Bilan USA - 1998 10/1/21 3:55:33 PM Tel: +33 (0)1 47 53 95 80 / Fax +33 (0)1 47 05 96 55 / www.unifrance.org SIRET 784359069 00043 / NAF 8421Z / TVA FR 03784359069 Tel: +33 (0)1 47 53 95 80 / Fax +33 (0)1 47 05 96 55 / www.unifrance.org SIRET 784359069 00043 / NAF 8421Z / TVA FR 03784359069 Statistics for French films (theatrical release) - USA Release details - 1998 Film title Box Office Admissions Number of Sales agents Local (€) prints distributors 1 Ma vie en rose 2,355,445.29 490,405 70 TF1 Studio Sony Pictures (My Life in Pink) Classics 2 Live Flesh 1,539,962.22 365,280 3 Tamasa MGM - Metro Distribution Goldwyn Mayer USA 3 Central do 563,972.37 133,454 7 Miramax Films Sony Pictures Brasil Classics 4 Crazy Stranger 543,028.69 119,268 11 Lionsgate 5 Artemisia 361,316.85 83,655 0 Orange Studio Miramax Films 6 After Sex 320,214.2 72,030 8 Pyramide New Yorker International Films 7 The 290,924.82 66,098 15 STUDIOCANAL Samuel Chambermaid Goldwyn Films of the Titanic 8 Marius et 256,226.05 60,777 6 New Yorker Jeannette Films 9 The Truce 228,775.26 51,439 0 Wide Miramax Films 10 The Swindle 218,999.01 51,947 6 mk2 films New Yorker Films 11 Family 195,224.32 42,644 0 Tamasa Leisure Time Resemblances Distribution Features 12 A Friend of the 191,850.06 41,486 0 Celluloid Sony Pictures Deceased Dreams Classics 13 Western 184,440.8 49,562 6 Tamasa New Yorker Distribution Films 14 The Young Girls 138,067.44 32,750 6 mk2 films Miramax Films of Rochefort 15 Marie Baie des 100,465.56 23,830 2 Pyramide Sony Pictures Anges International Classics 16 The Separation 93,340.88 22,141 5 Pathé Films Phaedra Cinéma 17 Seventh 87,364.67 20,487 5 Pyramide Zeitgeist Films Heaven International 18 Genealogies of 69,002.26 16,367 2 The Bureau Strand a Crime Sales Releasing 19 Full Speed 60,648.78 14,386 3 Playtime Strand Releasing 20 The Life of 31,461.5 7,463 2 Celluloid Fox Lorber Jesus Dreams Associates 21 The Ogre 23,021.73 5,461 0 Kino Lorber 22 Journey to the 21,412.7 5,079 2 Gemini Films Strand Beginning of the Releasing World 23 The Sentinel 17,308.41 4,052 2 The Bureau Strand Sales Releasing 24 The 14,901.96 3,535 1 Pyramide First Run Disenchanted International Features Tel: +33 (0)1 47 53 95 80 / Fax +33 (0)1 47 05 96 55 / www.unifrance.org SIRET 784359069 00043 / NAF 8421Z / TVA FR 03784359069 25 Ponette 8,404.39 1,851 1 Tamasa Arrow Distribution Entertainment 26 The Mother and 1,281.83 207 0 Artificial eye the Whore 27 She's so lovely 661.42 153 1 Miramax Films Miramax Films Tel: +33 (0)1 47 53 95 80 / Fax +33 (0)1 47 05 96 55 / www.unifrance.org SIRET 784359069 00043 / NAF 8421Z / TVA FR 03784359069 French films acquired (production year : 1998) Film title Film export Local distributor Production status companies/International distributors Tel: +33 (0)1 47 53 95 80 / Fax +33 (0)1 47 05 96 55 / www.unifrance.org SIRET 784359069 00043 / NAF 8421Z / TVA FR 03784359069 Market development Year Admissions Admissions Box office for Box office for Number of Average (all to French films of all French films screens ticket price nationalities) films nationalities (€) (€) (€) 2019 1,241,900,00 3,206,246 10,162,974,0 26,058,898.3 44,283 9.16 0 79.5 3 2018 1,304,200,00 3,863,557 10,070,460,7 29,148,809.5 43,459 9.11 0 74.8 2 2017 1,240,000,00 9,715,840 9,846,099,60 74,951,854.2 43,216 8.97 0 0 3 2016 1,320,000,00 5,454,568 10,304,346,0 42,784,580.6 43,531 8.65 0 00 2015 1,321,000,00 14,278,320 10,011,045,6 105,734,567. 