SUSSEX.] PRIVATE RESIDENTS. SHI 713 Scriven Mrs. 35 Wilton road, Bexhill Sensier David, 61 Arundel rd.Littlehamptn Shaw Herbert Thomal, Lyoth, East Frank­ Scrivens Miss A. Sunny hill, Crawley Ber11phin Very Rev.Father Bolger O.S.F.C. lyns, Haywards Heath Down 8.0 Monastery of St. Fnmcis, Worth road, Shaw John, 6 Westcourt road, Worthing Scrivner Henry H. Highlands, De War­ Crawley Shaw John P. Neatenden, Sedlescombc,. renne road, Lewes Seraphin Very Rev. Father Honniball Battle S.O Scrutton Mrs. Westfield, Darley rd.Eastbrne O.~.l<'.C. Monastery of :;t. .Francis Shaw M. W. la, Heene terrace, Heene,. Scrutton Norman A. Lightolifi'e, Upper Worth road, Crawley Worthing Sea ro!W., Bexhill Sergison Capt. Charles Warden D.L., J.P. Shaw Mrs. The Bays, Lyndhurst road,. Scull Walter Delaphaine, The Pines, Crow­ Slaugham Place, Slaugham S.O Wortlung borough, Tunbr1dge Wells Serjeantson Reginald Edmund, Valley 3haw Mn. 5 Bedford road, Horoham Scully Surgeon-Lieut.-Col. J. 14 Hartfield Holme, Horsted Keynes, East Grinsteatl 3h:lw Mrs. 48 Rutland gardens, Hove. 11quare, E!1Stbourne Serle Miss, '27 Fonthill rd. Hove, Brighton Brighton 8curfield R.4 Highfield ter. Highfield,Bognr Sers Robert, 119 Round Hill cres.Brighton Shaw Mrs.8 St.Catherine's ter.Hove,Brghtn. Scutt Miss, Holly lodge, Connaught road, Seth-Smith Ernest, Westergate house, 3haw Mrs. St. Clement's, Chatsworth rd. Littlehampton Westergate, Aldingbourne, Chichester Brighton Scutt Thomas Henry, The Beeches, Stan­ Seton John, 56 V ale road, St. Leonards 3haw Mrs. 137 Tarring road, Worthing ford avenue, Brighton Severn Miss, '22 York villas, Brighton Shaw Robt. H., M.D.2 Hanover pl.Brightlll Seaber Miss, The Haven, Rottingdean, Sevestre Henry, 17 Linton cres. Hastings :3haw Wm. Bury, 6 Clarence st. Brighton Brighton Seward Mrs. 8 Linton road, Hastings Shaw William Longstone, Longstone, Seaborne George Williom, Alston villa, Sewell Misse~, 31 .A.mherst road, Bexhill Bristol gardens, Kemp town, Brighton New road, Shoreham R.B.O Sewell Mrs. Kingston, Balcombe rood, Shaw William Rawson M.A., J.P . .Ailan- Seabrooke Mrs. WallingerH house, Welling. Haywards Heatb. gate, Rustington, Worthing ton ro!W., Hastings Sexton Mrs. 1 Pembroke av. Hove,Brightn Shawyer Daniel, 6 Lucerne road, Brighton Seacome Mrs. 10 Markwick ter. St.Leonrds Seyfang Waiter Louis, Craiglea, Drank- Shea Maj. W.H Connaught rd.Hove,Brght~ Se~~eome Mrs. F. G. 40 Gwydyr mansions, some road, St. Leons.rds Shearer Rev. Hugh, 69 Dyke rd. Brighton Hove, Brighton Seymour .A. Lynwode,Richmond av.Bognor :3hearer John, 15 Beacomtleld vils.Brightn Seager Mrs. 43 Freshfield road, Kemp Seymour Henry, liS Royal par. Eastbourne Sheather Mrs. 79 Bt. Helen's rd. Hastings town, Brighton Seymour Hugh F. Thornhill, .Asburst Shebbeare Rev. Ernest Reginald B.A. 89 k Seal Horoce, 52 Marine parade, Brighton Wood, East Grinstead 90 Washington str~t, Brighton Seal Mrs. 23 Prinsep road, Hove,Brighton Shackleton J. 16 Queen's Park ter.Brightn Sheffie;d Earl of D.L., J.P. Sheffield park~ Sealey D. B. 116 Havelock road, Preston, Shadforth Major George A. Conduit Hill Fletch;ng, Uckfield; & Carlton & Brighton house, Rye Travellen' clubs, London SW Se~mer Arth. M.A. 6 Chatham pi.Brighton 8haen-Carter Mrs. 44 Tisbury road, Hove, ~l,pftield