OffcialJoumalof the Nortr AmericanBrass Band Association, Inc. June2002lssue 88 POST.CONTESTISSUE 2OO2 www.nabba,org Insidethis issue. President'sPodium VirtuosoBrass BrassBand News PercussionXX BrassBand Programs TwentyYears of NABBA NABBAXX in Cincinnati BBCand IBB Make NABBA History BrassBand Recordings Colin W. Holman,Editor The BrassBand Bridge President'sPodium 31Joseph Lane byAnitaCocker Hunt. ............5 GlendaleHeights, lL 60139 BrassBa,''tdNews Telepho ne (630) 665-42 1 3 submittedbyourreaders.........-................................. 5 E-.rl'ail colin.w.hol n an@Ju no.com VirluosoBrass submrttedbyDavid 8uck|ey . .... ..........................O RonaldW. Holz BrcssBand Pragrams New Recording/Book Revi€wer submittedbyourreaders................ ........................ I AsburyCollege IVlusic Department NABBAXX in Cincinnali Wilmore,KY 40390 submittedbyourreviewers................................14 Telephone(859) 858-351 I, Ex1.2246 Fax(859) 858-3921 Roleof Honor:Twenty Years of NABBACompetitions E-mail ronald. holz @ asb u ry edu fromthearchives....... .............29 NewMusic: NABBA Reading Band Session 2002 Ralph P. Hotz submittedbyRonald W. Holz........................ ..........32 Adv6rtising ll/lanager PercussionXX 1181Birch St submittedbyThomas Myers........... ....................... 37 Broomfield,CO 80020 BrassBand Recordings Telephon6(303 ) 464'8640 reviewedby Ronald W. Holz........................ ............40 E-mail tenorh a rn salo@aol. ca m NABBABoard ot DirectorsNominalion Form isyourbandrepresented?......................................... Chrl6tih6 M. Fowkes 47 NABBA W€b Page 549 Ol6niangyStreet Col!nlbus,OH 43202 (614) 261-5942 E-fiail cfowkes@sa rco m. con Yamaha 2 Dillons 12 John W. d6 Salme Rivef Cily Brass Band 13 NABEAContest Controller AliissimoRecord r9s '14 3718Cotlage Preserve Road NE Kanstu 20 Solon,lA 52333-9225 BernelMusic 36 Telephone(319)624-2845 [Iidland CDs E-mail J wd esaI me@ a ol con SolidBrass 48 The Brass Band Bridge: OfficialJournal of the North AmericanBrass Band Association Foundedby J PerryWatson n 1980 The v ews expressedby contributorsare not necessarilythose of lhe NorlhAmelcan Brass Band Assoc alon. tnc CopyrightO 2002 by lhe Norlh AmericanBrass Band Association, Inc. Al rightsreserved. fhe Brass Band Bddgewelcomesnews. communicat ons, photographs(preferably black and white),new advertisersand scholarlyarticles on all aspectsrelating to. and for ihe benefitof brass bands in North Amenca. Scholarlyadicles should include footnotes and bib iographywhere appropriate.Materials may be editedfor inclusionand may be submitledln writ n9. via e-mail.facs mileor on 3 5" floppydiscs (lBN,4 compatible,if possible, please). Publication and advertising deadlines are the 15thofJanuary, April, July and Oclober. JunE2002TheBrassBand BridgE NORTHAMERICAN BRASS BAND ASSOCIATION P.O.BOX2438. Cullowhee. NC 28723 APPLICATIONFOR MEMBERSIIIP pleasecomplete cleorly and infull Name Mr,A&s/Miss/MsDr (please circ le one) StrcetP.O.BOX As we celebratetwenty years of NABBA contests,lhe cenlralfocusof lhis issue is. of course. the rccenl competition hostedin CincinnatiandI'd like lo pub- licly express my gralitude to those of State zip you who generouslyreviewed the va - ous aspecls of the compelilionwhile I was stuck in the box." Havinghad lhe Country pleasurenow of playing,conducling (and 'felephone winningl),helpingto host, andadjudicat- Number( ing at NABBAcontests, il's mosl grali- ting lo experiencethe high levelof * I{cgular OIt OnlincMembership (pleasecircle one) intogrityand witness lhe extraordinary levelof detailand careand organization lhat goes into any ot our competilions. MembcrshipCategory Wthin this issue you can read in delail InstrumentPlayed on the variousevents that took placein Cincinnali.Both the Erass Band of BandName Columblrsand the lllinois Brass Band madehistory, with ihefirsl timethattwo bandshave tied for first place. In addi- E-mail(rvhere applicable) tion,lhe8BC won fora record ninth lime, and the IBB becamethe firstband lo CATEGORY 'REGULAR/ONLINE recorda double hatrickof consecutive lndlvidual. .theregular membershrp Dues: $ 35/30 wins. Congratulationsto bothbandsfor Sonior. (62and older) Dues:$ 25120 magnificentaccornplishments Studont. (21and under) Dues:$ 20/15 Family. reducedrate for families Dues:S 45/40 As well as extensive articles on pro- Bands.. Dues:$60 gramsand band news,Tom l\ryersas- Liletime. (39and undeo Dues:$600 sessesthe percussionsections in Cin- . (40-49) Duesr$500 cinnati,Ron Holz continueshis slerling . (50and over) Dues:$400 work wilh both recordingreviews and corporato. .companymembeEhip Dues:6100 musicrcviews from this yea/s Reading Patron... Dues$500 Band,David Buckley keeps us in touch Leado.ship... Dues:$1,000 witheventsinCanada, and l've included a lislingof