High Speed Traffic

High Speed Traffic

Railway Statistics - Synopsis Statistik der Bahnen - Synthese Statistique des chemins de fer - Synthèse Railway Statistics - Synopsis Provisional results StatistikVorläufige der Bahnen Ergebnisse - Synthese Résultats provisoires Statistique des chemins de fer - Synthèse 2019 Edition Provisional results Vorläufige Ergebnisse Résultats provisoires Length of lines worked at end of year Stock at end of year Train performance Revenue rail traffic (3) Surface area Population Population Locomotives Average staff strength Passenger Freight Railway of which double of which Railcars and Train Gross train Country km² (1) (1) density Total including Light Coaches & Railway's Passengers carried Passenger.kilometres Tonnes carried Tonne.kilometres company track or more electrified lines Multiple kilometres tonne. kilometres Rail trailers (2) wagons D% D% D% D% D% Units thousands millions millions millions millions thousands millions inhab./km² in kilometres Motortractors 18/17 millions 18/17 18/17 18/17 18/17 Europe (including Turkey) Europa 346 258 144 184 182 414 40 596 55 062 100 363 553 182 2 075 5 101 6 253 464 8 012 618 139 2 827 3 127 196 EU UE 208 138 87 546 113 445 15 979 44 234 85 150 249 468 974 3 079 916 529 5 979 427 393 801 250 372 Austria 83,88 8,80 104,88 GKB (2018) 91 0 0 na na na na na na na na ÖBB (2018) 4 864 2 155 3 560 1 013 555 2 818 17 576 42,16 1,14 133,87 62 157 261,41 6,41 11 477 2,63 112,96 50,98 31 732 WB (2018) na na na na na na na 6,55 34,64 1 100 31,58 WLB CARGO (2017) na na na 4,71 674 Belgium 30,53 11,38 372,83 INFRABEL (2016) 3 602 na na 10,94 LINEAS (2018) 211 7 046 2,08 10,60 na 9 33,20 3,12 6 461 14,23 SNCB/NMBS (2018) na na na na na na 246,94 3,62 10 710 3,32 THALYS (2017) na 27 na 0,59 na na na 1 564 Bulgaria 111,00 7,08 63,75 BDZ CARGO (2018) 142 4 120 2,98 - 8,25 4,06 4 106 6,66 6,95 1 830 12,14 BDZ PP (2018) 199 285 756 5,83 - 2,05 20,79 4 382 21,34 0,63 1 479 2,92 BRC (2018) 41 320 0,37 - 4,60 1,48 1 953 2,94 - 22,61 898 - 26,87 BULMARKET (2018) 26 220 0,20 18,18 0,61 674 1,23 - 18,67 306 - 2,10 High Speed Traffic NRIC (2018) 4 030 990 2 870 11,24 - 1,47 Croatia 56,59 4,12 72,88 HZ CARGO (2018) 187 5 326 1,51 - 8,64 na na 6,87 - 19,62 1 781 - 9,59 HZ INFRA (2018) 2 605 254 970 4,80 - 0,72 Passenger.kilometres (billions) HZ PASSENGER (2018) 76 122 497 1,82 - 2,93 15,24 2 192 20,27 2,21 756 1,48 Czech Republic 78,87 10,59 134,33 CD (2018) 1 488 1 208 3 881 22 578 22,55 2,93 147,94 45 525 179,23 2,61 8 225 5,75 66,41 2,43 11 617 5,90 SZDC (2018) 9 406 2 014 3 