Victoria Police Annual Report Victoria Police 2007–08 annual report annual ContaCt Details Regional Headquarters 2007 – 08 Departments REGION 1 (CENTRAL) Chief Commissioner’s Office Victoria Police Centre Business Information Technology Services 637 Flinders Street Business Management Melbourne Victoria 3005 Corporate Management Review and Division Telephone 9247 5688 Corporate Strategy and Performance Counter Terrorism Coordination and Emergency REGION 2 (WEST) Management 110 Mercer Street Ethical Standards Geelong Victoria 3220 Human Resource Telephone 5225 3222 Legal Services REGION 3 (NORTH WEST) Media and Corporate Communications 15 Dimboola Road Operations Coordination Broadmeadows Victoria 3047 Traffic and Transit Safety Telephone 9302 8268 Specialist Support REGION 4 (NORTH EAST) These Departments are located at: 247–249 Rosanna Road Victoria Police Centre Rosanna Victoria 3084 637 Flinders Street Telephone 9457 4444 (PO Box 415) Melbourne Victoria 3005 REGION 5 (SOUTH EAST) Telephone 9247 6666 50 Langhorne Street Dandenong Victoria 3175 Education Department is located at: Telephone 9769 7621 Victoria Police Academy View Mount Road The locations and contact Glen Waverley Victoria 3150 details for each police station Telephone 9566 9566 in Victoria are available from the Victoria Police website: Crime Department and Intelligence and www.police.vic.gov.au Covert Support Department are located at: 412 St Kilda Road Melbourne Victoria 3004 Telephone 9865 2111 Victoria Police Forensic Science Centre is located at: Forensic Drive Macleod Victoria 3085 Telephone 9450 3444 contents Victoria Police Annual Report 2007–08 aDDitional infoRmation Additional information about Victoria Police may be obtained from our website: www.police.vic.gov.au The Financial Management Act requires that certain categories of information not contained in the Annual Report be available on request. These include: Details of major research and developmental activities Statements of details of changes in prices, fees, charges and levies, and Major committees sponsored. Further information may be obtained by writing to: Chief Commissioner Victoria Police PO Box 415 Melbourne VIC 3005 CCP Foreword 2 CorPorATe PROJeCTS ANd ACHIeVeMeNTS 38 Outlook for 2008–09 4 The Way Ahead 2008–2013 38 Public safety and public order 39 ABoUT VICTorIA PoLICe 6 Organised crime/Purana Taskforce 41 Our history 6 Illicit Drug Strategy 42 Victoria Police today 7 Fraud Reduction Strategy 43 Our goals 7 Electronic Crime 43 Our values 7 Vehicle impoundment 44 Our service delivery principles 7 Public Transit Safety Strategy 45 CorPorATe GoVerNANCe 8 Human Rights project 46 Chief Commissioner of Police 8 Integrity system for police project 47 Corporate Committee 8 IT and infrastructure 48 Executive Committee 9 Police station building program 49 Standing Committees 9 Corporate Committee portfolios 10 CoMMUNITY INITIATIVeS 50 Culturally and linguistically 51 Executive management changes in 2007–08 10 diverse communities Audit Committee 11 Young people 53 Governance and organisational 11 Indigenous community 55 review initiatives Reducing and preventing 57 oUr PerForMANCe 14 violence against women and children Key Results: The Way Ahead 2003–2008 15 APPeNdICeS 60 Key Results: Business Plan 2007–08 Output/ 21 A: Disclosure index 62 Service Delivery Results B: Workforce statistics 64 Output Costs and Resource allocation 23 C: Disciplinary action 72 oUr PeoPLe 24 D: Consultancies 74 Recruitment, retention and deployment 24 E: Implementation of the Victorian 75 Workforce flexibility and capacity 27 Industry Participation Policy Organisational health, safety and wellbeing 30 F: Disclosure of major contracts 76 Occupational Health and Safety 32 G: National competition policy compliance 76 performance indicators H: Freedom of information 77 Managing stress and conflict 34 I: Statement in relation to the building act 79 Honours and awards 35 J: Corrections act reporting 80 K: Reports under the Whistleblowers 81 Protection Act – disclosures L: Budget portfolio outcomes 83 M: Office-based environmental impacts 88 section one Chief Commissioner’s Foreword Victoria Police’s achievements in 2007–08 were reflective of an ongoing commitment to the safety and wellbeing of the Victorian community. This year was the final year of our five year strategic plan, The Way Ahead 2003–2008. Over the life of this plan we have delivered impressive results, and I am pleased to report that we continued to build on these achievements in 2007–08. One of the key aims of The Way Ahead 2003–2008 was to decrease the overall crime rate, which is measured per 100,000 population, by five per cent. We have surpassed that measure, with the overall crime rate decreasing by 16.6 per cent over the life of the