** it a- ■#* * * THE CADIZ ®S5u v RD The Hometown Newspaper for Trigg County since 1881 Printed with Soy Ink VOL. 112 NO. 22 COPYRIGHT © 1993, THE CADIZ RECORD, CADIZ, KENTUCKY JUNE 2, 1993 5 0 C E N T S Community welcomes Chelsea Industries Michigan manufacturer acquires spec building Three representatives of Chelsea Industries from Michigan were greeted by more than 200 Trigg County residents and government officials during the May 28 announcement that the automotive components manufacturer had acquired the vacant spec building in Indus­ trial Park #2. "There’s no shortfall of com­ munity support,” said Ron Thompson, Chelsea president and chief executive officer, at the new plant site. "Our thanks go to several people. This will be an exciting proposition for all of us." John Mayne, controller, and John Szalay, project manager, accompanied Thompson to Cadiz. In a written statem ent, Chelsea Industries is building its first satellite plant in Trigg County to meet the needs of an expanding customer base in the south. The manufacturer will spend an estimated $3 million for -• (Left photo) Cadiz Mayor Scott Sivills (left) equipment and renovation of presents the key to the city to Ron Thompson, president and chief the 40,000 square foot building. executive officer of Chelsea industries, during a press conference on The new industry reportedly May 28 announcing that Chelsea is locating a satellite plant in Trigg could be in operation in 90 days. County. (Above photo) Gov. Brereton Jones is greeted by Kenneth Guinn, chairman of the Trigg County Industrial Authority. See Industry, Page A-3 Bond reduction allowed for Brown; crime syndicate trial is postponed A Hopkinsville man accused tried at the same time, meaning amount. lease until the time of the murder stemming from a 1992 the original trial dates of June "I know that Stephen is tria l.” traffic accident in Trigg County 23 & 24 will be changed. willing to take any court re­ Brown has been lodged in the saw his bond reduced May 25 in Stephen D. Brown, 23, Hop­ striction such as home incarcer­ county jail since his arrest last circuit court action. Mean­ kinsville, had his bond reduced ation or random drug tests," December after a Trigg County while, the trial of seven peo­ frpm $100,000 cash to $75,000 said Brown's court appointed Grand Jury indicted him on two ple charged with engaging in cash, which means his family attorney Thomas Glover during counts of murder and two counts _ organized crime (criminal can post a property bond of the hearing. "We’d be willing ™ syndicate) will see their cases $150,000, or double the cash to do anything to secure his re­ See Trial, Page A-4 Folk Festival set at LBL Bluegrass and folk music Virginia Company. the region from times past lovers listen up and you will The festival, now in its fifth through music, but there are hear. Not the midnight ride of year, will be held at LBL's also demonstrations of 19th Paul Revere but fantastic music Homeplace-1850. century trades, storytelling, when you attend the annual Festival Director Ed Graves and foods of the period avail­ Four Rivers Folk Festival to be says the purpose of the festival able for purchase." held June 12-13 at TVA's Land is to keep the rich heritage of Activities are scheduled to Between The Lakes (LBL). traditional American music and run from 10:45 a.m. until 4:15 This year's headline artists trades alive. p.m. Saturday and from 11 a.m. include Bill Monroe, Tom "This annual event at LBL is until 4:30 p.m. Sunday. One- CLASS OF 1993 - Classmates embraced after commencement Chapin, Sally Rogers and one of our biggest special events day tickets are $8 for adults ceremonies were held May 27 at Trigg County High School. Jodie Claudia Schmidt, the Paul and of the year. The festival not P'Pool and Kara Boyd were named 'Wildcat of the Year' at the Bill Monroe Win Grace Family, and The only brings to life the history of See LBL, Page A-4 services, which saw 101 seniors graduate. Three Sections • 28 Pages O p in io n ........................................ A -2 O b itu a r ie s .......................................................... A -4 Louisville man Barkley Lodge S o c ie t y ..............................................................................C-1 - C - 1 3 dies in accident turns 23 S p o rts ..................................... ................................................... B -1 , B -2 A g ric u ltu re ............................................................................... B -4 , B -5 Page A-5 Page A-6 T V L is tin g s , E n te rta in m e n t..........................................B -7 - B -1 0 S e n io rs ............................... ............................................................... B -1 2 C la s s ifie d s ....................................... .................................. B -1 3 - B - 1 5 r t I A-2, The Cadiz Record, Wednesday, June 2,1993 r i M OPINION .............. .......................... Just the Other Day A mericans are up to bat By Billy Rawls You don’t need to know much about baseball to realize that un­ Fifty years ago there was a less you get up to bat, you won't get on base. And you certainly Report to Kentucky Decoration Day, and I do not won’t have much to do with the outcome of the game. know how it was celebrated. Most Americans will tell you that lately they haven't been by Sen. Wendell Ford One month earlier -- on April getting much time at bat when it comes to the future of this coun­ 173-A Russell Building Fools Day - "the eagle had try. They're willing to give anybody a chance up in Washington, Washington, D.C. 20510 landed" at Camp "Swamp" but they wonder whether anyone is giving them a chance. (202) 224-4343 Davis, N.C., and I got my first It took a long time for the government to lose the trust of the American people, and earning it back isn't going to happen $55 payment of thanks from U.S. citizens. overnight. But a good place to start is by sending the lobbyists tertainment, unless a lobbyist is willing to report each item and and special interests to the bench and giving the American people It was a time when both 'me'an' Charlie Hooks had gone our a chance once again. recipient, line by line. In short, the days of wining, dining and separate ways with our paths not destined to cross for the I believe the only way the American people will get back in legislating are gone. duration of our military service. I dare say that each of us found the game and have input on deficit reduction and health care re­ Reforming the way campaigns are financed is next on the Sen­ ourselves to be included within a new family that we would not form, is if we reverse the powerful role of special interests in the ate's plate. Hie President took a strong stand against the special soon forget. political system. interests by introducing a sweeping campaign finance reform My new family began with a, soon to be, principal buddy, In the U.S. Senate, we’ve already taken one giant step toward package -- a package that limits campaign spending and reduces Francis A. Ross and expanded upward to the personalities that benching the special interests by overhauling the 1946 Lobbying both PAC and individual contributions. Most important, reform made up Gun Sections, Batteries, and the Battalion. My Act and by starting work on reforming the way campaigns are fi­ means taking control of the country's future away from the special experiences with this group of people from every walk of life nanced. interests and giving it back to the American people. became an endless parade. But here are a few that should be If the House of Representatives signs off on the legislation And you have my assurance that you won't be picking up the remembered as acts that spoke of our nation's love of freedom we've passed, lobbyists will be required to follow stringent re­ tab for any public financing included in the package. This bill for self and others and the price that some paid to make it porting guidelines, making both lobbyist and Congress more ac­ will be paid for by lobbyists, not you. The only money coming from possible. - countable to the American people. taxpayers will be through a voluntary check-off when you file Perhaps it is fitting and proper to introduce these words with The bill passed by the Senate requires anyone paid to lobby your federal taxes. No matter what you hear about welfare pro­ a reminder of the days when Decoration Day (later to be members of Congress, their staffs or senior executive branch offi­ grams for politicians, this reform package is about putting an end dubbed as Memorial Day) was heralded by the sale of small, cials to register with the Department of Justice. And for the first to a system where money talks louder than people. artificial Forget-me-nots. The nominal proceeds went to benefit time, lobbyists will not only have to reveal their clients, but the If government is ever going to focus on the needs of the whole disabled veteran defenders of freedom. The legend of the issues they lobby, the members of congress, committees or agencies country rather than a few high-paying special interests, we're forget-me-not tells of one who risked his life and limb to get they contacted, and the total income from their clients.
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