216 17,31 - 0,66 Denmark 42,92 5,76 134,31 DSB (2018) 51 416 2 033 7,00 - 1,89 53,58 188,91 0,37 5 776 - 0,91 Estonia 45,23 1,32 29,13 EVR (2017) 1 033 94 132 2,02 KORAIL 2017; THSRC 2017; Finland 338,42 5,51 16,28 FTA (2018) 5 925 686 3 330 0,12 0,00 14,87 11,10 VR (2018) 407 468 1 226 8 741 4,44 0,23 53,09 30 655 87,50 2,10 4 535 6,18 39,43 2,67 11 030 6,89 DB AG 2018; France 549,09 67,11 122,21 GETLINK (2018) 58 58 58 2,58 SNCF MOBILITES (2018) 1 316 3 507 18 118 12 347 80,25 - 2,63 398,57 184 254 1 218,75 - 2,63 89 621 - 3,92 34,27 - 12,92 14 842 - 6,48 31,10 SNCF RESEAU (2017) 29 190 16 495 16 741 54,30 JR 2017; 101,40 Germany 357,38 82,69 231,37 DB AG (2018) 33 440 18 542 20 285 3 966 16 785 18 055 80 608 316,90 2,62 769,44 336 912 2 087,83 0,59 84 708 2,65 255,50 - 5,72 88 237 - 4,76 SNCF 2018; 56,70 Greece 131,96 10,75 81,49 OSE (2018) 2 292 577 679 1,18 - 2,07 TRAINOSE (2016) na na na na 0,67 na na 15,60 na 1,10 na RENFE 2018; Hungary 93,03 9,79 105,21 FOX (2017) 6 0 6 na 0,25 269 na na GYSEV CARGO (2018) na na 0,23 0,00 1,06 na 7,38 12,96 1 296 24,38 16,10 GYSEV/RÖEE (2018) 506 17 466 47 22 129 1,87 0,00 6,00 na 7,83 0,35 311 0,97 MAV (2018) 7 246 1 202 2 675 833 468 2 176 35,54 - 3,57 86,51 25 209 112,29 0,41 5 518 0,82 Ireland 70,28 4,81 68,46 CIE (2017) 1 888 466 53 40 530 663 442 3,80 17,74 na 45,50 2 122 0,55 100 Italy 301,34 60,54 200,89 FS (2018) 16 781 7 721 12 018 1 620 971 8 449 15 508 81,66 12,73 277,67 na 521,52 0,99 45 615 0,71 na 21 335 - 7,40 CR 2018; 678,65 Italy 2017: NTV (2017) na na na 0,94 14,90 na 12,80 5 290 Latvia 64,49 1,94 30,12 LDZ (2018) 1 860 367 251 175 2 0 5 607 10,40 - 7,05 7,58 21 593 0,16 - 0,50 42 - 1,89 49,26 12,50 12 186 22,21 Trenitalia (FS) Lithuania 65,29 2,83 43,32 LG (2018) 1 911 452 152 214 58 192 7 772 7,28 - 16,34 16,29 31 308 5,17 16,97 468 10,38 56,78 7,86 16 885 9,54 + NTV; 15,00 Luxembourg 2,59 0,60 230,25 CFL (2017) 275 0 262 na na na na na na na na CFL CARGO (2017) na na na na 9,58 2 055 Netherlands 41,54 17,13 412,40 NS (2018) 100 3 875 3 235 33,33 122,52 125,63 38 774 na 18 535 0,18 SJ 2018; 3,50 PRORAIL (2014) 2 833 1 883 1 943 na Poland 312,68 37,97 121,45 PKP (2018) 18 536 8 618 11 811 363 74 2 114 na 49,37 - 0,83 na na 46,13 7,70 11 097 6,79 na na na Portugal 92,23 10,30 111,69 CP (2018) 42 249 na na 28,53 na 126,28 3,48 4 104 1,77 RZD 2018; 5,40 IP SA (2018) 2 546 611 1 639 2,52 - 0,28 ONCF 2018; 0,05 Romania 238,39 19,58 82,15 CFR (2018) 10 765 2 917 4 029 23,28 - 0,49 Other Europe* ; CFR CALATORI (2018) 780 292 2 282 12,88 - 0,47 50,31 8 420 53,74 - 5,60 4 