FOR HIS FIGHT FOR INDEPENDENCE, BOGYOKE MASTERED THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE P-8-9 (OPINION) NATIONAL NATIONAL State Counsellor receives UCCPF Vice President U Myint Swe meets committee members UN Special Envoy to Myanmar PAGE-3 PAGE-2 Vol. V, No. 88, 1st Waxing of Second Waso 1380 ME www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Friday, 13 July 2018 President U Win Myint receives Hungarian, Irish ambassadors State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi welcomes the delegation of United Wa State Army (UWSA) at the National Reconciliation and Peace Centre. PHOTO: MNA President U Win Myint receives Hungarian Ambassador Dr. Peter Jakab. PHOTO: MNA State Counsellor PRESIDENT U Win Myint separate- and promoting investment between the ly received two outgoing ambassadors, two countries. receives EAOs Hungarian Ambassador to Myanmar Dr. During the meeting with the Am- Peter Jakab and Ireland Ambassador to bassador from Ireland, they discussed UNION Peace Conference-21st Century ceived United Wa State Army (UWSA) Myanmar Mr. Brendan Gerard Rogers at promoting bilateral relations, providing Panglong Central Organising Commit- Vice Chairman U Kyauk Kaw An, Shan the Presidential Palace in Nay Pyi Taw humanitarian aid and Myanmar democ- tee Chairperson and State Counsellor State Progressive Party (SSPP) Chair- yesterday morning. racy and peace processes. Also present Daw Aung San Suu Kyi received leaders man U Hsay Htin, National Democratic During the meeting with the Hungari- at the meetings were Union Minister and representatives of Ethnic Armed Or- Alliance Army (NDAA) [Mongla] Vice an Ambassador, they discussed promoting for Union Government Office U Thaung ganisations (EAOs) at the National Rec- Chairman U San Pae and Kachin In- diplomatic relations and friendship be- Tun, Deputy Minister for President Office onciliation and Peace Centre (NRPC) in dependence Organisation (KIO) Vice tween the two countries, Myanmar democ- U Min Thu and responsible officials.— Nay Pyi Taw yesterday afternoon. Chairman (2) S. Gun Maw at 3 pm and racy and national reconciliation processes, Myanmar News Agency The State Counsellor separately re- SEE PAGE-6 Day Two of 21st Century Panglong Third Session held GROUP meetings of the Third meeting, Union Peace Dialogue eral U Tun Tun Oo explained the General Dr. Wah Wah Maung At the Hluttaw group meet- Session of the Union Peace Con- Joint Committee (UPDJC) mem- conference work process. explained the policy proposals ing, UPDJC member U Khun ference-21st Century Panglong ber Union Minister U Thein Swe Afterwards, Peace Com- on the political sector, econom- Maung Thaung delivered an were held on the second day of delivered an opening speech. mission advisor U Hla Maung ic sector, social sector, security opening speech, followed by the conference at the Myanmar Next, UPDJC member Un- Shwe, Director General U Aung sector and land & environment UPDJC secretary U Aung Soe International Convention Centre ion Ministers Dr. Win Myat Aye, Naing Oo, Director General Daw sector and group members dis- explaining the conference work II in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. U Thant Sin Maung, Nai Thet San San Aye, Director General cussed and made suggestions on process. At the government group Lwin and Union Attorney Gen- U Kyaw Kyaw Han and Director the sector-wise policy proposals. SEE PAGE-2 INSIDE TODAY LOCAL NEWS LOCAL NEWS BUSINESS BUSINESS Gov’t, World Bank Second MRF farmers MFF fish & prawn discuss speeding up earthquake get access to sector to participate Myanmar economic forum to be 3-year loan in Myanmar-China policy reformation held in Yangon plan from MAB Eco Corridor Project PAGE-4 PAGE-4 PAGE-5 PAGE-5 13 JULY 2018 2 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR President U Win Myint receives UN Special Envoy to Myanmar PRESIDENT U Win Myint re- rights, rule of law and national ceived a delegation led by UN peace. Special Envoy to Myanmar Ms. Present at the meeting were Christine Schraner Burgener at Union Minister for Labour, Im- the Presidential Palace in Nay migration and Population U Pyi Taw yesterday. Thein Swe, Union Minister for Among the topics discussed Social Welfare, Relief and Re- were the Rakhine situation, the settlement Dr. Win Myat Aye and peace process, democratic tran- other officials.—Myanmar News President U Win Myint poses for a photo together with a delegation led by UN Special Envoy Ms. Christine sition, democracy and human Agency Schraner Burgener in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. PHOTO: MNA Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker receives outgoing Hungarian ambassador PYITHU Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat received outgoing Hungarian Ambassador to My- anmar Dr. Peter Jakab at the Hluttaw building in Nay Pyi Taw Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat meets with Hungarian Ambassador to Myanmar Dr. Peter Jakab in Nay Pyi Taw. PHOTO: MNA yesterday. Vice President U Myint Swe welcomes UN Special Envoy Ms. During the meeting, they views on issues relating to co- taw Deputy Speaker U Tun Tun Christine Schraner Burgener in Nay Pyi Taw. PHOTO: MNA discussed cooperation between operation in the economic and Hein and officials from the Py- the Myanmar and Hungary par- education sectors. Also present ithu Hluttaw office.