit report for the 2019 calendar year. AIso included is a comparison of revenues received for City General during the 2011 l2}l8,20l8l2}l9 fiscal year and the 201912O20 fiscal year July through June. Ifyou have any questions or desire additional information please do not hesitate to contact me. DS:PDM l OO South Spring Street I Clarksville. TN 37O4O [931] 6,45-7 426 I Fax [931] 645-7 43O w\ /\ /. cityofclarksville. com COMMERCIAL PERMITS 20I7 MONTI,I NUMBER oF PERMITS COST OF CONSTRUCTION JANUARY l{l $1r,986,813.00 FEBRUARY l9 s4,867,800.00 MARCH 2-5 $ 17,590,r0r.00 APRIL l5 $9.362.414.00 MAY 29 $5,039.368.00 JUNE )l $20,57 | .492.00 JULY 2l s r6, r39,500.00 AUGUST il $ 13.991,078.00 SEPTEMBER 50 s6. t47.626.00 OCTOBER 29 $ t6,304,242.00 NOVEMBER l3 $2,864.806.00 DECEMBER tl s3.889.000.00 TOTALS 2U1 st28,754,240.00 COMMERCIAL PERMITS 20I8 MONTII NUMBER oF PERMITS COSTOF CONSTRUCTTON JANT]ARY 9 $ r.260.286.00 FEBRUARY l0 $ 1,354,2 r9.00 MARCTI i0 s20,378,397.00 APRII, l6 $5,294.335.00 MAY 24 $ r6,706.63 1.00 JUNE 26 $7.0.18. 105.00 JULY 28 $ 17,399.943.00 AtJGtJST ll $ | .778. 158.00 SEPTEMBER I8 s3,49 t ,522.00 OCTOBER 21 s5,669,s60.00 NOVEMBER l7 s2.965.61i.00 DECEMBER 26 $ r0,486.898.00 TOTAI,S 239 $83,833,667.00 COMMERCIAL PERM ITS 2OI9 MON'I}I NUMBER OF PERMITS COST OF CONSTRUCTION JANUARY l9 $3, r33.288.00 FEBRUARY 32 s3,368.010.00 MARCH $4,445,16r.00 APRIT- l6 s10,028.746.00 MAY 2.7 s4,965,490.00 JUNE l9 $3,492,807.00 JULY l9 s9,504,287.00 AUGUST 2t $3,422.253 .00 SEPTEMBER 30 $7,62 r,03 I .00 OCTOBER l5 $r6,759.7r6.00 NOVEMBER l9 $22.539,669.00 DECEMBER TOTAI,S 218 s66,7.10,789.00 MULTI FAMILY PERMITS 20I7 MONTH N UMBER OF PERMITS COST OF CONSTRUCTION JANUARY s810.000.00 I)EBRUARY 0 s0.00 MARCH l $ 1,020,000.00 APRIL 2t s3.290.000.00 MAY I $ 120,000.00
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