822 INAN91 4 ' •f LIBRARY INTERNATIONAL RPFPRENCE CENTWB FOR COMMUNITY WAI ERf bU!»BW AHB SANITATiSN (iRC» VXLLAGE LEVEL WATER SUPPLY ,..„ w,/^ MANAGEMENT STUDY "'" & ^^CJC (Report No. 3) U MA1STJ3AL WE3T GODAVARI DISTRICT SEPT/OCT 199 UV/^\ >•».. \JUpi(\)t' u&- \1 \cM*<-kAM&.T' (_ = -INAA?3I - TABUi UI; CONTuKTS * . • ' '. ' . • ' 1. List of abbreviations. ?Q-A- 7. Summary of f inclines - Recommendations -'md opinions 3. Chapter-1 - Background to study, f^ 10 4, Chapter-II - G neral informal ion about district studied, 5. Ch.ipter-III -General information about rikirr.Idl studied. ft 19 6. Chapter-IV - Oiivl orioles of p. .• re option. 7. ^li«'iptor-V - Management ami administration of Gram Pane hay at. 0. Chcptor-VI - Management and adininistration of vomen welfare and Health Dejartin^nt. Pq. 51 9. Chnptsr-Vll - Management and administration of v..S - at JVIandal Level. Pg. -lO.Chapter-VlII- Technical a Bses^iri'.--nt of u.-M in Manc' •^ ^—" riud led. ^ 11 .Chapter-lX - Assessment of community dynamics in i.)H.l'\ 12,Ch..pter-X - Assessment of O&W funds. 13.Chapter-XI - ssessment of administi;ation/ii)onac,ement J'l •Chnpter-XII - Findings conclusions 15.Chapter-XHI~ Kecomme-ndctions fjr institutional re a rr s ric, ernent. 1^ .Annexurr-s-A - Flov diagram and note on individual schemes - 10 schemes B - Itinery C - List of persons,, organisations met D - List of reference documents £ - PK..SS CLIPPING : • /•• G - Copy - water supply by<-lav,s - Pcntaj;. o'u H' - a)Oovt.mrnent OLder -^ |.;ointiiient of I>,,l£-;3 b)GoVi:rnment'Order funds tor ['l-j^rumme in Watv.r Scarcity and for re pairing quipni^ LIoT UF EVI ATI UN3 1. FULD. Panchayati '•< a j Enylneoring Department, 2 . N rtP . Nathor Lands Assistnd |JroJQCto. 5 . Pwb. Pr o tec te d^P ip H d) Wa t.or Supply ^. PIP we. I'llni protactoa Water Supply 5. B.W. B or B Well 6. H.P. Hand Pump 7. Upuration and Hoi"tariancB 8 . G .P . Gram Panchayatl 9. MPPP . I'londol Pisaja Parinhad ProGioant 10. MDO. f'landal Douelopment Officer. 11. L .P . Zilla (District) Parishfad. 12 . D.U.U . District DeuBlopmant Officer. 15 . t .E . Executive Enqj. near. 14 . D.E.E . Deputy Executive Engineer. 15. A.E . Assistant Engineor. 16. ICOS. I nts grated Child Oaualopment 5c ha mo. 17 . V .0.0. Villaija DBVolopmont Officnr. 18. DM&HO. District Medical and Hsalth Officer. 19. f-IPHW. 1'iul ti Purpose Health Worker. £O • W3 it cP ^5. M-e. n. PSP SUiVJvuvilY OF FIIIDIMGS AI^O hiiCOWI.O^DATlOKS * -**.- . i -.. — i- ..- -i 1 1 ' . ' - ' '<"-• A . All, LYSIS OF 12 P....S. SCH;.:i^S IN ..LST GUl,Y»VA.I DI'CT.UCT PiiNTAPADU TYP.- Ql; SUPP .1. Mo.of Schemes studied .. 12 2. io.of Schemes functioning J.2 3. Mo.of .cherries not functioning Nil 4. !JO. with major construction fuult .. X 5. i'.(.). (jiving cater less than J hour ..5 '. ;:•..•. civinr 8 hour supply ., Nil 7. ijo. giving six hour supply ..1 S. Mo. covering <.?ntire village ,. 4 9. I;o. supplying Rav.1 V'iater ..3 JO, lo. v.here filters arc choking •ithin 10 'ays. 3 1J. In. vith all rsPS giving val^r .. < 12. I'o. .ith chlorinators .. Nil 13, I'o. with Chloiascopes .. Nil j4. No, where water tost results available . Nil 15. No. with W.S. bylaws ., 5 THi£ FINDINGS: , / :; Based on the study 12 completed J.A.S. schemes in the of .jest God^vari district. X- . Efficiency: Though schemes are designed to supply •<• ater for 8 hours and I PSP/50 fa/milies the actual Juration of v.ator supply ranges from 20 minutes to & hours. Thus ths distribution efficiency is low. %., Level of f unctioning: 1 • quality, : Chlorinction is iir^jular in all schemes and no verification oi r\ siclual chlui ine is done. 2. Quantity; The P.S.P. users is in all schemes do not g*-t qh vvater. 3. Fringes r'-n-.< harnl&ts in some villages aie not covered. C. Recommendations: X' The short duration water supply through 1 FSI'/SO famili do not allow many families to Sot water. The options for increasing the duration of water supply r;hould be considered. 1. Dividing the distribution into sections and supplying water one section after another by valve coptr '1. 2, The majority of the families ,ith house connection liv-r in a limited aiva* In tin r> istribu+ion arrnnyer.utits should be made to s<!