BEST DRAMATIC PRESENTATION: Bambi, BEST EDITOR: John W. Campbell, BEST PROFESSIONAL ARTIST: Virgil Finlay, BEST FANZINE: Le Zombie, and BEST FAN WRIT- ER: Forrest J Ackerman (The late Jack Speer of Albu- querque was nominated). 2018 During the San Jose Worldcon, The Science Fiction & Fantasy Conventions of New Zealand Incorporated (SFFCONZ, Inc.) non-profit society won the bid to host Winners for the Hugo Awards and for the John W. the 78th World Science Convention at the TSB Bank Campbell Award for Best New Writer were announced Arena and Michael Fowler Centre in Wellington, New by Worldcon 76, the 76th World Science Fiction Con- Zealand July 29-August 2, 2020, receiving 643 of the 726 vention, on August 19 during a ceremony held at the San votes cast. There were no other registered candidates. Jose McEnery Convention Center in San Jose, CA. Re- Santa Fe’s George RR Martin will be the toastmaster. becca Roanhorse, NM author and Bubonicon 50 partici- And the Utah Fandom Organization won the bid to pant, won in two categories: host the 13th North American Science Fiction Conven- BEST NOVEL: The Stone Sky by N.K. Jemisin, BEST tion (NASFiC) at the Davis Conference Center in Layton, NOVELLA: All Systems Red by Martha Wells, BEST NOV- UT July 4-7, 2019, receiving 171 of the 192 votes cast. ELETTE: “The Secret Life of Bots” by Suzanne Palmer, There were no other registered candidates. NASFiC hap- BEST SHORT STORY: “Welcome to your Authentic Indian pens whenever a Worldcon is held outside of North Experience™” by Rebecca Roanhorse, BEST RELATED America (as in the case of Worldcon 77, which will be WORK: No Time to Spare: Thinking About What Matters held in Dublin, Ireland). NASFiC 2019 will be held in by Ursula K. Le Guin, conjunction with Westercon 72. For more information, BEST GRAPHIC STORY: Monstress Volume 2: The see the Utah for 2019 website. Blood by Marjorie Liu with art by Sana Takeda, BEST Voting for both sites was open to members of World- DRAMATIC PRESENTATION - LONG: Wonder Woman, con 76 who paid voting fees. BEST DRAMATIC PRESENTATION - SHORT: The Good Place: “The Trolley Problem,” BEST EDITOR SHORT FORM: Lynne M. Thomas & Michael Damian Thomas, BEST EDITOR LONG FORM: Sheila E. Gilbert, BEST SE- Tananarive Due received the Octavia Butler/L.A. RIES: World of the Five Gods by Lois McMaster Bujold, Banks Memorial Award from the United California Afri- BEST PROFESSIONAL ARTIST: Sana Takeda, BEST can-American Bookclubs (UCAAB) during the 12th an- SEMIPROZINE: Uncanny, BEST FANZINE: File 770, BEST FANCAST: Ditch Diggers, BEST FAN WRITER: Sarah Gai- ley, BEST FAN ARTIST: Geneva Benton, JOHN W. CAMP- PCOMING EETINGS BELL AWARD FOR BEST NEW WRITER [Not a Hugo U ASFS M Award]: Rebecca Roanhorse, and THE WORLD SCIENCE • TV Ghosts Talk & Club Elections Tonight! FICTION SOCIETY (WSFS) AWARD FOR BEST YOUNG Investigator Benjamin Radford is here to talk ADULT BOOK: Akata Warrior by Nnedi Okorafor. about his behind-the-scene experiences on a Ghost Hunter-style TV show with visual aids. 1943 RETRO HUGO WINNERS And then, 3 Offices need to be filled for January- December 2019, and the “theme/challenge ingre- Winners for the 1943 Retro Hugo Awards, honoring dient” for December chosen. work from 1942, were announced by Worldcon 76, dur- • November 9: Walter Jon Williams visit! ing an award ceremony held at the San Jose McEnery • December 14: The 14th ASFS Dessert Cook- Convention Center in San Jose, CA: Off, and short SF-oriented holiday films. Plus, BEST NOVEL: Beyond This Horizon by Anson Mac- the annual issue of SITHFACTS will be distributed Donald (Robert A. Heinlein), BEST NOVELLA: “Waldo” (deadline Mon, Dec 10). Clean-up help wanted! by Anson MacDonald (Robert A. Heinlein), BEST NOV- • January 11, 2019: Club round-table discussion ELETTE: “Foundation” by Isaac Asimov, BEST SHORT of what members read in 2018... STORY: “The Twonky” by C.L. Moore & Henry Kuttner, nual Fall Into Fiction conference, held September 21-22, 2018 at the Long Beach Marriott in Long Beach, CA. The award includes a trophy in the shape of California In a ceremony August 25 at Bubonicon 50 at the Al- and was presented to Due by Steven Barnes. buquerque Marriott Uptown Hotel, Green Slime Mistress “UCAAB was created as a way for African- Jessica L. Coyle (with assistance from the Slime Time American book clubs in California to network, support, Puppets) presented the following with recognition of and promote our reading groups, black-owned independ- their wretchedness in the last 12 months: ent bookstores, and the authors we love to read.” For REGULAR TELEVISION: Marvel’s Inhumans (Pilot more information, see the UCAAB site. was needlessly shown in expensive IMAX. It seems slapped together, and is incoherent and a cheap-looking SF BOOK GROUP READS ON mess. The