Robt. Wm. i6 Milward rd.Hastng~ Sear!lncke Mrs. 4 Brassey road, Bexhill Brighton Sht>ffington Reu ben Grant, 17 Bur lingto~ Search Miss, 16 Harrington road, Preston, Shaft J. I. Rinl lo. West Harting,Petenfid street, Kemp town, Brighton Brighton Shaft William Edward, Carne lodge, Put­ Sheldrick John R.A. 74 Ru!!bY rd.Brightn Bearle Henry, Castleton, N orthcourt rd. borough R.S.O Shelley A. 27 Surrey st. Littlehampt{]n Worthing Shand Rev. Preb. Thomas Henry Rodie Shelley F.l7 Bristol rd. Kemp town, Brightn. Searle Maurice, 28 Lyndhurst rd. Chichestr M.A. Rectory, Clayton, Hassocks R.S.O Shelley Mro. 95 Chester terrace, Brighton Searle Mrs. 22 Goldsmid road, Brighton Shand Mt&s, Burwash, Etchingham S. 0 Shelton Rev. E. Stanley, 24 Gilderedge- !learles A. J. 71 Round Hill cres. Brighton Shand Mrs. 2 Hove lodge, Hove street, road, Eastbourne Bears Fdk. W.30 Medina vils.Hove,Brighton Hove, Brighton Shelton George, 56 Amherst rd. Bexhill Sears Misses, North Creek, South Farm Shapland A. F.T.99 Buckingham rd.Brghtn Shelton Ha.rvey Llewellyn, 16 New Churc!Jo road, Worthing 8hardlow J., M.B. Castcott, 227 Preston road, Hove, Brighton Seaton Alex.Coolgardie,Aldwick rd.Bognor drove, Brighton Shelvey F. F. 57 Stanford aven. Brightoa Seaw~rd Benj am in, 1 ,Madeira terra!!e, Sharhmd Miss, Erin, Up.Park rd.Hastings Shemeld Edmund T.29 Stanford rd.BrigbtiJ.. Kemp town, Brighton Sharland Mis~etJ,l38eafield rd.Hove,Brigl1tn Shenston~: Frederick S., M.A., D.L., J.P Bebbage Edmd.A. 26 Milward rd.H:utings Sharman Albt. G. 2 Western ter. Brighton Sutton hall, Barcombe, Lew!'s Secretan Rev. Douglas Liston M.A. Vicar­ Sharman Albert George, 75 Montpelier Shepherd Rev. Henry M.A. 9 First avP.n. age, Crawley Down 8.0 road, Bri~hton Hove, Brighton Secretan Archibald J. Kaelim house, Sharman MiS>S, The Lime<~, Mount Pleasant Shepher!l E. St..La~Tenoo,Ha.stings rd.Bexhl­ Davigdor road, Hove, Brighton ,.oad, Hastings Shepherd Eric, 7 Dorset road, Bexhil! Secretan G. W. H. 88 Mount rd. Hastings Sharood Edwd. J., M.D., R.N. Maisonette, Shepherd Fredk. High st. Selsey, Chichstr Becretan Miss, 29 Bedford gro.Eastbourne Rowlands road, Heene, Worthing Shepherd Geo. 4 Temple gardns. Brighton. !lecretan Miss, 2 Church rd. St. Leonards Sharp Col. William E. The Croft, St. Shepherd George Prentis, Keymer house. Becretan P., J.P. Slaugham pk. Crawley Anne's road, Eastbourne Keymer, Hassoclu! R. S. 0 Seddall Mrs. 14 Prestonville rd. Brighton Sharp E. 41 Southdown avenue, Brighbon Shepherd Isaac, Lavant, Chichester Seddon Rev. Robert M.A. Reotory, Lit- Sharp Ernest W. 173 ~orth st. Brighton Shepherd Jn.3 Pernbwke cres.Hove,Brghtnt lington, Polegate R.S.O • Sharp Frederick, Cherbourg house, Kings· Shepherd Miss, 20 Bt. J ohn'a st.Chichestr Beden John, Mizpah, Canterbury road, ton-by-SEa, Brighton Shepherd Mil;s, 65 Up. Station rd. Bexhill West Tarring, W orthin<> Sharp Fredk. 53 Havelock rd. Brighton Shepherd Misses, 17 Palmeira aven. Hove,. Sedgwick Fredk. 154 Edmund rd. Hastings Sharp Henry, Abergavenny, St. Helen's Brighton Sedgwick W. F. 37 Bedford gro. Eastbrne Park road, Hastings ShP-phP-rd William, Glenelg, Park lane .. Sedwick-Saunders Mrs. 2 Montpelier vils. Sharp baac, 25 Cissbury rd. Hove,Brightn Southwick, Brighton Brighton Sharp J. 10 Hove Park vils.Hove, Brighton Shepna.rd Unarles, Loxbeech, Battle 8.0 "1leebold Adolf, 18 Warwick terrace, Elm Sharp J. H., J.P. 21 Palmeira square, Sheppud Fredk. 