Author Index

Author Index

AUTHOR INDEX Addington, J., 210 Bentley, J. R., 266 Aldrich, J. M., 256 Berryman, A. A., 259, 260, 261, 339, 340 AI-Hafidh, R., 56, 58, 59 Bess, H. A., 145 Allen, G. E., 351 Bethel, R. S., 356 Allen, H. W., 71, 85 Birch, L. C., 18, 19, 85 Allen, W. W., 276, 277 Bird, F. T., 347 Amidon, E. L., 338 Black, J. H., 353 Amitai, S., 463 Blackburn, R. D., 162 Anderson, W. H., 148 Bodenheimer, F. S., 462, 464 Andres, L. A., 148, 149 Boling, J. C., 227, 230, 231, 232, 236, 237, Andrewartha, H. G., 18, 19 238, 239, 245 Angalet, G. W., 149 Bombosch, S., 207 Applebaum, S. W., 466 Borden, J. H., 261 Argyriou, L. C., 190 Bowen, W. R., 277 Asquith, D., 412 Bowery, T. G., 299 Auer, C., 98 Box, H. E., 85 Avidov, Z., 460, 461 Bradley, J. R., 306 Axelrod, D. J., 264 Braun, A. F., 283 Ayre, G. L., 264 Bravenboer, L., 196 Brazzel, J. R., 351 Brimblecrombe, A. R., 228 Britton, D. W., ~89 Bailey, J. C., 227, 239 Broodryk, S., 48, 177 Bailey, V. A., 27,32,33,97,98,99, 100, Brooks, W. M., 297 101, 103 Browne, L. E., 340 Balch, R. E., 256, 347 Brownlee, R. G., 340 Barr, W. F., 266, 267 Buckner, C. H., 104 Bartlett, B. R., 115, 127, 132, 136, 168, Bullock, H. R., 351, 353 269,270,271,448,449,450 Burges, H. D., 349, 350 Bedard, W. D., Jr., 258, 340 Burkhardt, C. C., 278 Bedard,.W. D., Sr., 260 Burks, B. D., 229 Bedford, E. C. G., 171,461 Burnett, T., 28,98,200,201 Bell, K., 282, 308 Burton, V. E., 353 Bellas, T. E., 340 Bushing, R. W., 259, 260, 339 Ben-Dov, Y., 464 Butler, F. G., 281, 282 Ben-Shaked, Y., 465 Bynum, E. K., 304 469 470 AUTHOR INDEX Callan, E. McC., 88 DeBach, P. (cont'd) Caltagirone, L. E., 356,414 168,169,170,171,172,180,181,182, Calvert, D. J., 268 183,184,187,188,190,229,258,269, Cameron, E., 158 340,432,451,452,461,464 Cameron, E. A., 257 Decker, G. c., 53 Cameron, J. W. M., 350 DeLeon, D., 260, 261 Campbell, R. E., 279 DeLoach, C. 1., 305, 306 Canerday, D., 353 De Mars, C. J., 259, 260, 339 Carrick, R., 17 Dickson, R. c., 278 Carson, R., 5 Dietrick, E. J., 46,81,82,120,131,183, Caylor, J. A., 339 269,281 Chada, H. L., 227, 228, 232, 236 Dietz, E. L., 152 Chamberlin, T. R., 40 Dodd, A. P., 144, 153 Chandapillai, M. M., 446 Dolph, R. E., 339 Chant, D. A., 45, 47,48,49,52,53,55,80, Dorzia, N., 463 196,401,402 Dosse, G., 196 Chapman, A. J., 353 Doutt, R. L., 8, 16, 17,24, 25,43,48,52, Chapman, R. C., 334 79,86,168,173,177,195,265,272, Clancy, D. W., 283, 354 275,452 Clark, E. C., 267 Dudley, C. 0., 339 Clausen, C. P., 53, 55, 61, 71, 76, 77, 78, Dulmage, H. T., 351, 354 83,86,181,247,274 