| ef:atn this auction i J ~>m u n. i. u 1 P$V men (by vylvu-j - separate lineV), so thai, later supply .juration "or P.S.P. users c^n be increased. II. The possibility of water testing by usin^ poi table kits at sub-division/Man.'al lod should he tried. III. From experience gained in diff-.r r>t p'irts s suitable chlorinating system should '•. s^lcotod ;:nd iriritflll^r! in all P.VS Schemes. IV. Thu implt-'-nianting agency to oprai arid maintain scht-me fur <S months duiiny •„ hich b locul pason v.i.ll be trained for *J/M of the scheme* The scheme should then bu handed over nil rr.!lo!v;:nt documents, flow charts u/M Manual, estimates and trr.inod operator. V. Handing over to be d on*-1 in a public function so that ownership is clear in public eye. VI. The implementing agency should monitor the schemes and $uct_/-?st preventive maintenance rn-c sure s. •. a Of INIONS/SUGGiiSJlONS FRUM IMFOaTANT Ol'TIC-.iS I* Collector, West Uodavari District (.l) It i' not cloai" to peopL , .hich y.)Veintii: til., office is related to drinking .ater pro!: .1. rnr>. I-ople go to the ^P office, Collector, //land si of fie*1 etc. bp.oify th'^ func- tions of offices. Certain matters should b<» settled at liie G.F. lr:vel itr:( If. Honce eiv.: L^ccific, limited re ties to tha G,P. Ihis will help in promoting a sens'* of ownership. (2) Th? tariff for water must bo psid by the user - will act,.a check on r••••^ulartty and niaint'.M^nce of v.'ater (3) Do not nuiko more' village level organisations. (4) Gran Fanch.iyats vith mor<; income should set rir-nr e.omo funds for water supply inst«a<l of increa<;iny tariff. II* plSTi\ICT DfcVhLuPiVfcNT Oi-TlC^tt, ;.L:ST GOOAV/'utl DlSTnlCT: J. • Any parallel organisation to the G.P. at tiio villc^e level will clash with G.P. 2. G.P.s do not function due to inertia of poop I™. 3. Thodlinking water COPS, if necessary can bo collected (as part of house or lanJ tax) by MiO - poolid at district level and distributed to tPs. HI- ^AilPAtiCMI:S McuTlNG AT JliAUDAL II1..AD i..na^dt> - P, 1,1/U', .U ;..V\j;DAL (l) Govej/nrm-nt must subpidis" c»/M r-.xpens-s of >.a + er supply .I00,o subsidy for minor (^.P; and "50,^ for nol.ifio • c..P IV. PtfcD IiXiiCUTIV.i (1) All Drinking '..ater taxes should b-_ indirect - No 'irect drinking vvster taxes must b<.> Levied. (2) A separate line fur ho us*1 connections to be <:,iven. This will yiv;.- moi.fi? water to P;P, V. ^MlI^jyDEyiiLjPMLiNT OFFICLirl, PL-IMTAPADU MANUAL: (1) fAandal office is not involved in v-at^r su[>ply programmes. The R,,S - JH is att.JChed to -the i-.- sub-c'ivision office. (2) The h alth department is also not integrated .ith the manc'al office. (3) By givinr more PS PS, and r cular v.at-r suppjy the demand for House connections will como'.bi-.ti. (4) Tha monitorinc; of 0/M of V'.S. must be a function of the Manda 1 office. (5) To improve 0/M, organise tr;;lnin<j programmes for sarpanches and Gp members on w:,ter supply - health, (6) The ma rid a 1 can be involved in the water committee at the vill:.ue through the VDO. (7) Direct tax for *V.S. - as a percentage of the Mouse tax. ID CHAPTER - I BACKGROUND TU THE STUDY; M.I INTRODUCTIUN 1.2 CUHSTITUTIUI) OF P ,R . E .D.Cuill 1ITTEE 1.3 AND EXTERNAL. STUDY I'Er.ii 1 ,4 HLTHuDULOGY 1.5 PILOT STUDY The above topics are ci^rilt iu± th in ^L.jiJ _ study Df Nalgonda District, N.')lfjnnda 'j ind".il(JJ. 7-11;. CHAPTER - II 1 2.1 Data on the District: (, G£0 bR at.UL0. AU I'ityilJiillULi) : ThG Wash GorJ^unri Di-trir:h .1. l>v cm th" '..Or!: nf Rivor Godov/nri acJ j oi uin y tin1 J.-iy of ^Hfi-jnl. It i.' hnurn!r>H on tha North by Khniirnam DiL-hrir.!. •l<\0 i'.rl hn • Di- t,r !••. t in the V/Qet. The Di r:- tr i •.: t Can bn dnvi do ri inLo 'diren n • UJJ. nl regions - Delt^, upland antl nrjcncy rprjionF . Th^T n ^r n 3 corresponrliny reuenuB anij ndminir.: tr nti v/s r "^i nrr- . Wir . Eluru- Upland N ar 3apur - Del ta Kovuur - Agency The District is further divided intu r,i.-.-nUrjl s n"d villagss. Tha details are. shown b'jlotu. Tfien 0 munici- palities in tha district. 11 REVENUE MANPALS IN WEST GODAVAKI DIST. TOTAL No. Of MANDALS .46 A PIST HEAD «» MANDAL BOUNDARY MANDAL HEAP QUARTERS RAILWAY LINE BAY OF BENGAL fi swenuo i'jo .of Ho.of Cir .•iriii ,i I'unj.
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