932 - 3,24 12,93 CFR MARFA (2018) 868 29 875 5,81 - 3,04 na na 24,57 - 9,81 4 602 - 8,67 CTV (2018) 29 30 0,18 7,88 0,92 1 123 1,11 - 15,92 563 - 14,70 GFR (2018) 214 4 175 2,58 - 5,91 5,26 6 409 12,91 - 7,70 3 392 - 3,75 REGIO CALA (2018) 4 99 0,63 6,15 na 6,23 289 UNICOM TRANZIT (2015) 54 1 242 0,82 1,42 2 019 2,38 948 Slovakia 49,04 5,44 110,93 ZSR (2018) 3 627 1 018 1 587 13,67 - 1,09 Other Europe * : CD 2018, CP 2018, EUROSTAR 2017, NS 2018, PKP ZSSK (2018) 235 209 1 289 5,94 - 0,67 33,50 8 73,81 1,84 3 815 1,46 2017, SZ 2018, TCDD 2018, THALYS 2017, VR 2018 ZSSK CARGO (2018) 490 11 841 5,55 - 3,29 9,04 12 528 34,39 - 3,59 6 729 - 3,98 Slovenia 20,27 2,07 101,94 SZ (2018) 1 209 331 610 151 357 347 2 748 7,49 1,18 17,71 8 351 13,55 0,99 656 0,89 18,39 - 1,61 4 512 - 0,50 Spain 505,94 46,59 92,09 ADIF (2018) 15 290 5 725 9 673 12,22 - 1,83 FGC (2018) 276 91 149 10 90 309 98 1,41 2,53 9,83 1 454 87,42 3,41 972 4,47 0,54 - 9,67 37 - 5,03 LFP (2018) 52 50 50 0,09 0,00 RENFE (2018) 337 2 432 3 411 11 242 14,49 1,82 183,90 64 101 507,09 3,94 26 931 3,34 18,32 - 6,69 6 324 - 4,33 Railway Statistics Synopsis Sweden 447,42 10,06 22,48 SJ (2018) na na 884 2,95 2,00 46,58 na 6 398 0,50 TRAFIKVERKET (2018) 9 708 1 986 8 110 1,15 3,89 UK 243,61 66,02 271,02 ATOC (2014) 244 11 107 12 286 na 528,58 22 143 na 62 297 EUROSTAR INTL (2017) 26 na 1,48 4,83 na 10,30 8 051 HS1 (2018) 113 113 113 na NETWORK RAIL (2018) 15 848 11 781 6 012 40,70 5,45 NIR (2017) 333 333 0 na na na na na na na 15,00 na na na ETFA AELE 8 166 2 286 6 490 1 340 1 488 5 871 5 732 43,25 247 18 414 528 22 910 54 17 270 UIC’s RAIL Information System and Analyses enables Norway 385,18 5,28 13,70 BANE NOR (2017) 4 134 269 2 459 4,51 NSB (2017) 34 490 394 2,81 34,17 8 761 64,03 3 096 online access to data and statistical indicators Switzerland 41,29 8,45 204,67 BLS (2017) 420 154 420 95 258 273 2,22 17,37 3 283 na 1 004 provided by its members: https://uic-stats.uic.org 2019 BLS CARGO (2018) na na 0,09 15,19 4,11 4 809 1,12 - 10,88 276 18,80 RHB (2017) 384 12 384 46 47 387 408 1,31 7,86 1 561 12,04 349 0,50 20 edition SBB CFF FFS (2018) 3 228 1 851 3 227 1 165 693 4 817 5 324 32,31 - 1,36 183,56 452,39 0,76 18 461 0,41 51,92 - 1,87 16 974 2,03 Contact: [email protected] Tausende Einwohner je in Kilometer D% Millionen D% D% D% D% ETF Publication 2019 © Millionen Lokomotiven Personen-wagen Tausend Millionen Millionen Millionen Millionen km² km² davon davon Triebwagen Güterwagen 18/17 18/17 18/17 18/17 18/17 Gesamt- einschl.

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