olr compettivewinners at NABBAfor the past tweniy years. Pleasemake check payableto the NorthAmerban ErassBand Association. (reproducefom as necessary) Happyreading and beslwishes faryour 'Regularmembership includes lhe 8r'assBand Itldge mailedlo your addtess upcomingbrass band activities. Onlnemembership lncludes access to an electroniccopy of the BrassBand Bidae TheBrass Band Bridge June2002 Well now that lhe dLrsthas seltledon lhemanY volunteers And,enough cannot be saidabout the NABBACompetition XX rt'slhatiime to GalaConcert's perfomrance by The Brass thankthose many people that made it And enoughcannot be saidabout the BandOfBatileCreek. lfyouwerethere. happen,and also reflecl on the posilives NABBAteams.ContestController, John youknowwhat I meanlll andhowwe can keep improving. de Salmedid a magriflcentjobin orga- n zing,preliminary work andkeeping a Itwas wonderfulseeing allofyou. \ruhat You respondedoverwhelmingly with watchfuleye over lhe entireweek end a great camaraderiewe have in brass praiseto thanksand bothThe Cincinnati RonHolz Associale Conkoler, brought banding.Congratulations to all of the BrassBandandthe NABBAstaff. Thanks his years of experliseand knowledge bands,ensembles, and soloistswho foryoursuggestions for the future; they whichwe weregratefulfor. madeil a specialweekend. wil be reviewedand discussedat the nextNABBA board meeling Tolhe rest of lhe teams; Frank and Sara The next NABBA competitionwli be Norih,Lo u is (Hap) Bou 19ois, Tom IVyers. exceptionaland a first--we headfarther I!4ylhanks, especialiy goes to Dwight JoelPugh,and J eff Clyme r---you ranthe soulhlo LittleRock, and they are prepar- Wages Presidentof The Cincln nati Erass competitionlke a wejl-oiledrnachine ingnow, fofus lo havea greatweekend Bandand head ofthe competition steer- Ing committee,for his tirelesseffods in The LexinglonBrass Band and Vincent puttng an exceptionallywejl run week d lMartinowas cerlainlya highlghion Thankyoufor a greatNABBA XX. end together Thanks,also to the rest Fridaynght playingtooneofthelargest AnilaCocker Hunt of The Cincnnati Brass Eand steer ng and enthusiasliccrowds ever NABBAPresideni commitlee.members of lhe band and DoyenRecordings and Sa vaiionislPub, OrcheskaClin c in December2002. priseendingtoa Commonwealth Brass ishing& SuppliesLtd willjoin forces in Band (JeromeArnend) performance on a uniquepadnershlp inthe d sifibution of The Brass Band of C€ntralFlorida April7,2002at Indiana University South- brassband recordings ihroughout ihe standsready to beginan exciiingand easi,NewAlbany thatmghl have been world. SP&Swi I becomeproprietofs of eventfu2002-20 03 seaso n. Fo lowinga caled'Fourpipersp p ng;onedrummer theentre Doyen catalogue and willbe skong showng al lhis year'sannua drumming.'Two nights before lhe con- the principaldistrbutors of al Doyen NABBAcompettion, the BBCFhas a ced,a mini-bandofCommonwealih vol- lilles DoyenRecordngswillcontinuein ful s aieofactvilies planned, Lncluding unteershad p ayed ai appearancesby ther queslto bnngquallty record ngs of performancesal St James Calhedra lheP peBand si!llcomplemenl ofbag- iheverybestbrass ensembles n Europe and LakeEola Park in downlownOF pipers and drummers pedormng to- intolhatcata ogue Giventhe receni re- lando.Alsoinlheplannrngstageforlhs getherlhe RoseofKelvingrove (Knox), emergenceof the Egonlabel togelher fall is a concerl fealuring euphoniunl Skye Baal Song ard HighlandCradle wiih the developmentof its own SP&S virluousoStephenltlead. BBCFiS sched- Sorg(arr.Lamb) and Scotlandthe Brave label,this parlnersh p will makeSP&S !ledto cul its fLrst CD lh s yeartoinclude (Trad/partsfor brass band revsed by arguablylhe largestdisiribuior of brass plentyofpopularbrass band favorites as Amend) CBB alsowas visitedby two band recordingsin the world. we las a fewmofe serious pieces forthe outstandLngclinicians. The first, on Feb. enihusrasls in lheir audience 13, was TorgnyHanson, conductor of Congratuations to the Brass Band of www.b r as s b a ndofce ntr alfloida org the internationallyrenowned Siockholm Columbus(Pau Droste)who wi I repre- sent NABBAafier being seleciedio Membe6of the Lousvrlle P pe Band 7 peformatthis yeais MidwestBand and skllledalong on threep ecesrn a sur- cantinuedon Page June2002TheBrassBand Bridge lJnderthe capabledirection of Brian Hannafordplayers, Ray Tizzardand thecornels in the openingtanfare. This Burditt.Bandmaster of the Salvation SluartLaughton. This may havebeen openingfanfare is a challengelo any Army CanadianStaff Band, The the fastestBugl6/s I haveheard. Nor- cornetseclion and severalof the top HannafordBand presenled a mosten- mallyyou wouldnot thinkof speedas benchcometplayersf rom the Tottenham joyableconced featuring David Daws, beinga primenusical charactedstic,
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