COMMENTARY is, however, no such talk about Indian international fora, whereas it is an accepted centre and at the state level (agriculture investment in the US! and granted thing in the US patent regime) by the Indian Constitution is a state Under the KIA, Bharti-Walmart has ex- and international commitments (on bio- subject too) took responsibility in review- tended two internships to the National diversity conservation through the Conven- ing the KIA and its implementation, spe- Institute of Agricultural Management and tion on Biological Diver sity, on biosafety cifically in the context of the implications it is recorded in the sixth board meeting issues related to GMOs, through the Carta- for small and marginal farmers. minutes that several other private sector gena Biosafety Protocol, on climate change companies have expressed their willing- issues through the Kyoto protocol, etc – the Notes ness towards such internship programmes. US is not part of these international agree- 1 http://www.dare.gov.in/bil_Usa/AKI6.doc, accessed ments, on the other hand). Therefore, har- on 15 May 2008. 2 “US-India Strategic Economic Partnership”, US Conclusions monisation should theoretically be impos- India CEO Forum, March 2006, downloaded from planningcommission.nic.in/reports/genrep/ While the board minutes point to some of sible, unless this is meant as India changing USIndia.pdf, accessed on 2 February 2008. the regulatory changes being discussed in its regulatory regimes and laws to follow 3 WTO TBT Committee document-G/TBT/N/IND/ the KIA, especially related to GM regula- the US line. 17, 23 May 2006 (06-2495). 4 http://www.envfor.nic.in/divisions/csurv/geac/ tion, contract farming, IPRs and licensing It is time that before the KIA moves into notification.html and sanitary and phytosanitary-related 2009 (beyond its initial three year phase) 5 http://www.dare.gov.in/Minutes_USDA.doc, accessed on 14 October 2006. issues, reports from individual workshops that the government place in the Parlia- 6 http://www.dare.gov.in/4thBoard.doc accessed and trainings organised under the KIA ment and in the public domain, a complete on 19 October 2007. 7 http://www.dare.gov.in/bil_Usa/AKI5th.doc should provide greater insights into the report of implementation so far, including accessed on 2 February 2008. details of such discussions. of each fellowship programme, training 8 “India Biotechnology Annual (report) 2008”, USDA Foreign Agricultural Service GAIN report, No IN8077, What is very important to note here is and workshop organised under the KIA May 2008. that legislation on some important issues and what the KIA has achieved in terms of 9 http://www.fas.usda.gov/icd/india_knowl_init/ AKI-NASULGC_05-15-06.ppt, accessed on 14 Oc- pertaining to agriculture has been drafted benefits to farmers after having utilised tober 2006. in these two countries based on vastly dif- the taxpayers’ funds since 2005. 1 0 http://www.dare.gov.in/bil_Usa/Work%20Plan- ferent philosophies (patents on life forms, It is also high time that elected repre- KIA.doc, accessed on 4 April 2006. 11 “Does India Need A Bayh Dole Act?”, Latha Jishnu, for instance, which India has oppo sed in sentatives and political parties both at the Business Standard, 9 July 2008. townships for its employees as part of Arcelor-Mittal in Jharkhand the project. The mega steel project which requires 12,000 acres and a 1,500 MW new power Moushumi Basu plant for its captive consumption will be situated in the Karra, T orpa and Rania For the tribals of villages in the he Jharkhand government has block in Khunti district and Kamdara Gumla and Khunti districts signed 112 memoranda of under- block in Gumla district. The central gov- of Jharkhand, where the Tstanding with various multinational ernment has approved the grant of lease companies in the last three years. T opping of the Karampada iron ore mines located Arcelor-Mittal steel plant is to be the list of key players is the world’s largest in the reserve forest in Meghataburu M auja situated, the company does not global steel corporation, Arcelor-Mittal. It in West Singbhum district for the pro- spell employment opportunities has plans to set up one of the world’s big- posed steel plant. Experts have opined as much as an annihilation of their gest steel plants of 12 million tonne per that the estimated reserve in the mine is a n n u m ( MTPA) capacity in the state at an about 50 MT of mineralised and very way of life, their culture and the investment of Rs 40,000 crore ($9.3 billion), good quality ore. The company has been environment. Unconvinced by the that is expected to start operations by allotted the Seregarha coal block in the rehabilitation and resettlement 2012. The proposed steel project will be state with an estimated reserve of 160 policies of the