—Myanmar Vice President U Myint liaments, along with exchanging at the meeting were Pyithu Hlut- News Agency Swe meets UN Special Envoy to Myanmar Day Two of Union Peace ... FROM PAGE-1 VICE President U Myint Swe tions for the development and Hluttaw representatives U met with UN Special Envoy stabilisation of Rakhine State. Pyone Cho @ U Htay Win Aung, to Myanmar Ms. Christine Present at the meeting Naw Chris Tun @ Dr. Arr Kar Schraner Burgener and her were Union Minister for Social Moe, Mi Kun Chan, U Lwin Ko delegation at the Presidential Welfare, Relief and Resettle- Latt, U Myint Lwin, Daw Zin Mar Palace in Nay Pyi Taw yester- ment Dr. Win Myat Aye, Perma- Aung, U Min Oo, Daw Nan Htwe day. nent Secretary of the Ministry Thu, U N Hton Kha Naw San, They discussed national of Foreign Affairs U Myint Thu Daw Ni Shwe Hlyan, U Tin Thit reconciliation, the peace pro- and other officials.—Myanmar @ U Yi Mon, U Aung Soe, U Zaw cess, and national level opera- News Agency Min Latt and U Soe Lay @ U Soe Win policy proposals on political sector, economic sector, social Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker sector, security sector and land & Second day of the Union Peace Conference-21st Century Panglong environment sector respectively Conference at the Myanmar International Convention Centre II in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. PHOTO: MNA receives Malaysian and group members discussed and made suggestions on the sec- tor-wise policy proposals. Lian Hmung Sakhong delivered U Thu Wai delivered an opening ambassador At the Tatmadaw group an opening speech. speech and group-wise meet- meeting, chairman Lt-Gen Tin At the group meetings, ex- ings were conducted, where AMYOTHA Hluttaw Speaker two countries, legislation pro- Maung Win delivered an open- planations on the programme of programmes of the discussion Mahn Win Khaing Than re- cesses of the parliaments of the ing speech and members of dis- the discussion and work guide- were explained, work guidelines ceived Malaysian Ambassador two countries and development cussion committees on political, lines were conducted and group read and sector-wise discussion to Myanmar Mr. Zahairi Baha- issues in the economic and ed- economic, social, security and members discussed and made subjects explained. Group mem- rim at the guest hall of the Hlut- ucation sectors. Also present land & environment conducted suggestions on the political, eco- bers discussed and suggested taw in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. at the meeting were Amyotha sector-wise discussion on policy nomic, social, security and land on the political, economic, social, During the meeting, they Hluttaw Deputy Speaker U Aye proposals. At the ethnic armed & environment policy proposals. security and land & environment cordially discussed promoting Tha Aung and officials from the organisations group meeting, At the political parties group policy proposals.—Myanmar bilateral relations between the Amyotha Hluttaw office.—MNA UPDJC Vice Chairman Dr. Salai meeting, UPDJC Vice Chairman News Agency 13 JULY 2018 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 3 Spread democracy! We must spread democracy and must try to build an independent Myanmar through this system. Only democracy is suitable for independence as it is the only system that supports peace. So, democracy must be our goal! (Excerpt from the speech delivered by Bogyoke Aung San at the fourth State leaders meeting in August 1945) State Counsellor receives UCCPF committee members UNION Peace Conference-21st were discussed. Century Panglong Central Or- Present at the meeting were ganising Committee Chairper- Union Minister for Social Welfare, son and State Counsellor Daw Relief and Resettlement Dr. Win Aung San Suu Kyi received the Myat Aye, Peace Commission Union Level Committee CSOs Chairman Dr. Tin Myo Win, (Civil Society Organisations) Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Peace Forum (UCCPF) com- Tin, Yangon Region government mittee members at the National Minister for Social Affairs U Naing Reconciliation and Peace Centre Ngan Lin and Director General (NRPC) in Nay Pyi Taw yester- U Zaw Htay. UCCPF committee day morning. members who attended the meet- During the meeting, matters ing were Daw Hsaung Win, Naw relating to work conducted by the Takaw Poo, U Kyaw Moe Hlaing, CSO Forum, support and assis- Daw Khaing Lei Lei Myint, U Win tance provided by CSOs in the Myint Htway, Nan Nu Sabe Phyu, national reconciliation and peace Daw Ohnmar Kyaw, U Zin Myo process and the status of repre- Aung, U Soe Hlaing Oo, U Moe sentatives from the CSO Forum Thu Aung, Daw Thida Oo, U Kyaw attending the Union Peace Con- Zin, U Ye Lwin Soe and U Myat Members of the Union Level Committee CSOs Peace Forum pose for a documentary photo taken together with ference-21st Century Panglong Thu Win.—MNA State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, following their meeting in Nay Pyi Taw.
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