6 Carlisle par. Hastings road, Worthing Hove, Brighton Sheppard Harry Edward B..A. The Shawe,. Beebold Fritz, Edelweiss, Westcourt rd. Sharp John Jervis, 1 East drive, Kemp Jarvis Brook S.O Worthing town, Brighton Sheppard Hy. 58 Round Hill cres.Brighton Beebold Karl, Rosedale, Warwick gardens, Sharp Miss, 25 Norfolk road, Horsham Sheppard Jas.Wm.35- Wenban rd.Worthing· Worthing Sharp Mif:liB, 31 Park road, Bexhill Sheppard Rchard, 15 Sackville road. Beeley Adolph, 66 Milward rd. Hastings Sh11.rp Misses, 16 '!.'he Oa.ueeway, Horsham Hove, Brighton Se!by V1scount P.C. K.C., M.A. Button Sharp Mrs. 17 Compton avenue, Brighton Shera.rd Rev. Clement Edwanl !LA. Vicar­ place, Seaford S.O. & Athenll'um & Oxford Sharp Mrs. 16 Eriswell road, Wor!Jhing age, Wilmington, Polegate R. S. 0 & Cambridge clubs. London SW Sharp Mr•. 48 Montpelift" road, Brighton Sherie E. F. 21 Wellington rd. Hastings Selby Charles Edward Montague, 48 Sussex Sharp Mrs. A. 81 Waldegrave rd. Brighton Sherm&n Capt. Charles B. 35 Wilbury­ square, Kemp town, Brighton Sharp Richard J. Burmah lodge, Harring· avenue, Hove, Brighton Belby T. 33 Carlisle rd.Aldrington,Brightn ton road, Preston, Brighton Sherrard David John M.D. 1 Bloomsbury­ Selby Thomas H. Sydney house, Heene Sharp Wm. 64 Wil!ingdon l"d. Eastbourne place, Kemp town, Brighton road, Heene, Worthing Rharp Wm. A. 159 Ditchling rit!e, Brighton Bherrard Laurence Arthur, Redcliffe, Pem.. Belby T. L. 135 Queen's P~rk rd. Brighton Sharpe Fredk. 125 Waldegrave rd.Brighbon broke crescent, Hove, Brighton Self Philip, .j. Florence roEUl, Brighton Sharpe Jn. 69 Mt. Pleasant rd. Hastings Sherratt Mrs. Tower house, Lewes road,.. Belfe Miss, 3 Blomfield road, Bt. Leonards Sharpe Sidney Charles,4 Gn.nge rd.Lewes East Grinsteod Beligm~n I. Bhoyswell manor, Etching- Sharpe Thomas George, Church !q. Rye Sherrifi' Hy. Chas.6 Burrenden rd. Brightn. ham B.O Sharpe Wm. Cha.s.H Stanford av.Brighton Sherrin Rev. Joseph Beckett M.A. Vicar· Beligman Miss,Sunnybank, Etchinghm. 8. 0 Sharpin Henry Wilson F.R.C.S. 34 Sill- age, Chidham, Emsworth Sellar Mrs. Craig, Little Green Manor wood road, Brighton Sherrington Forsyth, Richmond house~ home, Compton, Petersfield Sharples Fleet-Sur!!'eon Charles W., R.N. .Aid wick, Bug-nor Sellers Miss, Marshside, Gorringe road, Rye croft, Stoke A bbott road, Worthing Sherr'ngton Miss, Crablands, Selsey~ Eastbourne Sharrard E. SO St. Paul'& rd. St. Leonard• Chichester , Belmes E. Lucas lo. Tarring rd. Worthing Sh~rr~tt Mrs. West st. SelsPy, Chicho>toter Sherwen William .Toseph- P. Ennerda1e,. Belmes Mn. 43 High street, Battle 8. 0 Sharwood Miss, 1 South clifi', Grand par. Upper Dorsf't roO\d, Bexhill Selmes Mn. 13 Paston place, Kemp town, Ea~tbourne Sherwood A. P. 8 Seaside rd. Eastbonrne­ Brighton Shattock Mrs. Ventnor, St. Matthew's Sherwood M. 24 Prins-ep rd. Hove,Brightou Bemon Henry, 20 Eversley road, Bexhill road, Worthing Sherwood Mrs. Lendarac, Bedleecombe rd. Sendall A. E. 19 Stanford avenue, Brightn Shaw Col. Wiikmon Jocelyn, The Grove, south, St.
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