state government set up in two phases of 6 MT each. While MT. The steel m ajor has been asked to the first phase is expected to be completed prepare the mining plan for Karampada and the company, they are within 48 months from the date of agree- and get the necessary approvals from the continuing their agitation against ment on the detailed project r eport, the Indian B ureau of Mines so that the state the steel major. second phase will be completed within 54 can go ahead and sign a mining lease deed months after completion of the first phase. with the company for a tenure of 30 years In addition to the steel and mining a ccording to company sources. projects, the steel major will e xplore the The total iron ore requirement is esti- Moushumi Basu ([email protected]) feasibility of setting up a 2,500 MW capac- mated at 600 MT annually once the plant is a journalist based in Ranchi. ity mega power plant. It will also set up reaches its full production capacity. 22 november 29, 2008 EPW Economic & Political Weekly COMMENTARY Arcelor-Mittal has also applied for use of no time in sponsoring hockey tourna- the Koel Karo movement, Kis Ki Raksha water from the adjoining river Karo. ments for girls and boys of Khunti and (In Whose Defence?) on the army’s decision Given this scenario, the local villagers Gumla districts. The training of the play- to convert the temporary firing range situ- estimate that lakhs of people from about ers started with the support of the district ated on the land and forests occupied by 40 villages are likely to be displaced by and the state hockey federations. But the the villagers in Netarhaat, into a perma- the proposed project. In addition, the local question that follows is, why this concern nent one, Loha Garam Hai (The Iron Is forests in the villages, the water sources only for the tribals of Torpa-Kamdara re- Hot), a stark presentation on how the and ecosystems will also be affected gion of Khunti and Gumla d istricts? sponge iron industry plays havoc with the thereby imperilling the environment and Finally, a $300 million rehabilitation environment, affecting the people resid- the very source of sustenance of the and resettlement package has been drawn ing in its vicinity. local people. What has irked them the up for the state. Company officials say that That these campaigns have borne fruit most is that the initial process of site it is very serious about the welfare of the could be gauged from the success of the selection, including the survey, etc, was people, their ethnic needs and culture at agitations organised in the four blocks of done without taking the local villagers the proposed site of the project. “We are Karra, Kamdara, Torpa and Rania, this into confidence. “We were kept in the here to stay and for generations”, one of year on 4, 7 and 10 and 25 March, respec- dark, the negotiations were being made in them said. tively. The members of AMARM, also put connection with our land, but we were not The Congress MP from Khunti, Sushila up a successful show of strength, march- a party to it”, they pointed out. In a bid to Kerketta, has been trying to convince the ing through the heart of the state’s capital, pacify the a gitated villagers, Arcelor-Mittal villagers that companies like Arcelor- Mittal Ranchi on 29 May, braving the summer has c ommitted Rs 1,250 crore ($300 million) will provide much needed employment heat. In the meantime, Dayamani has been to rehabilitation and resettlement in opportunities. Both the state g overnment receiving threats to her life. How ever, Jharkhand. The money will be spent for the as well as the company have drawn up she says the agitation and her campaigns improvement of health and educational r ehabilitation and resettlement policies will continue. services and women’s empowerment. for the villagers. The first effort of the steel giant on Despite all these efforts, the villagers 20 August to hold dialogue with the Public Relations Exercises are not convinced. Jaan Denge, Par Ek villagers of Kamdara block, met with a The Arcelor-Mittal Foundation has been Inch Bhi Zameen Na Denge, Mittal Ko display of brooms, sickles and samat specially constituted with the objective Baithne Na Denge... Hamare Purvajon Ka (grain thresher) and tangi (used for of investing in social programmes, and Zameen Nahi Looto (“We may give away clearing bushes) by the tribal protestors. promoting its commitment to society our lives, but will not part with an inch of Even as the rains lashed the villages, and sustainable development, focusing in our ancestral land, Mittals will not be thousands of protestors, including women particular on the communities where it allowed, do not grab our ancestral with infants on their backs, assembled operates.
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