'16 CONGRESS! ON AL RECORD-SENATE. DECEMBER 8, estate of Robert Langford, deceased; estate of Alex 0. Smith, SENATE. deceased, and heirs of Erban. Powell, deceased-to the Com- mittee on War Claims. · TuEsDAY, December 8, 1908. Also, papers to accompany bill granting a pension to Mary L. The Senate met at 12 o'clock m. Wright-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Edward E. Hale. Also, paper to accompany bill for relief of W. F. Anderson­ JAMES P. CLARKE, a Senator from the State of Arkansas; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. MoRGAN G. BULKELEY, a Senator from the State of Connecticut; Also; petitions of J. K. P. Marshall and others, of Cleveland, WILLIAM J. STONE; a Senator from· the State of Missouri; FRANK Tenn., and William Street and others, of Chattanooga, Tenn., B. GARY, a Senator from the State of South Carolina;: for legislation pensioning members of the United States Military ALFRED B. KITTREDGE, a Senator from the State of South Da­ Telegraphers' Corps of the civil war-to the Committee on In­ kota; and JoHN W. DANIEL, a Senator from the State of Vir­ valid Pensions. ginia, appeared in their seats to-day. Also, papers to accompany bills for relief of Hartford Math­ The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and ap­ erly, James H. Cady, and Joshua E. Carlton-to the Committee proved. on Invalid Pensions. SENATOR FROM IOWA. By Mr. NYE: Petition of citizens of the State of Minnesota, against S. 3940 (Sunday observance in the District of Colum­ Mr. DOLLIVER presented the credentials of ALBERT B. bia) -to the Committee on the District of Columbia. CuMMINS, chosen by the legislature of the State of Iowa a By Mr. OLCOTT: Paper to accompany bill for relief of Has­ Senator from that State for the unexpired portion of the term tings Allaway-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. of the late Senator WILLIAM B. ALLISON, ending March 3, 1911, By Mr. OVERSTREET: Paper to accompany H. R. 175, for which were read and ordered to be filed. pension to United States Military Telegraph Corps of the United 1\fr. DOLLIVER. Mr. CUMMINS is present and ready to take States Army in the war of the rebellion-to the Committee on the oath of office. Invalid Pensions. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Senator-elect will present Also, papers to accompany bill securing legislation to promote himself at the Vice-President's desk and take the oath pre­ efficiency in the army, to disseminate useful military knowledge scribed by law. among the people of the United States, and for other purposes- Mr. CuMMINS was escorted to the Vice-President's desk by to the Committee on Military Affairs. · 1\fr. DOLLIVER, and the oath prescribed by law having been ad­ Also, papers to accompany bills for relief of Cealica Gurley, ministered to him, )?.e took his seat ih the Senate. Lydia A. Swift, Bladen A. KeJJ,dall, Evan H. Pritchard (H. R. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. 21245), John H. Butcher, James A. McAllister, and Julia A. William J. Browning, Chief Clerk of the House of Representa­ Ragland-to the Committee on Invalid ~ensions. tives, appeared and delivered the following message: Also, papers to accompany bill for relief of Andrew ;a. Mr. President, I am directed by the House of Representatives Lewis-to the Committee on Pensions. to inform the Senate that a quorum of the House of Represent­ By Mr. RICHARDSON: Paper to accompany bill for relief of atives has assembled, and that the House is ready to proceed to J. N. Bynum-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. · business. Also, paper to accompany bill for relief of David R. Bel­ Also that a committee of three Members has been appointed lamy-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. by the Speaker, on the part of the House of Representatives, ,to By Mr. ROBINSON: Papers to accompany bills for relief of join a committee of the Senate to wait upon the President of the Nancy E. Williams (H. R. 7262), J. H. Coburn (H. R. 21619), United States, and to inform him that a quorum of the two and Guy S. McMickle (H. R. 13408)-to the Committee on In­ Houses has assembled, and that Congress is ready to receive valid Pensions. any communication he may have to make, and that Mr. PAYNE, Also, papers to accompany H. R. 21174, a bill appropriating Mr. McKINLEY of Illinois, and Mr. CLARK of Mi ssouri have been $50,000 for protection of the banks of the Arkansas River at apvointed members of the committee on the purt of the llouse. Douglas, Ark.