43,661 8.43 0 00 48 2014 1,261,750,00 20,180,462 7,810,074,81 123,294,297. 43,265 8.17 0 9 1 2013 1,340,000,00 7,403,791 8,229,834,68 44,779,830.7 39,757 8.13 0 4 2 2012 1,360,000,00 30,591,261 8,412,010,79 187,793,204. 42,803 7.96 0 9.59 04 2011 1,280,000,00 20,866,631 7,333,999,99 119,670,099. 39,641 7.93 0 9.7 56 2010 1,340,000,00 12,567,059 8,083,118,00 76,556,472.1 39,547 7.89 0 7.63 6 2009 1,418,000,00 22,337,058 7,896,526,19 128,192,877. 39,717 7.5 0 9.52 98 2008 1,364,000,00 17,189,806 6,364,646,99 89,496,796.3 40,194 7.18 0 8.14 2007 1,400,000,00 14,962,811 7,036,470,04 71,610,955.6 40,077 6.88 0 6.72 2 2006 1,395,000,00 14,759,698 7,282,219,89 76,163,136.5 39,668 6.55 0 8.88 8 2005 1,378,000,00 26,317,854 7,105,600,00 125,848,754. 38,852 6 0 3.48 04 2004 1,484,000,00 13,081,977 7,418,400,05 64,449,117.9 36,594 5.88 0 9.34 7 2003 1,570,000,00 12,226,870 776,291,009. 69,301,223.3 35,774 6.03 0 55 8 2002 1,640,000,00 10,576,940 930,065,024 73,357,625.3 35,280 5.81 0 7 2001 1,490,000,00 14,628,018 -179,935,008 94,855,815.2 36,764 5.67 0 4 2000 1,420,800,00 8,318,521 -928,934,976 44,159,805.8 37,396 5.39 0 7 Tel: +33 (0)1 47 53 95 80 / Fax +33 (0)1 47 05 96 55 / www.unifrance.org SIRET 784359069 00043 / NAF 8421Z / TVA FR 03784359069 1999 1,465,200,00 7,851,209 - 35,242,340.0 37,185 5.08 0 1,141,929,98 7 4 1998 1,481,000,00 1,781,778 - 7,899,503.16 34,186 4.69 0 1,640,930,04 8 1997 1,387,700,00 19,710,277 2,100,930,04 89,238,252.2 31,640 4.59 0 8 5 1996 1,337,400,00 12,921,595 1,616,530,04 50,068,631.3 29,690 4.42 0 8 7 1995 1,262,600,00 10,431,816 1,266,175,69 40,098,089.0 27,805 4.35 0 6.9 5 Tel: +33 (0)1 47 53 95 80 / Fax +33 (0)1 47 05 96 55 / www.unifrance.org SIRET 784359069 00043 / NAF 8421Z / TVA FR 03784359069 Market share for French films, filtered by distributor - 1998 Distributor Number of films Total admissions Market share (%) released 1 Sony Pictures Classics 4 689,175 0 2 MGM - Metro Goldwyn 1 365,280 0 Mayer USA 3 New Yorker Films 4 234,316 0 4 Miramax Films 4 167,997 0 5 Lionsgate 1 119,268 0 6 Samuel Goldwyn Films 1 66,098 0 7 Leisure Time Features 1 42,644 0 8 Strand Releasing 4 39,884 0 9 Phaedra Cinéma 1 22,141 0 10 Zeitgeist Films 1 20,487 0 11 Fox Lorber Associates 1 7,463 0 12 Kino Lorber 1 5,461 0 13 First Run Features 1 3,535 0 14 Arrow Entertainment 1 1,851 0 15 Artificial eye 1 207 0 Tel: +33 (0)1 47 53 95 80 / Fax +33 (0)1 47 05 96 55 / www.unifrance.org SIRET 784359069 00043 / NAF 8421Z / TVA FR 03784359069 Films co-produced with this country - 1998 Running time Film title Directors French producers Co-producers from this country Feature film Claire Dolan Lodge Kerrigan mk2 films Feature film The Man with Rain in Maria Ripoll His Shoes Feature film The Revenger's Malcolm Mowbray France 2 Cinéma, IMA Comedies Films Tel: +33 (0)1 47 53 95 80 / Fax +33 (0)1 47 05 96 55 / www.unifrance.org SIRET 784359069 00043 / NAF 8421Z / TVA FR 03784359069 Top films, all nationalities - 1998 Film title Box