worst Marvel adaptation in years. Bad writing, with cheap sets & costumes.) The Droids & Dragons SF Book Group meets 7:30 COMING ATTRACTIONS: DC Titans (Too Grimdark, pm Monday, October 15, at Jason’s Deli (northwest cor- bad costumes and makeup, and DC wants a $8.00 a ner of Louisiana & America’s Parkway NE) to discuss month to watch the series on their streaming service.) Ninefox Gambit by Yoon Ha Lee. The group then meets ADULT MOVIE: Winchester (Tired funhouse horror November 19 to talk about The Three Body Problem by with no shocks. The script is batty and clichéd. It’s a Cixin Liu. waste of Helen Mirren.) Meetings of D&D are open to all interested readers KIDS MOVIE: Show Dogs (Seems way longer than it on the 3rd Monday each month. Books for discussion are really is, and is really bad. It has odd CGI mouths on the chosen two months in advance, and group members re- animals, and a lot of inappropriate humor in a “kids” ceive a 20% discount on them. For more info: Leah at movie [bikini waxing?].) [email protected] or Craig at 266-8905. TOYS: Star Wars Dive Characters and Crazy Foam Wonder Woman (Not sure what the manufacturers were BARNES WINS FORRY AWARD thinking – these both look like “adult” toys or “personal massagers.”) The Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society (LASFS) selected Steven Barnes as this year’s recipient of the For- 2018 DRAGON AWARDS WINNERS ry Award for lifetime achievement in the SF field Locus Online reported mid-September. The award, named for Winners of the 2018 Dragon Awards were an- Forrest J Ackerman, has been presented annually since nounced at Dragon Con on September 1 in Atlanta GA: 1966. Past winners include Ray Bradbury, Andre Norton, BEST SCIENCE FICTION NOVEL: Artemis by Andy Roger Zelazny, and Connie Willis. [Info from File 770] Weir, BEST FANTASY NOVEL: Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson, BEST YOUNG ADULT/MIDDLE GRADE NOV- GRR MARTIN CONVERSES WITH EL: Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi, BEST MILITARY SCIENCE FICTION OR FANTASY NOVEL: A Call JOHN PICACIO FOR SF IN SF to Vengeance by David Weber, Timothy Zahn & Thomas Pope, BEST ALTERNATE HISTORY NOVEL: Uncharted by Santa Fe’s George RR Martin appeared on stage in Kevin J. Anderson & Sarah A. Hoyt, BEST MEDIA TIE-IN conversation with artist John Picacio on August 14 at the NOVEL: Leia: Princess of Alderaan by Claudia Gray, historic Fox Theatre in Redwood City, CA, reports Locus BEST HORROR NOVEL: Sleeping Beauties by Stephen Online. The event was hosted by SF in SF, with proceeds King & Owen King, from ticket sales benefitting the Locus Science Fiction BEST COMIC BOOK: Mighty Thor by Jason Aaron & Foundation. An audience of nearly 600 (including vari- Russell Dauterman, BEST GRAPHIC NOVEL: Brandon ous genre luminaries in town for Worldcon) gathered for Sanderson’s White Sand: Volume 1 by Brandon Sander- a wide-ranging discussion that stretched over more than son, Rik Hoskin & Julius M. Gopez, BEST TV SERIES: two hours (with a Q&A period). Game of Thrones, and BEST SCIENCE FICTION OR FANTA- Picacio and Martin covered topics including Game of SY MOVIE: Black Panther. Thrones and other media adaptations of Martin’s work, Finalists in various gaming-related categories were his love for SF art, his writing process, his early success- also announced. es and setbacks, his work in the Wild Cards shared uni- verse, his views on the importance of Worldcon, and ad- TH vice for young writers. (When Picacio asked how the 44 SATURN AWARD WINNERS forthcoming Song of Ice and Fire volume The Winds of Wikipedia – The 44th Saturn Awards, presented by Winter is going, Martin roared, “I’m working on it!” to the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror applause.) Soma FM recorded the discussion for a future Films and honoring the best in science fiction, fantasy, episode of their SF in SF podcast. Page 2 ASFACTS, October 2018 horror, and other genres belonging to genre fiction in Desrocher-Romero, revealed that he had left “nearly 50 film, television, home media releases, and local theatre scripts” when he died, any of which “could one day be productions were held in June 27, 2018, in Burbank, CA. developed into films.” Nominations were announced on March 15. In film, Dan Klaus is currently rewriting The Living Dead, a Black Panther led the nominations with 14, the third novel that Romero had been writing before his death, and most nominations in the awards' history as the film Desrocher-Romero says that a movie he had been work- scored nominations in every eligible category; it was fol- ing on called Road Of The Dead is still happening lowed by Star Wars: The Last Jedi with 13, and Blade (though it has “sputtered” recently).
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