-to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. The message further communicated to the Senate the intelli­ Also, petition of John H. Avery and others, for legislation gence of the deaths of Hon. CHARLES T. DuNWELL, late a Repre­ pensioning members of the Telegraph Corps of the United States sentative fTom the State of New York; of Hon. LLEWELLYN Army in civil war-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. PowERS, late a Representative from the State of l\Iaine; of Hon. Also, paper to accompany bill for relief of heirs of William WILLIAM H. PARKER, late a Representative from the State of W. Davis-to the Committee on War Claims. South Datoka; and of Hon. Aru:osTo A. WILEY, late a Represent­ By Mr. RYAN: Paper to accompany bill for relief of James ative from the State of Alabama, and transmitted resolutim.:s of Cupps-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. the House thereon. Also, petition of New York County Lawyers' Association, fa­ The message also transmitted resolutions of the House on the voring increase of salaries of United States circuit and district death of Hon. WILLIAM BoYD ALr..ISON, late a Senator from the court judges-to the Committee on the Judiciary. State of Iowa. By Mr. SCOTT: Petition of citizens of Blue Mound, K.ans., NOTIFICATION TO THE PRESIDENT. against S. 3940 (Sunday observance in the District of Colum­ Mr. ALDRICH, 1\Ir. GALLINGER, and Mr. TELLER., the bia)-to the Committee on the District of Columbia. committee appointed to wait upon the President of the United Also, petition pf ~ itizens of Pleasanton, Kans., for legislation States, appeared; and pensioning members of United States Telegraph Corps who 1\fr. ALDRICH said: Mr. President, the committees appointed served in civil' war-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. by the Senate and the House of Representatives to wait upon By Mr. SHERMAN: Petition of D. L. Greenfield an~ others, the President of the United States and inform him that the two of New York, for legislation pensioning the members of the Houses have assembled and were ready to receive any communi­ United States Military Telegraph Corps who served in the civil ca. tion he should be pleased to make to them, beg leave to report war-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. that they have discharged that duty and that the President will By Mr. STURGISS: Petition of Huntington Chamber of Com­ at once communicate in writing with the two Houses. merce, favoring Senate bill 4 25, providing for establisl;tment of PRESIDENT'S ANNUAL MESSAGE. the Appalachian-White Mountain National Forest Reservation­ Mr. M. C. Latta, one of the secretaries of the President of to the Committee on Agriculture. the United States, appeared and said: Mr. President, I am By Mr. THISTLEWOOD: Petition of citizens of southern Illi­ directed by the President of the United Stutes to deliver to the nois, Twenty-fifth Congressional District, against any parcels­ Senate a message in writing. post legislation-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post- The message was received from the secretary and handed to &~& . the Vice-President. Also, petition of citizens of Cairo, Ill., against S. 3940, for the The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Chair luys before the Senate proper observance of Sundays in the District of Columbia­ the _following message from the President of the United States, to the Committee on the District of Columbia. which will be read by the Secretary. By Mr. WANGER: Petition of Rear-Admiral H. F. Picker­ The Secretary [Ur. Charles G. Bennett] read the message, ing Naval Garrison, No. 4, of Erie, Pa., for legislation retiring as follows: petty officers and enlisted men of the United States N~vy after twenty-five years' actual service-to the Committee on Naval To the Senate ana House of Representatives: Affairs. FINA...'ICES. By Mr. YOUNG: Petition of Rear-Admiral H. F. Pickering The financial standing of the Nation at the present' time is Naval Garrison, No. 4, of Erie, Pa., for retirement of petty excellent, and the financial management of the Nation's interests officers and enlisted men of the United States Navy after by the Government during the last seven years has shown the twenty-five years of actual service-to the Committee on Naval most satisfactory results. But our currency system is imper­ Affairs. fect, and it is earnestly to be hoped that the Currency Commis- \ 1908. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE. 117 sion will be able to propose a thoroughly good system which will domain of the anti-trust law. The power of the Comm1dSion do away with the existing defects. should be made thoroughgoing, so that it could exercise com­ During the period from July 1, 1901, to September 30, 1908, plete supervision and control over the issue of securities as there was an increase in the amount of money in circulation well as over the raising and lowering of rates. As regards of $902,991,399. The increase in the per capita during this rates, at least, this power should be summary.
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