Dunn, P. H., 274 Cobb, F. W., 256, 340 Dutky, S. R., 347 Cohen, I., 458, 459, 461, 462 Cohen, J., 461 Ebeling, W., 440 Collyer, E., 402 Elton, C. S., 68 Compere, H., 180, 181 Embree, D. G., 29, 109, 110,218,219,220, Concienne, E. J., 308 221, 222, 223, 224 Conway, G. R., 423, 428, 443, 444, 445, Etzel, L. K., 353, 354 448,449 Evenden, J. C., 256 Cook, E. F., 264 Ewing, S., 34, 35, 36, 37 Copper, W. A., 257 Cowan, C. B., 282 Cunningham, W. J., 32 Falcon,L.A., 348,353,354,356,388,389 Currie, W. E., 278 Featherston, P. E., 280 Feldman, M., 466 Dahlsten, D. L., 256, 257, 258, 259,260, Ferris, C. A., 354, 388 262, 263, 338, 339 Fillmore, O. 0., 266 Dale, W. L., 422 Finney, G. L., 48, 127, 172, 173, 175, 177 Davidson, W. M., 279,388, 389 Fisher, T. W., 181, 183 Davis, C. J., 152, 154 Fiske, W. F., 20, 93, 94, 95, 97 Davis, C. S., 84, 293 Flaherty, D. L., 8, 117, 188,285,402,418, Davis, D. W., 278 452 Davis, J. W., 282 Flanders, S. E., 38,68,71,78,83,89, 181 Dawson, L. H., 282 Fleschner, C. A., 120,131,135,158,183, Dean, H. A., 227, 229, 239 269 DeBach, P., 7, 16, 17, 24,43,44,46,51,52, Force, D. C., 46, 199,407 53, 54, 60, 61,68, 73, 74, 75, 78, 79, Frank, J. H., 104, 108 83,84,85,86,88,89,95,98,108,115, Fraser, B. D., 84, 293 116,117,120,127, 131, 132, 165, 167, Freed. Y., 158 AUTHOR INDEX 471 Frick, K. E., 158, 160 Hansberry, R., 53 Frost, J., 4 Haramoto, F. H., 145 Fullaway, D. T., 153 Harley, K. L. S., 154 Fulton, B. B., 301 Harpaz, I., 460, 465 Harper, R. W., 266 Harries, F. H., 396 Gallagher, J., 353, 354, 388, 389, 391 Harris, P., 46, 161 Garber, M. J., 85,183 Harville, J. P., 263 Garcia, C., 353 Hassel, M. P., 21,30,31,34,39,40,46,94, Garcia, R., 258 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 106, 107, 110, Gard, I., 353, 354, 391 115, 225 Geier, P. W., 337, 448 Hawkes, R. B., 148, 158, 160 Gentry, C. W., 351 Hawthorne, R. M., 412 George, F. H., 334 Haynes, D. L 28, 29, 35 Gerling, D., 200, 465 Heimpel, A. M., 349, 361 Gerson, U., 461, 466 Hensley, S. D., 308 Giese, R. L., 331, 333 Herbert, H. J., 314,402 Glaser, R. F., 85 Herman, S. G., 34 Goeden, R. D., 152, 158 Hernandez, N. S., 354 Golan, Y., 466 Herne, D. C., 52, 316, 317,412 Gonzales, D., 282, 387 Hewitt, G. B., 266 Goodarzy, K., 278 Hickling, C. F., 144 Gould, H. J., 196, 197, 199 Hitchcock, S., 272 Gradwell, G. R., 20, 29,42,95,97,98,99, Hitchen, D. E., 264 100,103,105, 110,225,255,305,334, Holling, C. S., 28, 30, 34, 35, 36, 37, 95, 340 331, 334 Graham, A. R., 218 Holloway, J. K., 46, 144, 145, 158 Graham, H. M., 354 Holm, L. G., 162 