office (€) Admissions Titanic (USA) 439,100 0 Armageddon (USA) 181,330 0 Il faut sauver le soldat Ryan 171,640 0 (USA) Mary à tout prix (USA) 156,900 0 The Waterboy (USA) 133,040 0 Dr.Dolittle (USA) 129,670 0 Deep Impact (USA) 126,350 0 Godzilla (USA) 122,620 0 Rush Hour (USA) 122,400 0 Will Hunting (USA) 120,590 0 Tel: +33 (0)1 47 53 95 80 / Fax +33 (0)1 47 05 96 55 / www.unifrance.org SIRET 784359069 00043 / NAF 8421Z / TVA FR 03784359069 Statistics for French film broadcasts - USA Details on TV broadcasts of French feature films, by channel - 1998 TV channel Number of films broadcast Number of broadcasts Sundance TV 41 318 IFC - Independent Film Channel 27 220 Showtime Networks, Inc. 21 122 Starz 23 92 Bravo 19 88 City University of New York TV - TV5 25 74 (USA) TMC - The Movie Channel 19 46 HBO Olé 6 42 HBO - Home Box Office 2 30 Cinemax - USA 11 24 Moremax - Cinemax 15 21 TCM - Turner Classic Movies 16 20 Flix 5 17 Love Network 4 17 A1 TV - Antenna TV 9 13 Cinemax 2 6 12 Encore Mystery 2 12 Romance Classics 2 9 Fox Movie Channel (FMC) 4 9 FX Movie Channel - FX 1 6 Networks USA Network 1 4 Women's Entertainment 1 4 Encore Media Group 1 3 AMC - American Movie Classics 1 2 Nost 1 2 KWGN Denver 2 2 Denver TBS 1 1 KTLA - Kaleidoscope Television 1 1 Los Angeles TBS Superstation - Turner 1 1 Broadcasting System WWOR New York 1 1 Tel: +33 (0)1 47 53 95 80 / Fax +33 (0)1 47 05 96 55 / www.unifrance.org SIRET 784359069 00043 / NAF 8421Z / TVA FR 03784359069 Title, details of countries of distribution - 1998 Country Number of films broadcast Number of TV broadcasts Tel: +33 (0)1 47 53 95 80 / Fax +33 (0)1 47 05 96 55 / www.unifrance.org SIRET 784359069 00043 / NAF 8421Z / TVA FR 03784359069 Titles of films shown - 1998 Film title Number of countries Number of TV broadcasts Tel: +33 (0)1 47 53 95 80 / Fax +33 (0)1 47 05 96 55 / www.unifrance.org SIRET 784359069 00043 / NAF 8421Z / TVA FR 03784359069 Titles of films shown - 1998 Film title Director(s) Number of TV broadcasts A Couch in New York Chantal Akerman 51 The Eighth Day Jaco Van Dormael 45 Microcosmos Claude Nuridsany, Marie Perennou 35 The Convent Manoel de Oliveira 29 The Fifth Element Luc Besson 27 The City of Lost Children Jean-Pierre Jeunet, Marc Caro 22 My Father, the Hero Gérard Lauzier 22 Diary of a Seducer Danièle Dubroux 20 La Femme Nikita Luc Besson 18 Jules and Jim François Truffaut 17 The Horseman on the Roof Jean-Paul Rappeneau 16 Auntie Danielle Étienne Chatiliez 16 Vatel Roland Joffé 16 Amateur Hal Hartley 15 The Proprietor Ismail Merchant 15 François Truffaut : Stolen Portraits Serge Toubiana, Michel Pascal 15 Three Colours : Blue Krzysztof Kieslowski 13 Hate Mathieu Kassovitz 13 Delicatessen Marc Caro, Jean-Pierre Jeunet 13 The Crimson Rivers Mathieu Kassovitz 13 The Double Life of Véronique Krzysztof Kieslowski 12 The Last Metro François Truffaut 12 Dead Tired Michel Blanc 12 The Scent of Green Papaya Tran Anh Hung 11 The Bear Jean-Jacques Annaud 11 Alphaville Jean-Luc Godard 11 Colonel Chabert Yves Angelo 11 Cinema Paradiso Giuseppe Tornatore 11 The Lost Son Chris Menges 11 A Man and a Woman Claude Lelouch 11 The Postman Michael Radford 11
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