plan. In 2007–08, the overall crime rate decreased by Reducing actual crime and road trauma are 1.9 per cent from the rate reported at the end important measures of achievement for Victoria of 2006–07, marking the fifth consecutive year Police. However, how safe Victorians feel in their that the crime rate has dropped. However, we do community is essential to our overall success. In acknowledge that this year our members have faced 2007–08, 91.8 per cent of Victorian respondents well publicised challenges in relation to public safety to the independently conducted National Survey and order particularly around licensed premises. The of Community Satisfaction with Policing (NSCSP) organisation, working with government, responded felt ‘safe’ or ‘very safe’ out and about in their own to these challenges, by targeting anti-social neighbourhood. This is a very pleasing result, which behaviour in and around licensed premises through reflects our efforts in both responding to crime and operational activities and legislative measures. We proactively working to prevent crime. have also responded to challenges in major crime It is also important to know if the community thinks areas. This year we enhanced our focus and capacity we are doing our job well, and importantly, where we for dealing with illicit drugs, fraud and e-crime. We might not be meeting service standards. In 2007–08, also continued to see achievements resulting from NSCSP results tell us that 83 per cent of Victorians our efforts in targeting organised crime. who had direct, professional contact with police Safety on Victoria’s roads continues to be a were ‘satisfied’ or ‘very satisfied’ with the service significant area of focus for Victoria Police. While they received. We also know that 82.4 per cent of the there was a reduction in the road toll over the life community have confidence in police. While these of The Way Ahead, sadly 333 people lost their lives are very good results, we will continue to focus on on the road in 2007–08. This only underlines our improving the service we provide to the community. commitment to reducing road deaths and road trauma. We continued to invest significant resources in road policing operations that tackle the identified causes of road deaths and road trauma, such as excessive speed and alcohol and drug impaired driving. The success of the Vehicle Impoundment Enforcement Program, which enables police to take direct action against certain road safety offences and ‘hoon’ type driving, also contributed to our ongoing commitment to road safety. page 3 victoria police annual report 2007–08 It is important to acknowledge the significant outlook for 2008–09 contribution that our partners and the community In 2008 we launched our new five year strategic plan, make to Victoria Police’s achievements. We work The Way Ahead 2008–2013. Over the next five years closely with our colleagues in the emergency we will focus on three key priorities: a safer Victoria, services, often in demanding circumstances, and connecting the community and valuing our people. thank them for their ongoing support. We would also like to thank the many government and community To contribute to a safer Victoria, we will focus groups throughout the state who we work with to on further reducing crime and improving public understand and develop policing strategies for the safety and road safety. In 2008–09 we will focus on diverse communities in Victoria. reducing the impact of volume crime, with emphasis on assaults, burglaries and thefts of and from motor Lastly, none of these achievements would be possible vehicles. We will also maintain our commitment without the hard work of Victoria Police’s people. To to reducing major crime. Importantly, we will use recognise their efforts and provide greater support intelligence to tailor policing to the needs of local for them in the future, Victoria Police signed a new communities and research to understand the drivers Enterprise Bargaining Agreement at the end of of crime. Victoria Police will also continue to focus 2007. This Agreement has allowed us to introduce on public safety, by responding to liquor licensing a number of new flexible working options which issues and improving safety on the public transport will enable our members to balance their work and network. Our commitment to reducing road deaths life commitments. These flexible arrangements also and serious injuries will be demonstrated through enable the organisation to provide a more efficient our road policing operations and through our and responsive service to the community. role in communicating road safety messages to the community. page 4 victoria police annual report 2007–08 section one Chief
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