Greathead, D. 1., 153,266 Hom, R. C., 84, 270 Green, E. E., 227 Hopping, G. R., 261 Greenberg, S., 463 Horsburgh, R. L., 412 Gregory, B. G., 351 Howard, L. 0., 20, 93, 94, 95, 97 Gressitt, 1. L., 181 Hoyt, S. C., 354, 396, 397, 400, 401, 402, Griffiths, K. J., 34, 35, 334 403 GuagIiumi, P., 228 Huffaker, C. B., 7, 8, 17,20,21,23,24,25, Gudankas, R. T., 353 27,30,31,32,34,38,39,40,41,43, Gurney, B., 201, 205, 208 44,51, 5~61,73,7~ 9~ 10~ 10~ Guthrie, F. E., 277, 299 115,117,118,120,126,127,130,144, 145,152, 161,172,173,174,175,177, 17~ 179, 188, 198, 283, 284, 285, 307, Hafez, M., 48, 69, 173 340,402,403,452,453,466 Hagen, K. S., 24, 25,46,52, 78, 83, 84, 85, Hunt, R., 258 267, 272, 27~ 279, 28~ 281, 28~ 39~ Hurpin, B., 208, 350 448,451 Hussey, N. W., 196, 197, 198, 201, 205, Haldane, J. B. S., 255 208, 349, 350 Halfhill, J. E., 280 Huttenbach, H., 439 Hall, 1. C., 135, 269 Hall, J. M., 349, 351 Hall, J. S., 46 Ignoffo, C. M., 349, 353, 357 Hall, R. C., 340 Imms, A. D., 153 Handschin, E., 85 Ivannikov, A. J., 144 472 AUTHOR INDEX Janzen, D. H., 23 Lingren, P. D., 282, 304 Jaynes, H. A., 304 Lisser, A., 465 Jensen, F. L., 285, 351 Long, W. H., 308 Jiminez-Jiminez, E., 171,461 Lord, F. T., 313, 314,402 Johnson, E., 149 Lotka, A. J., 32 Johnson, H. G., 269 Love, M., 266 Jones, S. L., 282, 304 Luck, R. F., 256 Lukefahr, M. J., 354 Lund, H. 0., 83 Kamburov, S., 459, 462 Lung, C. T., 83 Kane, W. R., 356 Luvisi, D. A., 285 Keen, F. P., 256, 257, 259, 262, 338, 340 Lynn, C. D., 285 Kelleher, J. S., 80 Kennett, C. E., 25, 27, 30, 39,40,42,44, 47,48,50,73,100,115,118,120,127, MacFadyen, A., 17, 56 130, 144, 15~ 161, 17~ 173, 174, 175, Machado da Costa, J., 229 177,178,179,198,283,284,403,466 Mackauer, M. J. P., 84 Kerrich, G. J., 229 MacLellan, C. R., 316, 321, 322 Khalifa, A., 203 MacPhee, A. W., 314, 327, 396,.402 King, D., 144 Madden, J. L., 56, 59 King, L. J., 143 Maddox, D. M., 149 Kingham, H. G., 196 Madsen, H. F., 273 Kinney, J. R., 396 Maltby, H. L., 171,461 Kirkton, R. M., 304 Malthus, T. R., 20 Kline, L. N., 261 Margalef, R., 254,331 Klomp, H., 32, 34 Marrow, J., 235 Knipling, E. F., 304 Marshall, H. V., 302 Koebele, A. M., 171 Martignoni, M. E., 258, 349 Kraus, N. L. H., 152, 153 Martin, D. F., 353 Kring, J. B., 203 Martin, J. E. H., 256 Kuchlein, J. H., 402 Maskell, W. M., 227 Kunimoto, R. K., 154 Matsumoto, B., 27, 39,40 May, J., 152 Mayton, E. L., 144 Lagace, C. F., 281, 282 McAlister, H. J., 354 Laing, J. E., 284, 402 McAlpine, J. F., 256 Laird, E.

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